Kyron's doctors appointment

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I've not seen anything about that. But I find it even less likely that a predator would be waiting outside on the off-chance that a child came outside than if one grabbed him inside the school and was not seen by the hundreds of people in the school.

Also I am thinking if Terri came back for him, as some think she may have, Kyron probably would have told a friend something, "I don't have to go to school today, I'm going with mom someplace" i.e. even if she told him not to. Kids just do, IMO. And that would have come up from some kid now. Clearly, TP didn't know Kyron was supposed to be going anyplace.
I remember it as the classmate K, (the boy whose picture TH took that morning as well, not TP) whose mother, K was interviewed on the news. The boy said he had known all day that Kyron had been gone at the doctor. Is that what you are thinking of?

Yes classmate K, as I posted. I've read the articles, watched the videos, and there's nothing saying Kyron told him he had a doctor's appointment. I'm wondering if I missed an article or video where he said this.

So sorry, Chewy. Don't want to derail your thread.
Yes classmate K, as I posted. I've read the articles, watched the videos, and there's nothing saying Kyron told him he had a doctor's appointment. I'm wondering if I missed an article or video where he said this.

So sorry, Chewy. Don't want to derail your thread.

This article says what I remember the mother saying in the video interview, that the friend K "knew" that Kyron was a doctor's appointment, but seems to imply that he thought this because the teachers said so, not because Kyron had told him, himself:
>“And the teacher said ‘I thought he left with his mom,’ because they thought they had a doctor appointment,” said Holm. “And then at lunchtime—K**** ate lunch with him every day—he [Kyron] wasn’t there at lunchtime. And then I got a call at 4:30ish saying he didn’t get off the bus, I guess. And K**** said, ‘Oh yeah, I knew he was already gone all day Mom.’”
Yes I've read that one. It doesn't say Kyron told K. you wanted info that specifically quoted friend K indicating Kyron personally told him...gotcha. No, the only info I have seen is that mom says he "knew" about the appt.

Sorry, I assumed you meant how did he know. I suppose he could have heard that info from the teacher.

Then again, when I wonder about that, it makes me curious to know why friend K heard that, but friend T heard he was getting a drink or in the bathroom....
Curious, now I must put on the thinking cap.
This article says what I remember the mother saying in the video interview, that the friend K "knew" that Kyron was a doctor's appointment, but seems to imply that he thought this because the teachers said so, not because Kyron had told him, himself:
>“And the teacher said ‘I thought he left with his mom,’ because they thought they had a doctor appointment,” said Holm. “And then at lunchtime—K**** ate lunch with him every day—he [Kyron] wasn’t there at lunchtime. And then I got a call at 4:30ish saying he didn’t get off the bus, I guess. And K**** said, ‘Oh yeah, I knew he was already gone all day Mom.’”

Yes, the teacher saying it. What I'm looking for is anything to substantiate that *Kyron* told K he had a doctor's appointment, as I've seen posted here and on the net. I don't think it exists.

Thanks, everyone.
I've not seen anything about that. But I find it even less likely that a predator would be waiting outside on the off-chance that a child came outside than if one grabbed him inside the school and was not seen by the hundreds of people in the school.

Also I am thinking if Terri came back for him, as some think she may have, Kyron probably would have told a friend something, "I don't have to go to school today, I'm going with mom someplace" i.e. even if she told him not to. Kids just do, IMO. And that would have come up from some kid now. Clearly, TP didn't know Kyron was supposed to be going anyplace.

Thanks for the comments and contributions everyone.

The thing is, it's a science fair. A predator might have tried to go that day on the off chance some kid was dropped off thinking he could schmooze the kid. And then Kyron came out.

Keep in mind that predators might be used to "attempts to abduct" are not working. I'm sure that pedophiles hang around waiting for opportunity. They just don't always succeed in finding one.
This is what I'm thinking today, but I appreciate trying to see it from other angles.

What I have to consider - By now, LE has determined exactly how the mix-up with the Dr's appt happened. I believe they must've realized TMH purposely misled the teacher of the date of that appt. What is strange is LE has done nothing to clarify one bit that the dr appt mix-up was just that, merely a mix-up. After so many weeks of investigation, LE is still not warning the community of any possible stranger abduction. No, it was part of a plan, and that points back to TMH. This is JMHO.
In another segment of that interview with Kim Holm, she told reporters she does not usually allow her children to go on outings with other children and their parents, but allowed her son to go bowling with Kyron reason being she had volunteered with TH at the school and seemed to trust her..... If I am not mistaken I believe the bowling outing took place the weekend before Kyron's disappearance..
Wonder IF her son K learned during his outing with Kyron and his SM that Kyron had a Dr's appointment on Monday...
Since it seems the interview with Kim Holm is being released in segments, (a little bit of information at a time) perhaps there is another one to come with more information about the Dr's appointment......JMO
I've read on other sites that Kyron's friend K said that Kyron told him the morning of the science fair that he had a doctor's appointment that day. There was no link for confirmation, so I don't know if that's rumor or if there had been a longer, unedited article or video early on that was later truncated. [I've noticed in this case that LE really seems to be wary of having children's words reported, which makes sense for a number of reasons from an LE perspective, an evidence perspective and for the good of the child as well.]
I think it will be very awkward, to say the least, if LE in this case ever has to admit that the community should in fact be vigilant as an unknown predator may have taken Kyron.
I think it will be very awkward, to say the least, if LE in this case ever has to admit that the community should in fact be vigilant as an unknown predator may have taken Kyron.

I agree. So far, there have been no arrests, no charges, no named suspects, no Kyron, very little coming from LE regarding progress in the case or lack thereof. School starts in 5-6 weeks, give or take. While I'm sure that many new safety precautions will be in place at Skyline, I would still worry about the safety of my child/children if they went to the school. jmo
I think it will be very awkward, to say the least, if LE in this case ever has to admit that the community should in fact be vigilant as an unknown predator may have taken Kyron.

But they did say exactly that. Gates did. He said parents should take all the normal precautions with their children against predators. A lot of people have said that Gates said parents don't need to worry etc. Not what he said. He said parents need to take all the normal precautions for their cihldren against predators. (I'll pull this link if you'd like. Just holler.)

He also said there is need for the public to be alarmed. A lot of people have said that Gates said there's no need to be alarmed. But that's not what he said. He said there *is* a *need* for the public to be alarmed, although it's low.

But he says the need for the public to be alarmed is very low.

Gates also said he *CAN NOT* rule out a stranger to stranger abduction.

Nobody has been named a suspect. Nobody has been named a POI. Nobody has been arrested. And based on what LE has said, if I lived there and had children, I'd be darn scared and darn careful until somebody is named or arrested.
Thanks for the comments and contributions everyone.

The thing is, it's a science fair. A predator might have tried to go that day on the off chance some kid was dropped off thinking he could schmooze the kid. And then Kyron came out.

Keep in mind that predators might be used to "attempts to abduct" are not working. I'm sure that pedophiles hang around waiting for opportunity. They just don't always succeed in finding one.

So true. Especially with the sign out front of the school advertising the time and date of the fair. A pedophile's dream come true!
BeanE posted: "But he says the need for the public to be alarmed is very low."

In another statement from LE, there is a reference to this being "an isolated case". I took this to mean that LE believes that it is a family situation that suggests a very limited possibility that a predator is on the loose in the community. jmo
BeanE posted: "But he says the need for the public to be alarmed is very low."

In another statement from LE, there is a reference to this being "an isolated case". I took this to mean that LE believes that it is a family situation that suggests a very limited possibility that a predator is on the loose in the community. jmo

Yep. Key to anyone having children in that area: my BBM
BeanE posted: "But he says the need for the public to be alarmed is very low."

In another statement from LE, there is a reference to this being "an isolated case". I took this to mean that LE believes that it is a family situation that suggests a very limited possibility that a predator is on the loose in the community. jmo

I think LE was making it as clear as they could without saying so that they believe that Kyron and only Kyron was the target. And from what we aren't hearing from Skyline parents, I am taking that to mean that they too believe that Kyron was the only child in danger. I think LE made this statement, in various ways and with various word choices, to calm the community, but it does not make it true.
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