Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Maybe it's less that he wanted to get up but didn't because the adults had told him not to and more that he wanted to stay in bed and sleep late but had to rise when the adults came and told him to.

I would say most parents do have to wake their kids up, but that's not what was said. They said he would stay in bed until someone went to get me that means he was awake and waiting on someone to come get him.
I am curious as to what you would think. Nothing abnormal about that statement, in my opinion. We teach our kids different lessons everyday, throughout their lives. It isn't a class, it is just something you work on. Like right now, I am trying to teach my daughter to share. I don't specifically sit her down, and go through classes. When situations arise I help her remember to share. I remind her. I praise her when she does. Again there is nothing wrong with that statement at all. IMO of course! ;)

I've never heard of a kid being taught to improve listening skills around adults and teachers. Is there a program, brochures, online advice, etc. Did the school take him out of class 30 minutes per week to do this, or just how is that done. That statement seems odd to me, becuase I've never heard of such a thing. I have heard of teachers repeating directions more than once, seating a kid in a certain spot, one-on-one directions, giving them extra time, shortening assignments, putting a little air filled cushion on the chair to help prevent fidgeting, etc. But never working with one to improve listening skills in a seven year old as a modification. Three boys with add and some bad behavior but never heard of this. I better keep my mouth shut as to what I really think it could possibly mean.
I could definitely see Kaine having a work issued laptop, but Intel doesn't give computers to its employees for non work use. So the "family computer" isn't going to be owned by Intel. There are security issues, etc. with that. I never use my husband's work computer.

Computers not taken - perhaps not so suprising ...

Could be the Hormans don't actually own the computers they use Intel does.

Would need warrant - served to Intel.
why wouldn't he speak for T? Why weren't all four parents there?
why wouldn't he speak for T? Why weren't all four parents there?

I totally and completely agree if anyone knew Kyron the best it was SM. She was with him on a day to day basis, I said this in a previous post. I can see why SD wasn't there, but SM???
I am curious as to what you would think. Nothing abnormal about that statement, in my opinion. We teach our kids different lessons everyday, throughout their lives. It isn't a class, it is just something you work on. Like right now, I am trying to teach my daughter to share. I don't specifically sit her down, and go through classes. When situations arise I help her remember to share. I remind her. I praise her when she does. Again there is nothing wrong with that statement at all. IMO of course! ;)

I've never heard of a kid being taught to improve listening skills around adults and teachers. Is there a program, brochures, online advice, etc. Did the school take him out of class 30 minutes per week to do this, or just how is that done. That statement seems odd to me, becuase I've never heard of such a thing. I have heard of teachers repeating directions more than once, seating a kid in a certain spot, one-on-one directions, giving them extra time, shortening assignments, putting a little air filled cushion on the chair to help prevent fidgeting, etc. But never working with one to improve listening skills in a seven year old as a modification. Three boys with add and some bad behavior but never heard of this. I better keep my mouth shut as to what I really think it could possibly mean.

It was the "actively being worked with".
I'm sorry if I am posting this in the wrong thread, but I'm not sure where it should go.

Something struck me as odd this morning. DY said in the interviews that (paraphrasing...I wish I could find her exact words) that Kyron was shy and didn't like to venture off or wander off on his own.

So, why would he venture off on his own to see the "cool electric project?" I wish LE would verify if there even WAS an electric project! So frustrating.

Maybe she meant he wouldn't stray away from his comfort zone.

Inside the school that he had attended for quite awhile would be one of his comfort zones imo.

He did not see danger venturing out in a place that he had come to know very well.

The problem I have is if he was having problems listening to teachers and adults how am I suppose to believe he was so well behaved he stayed in bed until someone came and got him? :waitasec:

I took it to mean that, as a shy, timid child, he was sometimes inclined to shut down and ignore adults he didn't know. Not being defiant or too hyper to listen, just being timid and shy and avoiding interaction with adults he didn't know well.

This would be somewhat of a problem in a school with a bunch of parents active in volunteering.

That's strictly my interpretation. I just get this image of a quiet, shy little boy who tended to hang back and to sometimes avoid interacting with volunteers, etc.

What struck me in the interview with Kaine Horman and Desiree Young was that when they were asked what Kyron was like, they pretty much immediately said together "shy."

I know that shy kids can have just as difficult a time with following directions as bold, outgoing kids who are just too busy to listen. The two types of kids are very different but the results are the same. They both need a little extra help and encouragement to listen to directions.
Just from looking at the Bing maps aerial view it looks like the school is just a little over 100 feet long. But that's a rough estimate. And I wouldn't put too much stock in TH's guess as to how long the hallway is. I think the most important point is that it establishes her claiming she was on one side of the school and Kyron was on the other. Since we know his classroom is located at the far side of the school away from the parking lot it seems that's what she was talking about...she was probably near the parking lot exit or the steps to the exit and Kyron was almost to his classroom.

Terri Horman never quoted how many feet it was to his classroom from where Kyron left her saying he was going to his classroom.

That came from a reporter.

I still find it odd that Kyron would wander off at all, even within the school, if it is true he always wants to be in site of his own home while playing, for example. And the students probably knew they would all tour the projects together, I just can't see him doing anything as bold as going on his own to see something a few minutes ahead of the class. Just from what parents and his grandmother have said-and seeing him on video-I do believe he is very timid. JMO I can imagine lots of kids doing this, but not Kyron, from what we have heard.
I took it to mean that, as a shy, timid child, he was sometimes inclined to shut down and ignore adults he didn't know. Not being defiant or too hyper to listen, just being timid and shy and avoiding interaction with adults he didn't know well.

This would be somewhat of a problem in a school with a bunch of parents active in volunteering.

That's strictly my interpretation. I just get this image of a quiet, shy little boy who tended to hang back and to sometimes avoid interacting with volunteers, etc.

What struck me in the interview with Kaine Horman and Desiree Young was that when they were asked what Kyron was like, they pretty much immediately said together "shy."

I know that shy kids can have just as difficult a time with following directions as bold, outgoing kids who are just too busy to listen. The two types of kids are very different but the results are the same. They both need a little extra help and encouragement to listen to directions.

That is how I interpreted it too and as a shy boy maybe at times his mind drifted to other things and he may have liked to draw instead of learning that he must listen to the teachers and what they are asking him to do.

Parents teach or instill things in their children all the time and teachers do the same.

Much ado about nothing, imo.

I still find it odd that Kyron would wander off at all, even within the school, if it is true he always wants to be in site of his own home while playing, for example. And the students probably knew they would all tour the projects together, I just can't see him doing anything as bold as going on his own to see something a few minutes ahead of the class. Just from what parents and his grandmother have said-and seeing him on video-I do believe he is very timid. JMO I can imagine lots of kids doing this, but not Kyron, from what we have heard.

I kind of got the impression that he may have gone places like the restroom or to get a drink of water, without asking. I seem to recall seeing something about that in relation to a photo that had been taken of his class, in which he was missing from the photo. Has anyone else seen anything about this?
I kind of got the impression that he may have gone places like the restroom or to get a drink of water, without asking. I seem to recall seeing something about that in relation to a photo that had been taken of his class, in which he was missing from the photo. Has anyone else seen anything about this?

I do remember something being said about that hollye very early on but with this far along and so many links I have no clue where I saw it.

Lots of good little kids can get up out of their seats without permission and they just have to be taught more than the other children not to do it.

One of my grandsons at that age was bad about it but other than that he was/is a great all around student. His teacher was patient and he learned with time and with his parents trying to instill it in him too that he had to have permission before he left his seat when he was in the classroom.

I've been offline for a few days, just getting caught up but wanted to add in that I don't find the kid staying in bed till someone comes in thing all that weird. My son, who is also 7 years old, is pretty much like that. He has a window seat in his room that's right next to his bed, just since summer started, he has begun to get out of bed and go read comic books and/or play on his window seat, but prior to that he wouldn't leave the bed except to grab a toy or go to the bathroom, and its not because of us either. When he was younger he would stay in bed and yell for one of us to come "get me up" even when he could get out bed on his own, until FINALLY we convinced him to stop doing that. Now, he will stay in or near his bed till I or Dh come in to say good morning, even though we've never had any kind rule about that, its just his preference. I can't imagine that he would ever leave his room to wander around the house or go downstairs on his own, and that might have been the point of what his dad was trying to say, that he wasn't a kid motivated to go exploring on his own, even inside the house.
Originally Posted by ClueMeIn
FWIW I don't believe the electric project story. LE probably hasn't been asked about it, and has no idea.

Since T----- mentioned this in his videoed interview, I am sure LE has heard of the electric project, and has investigated to see if there was such a project and where it was located if there was one.

I didn't hear that. Do you know which interview it was?


Strange and I don't think it was an accident that she didn't speak. It was a well thought out decision to keep her away from the public, probably because of all the scrutiny on her.

We don't know whose decision it was, do we? I have heard nothing to indicate that TH wanted to appear and was prevented from doing so, or even asked by family members not to.

IMO, TH is aware of public suspicion being directed towards her and is smart enough all on her own to decide not to make public appearances.

I've never heard of a kid being taught to improve listening skills around adults and teachers. Is there a program, brochures, online advice, etc. Did the school take him out of class 30 minutes per week to do this, or just how is that done. That statement seems odd to me, becuase I've never heard of such a thing. I have heard of teachers repeating directions more than once, seating a kid in a certain spot, one-on-one directions, giving them extra time, shortening assignments, putting a little air filled cushion on the chair to help prevent fidgeting, etc. But never working with one to improve listening skills in a seven year old as a modification. Three boys with add and some bad behavior but never heard of this. I better keep my mouth shut as to what I really think it could possibly mean.

Well, we've never been told that the school had anything to do with this, so I don't know why he'd be taken out of class to work on this. His PARENTS said they were working with him on this issue.

I also have children who have ADD and one of the first things their doctor did was to direct me to resources online and in the library so I could learn effective ways to teach them listening skills. I think poor listening skills are quite common in some young children, whether they have ADD or not, and I think Kyron's parents were not acting oddly to try to help him to improve.
Thanks Kgeaux for bringing that video here. I do have a lot of respect for Kohr Harlan the reporter here, having watched him so much over the years.
Just watching the 5:00 news on KOIN. They said the family will be releasing a statement later tonight "through Law Enforcement"

They also were reporting a tip they got that Terri might "want to talk" Looking for a link for you guys but not sure who that "tip" was from. Back in a second looking for the link..
Can't find anything yet...sorry....if I jumped the gun without a link....sorry to the mods. This JUST came on the news.
no worries. It was posted in another thread and we would need a thread for it anyway. so if it comes on please post a link and we can use this thread for discussion of the presser ONLY. please do not post here until that time.
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