Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Respectfully snipped and bbm:

IMHO, Desiree and Kaine gave conflicting information and, at times, misleading information. They proclaimed Terri was uncooperative, but when asked to clarify, Desiree said Terri was uncooperative because she hadn't confessed to her role in Kyron's disappearance. LE stated that Terri was cooperative, though, and LE also stated that the information from DY and KH's pressers wasn't coming from them. I don't believe all of this is psychological warfare on Terri, but that's just IMHO.

Then, when Desiree talked about having an instinct right away, and that she's wanted to say things to Terri for many years, and that Terri is a liar, etc., she seemed somewhat vindictive to me, because at other times Desiree and Kaine said they were blindsided by this, and that the parents had had a good working relationship with regard to the children. As I watched the pressers, and the Q&As afterward, it was less about Kyron's welfare and more about Desiree's personal dislike of Terri.

Honestly, ultimately, it seemed petty to me, and a lot of the information was contradictory. In times like these, parents want someone to blame. Maybe Terri is guilty, or maybe Desiree has never liked Terri, has been jealous of Terri's role in Kyron's life, and she's the nearest target. Who knows, but IMHO, dragging skeletons out of the closet and putting them on display was creating a soap opera and taking the focus off Kyron and putting it on Terri. Also, I do not think they were holding these pressers or Q&A sessions with the blessing of the local LE (re: the statement LE released).

I just don't agree, but I'll chalk it up to people having different opinions based on their own perceptions and life experiences.

In the first bold above, if I were the mother of a missing child, I too would deem this as uncooperative behavior, probably using stronger language than that. Especially if I truly believe someone had something to do with or had knowledge about my child's disappearance, which I think it is clear that DY does believe. We don't know what she knows - maybe it's based on good, solid information, and maybe it's not...but I believe as Kyron's mother she of all people is in a position to have her opinion and feel very strongly about it.

Remaining bold - I don't get vindictive. I get DY trying to adequately express what she is feeling right now, and I'd guess that she herself is feeling tremendous guilt. I don't think she's looking for someone to blame in TH - I think she's found that in herself. I think what she is looking for is answers, desperately searching for answers...different than guilt.

I think both DY and KH are feeling tremendous guilt - probably both feeling like little things they should have said or done they did not, and now they are paying a huge huge price for it. I think there could have been a contentious relationship at times between DY and TH and still in a million years DY wouldn't have believe it would come to this...having a good working relationship with regard to the children does not mean the relationship was good overall.

MOO of course...

"All indications are that law enforcement obligations will be heavy in the coming week."

To me it just sounds to me like their plates are very full this week and they are planning ahead for it.

Right, this speaks volumes to me..LE has to wrapping up their investigation of TH. Hopefully they will be able to nail down an accomplice!~
Kyron's stepmother Terri Moulton Horman will not challenge a request to move out of the former family home, a letter from her lawyer read Monday.
Okay, from the link/ article above...

"In court records released last week, Kyron's father, Kaine Horman, said that investigators told him that they have probable cause to believe that Kyron's stepmother Terri was involved in his disappearance".


"Sources also told KGW Saturday that investigators have been creating a detailed time-line of what Terri did the day her stepson disappeared".

and, maybe most important, in my mind...

"While Terri Horman has said she was in certain locations, investigators have placed her elsewhere using bankcard records and cell phone pings".

It seems to me, after reading the statements above, that Desiree showed extreme restraint in her comments about Terri.

If my child were missing under these circumstances, I'm not sure I could practice the same control.
My son died just after he turned 15. He was very much into his social life.He and his sister had the same friends and were frequently out and about on weekends and evenings.They had a lot of extracurricular activites.

I still had 2 younger boys at home,ages 3 and 5. The 3 year old was medically fragile. My day to day life revolved more around their immediate needs.

After my son died I was consumed by the loss. Every breath,every thought was about him. I functioned like a robot caring for the little ones ,in the months that followed.

Even though I didn't have to fix his bath or read him a story,I missed him. Even though many nights he and his sister ate later than us,I still missed him.
Some days I only saw him for minutes,between school,soccer and tae kwon do.When he was home he was upstairs playing video games or talking on the phone .

It's not how much time you spend with your child,it's the knowledge that ANY MORE TIME may be lost to you.

I don't think Desiree is trying to act like Kyron lived with her. It's not until your child is gone that you realize how precious each moment was. Each breath ,each giggle, even soccer shoes left in the middle of the floor.
You miss it.

I understand why one would consider Desiree's comments offputting ,but I hope I've shed some light on why she feels that way.

Thanks didn't suffice for this. A rare cancer took my son last summer, just days before he turned 15. I would just add: You can't EAT--because THEY can't eat...etc., etc.

I had 13 months with Quinton after his diagnosis. As a consequence, I thought I was as prepared as a parent could be, due to the FOREWARNING.


When the diagnosis came out of the clear blue, I kept thinking: "What could be worse?? NOTHING could be worse!

No one harmed a hair on his beautiful head. I had time to say goodbye. There ARE worse things. I cannot imagine them even NOW.

Where are you, sweet Kyron?????
I can understand selling tshirts and bracelets IF it's defraying the cost to keep Kyron's face out there and only IF the money is going towards that.If another missing child's family starts a foundation or non profit for thier own pocket,I'm going to freak out.So,once Kyron is home,all that selling needs to end.
Thanks didn't suffice for this. A rare cancer took my son last summer, just days before he turned 15. I would just add: You can't EAT--because THEY can't eat...etc., etc.

I had 13 months with Quinton after his diagnosis. As a consequence, I thought I was as prepared as a parent could be, due to the FOREWARNING.


When the diagnosis came out of the clear blue, I kept thinking: "What could be worse?? NOTHING could be worse!

No one harmed a hair on his beautiful head. I had time to say goodbye. There ARE worse things. I cannot imagine them even NOW.

Where are you, sweet Kyron?????
(((M-pathetic... big hugs to you, too.)))

I am so sorry.
I admire you, and MissJames, so much for your strength, and wouldn't want to be in the position you were in for all the money in the world.
I am not putting any one person on the spot to answer this, nor am I directed this at anyone in particular, but...

why the negative reaction to Desiree regarding the press conferences? I thought she came across as honest and sincere.

What did I miss? What are others takes on this? From people who had a somewhat negative reaction to her, I mean.

What bothered me was the overall feeling I got that DY seemed to indicate that she was not surprised that TH did this. My reaction to that is that if DY thought for one minute that TH was not treating her son properly why was she living 4 1/2 hours away. I don't know anything about the custody arrangement. For all I know she fought for more custody and lost, or she may have been satisfied with the current custody arrangement. All I know, is that you don't leave your child with someone you think is a liar, vindictive and mistreating your child and move 4 1/2 hours away.

I also know that some people mentioned that DY appeared heartbroken and I am sure she is. She just didn't come accross that way to me. I thought she looked sad but not heartbroken.

She criticized TH for getting her hair done yet we have seen her hair blown out, full makeup, earrings etc. I don't look that put together every morning, I don't know how she is able to to.

Like I've said before...just something rubbed me the wrong way.
I would be interested to know just what "law enforcement obligations" the bio-parents could possibly have. You have to assume that they have long since provided whatever information they have to provide. I'm sure the police will have occassional questions for them as various tips and leads are investigated but for the most part you'd think the bio-parents are just in waiting-by-the-phone mode.
Thanks didn't suffice for this. A rare cancer took my son last summer, just days before he turned 15. I would just add: You can't EAT--because THEY can't eat...etc., etc.

I had 13 months with Quinton after his diagnosis. As a consequence, I thought I was as prepared as a parent could be, due to the FOREWARNING.


When the diagnosis came out of the clear blue, I kept thinking: "What could be worse?? NOTHING could be worse!

No one harmed a hair on his beautiful head. I had time to say goodbye. There ARE worse things. I cannot imagine them even NOW.

Where are you, sweet Kyron?????


And dare I say it is still very fresh for you. A year is nothing when it comes to such a loss.

Still, as much as we grieve ,we cannot imagine what Desiree and Kaine are going through.
I know I would be worried that my child was suffering.

I hope this is resolved soon.
I would be interested to know just what "law enforcement obligations" the bio-parents could possibly have. You have to assume that they have long since provided whatever information they have to provide. I'm sure the police will have occassional questions for them as various tips and leads are investigated but for the most part you'd think the bio-parents are just in waiting-by-the-phone mode.

I'm hoping it'sthe Grand Jury !

But ,if not , perhaps there are a lot of contacts to sift through.
LE tracked down the landscapers.There are probably others that LE would like Kaine's input on.

Hopefully some of Terri's "friends" are starting to wise up and have their own stories to share.
I don't know about Desiree,but I would think LE is probably following up on tips about Terri and needs more info that Kaine may have.
There may be a reason why they will only do interviews together.
There are probably detectives working different aspects of the case. On any given day a lot of info needs to be sifted through.

That's my hope,anyway.
Thanks didn't suffice for this. A rare cancer took my son last summer, just days before he turned 15. I would just add: You can't EAT--because THEY can't eat...etc., etc.

I had 13 months with Quinton after his diagnosis. As a consequence, I thought I was as prepared as a parent could be, due to the FOREWARNING.


When the diagnosis came out of the clear blue, I kept thinking: "What could be worse?? NOTHING could be worse!

No one harmed a hair on his beautiful head. I had time to say goodbye. There ARE worse things. I cannot imagine them even NOW.

Where are you, sweet Kyron?????

I'm so sorry for what you and your son went through and so glad you had time to say 'goodbye' to him. I can't think of a situation more likely to bring out our maternal instinct they a dying child. Thanks for being with us here on WS and sharing your story. :blowkiss:
Respectfully snipped and bbm:

I just don't agree, but I'll chalk it up to people having different opinions based on their own perceptions and life experiences.

In the first bold above, if I were the mother of a missing child, I too would deem this as uncooperative behavior, probably using stronger language than that. Especially if I truly believe someone had something to do with or had knowledge about my child's disappearance, which I think it is clear that DY does believe. We don't know what she knows - maybe it's based on good, solid information, and maybe it's not...but I believe as Kyron's mother she of all people is in a position to have her opinion and feel very strongly about it.

Remaining bold - I don't get vindictive. I get DY trying to adequately express what she is feeling right now, and I'd guess that she herself is feeling tremendous guilt. I don't think she's looking for someone to blame in TH - I think she's found that in herself. I think what she is looking for is answers, desperately searching for answers...different than guilt.

I think both DY and KH are feeling tremendous guilt - probably both feeling like little things they should have said or done they did not, and now they are paying a huge huge price for it. I think there could have been a contentious relationship at times between DY and TH and still in a million years DY wouldn't have believe it would come to this...having a good working relationship with regard to the children does not mean the relationship was good overall.

MOO of course...

I agree with you. Not only that, but how counter productive would it be to blame the wrong person when your child is missing.
I don't care how much Desiree hates Terri,or why.
Desiree and Kaine want Kyron back . Period
What bothered me was the overall feeling I got that DY seemed to indicate that she was not surprised that TH did this. My reaction to that is that if DY thought for one minute that TH was not treating her son properly why was she living 4 1/2 hours away. I don't know anything about the custody arrangement. For all I know she fought for more custody and lost, or she may have been satisfied with the current custody arrangement. All I know, is that you don't leave your child with someone you think is a liar, vindictive and mistreating your child and move 4 1/2 hours away.

I also know that some people mentioned that DY appeared heartbroken and I am sure she is. She just didn't come accross that way to me. I thought she looked sad but not heartbroken.

She criticized TH for getting her hair done yet we have seen her hair blown out, full makeup, earrings etc. I don't look that put together every morning, I don't know how she is able to to.

Like I've said before...just something rubbed me the wrong way.
Thank you for your input, Top Top...

I seriously must have missed the press conference where Desiree said something about Terri's hair- and I thought I had watched them all.

I think it is so interesting how we can all watch the same videos, and come away with such different ideas, opinions and points of view!

I'm wondering though, if Desiree maybe just had a 'feeling' about Terri for a long time. Maybe nothing overt, or concrete, to pin her uneasiness on, but just a 'feeling'. In which case it's understandable if she is now kicking herself for not saying something to Kaine (if she didn't).

I don't know. This whole thing is so sad, and bottom line... there is a little boy who was supposed to be safely tucked away at school, but seemingly vanished into thin air instead.

Kyron is somewhere. Alive, or not, he is somewhere. Someone knows where he is.
There's a new article on Terri violating the RO in Today's News (and also new thread for it) that I think will explain what the obligations are that are keeping Kaine and Desiree busy. :(
There's a new article on Terri violating the RO in Today's News (and also new thread for it) that I think will explain what the obligations are that are keeping Kaine and Desiree busy. :(

Yeah, I think that closes the books on this discussion. So much for the "law enforcement obligations" excuse...
There's a new article on Terri violating the RO in Today's News (and also new thread for it) that I think will explain what the obligations are that are keeping Kaine and Desiree busy. :(
There may be more dirt-bombs coming this week. Either way, KH couldn't very well just get up in a PC and discuss all this which he knew was coming. I'm going to take him at his word, that they're going to be busy this week and it won't be at the spa.

I'm thinking they are both testifying before a grand jury.

In a perfect world this would be the case.

Then they would make an arrest.

Then they would lock the defendant in a room with Desiree (and Tony for security of course) for 15 minutes and leave.

While that was happening they would find Kyron alive and bring him home.

In a perfect world....
It seems as though KH and DY are replying to news media email requests, as per new article today:

The biological parents of a missing Oregon boy said that the 7-year-old's stepmother still hasn't responded to their public pleas to fully cooperate with investigators, and that assurances by a local sheriff that she is cooperating do not reflect the facts.

Kyron Horman's father, mother and stepfather said in an e-mail to news organizations late Monday that they believe Terri Moulton Horman has not resumed speaking to law enforcement. The statement was primarily written by Desiree Young, the boy's biological mother.
What bothered me was the overall feeling I got that DY seemed to indicate that she was not surprised that TH did this. My reaction to that is that if DY thought for one minute that TH was not treating her son properly why was she living 4 1/2 hours away. I don't know anything about the custody arrangement. For all I know she fought for more custody and lost, or she may have been satisfied with the current custody arrangement. All I know, is that you don't leave your child with someone you think is a liar, vindictive and mistreating your child and move 4 1/2 hours away.

I also know that some people mentioned that DY appeared heartbroken and I am sure she is. She just didn't come accross that way to me. I thought she looked sad but not heartbroken.

She criticized TH for getting her hair done yet we have seen her hair blown out, full makeup, earrings etc. I don't look that put together every morning, I don't know how she is able to to.

Like I've said before...just something rubbed me the wrong way.


I also don't know the custody arrangement, however I do believe she felt that Kyrons dad was a parent that was capable of providing a safe home for him. She may never have liked TH from the beginning, and may have had her reasons, but also having been in this position myself, I can see why she would have been reluctant to cause discord if she had no evidence and it was all based on instinct.

IMO, Desiree does look heartbroken. Not simply sad, but initially horrified. She now seems to have picked up some anger, and I like that. Again, like art, this is open to interpretation.

She did NOT criticize TH for getting her hair done. She stated that on the day Kyron went missing, TH was talking about having had her hair dyed and that she wasn't sure she liked it, that it might be too orange.
It seems as though KH and DY are replying to news media email requests, as per new article today:

The biological parents of a missing Oregon boy said that the 7-year-old's stepmother still hasn't responded to their public pleas to fully cooperate with investigators, and that assurances by a local sheriff that she is cooperating do not reflect the facts.

Kyron Horman's father, mother and stepfather said in an e-mail to news organizations late Monday that they believe Terri Moulton Horman has not resumed speaking to law enforcement. The statement was primarily written by Desiree Young, the boy's biological mother.

Even though the Sun has it dated today, I think this is from last Monday. The MCSO did not have any statements last week stating this, that was the week before last.
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