Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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I am so disapointed that Kaine felt he had to correct DY on what she said. Poor DY, who seems close to total collapse, is carrying enough burdens as it is.

And yes, it is sad to see the search for "bones" frankly stated.

ITA. As a mother, I would hold on to all hope until my child is found. There are no words to express the depth of despair Desiree is experiencing. To hold on to hope is to hold on to her child.

I wish Kaine could have said something more along the lines that we don't yet have a mechanism set up to receive donations for increasing the reward, but this is something we're going to do, or something along those lines. This was an interview though and he is full of his own emotions, so things don't always come out the way we want them.
I am confused. What are you guys talking about exactly? What did he correct?
I hope this isn't the end of the road as far as LE investigating any people or groups that might have helped Terri to hide Kyron. They must have searched all her phone records, computers, everything by now. Since Desiree is married to a detective, I'm going to go by what she believes, and hope that the things that seem to point to Kyron being very mistreated are nothing. The better a child is treated the better chance of being alive, IMO. Neither parent may want to admit that Terri had total charge of that poor child though, and from what Kaine has said she didn't sound stable enough to really be taking care of someone else's child.
I am so disapointed that Kaine felt he had to correct DY on what she said. Poor DY, who seems close to total collapse, is carrying enough burdens as it is.

And yes, it is sad to see the search for "bones" frankly stated.

Huh? I didn't get that at all.

I guess it depends upon the lens the reader is wearing as to how he or she interprets what is printed.

But I didn't for a second consider that somehow Kaine was correcting Desiree. I went to check the article to see if something had been added to it, because nothing I read gave that impression. But nope, it's still the same, with nothing there giving any intimation that Kaine was correcting Desiree.

Huh? I didn't get that at all.

I guess it depends upon the lens the reader is wearing as to how he or she interprets what is printed.

But I didn't for a second consider that somehow Kaine was correcting Desiree. I went to check the article to see if something had been added to it, because nothing I read gave that impression. But nope, it's still the same, with nothing there giving any intimation that Kaine was correcting Desiree.


I get it:

"Asked about the emotional press conference that his ex-wife, Desiree, held at the Wall of Hope on Friday, Kaine said “I understand her raw emotion. It shows how deeply felt this is for all of us. I don’t necessarily feel or believe the exact same things but I absolutely understand it. It’s been four months. He’s still not home. We still don’t know where he is. We want him to come home. We want to know where he is.”

Kaine did say that Desiree’s press conference did do one thing that was unattended – cause confusion."

He was definitely saying, 'well she feels this way and I feel that way, but I love her and respect her opinion.' That is like someone kind of 'correcting' someone else if you think about it, and I got the poster's inference. Tomorrow should be overcast and maybe drizzly. Let's hope we get some more sunny days for the searchers before our long winter really comes in. I can't imagine the pain and suffering these people are going through.

On a totally OT subject, maybe a new thread could be started that asks, "Who thinks someone will confess to Kyron's disappearance?" Does anyone hear think someone will come forward anytime soon? I think if there's a shakedown involving more than 1 person, one will turn on the other(s).
I get it:

"Asked about the emotional press conference that his ex-wife, Desiree, held at the Wall of Hope on Friday, Kaine said “I understand her raw emotion. It shows how deeply felt this is for all of us. I don’t necessarily feel or believe the exact same things but I absolutely understand it. It’s been four months. He’s still not home. We still don’t know where he is. We want him to come home. We want to know where he is.”

Kaine did say that Desiree’s press conference did do one thing that was unattended – cause confusion."

He was definitely saying, 'well she feels this way and I feel that way, but I love her and respect her opinion.' That is like someone kind of 'correcting' someone else if you think about it, and I got the poster's inference. Tomorrow should be overcast and maybe drizzly. Let's hope we get some more sunny days for the searchers before our long winter really comes in.

His direct quote isn't correcting her. It's saying that they don't believe "the exact same things." That's far from a correction.

And the rest is an indirect quotation, so, really, we don't know what he said or how he said it.
His direct quote isn't correcting her. It's saying that they don't believe "the exact same things." That's far from a correction.

And the rest is an indirect quotation, so, really, we don't know what he said or how he said it.

Hey puff, we each got our own opinion. I feel a request for a link coming on :)
actually that was

>>Kaine did say that Desiree&#8217;s press conference did do one thing that was unintended &#8211; cause confusion."<<
(Not Desiree's intention to cause confusion)

I guess it doesn't really matter but if the information that was corrected could be posted I would understand better.
I mean the info was corrected from what to what?
actually that was

>>Kaine did say that Desiree’s press conference did do one thing that was unintended – cause confusion."<<
(Not Desiree's intention to cause confusion)

I guess it doesn't really matter but if the information that was corrected could be posted I would understand better.
I mean the info was corrected from what to what?

Sorry JBean! I took the "corrected" as he was saying that she got ahead of herself because the mechanism for handling donations designated for increasing the reward money hasn't yet been set up. Not necessarily saying that she said or did something wrong.
The "unattended" v. "unintended" change was a result of an OCD WS member (yours truly) calling out the boo-boo to the writer. There is a fruitless discussion about this particular media edit and its importance (or not) on another WS thread.

OCD WS member to the writer:

Hi, Colin.

&#8220;Kaine did say that Desiree&#8217;s press conference did do one thing that was unattended &#8211; cause confusion.&#8221; Unintended?

Response from Colin's editor:

Thanks. Colin and I will fix it. &#8211; Michael Rollins
Desiree will not betray Kyron~she will scream from the mountaintops, ensuring he remains alive to the universe until he is found...a mother's vow. Kaine will not betray Kyron~he will take EVERY PRECAUTION to follow the rules, to ENSURE THE DATA IS PURE, to stay the course with herculean strength until his son is found...a father's vow. They both share a vow not to forsake him, unlike TH, whether she turns out to be involved or not. I do think that Kaine fears Desiree "falling out of check", that her emotionalism & challenging words could incite fear, anger or retribution toward harming Kyron or the case in some way...toward delaying revelation or resolution of any kind. Kaine: "We have to be one can afford to make a mistake...that would be tragic..."~a plea, and not to just the public. Benevelant Lord, please confer your consolation & have mercy on us all.
actually that was

>>Kaine did say that Desiree’s press conference did do one thing that was unintended – cause confusion."<<
(Not Desiree's intention to cause confusion)

I guess it doesn't really matter but if the information that was corrected could be posted I would understand better.
I mean the info was corrected from what to what?

JBean, I saw nothing to suggest that Kaine "corrected" or tried to "correct" DY.
I think it's clear that Kaine was contacted by the media. He agreed to speak briefly. Obviously, with DY's solo and emotional press conference and the search on SI, there is interest in what may be happening behind the scenes. Looks Like Kaine thus agreed to talk for a moment and simply answered a question about how he feels about DY's statement.
I think he addressed it with compassion, expressing, essentially, that he fully understands what DY is going through, how she feels, but explaining why he was not there. That he too is frustrated but knows logically that finding answers and getting justice will take time. That's what I got from that brief statement.
Kaine's obviously a man and has seemed to me to be an engineer type, pretty linear. He likely didn't want to express his frustration in a way he may feel is useless. I think that's why he mentioned the fund not being set up yet. I get the sense that even in the midst of crisis, Kaine knows how to stay calm and does not want to do anything he feels is unproductive. I think he dearly loves his boy but he's not a mom and he's not a very emotional guy, IMO. Hence he may not be on the same page as DY all the time.
I get the confusion about the statement that Kaine "corrected" DY. In the context in which it has been stated, I feel that statement may be intended to support a view of some that Kaine is an over-bearing controller. I must say, that bothers me a bit because I feel so sorry for these people. I see them as innocent victims of a horrible crime and just trying to get through each day as best they can, not people with ulterior motives or evil intent or whatever. They must be so heart sore and exhausted. They are not always going to feel the same things at the same time and they aren't always going to be totally logical or totally emotional.
I felt what Kaine said was okay. I saw nothing wrong. He was just trying to explain why he was not at that press conference but that he fully understands DY's motivation, IMO. Right now he seems to feel faith that this will be solved and justice had and is stating that we should all try to have patience. I know I'd feel more like DY probably does right now but I understand what he's saying.
This to me does not have anything to with not being 'united"
This is just a good example of the general wiring differences between men and women.
Women tend to be more emotional and men tend to look at things from a less emotional perspective.
Desiree: not waiting anymore, we need money and help and I want my son back now.
Kaine: things are moving along in their own time and if we are patient it will come together.

they are both right.

I do think as the more logical thinker of the 2(imo) that Kaine is leaning towards the real possibility that Kyron may no longer be with us and Desiree refuses to think that is an option.
One is a more emotionally based outlook than the other.
Not right not wrong, just different.

Deisree= Venus
Jbean= Moon

JBean, I agree with you with the exception that I don't think it is a wiring difference between men and women, it's a wiring difference between KH and DY.

For instance, I am a woman and yet I tend to be more like KH in the way I approach things: logical, weighting the rational over the emotional, etc. My husband weights his emotions more and is more intuitive than I am. Together, we generally get to the same places at the same time but we travel different routes.
Desiree is thinking emotionally and Kaine is thinking logically. Desiree is reacting the only way she can and that is emotionally. she is so emotional that she can't see things for what they are but can only see things by the way she feels. I have been there not with a missing child but with my murdered friend. I clearly beleived that he had faked his own death and was hiding and that one day he would call me and explain it all. It never happened. It took me almost 3 years, I could not see the facts, because it hurt too bad, my mind would not allow me to accept things that made logical since.
Kaine is thinking logically, he is an engineer and a male thats how he has been wired to think. He sees the facts, he has probably looked at the statistics, he has put the events together over and over again in his mind, he knows the probability that Kyron is alive is very small, so he has now moved on to the next logical step in the process and that is to build a case against those that are responsible and prosecute. He has had his moments when he has allowed himself to cry but reacting emotionally is not how he deals with things. He deals with things in an upfront this is how it is fashion.
Both IMO need support, both need counseling, there has to be a balance of both emotion and logical thinking. Desiree possably needs medication to deal with her ever deepening depression which by the way is very understandable, before she has a psychological break. Kaine needs to learn not to push his emotions away to the point where they build up and he eventually explodes.

I have had the impression for awhile that Kaine and Desiree are at odds. Kaine is probably wanting Desiree to "face the facts" and Desiree just can't see how Kaine has lost all hope. I kinda have the feeling that Tony has probably been trying to get Desiree to face the facts as well and may be why she has been alone at a couple of interviews.
All of the above is MOO and I have nothing to back any of this up with except my own personal experience and my own observations. This is a horrible situation and so very sad all the way around.
I just pray that God will hold and comfort each of them and that a resolution to this is coming soon.
JBean, I agree with you with the exception that I don't think it is a wiring difference between men and women, it's a wiring difference between KH and DY.

For instance, I am a woman and yet I tend to be more like KH in the way I approach things: logical, weighting the rational over the emotional, etc. My husband weights his emotions more and is more intuitive than I am. Together, we generally get to the same places at the same time but we travel different routes.

Gotta agree with you.

I don't see gender as a determinant of rational vs. emotional traits. It's more of a conditioning thing, I believe--the environment in which you were raised, your educational background, and such all contribute to how you see the world, how you react to it.
I took the statement about patience to be correcting Desiree's statements, which was backed up by the part about not necessarily agreeing. That her press conference was intentional, but what she didn't intend to do was cause any confusion about the reward fund. The whole thing seemed to be a response to Desiree's press conference the day before, which is ridiculous. Why is the press asking about what the other said instead of about the status of Kyron and the search for him possibly being alive. The two don't even live together, so why does the media put them together and interview one day after the other as if they are supposed to agree. Why should they agree, or anyone even care if they do. I'm not so sure I buy the non emotional and logical thinker. If that were true, he should have been able to tell that Terri was capable of murder (if she either snapped or premeditated), due to all the things that have been said about her behavior.
Gotta agree with you.

I don't see gender as a determinant of rational vs. emotional traits. It's more of a conditioning thing, I believe--the environment in which you were raised, your educational background, and such all contribute to how you see the world, how you react to it.

Agreed. I hate the 'men are rational and logical' and 'women are emotional' paradigm.
Sort of off topic, and Kaine doesn't seem to be this way at all, but I've known quite a few manly men who were much more emotional and dramatic than women. Kaine seemed fairly emotional and angry with some of his statements, such as Terri spending money like water, but has probably become more patient. Desiree is probably so angry, but seems like a very strong independent woman. With each of their differences working for them, it will only benefit finding Kyron.
that statement reminds me so much of the diane downs case. I have hungry like the wolf echoing in my mind right now. I thought from the very beginning that kyron was gone forever but I still truly hope it isnt so.
so...reading between the lines of Desiree's news conference and Kaine's interview - am I the only one that thinks Kaine thinks Kyron is gone forever, and Desiree is holding out hope he's alive and may be found?

If he doesn't, I'm concerned about his lack of urgency.
Of course he didn't. That wasn't the purpose of his statement. It was to ask the public to be patient while LE/DA build their case.

I've not seen where the public in general has been impatient.
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