LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #33

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Hey Everybody,
I'm still behind in reading the thread (too much 10 year old baseball to catch up), so pardon me if this has already been mentioned...anyhow, I am wondering if BSL could have been planning this for a while --maybe he had prepared a place to take Mickey in or near San Jancito, Texas. I mean, he was going to have 2 weeks off work, right? Grab a victim and head to a secluded prearranged location. Could he have rented a camp site in the Sam Houston National Forest in the days before Mickey went missing? Dump her bike east and get out of town, isolating Mickey from anyone's view. I wonder if LE are checking to see if a stocky, 30 year old rented (paid cash) for a camp site beginning in mid May? Could she still be there?
OnStar is owned by GM and built into virtually all of their models now. I have a 2008 Chevy Silverado and even back in 2008 I could not buy a GM truck without it. And, I had no choice but to take the "free" 6-months trial service also.

I refused to renew my "free" service when the 6-month trial period was over. One day while pulling out of my work parking lot they switched on the speaker in my car and asked me over the loud speaker why I didn't renew. Scared the crap out of me. After I wet my pants I got good and PO'd. Makes me wonder if they actually listen in on peoples' conversations if they want to.

As others have said, they have admitted they track you and your vehicle info after your subscription is over. Their main customers for the data: insurance companies. There's supposed to be no "personally idenifiable data" handed over.

Onstar can be diabled, either partially or fully. Here's a how-to: Note that if the power supply is simply disconnected it still continues to work until the internal rechargeable battery is drained. This was added to foil car theives who cut the car battery cable(s) to eliminate tracking and stole the cars.

Deja vu - Bought a car with on star for my X wife who never reads the owners manual. She was driving down the interstate & curiously pushed the on star button - said she almost jumped out of the car thinking someone was in the back floorboard...
No . . . Siri works with voice recognition technology. There is no real person looking up information and sending a response when you use Siri. That doesn't mean that queries wouldn't be available as data somewhere, but there's no call center and no real-time human involvement.

There was a story on CNN about a month ago that explained it when IBM banned it from their buildings.
Trust me...I don't have to look back at the original truck pics. I have studied them endlessly because I knew it was the only solid evidence we had. As you may recall me saying a thousand times :)

I may have my tv on widescreen. I will take a look and maybe take some new photo's. As I said, it's mainly for my benefit but thought I would share them. The image on my screen was so big that I felt like I could see into the truck as if I were there!

Yes, I think your TV may have been on a "widescreen" setting. That's the first thing I noticed, because when I saw your pictures they looked totally new and wondered where they came from and was going to ask for a link. I've studied the pics a thousand times, too.

That said, I still dispute your claim that the original pictures have no distortions. There are a least two very clear areas of vertical camera distortion that bisect the body of the DWT following Mickey - and as well, the entire pic is horizontally distorted.

If you haven't seen that yet, then maybe look again, as I suggested.
Those are cars....not trucks. My son drives a Chevy Silverado. Hit a deer. Speed was about 35mph. Crushed the front of the truck....deer didn't end up on hood or thru windshield. Thank God.

I am glad to hear that for sure!! But it is all about ratio of speed of vehicle vs speed of bicycle vs height of each. So many more variables. Weight plays a role, whether the object hit is facing inline or off to the side. There are bicycle accident reconstruction experts that have the ratios listed online.

There are examples online of trucks as well. I just wanted to give the general idea that it is possible that a person on a bike can be hit from behind and end up on top of the vehicle. And that the bicycle may not be as heavily damaged as you may think being that the rider did fly back onto the vehicle. It is actually more consistent with a rear end hit that the victim does end up flying back into the vehicle.

In one of the pics a car hit an entire group of bike riders that were at all angles and of different weights and in different positions. Almost ALL of them flew backwards and into the air.

I can take some old barbie's and put one on a bike and ram it with the Barbie mobile from behind and get all types of scenarios. People just keep saying that it isn't possible for this to have happened and it is.

It's not about me being right but about being open to lots of variables.
They must have conclusive evidence that there was an aggravated kidnapping on or off St. Landry St. between W. St. Mary Blvd. and Blackham Colosseum.

I don't think that at all. If you go back and watch the press release it seems obvious that they are just speculating. He does not seem sure at all. His wording definitely does not seem assertive.
If not for an aware citizen(lady at car dealership), LE may have never made the connection due to jurisdictional linkage blindness. An aware American public is a very valuable tool in missing persons investigations. This is another excellent example of this tool's effectiveness when utilized..

Once BSL's vehicle description was posted in the media, the last thing on his mind was abducting another innocent victim. He then became the hunted, instead of the hunter/predator..

I can't believe that his license and registration are not "flagged" in some way.
1. He files a report about about stolen truck to LE
2. he files a claim to insurance co.

I just don't understand that with all the data bases, nothing is flagged.
No red flags? Unless they knew something and he went offshore and they just had to wait.

10+ years ago I got my first speeding ticket in FL. (been driving for 43 years with clean record btw 43 mph in 30 zone)) I paid the ticket. 6 months later in NY, I got pulled over locally for stop sign. Cop said there was warrant for my arrest. Seems FL never cleared it. I had to go to court, produced receipts and all charges were dropped-nothing on my license.

LaPorte is SE of Houston. San Jac/Montgomery counties are NW of Houston. Two totally different locations about 60 miles apart.

Thanks. Has anyone looked for a news story about his burned truck?
Is there a local police blotter? We have them here in NE.
justwannahelp, doubt it from LPD...
The MSM is the spokesperson for the public, and not a mouthpiece for spoonfed info by LPD. BSL's past is not only the concern of one case & one family, but is the concern for all the Public's Safety, imo.

'It is very important to keep Mickey Schunick's story in the news for awareness, in case there are other unknown victims in BSL's wake'..
BSL's photo should be posted on MSM & social internet sites across the US, imo.
From my info, imo, due to BSL's arrest, he is reigniting the Jennings serial killer investigation.

This is just my offense will be taken if I am off base.
Your last statement really got my attention, since we have all been under the impression that BSL was incarcerated from 2000 until 2008. However, even BSL classified himself as a State of LA mechanic during much of that time. This begs the question, was he on some sort of work-release that could allow him freedom to commit these horrible Jennings murders?

Was the much discussed and highly suspected Jennings LE coverup related to the idea that one of their own was being suspected, or the realization that one of their own state prisoner's could be the perp and the embarrassment that would cause was the reason the investigation got no where?
It has been commented often that there are areas in this part of Lafayette where things could of happened.

He did not have to drive too far at all to accomplish some things immediately and I still don't believe that I need to go into details.

He then could of taken care of disposing of things.

ETA As Foxfire pointed out parallels in another case, I believe he only took that individual just over a mile away. Luckily she got away.......

Well, you're still talking in riddles. I have no idea what your comment means.

What am I missing?
New to this case.

Just wondering what the consensus is on the following:

It has been said that Mickey's bike had evidence that it had been hit by the truck. Do people feel like:

1. The hit was an accident, but Mickey got hurt, and BSL tried to "cover his tracks."
2. Again, the hit was an accident, but BSL took advantage of the situation and assaulted and then hurt Mickey.
3. BSL hit Mickey on purpose knowing exactly what he wanted to do with her.

Just wondering!
Abdella got the 2 strong leads from 2 unrelated persons as he stated in that article on June 8th. These leads probably came from the girlfriend's family and from the car dealer lady. it was after this article that all went quiet and we never heard a thing until July 5th. so we can assume that they've been onto him since a little before June 8th

IMO we can't assume those were the leads Abdella was even talking about.
New to this case.

Just wondering what the consensus is on the following:

It has been said that Mickey's bike had evidence that it had been hit by the truck. Do people feel like:

1. The hit was an accident, but Mickey got hurt, and BSL tried to "cover his tracks."
2. Again, the hit was an accident, but BSL took advantage of the situation and assaulted and then hurt Mickey.
3. BSL hit Mickey on purpose knowing exactly what he wanted to do with her.

Just wondering!

I don't know what the general consensus here is, but I believe number 3. I have never thought this was an accident, even at the beginning of the case.
New to this case.

Just wondering what the consensus is on the following:

It has been said that Mickey's bike had evidence that it had been hit by the truck. Do people feel like:

1. The hit was an accident, but Mickey got hurt, and BSL tried to "cover his tracks."
2. Again, the hit was an accident, but BSL took advantage of the situation and assaulted and then hurt Mickey.
3. BSL hit Mickey on purpose knowing exactly what he wanted to do with her.

Just wondering!

Def #3
A sexual predator is a predator. There are no accidents in their crimes.
Well sure.

But I was going off the ongoing discussion that the GPS was in the truck.

And do we have any link that says any GPS info was recovered? Or are we spinning our wheels on rumors?

Many newer vehicles- the last few years- have GPS built into the vehicles. If it wasn't cameras that caught him at WB, then either someone saw him there or LE tracked GPS with Onstar.
Well, you're still talking in riddles. I have no idea what your comment means.

What am I missing?

I am not talking in riddles.

As per this request by SoSueMe:

Originally Posted by SoSueMe [ame=""]
Please read post #2. We are NOT discussing the man from NC from this point on unless we have good reason to go there. Any future discussion of PS, the man from NC will result in timeouts.

We also do not allow the discussion of psychics on Websleuths.
This is just my offense will be taken if I am off base.
Your last statement really got my attention, since we have all been under the impression that BSL was incarcerated from 2000 until 2008. However, even BSL classified himself as a State of LA mechanic during much of that time. This begs the question, was he on some sort of work-release that could allow him freedom to commit these horrible Jennings murders?

Was the much discussed and highly suspected Jennings LE coverup related to the idea that one of their own was being suspected, or the realization that one of their own state prisoner's could be the perp and the embarrassment that would cause was the reason the investigation got no where?

It happens... Back in 1974, my great aunt and uncle were robbed, tied up in their home, shot and their home burned down with them in it, near Franklinton, LA, admittedly by a man who, at the time was imprisoned for other very serious violent offenses. The kicker is that the guy was let out due to a clerical error, for a weekend furlough, when the crime was committed. Despite the admission, which he later recanted, and the testimony of others whom he also confessed to, along with the testimony of the man who survived the attack, who just happened to walk in on the attack when it happened (feed delivery man for my relatives' dairy farm), the State never charged the perp with the crime. He spent the rest of his life in prison, until he died of cancer. He was denied parole several times, and after he became ill, was turned down at 2 clemency hearings.

Sorry so OT.
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