LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #34

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Y'all aren't going to chase me out of here because y'all dont agree with my opinions.
I'm sure he reported the VIN and plate number when filing the stolen report. If the vehicle had a tag present, it would have been legible, even if the vehicle was a total loss. Doubt it would be in any condition to transfer to another vehicle though.

To remove your tag prior to your vehicle being stolen & burned would be a huge red flag, imo...

everything he did was a red flag. he reported it stolen then set it on fire. before he set it on fire he prob removed his CDs, GPS, and his License plate to transfer to the new truck so no one would question the new truck being new. he didn't seem to have many friends, so his girlfriend is prob only one who noticed he was driving a new truck IF he put the old plate on the new truck.
Thanks so much for that link. :) I was able to look up tax records for the address he is reported to live at, and it seems that Tax Payer information for that address actually is to someone (name is not listed on the document) with a Rayne Address. I'm not sure if this link will work, but here is the tax document it output for me when inquiring. If the link below doesn't work then you can use the link in the quote above to look up his address.

Just wondering if this address in Rayne has been looked into and if it could be another place to look for possible evidence?

Not sure if this has been answered or not but according to her FB page, his mother lives in Rayne. Perhaps the mother is actually the LEGAL owner of the property and he owned the trailor.
here is the the UL Printing Building on Coliseum Road

Do we have verifiable information that Mickey’s scent was located by SAR dogs near this building — UL Printing Services on Coliseum Road — or behind it by the footbridge that goes over the coulee?

Or are we just chasing our tails on this one?
Do we have verifiable information that Mickey’s scent was located by SAR dogs near this building — UL Printing Services on Coliseum Road — or behind it by the footbridge that goes over the coulee?

Or are we just chasing our tails on this one?

I don't know but have another question to add to yours.

Shouldn't the dogs have picked up her scent, if that was the route she took two nights in a row to go to Artmosphere?
Even if LE knew it was a different truck, supposing they came to see him, he probably figured at least they would not find traces of Mickey in it-they could suspect him, but not prove anything. He did not expect his truck in TX to be found and linked to him.
I don't think HouDat is trying to be snarky or anything like that. It looks like you have just joined and just started posting. As you see this is the 34th thread. We have went through similar posts of other bike accidents and pics and physics and so many different kinds of scenarios of bike accidents. At this point it doesn't help Mickey in proving in which way BSL hit Mickey with his truck and which way Mickey landed, etc. There was damage consistent with being hit by a car on her rear tire, therefore she was probably hit with BSL's truck. We have conjectured at length on this subject and I think many are sick and tired of it and as some of just posted have left this thread because of it. So that's why you are getting the comments you are getting, especially now after LE has released information that she was taken elsewhere on her route and not in the pics in front of the Circle K. Many are just tired of the DWT talk. Of course you can talk about what you want, but maybe this will help you understand why you are getting the response you are getting.

As my original post stated I have been here long before Mickey went missing. I have read every post in every thread and I am well aware of what each person believes. And just as well, there have been many others that have left because they felt bullied for sharing their opinions. I am well aware that my theory is not a welcome one.

I stated my opinion early on and I will state it again for clarification that I do believe that truck hit Mickey in front of the station. I do not think she is under the truck. I think she was either grabbed here or made a start off down the street and somehow ended up by the printing services building and that foot bridge. From there I think she and the bike were taken to WB and dumped.

Once I stated my opinion I have had to defend it daily and I would much rather spend my time looking into other matters in regards to this case. It is not conducive to the forum for y'all to be continuously trying to make me change my opinion. I will be happy to debate it but I think all has been said on both sides of this argument.
Y'all aren't going to chase me out of here because y'all dont agree with my opinions.

I don't believe anyone is trying to chase anyone anywhere. We're all trying to understand what insider scoop you have and if there's any way to verify what you're saying.

Otherwise, any kickback you're getting is only because some of us feel like we're going in circles. While you have the right to your opinion, other posters also have the right to respond. The bike-under-the-truck-at-Circle-K idea has been ruled out by LE statements and pretty much discounted here based on laws of physics, etc. You have to understand.. bringing it up again 20 threads later is just frustrating. You'd probably get a similar response if you brought up the Tasha Patterson incident again.

Great find, thank-you for posting!

There are "numerous other cars" according to this article. So, add this unidentifiable Silver Car, to the two red cars, as known BL vehicles.

Do any of the locals know exactly how many cars are on his property, makes, models or colours?

If this guy is a repeat offender, knowing the vehicles he could have been operating in would be useful.

It is not uncommon to see several old cars in people's yards out in the country. One may have been his dads who passed away. As a mechanic he may have enjoyed tinkering with them when he wasn't working. My question would be, do any of them run?
This is my first post but I've been lurking for quite sometime. This case really hit close to home as I lived in Lafayette for 30 years, and a good part of that was in a neighborhood between Ryan Street and the Circle K. I now live in Spring, Texas and I'm extremely curious about the distances travelled between the location of the burned out truck (San Jacinto County), where the truck was reported as stolen (Montogomery County), and the city of Spring, Texas which is located in northern Harris County.

Sam Houston National Forest covers 163,0456 acres in San Jacinto, Walker and Montgomery Counties. Since there is no specific info on where in San Jacinto County the truck was found, I'm using Coldspring, Texas, the county seat of San Jacinto County, as a reference point.

Only checking Enterprise Rental locations, I found 3 locations in Huntsville (31.5 miles from Coldspring), 4 locations in Conroe (35.5 miles from Coldspring), and 1 location in The Woodlands (46.5 miles from Coldspring). Yet he rented a vehicle in Spring which is 51.6 miles from Coldspring. Keep in mind that the distances could be shorter of longer since we don't have the exact location.

It appears to me as if he would have had to have transportation of some sort for the time period between the truck burning and the car rental. An unknowing accomplice?

It's about 50 mi. from Coldspring to Spring. A poster noted that BSL had family members in Spring on his FB. If that's true, it could explain how he ended up renting a car there. However, if he had a family member pick him up from San Jac cty, how did he explain what he was doing stranded there? Even if he hitchhiked to Spring, how does he explain suddenly showing up on their doorstep with no vehicle? Either this friend or relative in Spring knows something's up, or he just chose this area to do business in because he's familiar with the area.
In my sleuthing of the trailer fire with two already deceased victims in Branch (which turned out not to be connected to BSL- happened when he was in jail & someone else was charged), I did come up with these news stories:

- Body found in burned out truck in Vermillion Parish near Abbeville; cannot find any more info on who this body was & if an arrest was ever made....
ETA: yes, okay, found it....the perp was IDed and caught and so was victim.

- This incident- two bodies reported found, a burning car, and a missing girl in Evangeline Parish. Again, I cannot find the bodies as being IDed or the missing girl IDed or mentioned. -
ETA: The perp was IDed & and so were victims/missing woman. Perp was caught. NOT BSL. I am starting to get really surprised by how many murders & then subsequent fires seem to have happened in the area recently. I thought they'd be more isolated events.

If any of you all know the resolutions to these strange two events involving deceased persons & burning cars in Cajun Country since BSL's release, please post it!

Would like to know more about these incidents--cannot find where they have been resolved/solved. The burning of vehicles parts in particular makes really interested as far as BSL....
ETA: So none of these have anything to do with BSL. Sorry and sorry for taking up your time & brain cells, fellow sleuthers. Should have more fully searched, I guess. Although I guess it shows us how many idiots think they can cover up homicides with fires.

Sorry if this has been answered, I'm trying to catch up here. The missing/murdered woman from Ville Platte was Elizabeth Fontenot. Her vehicle was found burned. Her killer, Ordesto Toussaint was convicted of Murder 2. He was sentenced to (mandatory) life. I'm not sure about the other two bodies mentioned. (I'm new and tech challenged but the info can be found at
Even if LE knew it was a different truck, supposing they came to see him, he probably figured at least they would not find traces of Mickey in it-they could suspect him, but not prove anything. He did not expect his truck in TX to be found and linked to him.

Yep, BSL, missunderestimated the power of the American public..
I don't know but have another question to add to yours. Shouldn't the dogs have picked up her scent, if that was the route she took two nights in a row to go to Artmosphere?

Apparently, on the Friday night (May 18th) she rode along Johnston St. to get to Artmosphere. A local wrote on this forum (maybe thread #1 or #2) that they saw her on her bike riding TO Artmosphere earlier on that fateful evening. It’s also been written that she was in the Circle K convenience store on Friday during the daytime. I don’t recall if anyone posted about her biking route before or after the Thursday (17th) night outing, or if she was even on her bike that night.
That explained the 2 different time stamps on the Versailles picture. The time in the press release is the corrected by 12 minute time. You are correct, but wanted to see if anyone remembers that? I cannot locate the photo with the 2 time stamps quickly. Some versions the bottom stamp was cropped out.

I saw these yesterday when I went back to read the first few articles that were released. If I saved them I will post so y'all can see them.
so how long before trial - any guesses. i hated civics class, so i am clueless. i made As but only by vomiting the info back up on a test then deleting it from my brain

Has he made a plea at this time? I heard some of y'all talk about being in court but don't remember anything about a plea.
here is the the UL Printing Building on Coliseum Road

Do you know where the footbridge and coulee are that CajunStrong mentioned in the original posts?

Thanks for the map... maybe anyone can pinpoint the area where dog's were used.

ETA: Thanks for the campus brochure. I posted before I saw your reply.
I have full confidence in Mickey that had she been knocked off her bike & it run over by Circle K and someone was chasing her in a truck that rather than run alone to a mile away into areas with open fields she would have pounded on someone's door for help.there are hundreds of houses she could have gone to.

As my original post stated I have been here long before Mickey went missing. I have read every post in every thread and I am well aware of what each person believes. And just as well, there have been many others that have left because they felt bullied for sharing their opinions. I am well aware that my theory is not a welcome one.

I stated my opinion early on and I will state it again for clarification that I do believe that truck hit Mickey in front of the station. I do not think she is under the truck. I think she was either grabbed here or made a start off down the street and somehow ended up by the printing services building and that foot bridge. From there I think she and the bike were taken to WB and dumped.

Once I stated my opinion I have had to defend it daily and I would much rather spend my time looking into other matters in regards to this case. It is not conducive to the forum for y'all to be continuously trying to make me change my opinion. I will be happy to debate it but I think all has been said on both sides of this argument.
It's about 50 mi. from Coldspring to Spring. A poster noted that BSL had family members in Spring on his FB. If that's true, it could explain how he ended up renting a car there. However, if he had a family member pick him up from San Jac cty, how did he explain what he was doing stranded there? Even if he hitchhiked to Spring, how does he explain suddenly showing up on their doorstep with no vehicle? Either this friend or relative in Spring knows something's up, or he just chose this area to do business in because he's familiar with the area.

Couldn't he have gotten a cab to a bar or restaurant or something, then called someone he knew, "Man, my truck just got stolen. Come get me."?
Is this (dog's hitting on Mickey's scent) inside info from your LE connections? Can you confirm this to be factual?
Can you attach a map? or addresses so that we can build a google map of the area that you are talking about?

Sorry for all the Qs, but this is new information and your sources will help establish credibility.

I recently posted a map of the printing services building on Coleseum to which this user referred.
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