LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #34

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Many asked about new foot searches on the thread. I received this reply back from BW's e-mail address:

"Searches are currently being conducted by law enforcement. In the event that civilian foot begin again, we will announce it"
The Verseilles camera was later determined to be 12 minutes off.

In my opinion and some others, the police have always seemed to know what happened they just did not know who was responsible. Completely open to interpretation as there are no facts to back it up either way.
I believe that was the University camera :)

You can see the two pictures released by LPD here, along with the adjusted time stamps. 1.jpg 3.jpg

I am unaware of the Versailles picture being off by any amount of time and based on the name of the file containing (0147) and the fact that LPD press release says this exactly, I'm going to assume that 1:47 and 1:48 are the times we're going with?:
Lafayette, LA – Detectives were able to identify a bicyclist believed to be Mickey Shunick traveling on Versailles Blvd and Saint Landry Street. At approximately 1:47 am the bicyclist is captured on Versailles Blvd traveling towards St. John Street. She then traveled on St. John Street and crossed over University Avenue, continuing west on St. Landry Street where she was captured on video at approximately 1:48 am.
I completely agree w/ you. Why, when they have stated that they have evidence of him cruising the streets, would they release one w/ MS under the truck?! That would be ignorant and they could of arrested him in June when the tip came in it was BSL. They would of known of a hit-n-run. Notice....he was NOT charged w/ a hit-n-run (or anything w/ the vehicle for that matter). If MS was under the truck there would of been rampant rumors of a girl screaming, crunching noises, etc etc. I've ran over a bike before going 2 miles an hour....YOU WOULD HEAR IT! Windows up, radio would hear it. With cajunnet around would of heard rumors about it, AT LEAST!

I think IMO the ones thinking she was under the truck in that circle k picture can't let go of the fact that they were wrong and their super computer specs didn't do what they wanted them too :-/ JMO of course

The tone of this forumn has changed from positive, to snarky, to just down right ignorant at times. It's sad and hardly anyone is even talking about BRINGING MICKEY HOME...which is the point afterall!


I live within a mile of that station and there are plenty of rumors. I walked my little dog right past there the day after. The police did bring dogs through that area.

Now I don't have any computer program that highlights pictures but I have my reasons for feeling the way I do and it is wrong to insinuate my opinion was derived for any other reason.

If there was another picture of this truck I am certain the police would have released it. At times you have to put out there what you have. You cannot arrest someone without plenty of evidence. You consider for one moment that police do have him on that video making an attempt to kidnap little Mickey, they need more evidence to prove that was him in that truck or the case will not stick.
I have full confidence in Mickey that had she been knocked off her bike & it run over by Circle K and someone was chasing her in a truck that rather than run alone to a mile away into areas with open fields she would have pounded on someone's door for help.there are hundreds of houses she could have gone to.

Also - if she/her bike had indeed been hit right there across the street from Circle K, wouldn't at least ONE of the citizens there in the parking lot have seen or heard this? From what I understand, such collisions are not usually quiet and neat. I would hope that someone would have come forward on their own, but if not, wouldn't LE have made a bigger deal about identifying and questioning those "Circle K citizens" as witnesses? (Identifying them would have been pretty easy to do.)
As my original post stated I have been here long before Mickey went missing. I have read every post in every thread and I am well aware of what each person believes. And just as well, there have been many others that have left because they felt bullied for sharing their opinions. I am well aware that my theory is not a welcome one.

I stated my opinion early on and I will state it again for clarification that I do believe that truck hit Mickey in front of the station. I do not think she is under the truck. I think she was either grabbed here or made a start off down the street and somehow ended up by the printing services building and that foot bridge. From there I think she and the bike were taken to WB and dumped.

Once I stated my opinion I have had to defend it daily and I would much rather spend my time looking into other matters in regards to this case. It is not conducive to the forum for y'all to be continuously trying to make me change my opinion. I will be happy to debate it but I think all has been said on both sides of this argument.

Please don't think I trying to dispute you on anything you are saying. I am new on here so I wouldn't presume to have any better opinion than anyone else without cold hard facts. My thinking, though, is that if she had been hit in front of the station, there would have been witnesses. I may be wrong but wasn't there people at the gas sation? I just think it would be hard, especially at that time of night with so little traffic, for one of them not to notice if that happened in that area. Once again, I'm not arguing against your point. There may be info that I haven't heard or seen as I am still trying to catch up with everything, being new on here and all.
Has he made a plea at this time? I heard some of y'all talk about being in court but don't remember anything about a plea.

No, he just went to court so the judge could ask if he could afford an attorney. He will plead at the next hearing if typical procedure is followed.
[ame=""]Occam's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Occam's razor (also written as Ockham's razor, Latin lex parsimoniae) is the law of parsimony, economy or succinctness. It is a principle urging one to select from among competing hypotheses that which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation of the effect. The principle is often incorrectly summarized as "other things being equal, a simpler explanation is better than a more complex one."
I am not sure he did a very good job of hiding the truck he burned. Seems like it was fairly visible?

I can find no reports of where the truck was found, but I did have a thought. If he has friends or relatives in Spring who helped him, even unknowingly, it's possible that they are the ones who called the tip line regarding his burned truck. It's been assumed that the family of BSL's gf made that call, but it's possible that they didn't know that he burned the truck - only that he'd reported it stolen. If he has people in Spring who helped him during the time he was filing police reports and insurance claims, they may have been the ones to turn him in.
The white house is on Elaine St. In Churchpoint. BSL lives on Elaine Lane in the community of Swords. Closest town is probably Lawtell. Churchpoint is about 12 miles south of where he has his home. There is a lot of rural farmland in between the 2 areas.

There is no mailing address for the communities of Swords, LA, or Lawtell, LA, for that matter. Their mailing addresses are Church Point and Opelousas, respectively. The address is 143 Elaine Ln in Church Point. Did you listen to the audio of BSL? The judge verifies his address. It's the right house.
Not sure how long he lived in the area or if he was from Churchpoint but a few years back there was a volunteer fireman who they discovered was setting fires so he could be a hero. I think they pinned at least 10 fires on him. It is possible he may have had something to do with some of these fires.

It's pretty well established that he had a penchant for fire. His home burned down about a year ago, as did his childhood home. He threatened to burn down his 1999 victim's home with her and her family in it.

It is rumored that he was suspect in a murder in Branch LA of two women - they were found to have been dead before their home was burned down. It is also rumored that his friend who was in a vehicle accident that same time around where the double homicide took place knew something and was threatened with her house being burned down with her family in it if she told anything.

Then there is that mysterious burglary/fire at the business in Lafayette just after Mickey disappeared.

It seems to be his MO. Burn it or threaten to burn something to keep you quiet.
I can find no reports of where the truck was found, but I did have a thought. If he has friends or relatives in Spring who helped him, even unknowingly, it's possible that they are the ones who called the tip line regarding his burned truck. It's been assumed that the family of BSL's gf made that call, but it's possible that they didn't know that he burned the truck - only that he'd reported it stolen. If he has people in Spring who helped him during the time he was filing police reports and insurance claims, they may have been the ones to turn him in.

Mhmm... or a family member/significant other of the helper?
Not sure if this has been answered or not but according to her FB page, his mother lives in Rayne. Perhaps the mother is actually the LEGAL owner of the property and he owned the trailor.

I looked it up. That's his mom's address.
Do we have verifiable information that Mickey’s scent was located by SAR dogs near this building — UL Printing Services on Coliseum Road — or behind it by the footbridge that goes over the coulee?

Or are we just chasing our tails on this one?

To my knowledge, the original poster never came back to verify this information.
Agreed. It is an act that is just all kinds of stupid, but certainly indication of desperation.

All of a sudden, my forum friends that sleuthed craigslist ads, don't seem so off the wall. :)
Not necessarily, he may not be releasing that information as it may be pertinent to the investigation.

I agree but that contradicts many of your statements. The police, respectfully, tell us what they want us to know. It is not called lying or a conspiracy it is called protecting the investigation. I think he meant that to be very general. It would make no sense to give two specific locations and say it could be either one of them. He either knows which one or is speaking generally.
Couldn't he have gotten a cab to a bar or restaurant or something, then called someone he knew, "Man, my truck just got stolen. Come get me."?

San Jacinto County doesn't have a lot of hot spots. Largest town in the county has a population of 2300, so it's not the kind of place you go to for a night out on the town. He'd still have some 'splainin to do about what he was doing there in the first place. IMO
if they know, they aren't telling us because they don't want to hinder the investigation. i'm thinking that it is most likely on coliseum. when i listen to the entire presser, that's the impression i get. he says "somewhere back there" and he includes st. landry because that's where the photo of truck is then he says coliseum because i believe that Craft thinks that's where she was taken then he says Bertrand because that's where the Advertiser video footage is. so you've got 2 streets mentioned due to early and late footage then you've got a street mentioned in the middle, maybe because that's where she was taken.

either way, we need to find Mickey

I agree with you 100%. It is exactly how I perceived his comment.

I live within a mile of that station and there are plenty of rumors. I walked my little dog right past there the day after. The police did bring dogs through that area.

Now I don't have any computer program that highlights pictures but I have my reasons for feeling the way I do and it is wrong to insinuate my opinion was derived for any other reason.

If there was another picture of this truck I am certain the police would have released it. At times you have to put out there what you have. You cannot arrest someone without plenty of evidence. You consider for one moment that police do have him on that video making an attempt to kidnap little Mickey, they need more evidence to prove that was him in that truck or the case will not stick.

I would be very surprised if LPD have released every pic/video of BSL's truck from that night. They will only release enough to further their investigation. As much as I would like to know everything that they know, that would not help their investigation.
Umm...a couple pages back someone did post, saying they hoped if there was any such video if would be released. I was thinking "would you really want to watch that? Why?!"

I did see that and agree with wheelz. I do not recall who posted that comment. It disturbed me.
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