LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #34

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I don't think he has a guilty conscience IMO he was probably cosying up to the church because he may have planned on having a wedding there in the near future. :twocents:

Or ever needed a character witness.
I see you guys have BSL reporting the truck missing on the 26th of May. Most are reporting the 31st as the day he called in and the day it was found. I suspect you guys are going off of Cpl Mouton. Are y'all certain it's the 26th of May? Any other links appreciated.

Keep up the good work!
The church is located right next door to its Northside Christian School, which has raised a few eyebrows from people since Lavergne is a tier 3 sex offender.

But, Pastor Loyd Singley says he knew of Lavergne's past and they worked with his parole officer to make sure he had no contact with children.

"This really raises a little more than my eyebrows... Since when does a Pastor or Parole Officer have the authority to ignore a law put in place to protect children from RSOs"?

Gawd just children :what: What about young women. His Victim was not a child :banghead: And now Mickey. I question how a Pastor feels he can override the restrictions. He would be within feet of Families in Church.
I see you guys have BSL reporting the truck missing on the 26th of May. Most are reporting the 31st as the day he called in and the day it was found. I suspect you guys are going off of Cpl Mouton. Are y'all certain it's the 26th of May? Any other links appreciated.

Keep up the good work!

There is some confusion over this, IMO.
I believe one source said the truck was reported stolen the day it was found, when another said something different...will probably have to wait a while to get this cleared up.
I'm playing the devils advocate here. Did someone identify him inside driving the white truck the night Mickey was abducted? He reported the truck stolen so how are we so sure it wasnt the thief driving who abducted Mickey? LE said he was in the area of WB that night. Did someone actually see him there or only his white truck without seeing the driver? I hope they have some good physical DNA evidence because without it this could be another Casey Anthony case (they even had little Caylees remains) where he goes free. I was sick when she walked.

I agree and I think that is why they had to gather evidence before they could arrest him. Perhaps there is video of him outside of the truck which I have heard as a rumor. That he stopped to look under the truck because part of the bike had either caused damage or a piece was stuck. Only a rumor.

We know when he reported the truck stolen however we do not know what the backup story was. He may have told police that he was offshore for a few days and the last time he saw it was on the 15th. He arrived back to shore and t was gone.
I agree and I think that is why they had to gather evidence before they could arrest him. Perhaps there is video of him outside of the truck which I have heard as a rumor. That he stopped to look under the truck because part of the bike had either caused damage or a piece was stuck. Only a rumor.

We know when he reported the truck stolen however we do not know what the backup story was. He may have told police that he was offshore for a few days and the last time he saw it was on the 15th. He arrived back to shore and t was gone.

I don't think he has given the police any stories as yet, as far as we know. In any case, they will probably be able to prove he was not offshore, and hopefully have receipts, pings, etc...

(Maybe he should have reported his phone and wallet stolen too...)
The church is located right next door to its Northside Christian School, which has raised a few eyebrows from people since Lavergne is a tier 3 sex offender.

But, Pastor Loyd Singley says he knew of Lavergne's past and they worked with his parole officer to make sure he had no contact with children.

"This really raises a little more than my eyebrows... Since when does a Pastor or Parole Officer have the authority to ignore a law put in place to protect children from RSOs"?

But according to the law from the site I posted earlier, it's NOT against the law for BSL to be near school children, b/c his victim was not 13 or under. She was 18. So, he doesn't have that restriction. At least the way I understand the law to read.
This most recent, unfortunate discovery has prompted the task force to request the public's continued assistance and vigilance. Our first goal is public safety, which necessitates the gathering of as much information as possible.

The task force has reason to believe that there may be individuals who have information pertinent to this investigation, who have yet to come forward. We are appealing to these people specifically, and the general public, to contact the task force with any information they believe may pertain to this investigation and/or the people, facts and circumstances surrounding these murders.

Additionally, the task force is asking the public's assistance in identifying possible suspects through observations of changes in their behavior. Violent offenders often exhibit some noticeable behavioral changes following the commission of a crime.
read more-

Link of the Jennings Serial Killer suspect possible behavior changes to be aware of

to compare with Brandon Scott Lavergne's known or suspected behavior changes since Mickey Schunick's abduction on 05/19/2012:

* denotes known behavior & behavioral changes in BSL since the MS abduction..

? denotes unknown - at this time

Additionally, the task force is asking the public's assistance in identifying possible suspects through observations of changes in their behavior. Violent offenders often exhibit some noticeable behavioral changes following the commission of a crime. Often, members of the community will unknowingly be associated with the offender of a crime, and may observe behavioral changes in that person. While they will recognize the changes, and may even question the offender about such changes, they may not recognize the relationship between such behavioral changes and the offender's involvement in the crimes. The following are behaviors and characteristics that the offender may exhibit:

* In reaction to heightened public awareness and intensive law enforcement investigation, the offender has changed his method of operation. For instance, the most recent victim's body was discarded off to the side of Interstate 10 in Acadia Parish. Previous victims' bodies were discarded off to the side of smaller, rural roads.

* The offender is likely to pay very close attention to the police investigation, media coverage and even private discussions pertaining to this series of murders.

? The offender is likely to have displayed increased nervousness in the time periods immediately following the murders and the body discoveries.

? The offender may have increased his use of drugs and/or alcohol to contend with the nervousness and experienced stress resulting from increased awareness and vigilance of both the police and the public.

* In the time period immediately following the murders and the body discoveries, the offender may have altered his daily routine. He may have left the area temporarily; he may have been absent from work, cancelled appointments and/or social engagements.

* The offender may have changed his mode of transportation, e.g., changed his vehicle, sold or claimed to have sold his vehicle, cleaned or had his vehicle cleaned, possibly including the vehicle's interior.

* The offender is someone with significant ties to the Jennings and Jefferson Davis Parish area. He has demonstrated a strong familiarity with the area, and is someone known to residents there.

? The offender may have been seen in the area of Jennings where these young ladies disappeared from. He may have been, and perhaps is still frequenting the area.

The task force encourages anyone with information to contact them at (337) 824-6662.


* Possibly altered physical apearance(braces/haircut)

* Has possible unexplained cuts, scratches, bruises, or bite marks

* Arsonist trait/history

* Past History of Violence toward Women

* Attended Church for the first time in years 2 weeks after Mickey Schunick's abduction

* Obvious weight loss

Feel free to add to BSL traits & behavioral changes since 05/19/2012

I love you guys! Totally OT but the hunting for deer/rabbit so cute! I'm from the city, never had them or tried other way out there animals, here some people eat kangaroo I just can't do it lol. Thanks guys I learn so much from you all:)

I've eaten just about everything (and bit off more than I could chew) in my time, including alligator, frog's legs, and rabbit and I'd say most things taste like chicken - alligator is real chewy though, frog's legs are very tender, and rabbit is kinda gamey. I've eaten Norwegian reindeer medallions..very gamey. I can't get out of my head a quote from one of the 1972 Andes plane crash survivors who survived by eating their fellow passengers that they tasted like chicken :(

The following acts when committed by a person convicted of a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541(14.1) when the victim is under the age of thirteen years shall constitute the crime of unlawful residence or presence of a sex offender:

The physical presence of the offender in, on, or within one thousand feet of the school property of any public or private elementary or secondary school or the physical presence in any motor vehicle or other means of conveyance owned, leased, or contracted by such school to transport students to or from school or a school-related activity when persons under the age of eighteen years are present on the school property or in a school vehicle.

The offender establishing a residence within one thousand feet of any public or private elementary or secondary school.

The physical presence of the offender in, on, or within one thousand feet of a public park or recreational facility.

The offender establishing a residence within one thousand feet of any public park or recreational facility.

It shall not be a violation of the provisions of this Section if the offender has permission to be present on school premises from the superintendent of the school board in the case of a public school or the principal or headmaster in the case of a private school.

If permission is granted to an offender to be present on public school property by the superintendent for that public school pursuant to this Subsection, then the superintendent shall notify the principal at least twenty-four hours in advance of the visit by the offender. This notification shall include the nature of the visit and the date and time in which the sex offender will be present in the school. The offender shall notify the office of the principal upon arrival on the school property and upon departing from the school. If the offender is to be present in the vicinity of children, the offender shall remain under the direct supervision of a school official.

Any superintendent, principal, or school master who acts in good faith in compliance with this Subsection shall be immune from civil or criminal liability for his actions in connection with any injury or claim arising from an offender being present on school property pursuant to permission granted by that superintendent, principal, or school master.

****So, this doesn't apply to him b/c his victim was not under 13. Even so, b/c eyebrows were raised, whether the pastor of the church is the head of the school, or their is a separate head of the school, they've already stated they've taken the appropriate precautions blah blah blah.
I don't think he has given the police any stories as yet, as far as we know. In any case, they will probably be able to prove he was not offshore, and hopefully have receipts, pings, etc...

(Maybe he should have reported his phone and wallet stolen too...)

I am speaking of when he made the police report. He made the report on whichever day but may have claimed he was was out of the area and didn't know when it actually went missing.
Yes, didn't one of the neighbors sneak in through a window into one of DTL's crime scenes? Seems I remember that happening.

He sure did. He's a good friend of mine. The cops wouldn't tell him what happened. He lived with his sister and young baby who were scared, so he climbed through a window to see for himself. The cops questioned him and got his DNA, then let him go. After the media found out, the families of the victims were outraged so they charged him with entering an inhabitable dwelling - felony! He had to do some kind of program while also working and in school, so he'd commute to BR late at night. Got in a bad wreck, hip replacement and discharged from the navy. Great guy, bad decision.
He sure did. He's a good friend of mine. The cops wouldn't tell him what happened. He lived with his sister and young baby who were scared, so he climbed through a window to see for himself. The cops questioned him and got his DNA, then let him go. After the media found out, the families of the victims were outraged so they charged him with entering an inhabitable dwelling - felony! He had to do some kind of program while also working and in school, so he'd commute to BR late at night. Got in a bad wreck, hip replacement and discharged from the navy. Great guy, bad decision.

Whose dwelling did he illegally enter? Why did he think he had the right to do so?
But according to the law from the site I posted earlier, it's NOT against the law for BSL to be near school children, b/c his victim was not 13 or under. She was 18. So, he doesn't have that restriction. At least the way I understand the law to read.

Which is exactly why i find the Pastors comments absurd.
I am speaking of when he made the police report. He made the report on whichever day but may have claimed he was was out of the area and didn't know when it actually went missing.

Right but I believe LE will be able to verify where he was, or wasn't, on May 18-19th.
I watched the news earlier KLFY stated that Lavergne's girlfriend was indeed questioned the day of his arrest. They also interviewed the reverend/priest at the church he attended. He stated that BSL recently attended mass and had not been to mass in about 3 years. He also stated BSL made a donation to the church. MOO Lavergne knew what he had done and looked for some sort of forgiveness from a higher up. I think things will unfold next where is Mickey!?

I think BSL went to church thinking no one would remember what day they saw him there!
Which is exactly why i find the Pastors comments absurd.

I suppose the parents of the children who went to school/church there may have expressed concerns and the pastor unofficially "worked with" the parole officer on an agreement that he would keep a distance from the children and allow him to still attend church services. But, I'm sure the church goers KNEW he was an RSO and probably gave him the evil eye, which probably had a lot to do with him not going back there for a long time. But something brought him back recently. I guess, even though the law doesn't restrict him from being in the presence of children, the church wanted to cover its booty.

I read in one of the articles posted yesterday that he had filed for visitation rights to his daughter back in 2008 when he was released. I guess that never was granted...I found it interesting that he said his ex-wife brought the child to visit him in jail. Even after he came to her work place and abused her in front of God and everyone, and she got a restraining order against him, changed her daughter's last name, and moved out of state, she let him see his daughter? In prison at that? But, that is just what HE said. The article didn't mention documented proof that these visits took place.
Whose dwelling did he illegally enter? Why did he think he had the right to do so?

I think he lived in Sharlo. Was there a victim of DTL that lived there? I don't think he thought he had the right. His sister who had a young child was scared and the police wouldn't tell him what had happened next door so he went in and looked. I think being in his early 20's and right out of the Navy had something to do with it - I'm invincible and can protect my sister frame of mind.
I see you guys have BSL reporting the truck missing on the 26th of May. Most are reporting the 31st as the day he called in and the day it was found. I suspect you guys are going off of Cpl Mouton. Are y'all certain it's the 26th of May? Any other links appreciated.

Keep up the good work!

I have the 26th in the timeline only bc it came from a Montgomery County link (and it came first). I don't know which one is accurate.
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