LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #35

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get rid of the victim in 24 hours?
His 24th victim???

What "white guy" has gold teeth anyway?
I have never seen it! (notice I didn't say "tooth")
What PERSON that isn't a rich celebrity
or rock star has gold teeth nowadays?

I guess diamond and gold "grills" are in! lol

I hope he was caught on camera at a pharmacy
somewhere buying bandages etc thinking he would "fix it"

I've seen a couple. Just sayin'.
Mother of the victim. There's no justice. Even if the perp goes to jail for life, you'll never see your loved one again.

For me, as a Christian, I think it would be worse to be the mother of a murderer. If my child was a victim it would hurt immensely but I'd have to trust that they are in a better place. If my child were a murderer I'd have to live with the fact that I would never be with them in the after life.
For me, as a Christian, I think it would be worse to be the mother of a murderer. If my child was a victim it would hurt immensely but I'd have to trust that they are in a better place. If my child were a murderer I'd have to live with the fact that I would never be with them in the after life.

I hadn't thought of it from that angle, but I certainly understand it.
Haven't seen the answer to this yet, but I'm still a few pages back, so excuse any repetition:

Does anyone know when the RSO label on La. driver's licenses was implemented?

Prolly around 2007/2008 due to the loss of federal funds if not implemented by 2009...couldn't find the exact date without downloading the long pdf..sorry
Found this while researching & thought this was interesting:

Emma Devillier is a front-line prosecutor of sexual offenders in Louisiana, and was in charge of implementing SORNA's requirements in the state. She also argued that SORNA will make it harder for her to do her job. Sex offenses can be very hard to try. Often there is no physical evidence and no witness besides the victim. If Devillier does not have the discretion to waive the sex offender registration requirements, her ability to get defendants to plead guilty will be compromised. She will have to bring more of these cases to trial, forcing the victims to publicly relive their personal trauma.
Here's another point....

He had likely already considered the trouble he would be in if he were to present an altered license at the ER. Whether it be the same license he has had all along (bc it was never "stolen") or even if he has obtained a new one since, I don't think altering his license was a new thing for him. (ESP considering he was actively trying to get removed from the registry as well) Therefore, he had to produce a story that would be very handy to him. A story that would exempt him from the altering itself, as well as things like no drivers license in possession, etc. If you think about it, the license itself is a major player in his story. Could he have created this story based around his license and yet still wanting medical attention? I don't think I've done a good job of getting my point across (my lightbulb that went off) I have a hard time with that!

I'm guessing I did indeed make no sense?
I think the hospital calls le for stab wounds. If he had shown it with the RSO status the detectives would have seen the wounds in a different light.

i am sad that NOPD didn't say, hmmmm, this guy's story of not knowing where he was "attacked" is suspicious. all they had to do was type his name into their little database and boom - he comes up as an RSO then they hear about Mickey a day later and connect the dots.

when u get stopped for speeding, they run your name. too bad they don't run it for guys that come in with silly stories and stab wounds :maddening:
Y'all, I've been reading and thanking for the past hour when I got home from work (seriously, why do I have to have a JOB?!) because I refuse to post without being caught up first. Now I'm BURSTING with emotion and thoughts/questions... I'll try to make them come out in some order and with sense...

- For those of you with medical experience, when BSL got to Ochsner, how well would they have been able to pinpoint a time of injury? This would be VERY important in either verifying or discounting his 3pm holdup story. If, say, Mickey gave him injuries closer to the time of her abduction, wouldn't his wounds be a few hours older - would they be able to tell this obviously? ... If the wounds truly were as fresh as he claims, this says to me he had her for awhile, and I don't want to think about what he was doing during that time. :( It also could say a lot about where he left her (dead or alive) before going to the hospital.

- I shudder to think that he could have had a really bad wound on one/some of his finger(s) or hand because of how tightly and at what angle he was gripping a knife to *God forbid* slit her throat [I'm sorry it's an awful thought; this was the way my best friend was killed 10 years ago, and it's what comes to mind first].

- I don't think it's "stupid" of him at all to go to the hospital -- in his mind it gives him an "excuse" or alibi for his whereabouts... too bad his story has SO many holes. Odd that he can provide SO much detail about his attacker yet NOTHING about where the actual gas station was!!!! Did he ever mention how long he had been "visiting friends" here in NOLA, do we know?

- Of course he would tell the Ochsner staff his wallet and license were "stolen at the gas station" if he carried a driver's license that had WHITE OUT on it!!! That's about 100 red flags for an individual who looks at countless licenses and forms of ID daily.

Sorry for my jumble, hope it gives y'all something to go off of.
i am sad that NOPD didn't say, hmmmm, this guy's story of not knowing where he was "attacked" is suspicious. all they had to do was type his name into their little database and boom - he comes up as an RSO then they hear about Mickey a day later and connect the dots.

when u get stopped for speeding, they run your name. too bad they don't run it for guys that come in with silly stories and stab wounds :maddening:

At least he would not have had a chance to burn his truck, if someone had connected him to Mickey sooner. No guarantee she would have been found, but it would have been easier to retrace his steps, probably, if they were looking at him within a day or two. Still hoping the electronics will tell a story, to include video if we are lucky.
My experience with Ochsner emergency room (for non-life threatening conditions) is that one would not wait hoooooouurs. From my experience one Saturday evening, I was close to being discharged before my mother made the 45 minute trip from her home to meet me. I even got a CT scan during that time. This is only my perspective based on my personal experience.

Just for another experience: my nephew broke his arm, the bone was broken, not fractured.....the bone had not broken through the skin, so they gave him an icepack and told him to keep it elevated until they could see him......which was about four hours later.
Also, can anyone tell me what number jersey BSL wore when he played high school football? 24 by any chance? ( :fence: POSSIBLY REACHING, BUT... it would make more sense than to see a guy wearing a 'random' player's jersey.)
Oh, she got him so good:

"He was stabbed several times in the chest, back, neck, and hand."

Yes she did, sayd..reminds me of the courageous fight by Meredith Hope Emerson(GA 2008)when abducted by prolific psychopathic serial killerGary Hilton on the Appalacian Trail..

Killer Gives Chilling Confession

Gary Hilton laughs while recounting how Meredith Emerson fought for her life.

Hilton was age 61 before apprehended and had many known & unknown victims..
Brandon Scott Lavergne is only 33 years of age..If not for the valiant fight & sacrifice by Mickey Schunick, which was the catalyst for his arrest and future conviction, imo. How many innocent victims would he have taken over the next 3 decades?
Hindsight is sure the officers just figured this guy was kinda nuts, probably tried to buy drugs and wasn't being honest about his wounds. Am sure it happens so often, they've learned to just write it down and move on.

I still wonder if some of those knife wounds weren't self-inflicted to 'disguise' their true origins. Like fingernails, key chain, bite marks etc.

I also think he thought Mickey was younger, weaker and that proved to be his 1,000th mistake.

Where are you, Mickey?
And this part of his story gets me every time...

Oh I got attacked and robbed at a gas station, no clue where. Why didn't I call 911 for police OR medical help? Idk... I figured if I drove around long enough I'd just find a hospital on my own.

Yes, THAT part is stupid.
Maybe Mickey had a knife in her backpack? If she was indeed a marijuana smoker, she would have likely carried a knife or other tool to break up weed, cut open a blunt, etc.

I know Lavergne used a knife in his previous assault. But, sexual sadists tend to murder by strangulation unless there is some sort of frenzy or she attacked him after realizing she was in trouble.
Sorry for my rapid-fire posting...

And this punk at the gas station didn't want his cell phone?!
Yes, but why does it matter now? she got death and he gets life. He still gets visits from his family and friends. Doesn't seem fair does it?

He won't get life if they can prove murder beyond a reasonable doubt. This will be a death penalty case.
Did his wallet also have any credit or debit cards? Did he report any of those missing or happen to keep using them? CHECK HIS STATEMENTS!
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