LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #35

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If they were able to salvage the GPS from his burned truck, that could be another way they're able to place him at WB at the time they believe the bike was dumped.

Well actually that would place the TRUCK there.... not him.
Do you think we as a society will ever fully understand SK? Today I looked up some research on them but will have to do it when I'm not so tired it kinda went in one ear out the other kind of thing. I think it will be an interesting read/research. I hope I get to choose my mental health topic for my assignment this semester because this is what I would choose, wishful thinking though.
Sorry why do people think he was drunk? Is it fact that he was out drinking? Because if there isn't I would say he wasn't drunk. He knew what he was doing, he was hunting looking for prey. Something that we will eventually find out he did quiet often. He had to be a step ahead to achieve this, being drunk would not help him. Hunting/stalking at 2am, I think he relied on the thought that his victims would be intoxicated and not in the normal head state. JMO.

Some of us are trying to critically examine both scenarios - accidental/non-accidental. Being drunk is a possibility - not being drunk is a possibility.

IMO, being drunk would increase the odds of it being an accident, because people drive like c--- in south Louisiana and drinking and driving is considered on the edge of socially acceptable! :what:

I have to consider different scenarios.

The factors that IMO add to the possibility of his being drunk:

1. Friday night.
2. Closing time at the bars.
3. Possible emotional upheaval due to family issues.
4. His age.
5. Lafayette's unofficial sport of drinking and driving.

I am not saying I "think he was drunk." I am weighing possibilities. IMO, being drunk could lead to a more spontaneous abduction. This would then likely lead to a more disorganized, on-the-fly course of action afterward, as opposed to if he had planned the abduction ahead of time and already had a planned course of action. It would be very interesting to know from a family member if he was a hard drinker, and how he acted when drunk.
I hope LE is not so sloppy as to equate his truck being there to him being there.

It's possible his DNA and/or blood could have survived, at least a small amount. We've heard of cases where DNA has been obtained in the most unlikely conditions.

If they have his truck there, but have some evidence that he was driving his truck his that night from some other video, for instance, that would probably be sufficient. Maybe he was captured on tape using an ATM or in a convenience store shortly before or after, for example. And then his truck is spotted at WB.



I have to consider the fact that people down here often don't communicate with precision. When LE said they could place "him" there, in their minds, they could be thinking "truck," while saying "him." Even LE folks, in press conferences, do get things kind of vague, and don't always go back to correct mis-impressions. I'm just covering every angle and being persnickety.

Long article. Vanity Fair articles are usually quite good.


Awesome read at the start it sounded like it was about a book and I was like I'm so going onto amazon to order, but interesting article. I found the bit about how the perp acted so casual afterwards which made the PI believe that this wasn't his first time. This is my opinions with bsl so it was good to read that I'm not crazy for thinking that:)
IMO Mr. Levergne is alive. He was hospitalized during all this there are links.
I will not go look now, but others may provide.

So, IMO this is false info.

Let's get the facts straight. Thanks.

I am discouraged by all the false info. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Some of us are trying to critically examine both scenarios - accidental/non-accidental. Being drunk is a possibility - not being drunk is a possibility.

IMO, being drunk would increase the odds of it being an accident, because people drive like c--- in south Louisiana and drinking and driving is considered on the edge of socially acceptable! :what:

I have to consider different scenarios.

The factors that IMO add to the possibility of his being drunk:

1. Friday night.
2. Closing time at the bars.
3. Possible emotional upheaval due to family issues.
4. His age.
5. Lafayette's unofficial sport of drinking and driving.

I am not saying I "think he was drunk." I am weighing possibilities. IMO, being drunk could lead to a more spontaneous abduction. This would then likely lead to a more disorganized, on-the-fly course of action afterward, as opposed to if he had planned the abduction ahead of time and already had a planned course of action. It would be very interesting to know from a family member if he was a hard drinker, and how he acted when drunk.

I've always been open to the DUI cover-up/drunken 'accidental' bump and abduct scenario for a number of reasons. Another thing that would lend credence to this is to look at EVERYTHING we know, thus far, as a big picture. Everything BSL has (allegedly) done since MS's disappearance has been reactive instead of proactive. Killing her after giving in to his desires (either drunken or sober) or killing her after accidentally hitting her in a DUI coverup scenario, after he realized the seriousness of the situation fits in with the 'reactive' theme.
There is no evidence that he was drinking. I agree that he was hunting for a victim. He needed to be aware and yes, he probably did think his victim would be drunk.

There is no evidence he was not drinking, either.

Drinking does not always affect awareness that badly.... but it certainly can lower inhibitions and make something do something stupid in an efficient way before thinking it through.
It doesn't even matter if it was an accident initially, unless some people are willing to think better of him somehow. He took her (if he is guilty) and LE said she has been murdered. It doesn't matter if she died of shock, a heart attack, etc...once he took her away, it became murder.

But I in no way will ever believe he hit her by accident.

Just to make clear why I am examining if it could be an accident:

It would be the difference between a disorganized and an organized plan. A disorganized plan could lead to a narrowed and less creative set of responses by BSL. This could be helpful in finding Mickey.
Can we please just get back to the facts?


... or some recording cameras that we don't know about.

Or possibly an eyewitness.

1. There are no cameras off I-10 at the WB exit. I checked it. The mother of one of Derrick Todd Lee's victims pushed and pushed the state to put some there but they blew her off. The traffic cams on I-10 at that point do not take a good enough picture at night to ID vehicles.

2. I have never ruled out a daytime bike dump, specifically for one reason: the area under the bridge pillar is quite isolated. Very few people go there. The chances of being seen are extremely small. If even if he were seen by someone else on Hwy. 975, the chances of someone noticing and remembering that are pretty small, too. If he did it at night, I give him a solid 99% chance of getting in/out of the specific bike-dump area without being seen.
There is a lot of talk about him drinking (the past 3 threads) and several people are getting confused. Let’s not make this another "rumor" being spread on. I for one do not want the thread deleted because of so many good ideas and discussions. Please, let’s drop the: he was/what if drunk talk?! On that note, I wanted to try and make it to the location he burned his truck at. Does anyone know where a link to the spot can be found?

No one has been able to provide a link to where the truck was found. I have asked many times. That info would be found in Montgomery County, and by now would likely be closely held. Now.... if Montgomery County has a functioning TexanNet, maybe the info is out there....
I've removed some posts and may remove a few more. Why? Because we don't base our opinions on rumors here at Websleuths. We can speculate based on facts - NOT rumors.


WS does not allow rumors -- do NOT bring them here. Also, WS is a victim-friendly forum and there is no need to discuss nor speculate about RSO's first victim.


"We were kind of pushed into moving on it, but we were confident in our information and had it reviewed by the district attorney's office to make sure that we were on solid ground in taking him into custody," Craft said. "We have some very solid information and evidence that should result in a true bill."

Craft said police are still not sure whether Shunick was ever in Lavergne's mobile home, but crime scene investigators processed the scene "like she was." There was no body or human remains, nor a GPS, in the burned-out truck, but Craft said there very likely was evidence related to the case.

Craft understands the public's frustration with the department releasing so few details about the case, and admits that police have information and evidence that fills in a lot of blanks and answers a lot of lingering questions. But he is just as adamant that most of those details will not be released until the court proceedings get under way.

From the article:
There was no body or human remains, nor a GPS, in the burned-out truck, but Craft said there very likely was evidence related to the case.

"It was a good arson job. It was very good," he said. "And he replaced it with a truck exactly like the one he burned, and so that in itself raised our suspicions right away. He obviously burned that truck to destroy evidence, and it was done the same day or within days of us saying...we can't find this white truck. As soon as that was put out, within a day or two, that truck was recovered in a field in Texas."

OK, now this was a GOOD article from the Advertiser yesterday. Good responses by Chief Craft. Gave us the fact that NO GPS unit was found in the truck. Also that the truck was in a field. That would make a Google Earth search of the area easier for us.

So if there was no GPS unit in the truck, then they must be going on info from OnStar, or from his phone.
I've removed some posts and may remove a few more. Why? Because we don't base our opinions on rumors here at Websleuths. We can speculate based on facts - NOT rumors.


Thanks Kimster.

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