LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #36

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One reason I can think of is because are any of these people psychologists?
I've seen borderline, sociopath, psychopath thrown around but are the people usng the terms certified to use those terms? There's a lot more that goes into diagnosing someone that just perceived behavior by people who have never met BSL or who do not have any training.

Even with the best training, psychologists can be fooled by true psychopaths.
This has been shown time & time again. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, IMO. Yet, due to many psychopaths uncanny ability hide their past/present behavior behind their masks of normalcy.. Many simply fall through the proverbial cracks...

Phillip Garrido - Jaycee Lee Dugard
To my knowledge, Brandon did not drink. He specifically said he didn't. I recall that he dated a girl for a while (after being released from prison) and he broke up with her because she drank quite a bit and he didn't like drinking.

6 months to a year ago (i don't recall the exact date) he went to go make contact with his birth mother. I'm not too sure but i don't think it went very well i think he wanted to have a relationship but I don't think she felt the same way. She also has other children also that she didn't give up for adoption, I don't know how this affected him. I'm not sure if Brandon Knows who his birth father is or not.

I wanted to personally thank you for your input!

and for putting yourself "out there"!

Your answers will help to calm the rumor mill.
Hey foxfire I'm reading that article on SK you posted in the last thread, thanks its a good read especially since I haven't heard of some of them. Was it the recent comments you wanted me to read?
To my knowledge, Brandon did not drink. He specifically said he didn't. I recall that he dated a girl for a while (after being released from prison) and he broke up with her because she drank quite a bit and he didn't like drinking.

6 months to a year ago (i don't recall the exact date) he went to go make contact with his birth mother. I'm not too sure but i don't think it went very well i think he wanted to have a relationship but I don't think she felt the same way. She also has other children also that she didn't give up for adoption, I don't know how this affected him. I'm not sure if Brandon Knows who his birth father is or not.

'Someguy, thanx for sharing'..
Do you have any information as to Brandon Lavergne's drug use?
Right, just putting down the speculation she was carrying a box blade or knife. BW said he was suprised about people running with this theory.

I really do hope that Mickey caused those injuries to him. I hope he regretted even seeing her.

But I know the odds are against it. For many many years I have read and watched crime shows. I don't think there are many that I have missed. My grand daddy was an avid reader of the old True Crime type magazines and I read every one of them when I was just a teenager and have since. And my daddy is a ret. policeman.

I have never to my recollection seen a female victim inflict so many injuries to an attacker. I really do sadly think she didn't have much of an opportunity. I do think she fought as much as she could and I think she scratched and bit him and in the end those injuries will prove to the jury that he is guilty.

He was just so desperate that I feel it within me. I think he would have nearly cut his own head off if he thought it provided an alibi for that finger cut, bite mark and scratches.
I don't know that answer, but as a mom of grown sons, I say take your kids to the pool! :)

Ok ok. All the sunscreen is on. We made it to the pool. Putting phone away. I don't know how I missed that whole checkin thing. I didn't realize he went to the station. Just shocked they didn't question his wounds. Since he's attacked a woman at what we think was knifepoint before, they should have put 2 and 2 together with the white truck. Maybe they did but didn't want them to know onto him.

Ok. Goin swim
On page 3 of the report the officer states that he was called to Ochsner at 2216 (10:16 pm) Saturday, May 19th. He reports that BSL reported being attacked earlier that day at 1500 (3:00 ) pm. The report lists the attack at some unknown location occuring between 3 and 3:30 pm.

The report does not say what time BSL arrived at the hospital; BSL reports that he drove around after the attack until he found the hospital. We don't know how long it took him to find the hospital. BSL also reports to the JCSO that he had previously spent two hours being interviewed by NOPD at the hospital.

Given the context of the report, I still lean toward 3:30PM being the acknowledged end of the event, as in when Lavergne arrived at Ochsner. The medical records will show whether or not that's true. A stabbing (even a fake one) doesn't take half an hour, and it's highly unlikely even Lavergne would have claimed that he drove around aimlessly for hours after getting stabbed.

Lavergne would have been admitted, treated, and transferred to a private room before being interviewed by police, and it's safe to say that there would have been some wait between the time NOPD was called and the time they showed up in Jefferson Parish.
Finding out where those stab wounds are will be interesting. If he can reach the area on his back where that stab wound is, I'm thinking they were self inflicted.

Being that he is a mechanic he could have one of those grip things you see in peoples garages screwed down to a work bench. My daddy has one. They are heavy steel and are meant to hold something you are working on I think. One would easily hold a knife.

I am king to look back again at the workshop picture of all the tools and saws in his daddy's house that burnt.
Hey foxfire I'm reading that article on SK you posted in the last thread, thanks its a good read especially since I haven't heard of some of them. Was it the recent comments you wanted me to read?

Aussie_girl, I posted it due to the thesis comment, knowing that you had one coming up next quarter which may be about serial killers. Yes, the recent ones reminded me of the Australian SK John Jarratt - Wolf Creek

[ame=""]Wolf Creek part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Omg it's freezing in Melbourne. Waiting at the train station trolling WB as usual lol. So just thinking Mickey didn't have a box cutter but is it possible that Mickey got bsl to trust her and he may have not held a weapon against her at one stage and she used this as opportunity to attack him with his weapon? She seems like a smart strong women so it makes me think it could be possible. For bsl to have wounds on his back makes me think that he was on top of her(eww omg I don't even want to think that anymore) she stabbed him he jumped up off guard/fight or flight response then she furthermore sstabbed him in the chest, there was a struggle to get the weapon (presuming a knife or something with a sharp edge) which shows wouds to his arms and hand. Just some thoughts I thought I'd share:)
One reason I can think of is because are any of these people psychologists?
I've seen borderline, sociopath, psychopath thrown around but are the people usng the terms certified to use those terms? There's a lot more that goes into diagnosing someone that just perceived behavior by people who have never met BSL or who do not have any training.

I have studied a good bit of psychology/psychiatry and i believe part of the reason these illnesses are so hard to diagnose is because many of them have similar characteristics or behaviors and similar treatments as well. Likewise people with a learning disability or canton focus inon school are almost always treated for ADD when the exact issue could be related to vision or hearing problems that arent obvious. Plus most people with mental issues such as sociopath/ bipolar truely believe there is nothing wrong with them, they justify their behaviors and don't seek treatment. A little O/T but regardless of any mental issues i think the only thing that it admissable in court is complete delusional insanity. IMO that's not gonna work with BSL because there is evidence he was aware and in complete control of his actions.
Aussie_girl, I posted it due to the thesis comment, knowing that you had one coming up next quarter which may be about serial killers. Yes, the recent ones reminded me of the Australian SK John Jarratt - Wolf Creek

Wolf Creek part 1 - YouTube

Omg wolf creek scares me so much I will never go to the outback! Have you heard about the bodies in the barrels? In snow town south Australia? That's another sick one
Given the context of the report, I still lean toward 3:30PM being the acknowledged end of the event, as in when Lavergne arrived at Ochsner. The medical records will show whether or not that's true. A stabbing (even a fake one) doesn't take half an hour, and it's highly unlikely even Lavergne would have claimed that he drove around aimlessly for hours after getting stabbed.

Lavergne would have been admitted, treated, and transferred to a private room before being interviewed by police, and it's safe to say that there would have been some wait between the time NOPD was called and the time they showed up in Jefferson Parish.

They stated that he did not need to be admitted to the hospital.
Reposting a link to MSM from last week that is stuck in my mind...

This states some information has been reported from the crime lab, but what? IIRC, this is the only place that mentions anything from the bike!

Police confirmed last week that the lead investigator had received some information from the State Police Crime Lab regarding the bicycle.
To my knowledge, Brandon did not drink. He specifically said he didn't. I recall that he dated a girl for a while (after being released from prison) and he broke up with her because she drank quite a bit and he didn't like drinking.

6 months to a year ago (i don't recall the exact date) he went to go make contact with his birth mother. I'm not too sure but i don't think it went very well i think he wanted to have a relationship but I don't think she felt the same way. She also has other children also that she didn't give up for adoption, I don't know how this affected him. I'm not sure if Brandon Knows who his birth father is or not.

As a search angel, this information is important to me. Just the fact that he decided to meet his birth mother is a huge step (in the right direction 99% of the time). It is very very sad to me if it is true that his birth mother rejected a relationship with him when she had kept the other bio children. In different circumstance I would recommend that he try establishing a relationship with one of the siblings (I don't think that would be so grand of an idea now. However, stranger things have happened, believe me.) In my opinion this event figures into the rage that was BSL. I also think his bio siblings might carry this rage, but more on the dad's side than the mom's. I would find it extremely interesting to know who his bio father was or any relatives at all on bio father's side--as far as the mental illness feature that is. I would expect to find the same behaviors and that may be why bio mom is not willing to give up bio dad's name. Generally speaking one of the main reasons in the case of adoptions that bio mom's dont give up the bio dad's name is in the case of incest. I am not making any insinuations; I am simply speaking generally on cases of adoption where bio mom refuses to give up bio dad's identity

What is done is done. Extremely bad behavior in the genetic make up of the bio parents definitely lets the adoptive family somewhat off the hook in my book, based on the cases I have worked.

I wish the bio mom and adoptive mom would approach Brandon together and ask that he give up the location of the body so that we could move on. It is the next decent move to make.
~J Bean and anyone else that might know...
Avid biker, frequent biker, young female bikers etc...

Forget about "in the event you are attacked" mace talk etc...
A cell phone is great! Would it be wise to bike at 2am the
distance Mickey went without some kind of repair/tool/emergency kit?

Even a minimal one?

I don't know what "type" of biking she did,
but I heard that she participated in biking events.
Personally- I always have a tool kit in a little bag strapped to the post right under my seat. There are very specific tools I need in case of flat tire or broken chain, etc.

This article (even though it is from yahoo) gives a fair summation of John Gardner, the convicted murdered, who killed Chelsea King and Amber DuBois. He did admit to killing Amber and took LE to her body, in order to avoid the death penalty.

It also states how in court, when another victim who escaped was indicating that she hit him during the attack, he reacted angrily in court, and could be seen to tell his lawyer "she didn't hit me".

This is how I see BL...JMO. He will be unwillingly to admit Mickey injured him, even if she did manage to do so. The difference is, I don't think he will say where she is, because John Gardner was already "in it" for Chelsea's murder, or he would not have done so either, IMO. Amber was his bargaining chip. In Mickey's case, if she is not found, he will stick to playing the innocent victim.
On page 3 of the report the officer states that he was called to Ochsner at 2216 (10:16 pm) Saturday, May 19th. He reports that BSL reported being attacked earlier that day at 1500 (3:00 ) pm. The report lists the attack at some unknown location occuring between 3 and 3:30 pm.

The report does not say what time BSL arrived at the hospital; BSL reports that he drove around after the attack until he found the hospital. We don't know how long it took him to find the hospital. BSL also reports to the JCSO that he had previously spent two hours being interviewed by NOPD at the hospital.

BSL says he was attacked at 3:00pm − 3:30pm but it seems as if he could have arrived at the hospital as late as 8:00pm — 9:00pm on May 19th, which unfortunately doesn’t exactly help narrow our timeline. I would think that the emergency admitting personnel at the hospital would have advised LE asap regarding a knife attack and they would have responded in a timely fashion even though the wounds weren’t life-threatening. My hunch is that BSL reckoned that 18-hour-old wounds could pass as 6-hour-old wounds and he decided he needed an alibi that was papered-up so he could provide that to his GF, family and for his up-coming RSO interview in St. Landry Parish, if asked.

On Page 3 in the narrative (from above-noted link) of the crime report, the JPSO reporting officer wrote:

“Upon arrival to the hospital, I was advised by security personnel that the victim (BSL) had just been interviewed by detectives from the New Orleans Police Department in reference to the incident.”

"I then asked (BSL) if he had any recollection of the location of the incident, however (BSL) said he had just spent two hours explaining to the detectives with N.O.P.D. that he did not remember anything about the location where he was attacked.”
(thanks to the poster who originally took the time to note that the first page in this pdf is blank!)

There’s nothing in this article either that states what time BSL arrived at Ochsner:
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