LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #37

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Wow, what a day. For 2 months so many WSers on this case have given so much time and energy in the cause of seeking truth and MS. I want to pause and THANK YOU who have worked hours on timelines, posts, articles, seeking details, maps, encouraged people to report tips, and etc. In refection it is clear so many things discussed here were spot on. Yes, all those 1000s of posts about the DWT - was on target.Thank you so very much for your efforts and caring.
THANK YOU to our Mods. who have coached us, corrected us, fussed a tad when needed, cleaned-up our messes, joined in on the discussions and kept the Treads true to the spirit of Websluths. You Rock.
THANK YOU to locals and those verified -who have come forward with insights, tips and help for us non-locals to understand the area and personal information.
THANK YOU to MS's family & friends and the searchers for keeping her case active and working so hard to locate her. (I believe she will be located).
THANK YOU to all the law enforcement & investigators who worked hard to put together all the pieces as best they could in 2 months.

Today was bittersweet for so many, I pray they will feel comfort and have a measure of peace as they go through the days ahead.

We WSers best fasten our seat belts and hold on tight; I believe this is going to be a wild ride by the time it is said and done. WS will figure it out!!
I don't think it is an automatic that BL's family knew anything about his activities, other than what he told them. Many families believe their relatives when they claim wrongful convictions; it does not make the families complicit, or mean they knew he/she was guilty. I don't think it is fair to blame his family or to say they were enablers at this point. JMO
My greatest hope is that the people of Lafayette understand that the only thing we can do for the Shunick and the Pate families now is allow the justice system to work and ensure that Brandon Lavergne is given a fair trial and that the DA can prove without a reason of doubt that BSL committed 1st Degree Murder. As much as I want to know what they know, I would rather the info be saved for court to ensure that the jury is hearing it during the trial for the 1st time. I believe in the justice system in this country. From the worst of the worst to the most innocent of citizens, I believe in our rights to be innocent until proven guilty, to a fair trial, to not incriminate ourselves, to not have our property or persons searched illegally, to bear arms, etc. I also believe that part of the downfall of the Casey A trial was too much sensationalism and coverage. Every piece of evidence was dissected by every media outlet out there to the point where it was almost impossible to sound shocking anymore and I believe that is why the jury returned a Not Guilty verdict. I hope that the State can serve justice for Mickey and for Lisa Pate. It really feels like even KATC and KLFY have a hard time remembering that BSL is innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent.
Finally caught up. Wow, I was not expecting all of this. So many different feelings...I have some questions/ideas and I'm hoping some people might be able to answer or entertain them: BSL had two, or at least more than one property, right? I get the feeling LE found a lot when they searched his place..I wonder if he utilized one property over the other in his crimes, if he used one for his crimes and one for his "normal life". Like, one of his houses was where he entertained people, it wasn't suspicious or had any trophies and such. Maybe that's a long shot. Then again, maybe everyone he knows has been suspicious of him the whole time.

Anyways, I'm also wondering if they could have found her removed bike grips on his property..I always thought it was weird that they were missing. Whatever the reason, I wonder if he kept them.

Lastly, how quickly would BSL be getting information about what LE has on him? Do his lawyers get to update him on what they know when they find out? Probably a dumb question, but I don't really understand why he'd be confident at this point knowing what has been released about him to the public..which isn't even comparable to the rest of info LE has. I'd be interested to how his convos between his attorneys go..ha

Just thinking outloud I guess. Sending good thoughts to everyone innocently involved..and all of the others still missing :(

bbm: DR006, at this point, his lawyers may not know a whole lot about the evidence themselves.
I don't feel Brandon is a victim at all, despite his abuse when he was younger.

I do however, feel his family are victims. I think they tried being there for him as much as they possibly could. They might have seen him as "messed up" from these actions, but not enough to actually murder someone.

However, if anyone, friends, family, significant others, knew something or had a suspicion, I do not have compassion for that person.

But thinking someone is nuts versus actually having knowledge and reasonable suspicion that someone committed murder is pretty different in my opinion.

I still wonder how no one after all this time, came across his stash of women's IDs.
While I still don't give BL credit for being clever, I don't believe he would put Mickey's body in a similar spot to Lisa's, since she was found. Makes me think of WB even more now. Even Tim Miller mentioned it again this week. He made it sound like WB can't be ruled out, but also probably can't be proven either.
People like Brandon are manipulative.

He told a sob story to the hospital.....had his fellow churchgoers fooled etc.
Those of you that are appalled at the posts stating they are sad that BSL was abused as a child, please take the time to go look at my last post and read the article I posed "Can a Kid be a Psychopath?" and especially watch that documentary embedded in the article "Child of Rage". That will really shed light on how molestation and abuse as a child can cause a child to become "evil". And how not getting the right therapy can cause them to become killers. It is sad. The children were victims. However, BSL did awful things and he is now the one that is the abuser and caused victims and he should be punished for what he has done. But it doesn't make anyone crazy to post that they were sad to see he was abused as a child. He was a child for christ's sake! That is always sad! And if that didn't happen, he very well may not have turned into what he is today. Also he may have developed attachment issues due to adoption and that documentary also goes into this. The girl in the documentary was molested and also adopted, very much like in BSL's case and she was on her way to become a killer as a child. I just don't think many people understand the mental affects that molestation and abuse has on children and what it can cause. We're not saying he should be able to walk free. It's too late for that. It's just a sad world. It all goes back to stopping sex offenders and keeping them away from the public!! Stopping molestation can help stop this awful cycle.
People see what they want to see. I can see an angry family member who has had a hard life and made poor choices but that doesn't mean I would see a killer. The average person doesn't know
about psychopathy or very much about serial killers in general. And when they do, it's usually info culled from the media here and there. I think it's unfair to assume his family was silent thus enabling him to allegedly kidnap and murder Mickey Shunick.
I don't feel Brandon is a victim at all, despite his abuse when he was younger.

I do however, feel his family are victims. I think they tried being there for him as much as they possibly could. They might have seen him as "messed up" from these actions, but not enough to actually murder someone.

However, if anyone, friends, family, significant others, knew something or had a suspicion, I do not have compassion for that person.

But thinking someone is nuts versus actually having knowledge and reasonable suspicion that someone committed murder is pretty different in my opinion.

I still wonder how no one after all this time, came across his stash of women's IDs.

I wondered earlier if he had a safe deposit box and put his important papers away while he was in prison, as well as any incriminating tokens he may have had.

Still surprised that no other news outlet is reporting the supposed find of ID's.
I'm behind 4 pages but wanted to put my thoughts down. Excuse me if other's have already mentioned the same:

1-I believe he got married as a cover however this is very difficult for a SK to do and it is clear that he couldn't hide his dark side from his wife.

2-I believe the 1999 murder he learned to hide the body better, take the body further away so to speak.

3-Where did he do his BOOT CAMP? Camp Lajeune?

4-not sure when but it could be the 1999 murder they couldn't link with DNA because at the time it was not a policy yet to collect DNA from prisoner's. Once arrested in the MS case, his DNA was available. This is how they were able to link him.

5-He choose to dump her under boards, if this was his first kill, he learned from that I would think. Maybe all he learned though was to only take the body further away from where he lived. It also showed me he didn't care to much about the disposal of his deed.

6-After he got out of Jail, I would look no more then a month after his release date and maybe even within a week of his FIRST kill. If he killed then in jail, his hunger was strong. Like a drug addiction to him, he would have killed upon getting out, or the least RAPED some poor girl.

so far those are my thoughts
Can someone catch me up? Ive been busy, but Id like to know whats going on.

He was indicted not only for Mickey's murder and kidnapping but also for the murder of a woman named Lisa Pate, who was found in 1999. He was a suspect at the time, but apparently they did not have evidence until, we assume, they searched his house.
I ran across this by Human Rights Watch and thought I would share it, it may enlighten us all to see things from a different perspective. We have RSOs all around us if they serve prison time and are rehabilitated, life should go on for them, BL went directly to the 3rd tier. How do you ever start your life over, you spend 10 years sentence and all your neighbours are mailed out postcards about you, your drivers license is stamped SO and if a crime happens you're the first one they point a finger at. It needs to taught early on this type of behaviour is wrong, for if charged and found guilty the price you pay in the end is terrible.

US: Sex Offender Laws May Do More Harm Than Good

"The laws do not limit access to online registries: anyone with internet access can find out who is registered anywhere in the country. The consequences to registrants are devastating. Their privacy is shattered. Many cannot get or keep jobs or find affordable housing. Registrants’ children have been harassed at school; registrants’ spouses have also been forced to leave their jobs. Former offenders included on online registries have been hounded from their homes, had rocks thrown through windows, and feces left on their doorsteps. They have been beaten, burned, stabbed, and had their homes set on fire. At least four registrants have been targeted and killed by strangers who found their names and addresses through online registries. Other registrants have been driven to suicide."
I'm behind 4 pages but wanted to put my thoughts down. Excuse me if other's have already mentioned the same:

1-I believe he got married as a cover however this is very difficult for a SK to do and it is clear that he couldn't hide his dark side from his wife.

2-I believe the 1999 murder he learned to hide the body better, take the body further away so to speak.

3-Where did he do his BOOT CAMP? Camp Lajeune?

4-not sure when but it could be the 1999 murder they couldn't link with DNA because at the time it was not a policy yet to collect DNA from prisoner's. Once arrested in the MS case, his DNA was available. This is how they were able to link him.

5-He choose to dump her under boards, if this was his first kill, he learned from that I would think. Maybe all he learned though was to only take the body further away from where he lived. It also showed me he didn't care to much about the disposal of his deed.

6-After he got out of Jail, I would look no more then a month after his release date and maybe even within a week of his FIRST kill. If he killed then in jail, his hunger was strong. Like a drug addiction to him, he would have killed upon getting out, or the least RAPED some poor girl.

so far those are my thoughts

Lisa's remains were only bones when found, so not sure they could get his DNA from her.

Also, since he was in prison for a sex crime and is an RSO, I would think his DNA would be on file. But my feeling is that they found something of Lisa's in his home. JMO
I think I'll still not attach too much significance to the "women's IDs" -- not until I know more about them.

It may be that they are very significant and linked him to both victims and maybe others. If so -- that will come out in time. But, again, that may not be the case.

I am thinking, for now, that it is possible that they have no further evidence about Ms. Pate's murder than in 1999, but decided to revisit what they do have and have had, all along. (Perhaps they were contacted by her family after BSL was arrested in Mickey's case -- I think if I were in the Pate family's shoes, I might have prodded LE a little at that point!) Maybe they were not confident they had enough to indict in 1999 but reevaluated the evidence in light of current circumstances.

The one thing that thus far makes me feel that LE may have new evidence regarding Ms. Pate's murder is the unusual statement of her date of death, compared to the approximate date she went missing and the date she was found -- as several have noted. That raises my eyebrows.

I wonder if someone close to BSL put 2 and 2 together and looked back to a date far in the past when he/she had noted some odd behavior or unusual circumstances (bloody clothes, extreme agitation, etc.) -- odd enough or unusual enough that he/she took note of the date.

I also wonder whether BSL is known to have been acquainted with Ms. Pate, before she went missing -- anyone know?
Okay, so we heard from someone that grew up with Brandon before on here that he was a person of interest in 2 Acadiana murders. Correct?

Okay, well we don't know everything to both of those cases. Only one was really spoken about. And it was said the case involved the finding of the remains of a young girl "buried at a camp".

Upon hearing BSL's indictment for another first degree murder charge, I thought Lisa Pate was the case we heard about here at Websleuths.

But if Lisa was found underneath boards and to my knowledge, not at a "camp" or "buried" , does that mean one of the cases he was a person of interest in is another young girl, completely different than the Lisa Pate incident?
Look at serial killer Derek Todd Lee (on death row now)

He was married with small kids.

Recently saw a Dateline special on a serial killer/rapist who was big head honcho in the Air criminal history....NONE...........married etc...........

They can be anyone.........
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