LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #38

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Since this freight train of a thread has slowed, and I was feeling a little left out not being able to participate in the CajunNet ('cause I don't know any cajuns in real life) I decided to venture out into another forum (starts with a 't').

There's an hour of my life I will never get back.

However... It did make things a little more "real" for me. I grew up in a rural one-stopsign-town. Wow. I really feel for all of the locals. So much fear, gossip, drama, speculation. Things like this are only suppose to be in movies. Thoughts and prayers for locals.

Hi WhatsupAZ! The Cajun Net can also be like a freight train or a train wreck. Like any other rumor mill, it can be difficult to separate the true net from those who just want bragging rights claiming to know the inside scoop.
Can someone clear this up for me please?
I know LaffyTaffy said he is not discussing the wreck that night anymore, because he already repeated himself. Understandable, and i believe him 100%.

But I'm hoping fellow Sleuthers can help me understand.

He said the remains were found by CH (The girl on the news last night who said BSL stalked her) and her boyfriend which were both involved in the crash. He said the crash happened the night Lisa Pate went missing (June sometime). In the crash, the boyfriend died, and she was put into a wheel chair.

So how did they come across the remains that had been there for a while, if the crash occurred the night she went missing, before she was even dead according to the date of death. Wouldn't her boyfriend have been deceased by this point/she had been put into a wheel chair?

Sounds confusing, but does anyone get what I mean?
He also said that Pate WAS killed THAT night.
I take that to mean THEY must have found her/saw her?
THEY didn't advise the authorities...
The people who moved in after them did.
(or Ch moved in with a new bf? and they found the remains?)
Does that sound right?
~see post.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - LA LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #37[/ame]
I am new here and have been following your discussion for awhile but have decided to join forums. This case interests me greatly because my wife was the one that was attacked in 99 and BSL was convicted due to her not being scared and pressing charges against him. It has been hard on her hearing all the news about the victim and knowing that it was her that everybody was talking about. It angered both me and her that when he was released from prison she was not notified and a year passed before she even found out he was out. Hopefully this case goes well for the prosecution and he gets what he deserves.

Tell you wife we love her! What she did was so amazing. Thank the good Lord for her courage and strength!
If I understand correctly, the night Lisa Pate went missing Claire and some of her friends (not including Jiles) got into a wreck leaving her in a wheelchair for a while. I don't know if she had a boyfriend at the time, but someone (a male) was also killed in the accident.
Some time after the accident Claire and Jiles Higginbotham (he was her boyfriend at the time, later to be her husband) moved into the house. It was there that they discovered Lisa Pate's bones under some boards in the backyard.

I must be losing it. I could swear that the paper said it was a renter named Landry (initials BL) who rented the house and found the bones. One of the main papers.... Going to have to look for links.

I'm starting to get lost here.

Folks, just a gentle reminder to make it easier for everyone (NOT singling you out, NY!) let's do our best to get back to sourcing our links... the thread is starting to spin around in my head, at least.....

OK, here we go:

"Pate’s body was discovered by Guy Landry, who told investigators at the time that he found what appeared to be human skeleton remains under a pile of wood on his property, according an Acadia Parish Sheriff’s Office report.

In an interview with The Daily Advertiser in September 1999, Landry said he stumbled upon the discovery while walking through what appeared to be a trail cutting through an overgrown area in his back yard.

“Just a few steps into the thicket, barely 25 yards from his front door, he spotted three boards laid side-by-side and what looked like a bone at the far end,” The Advertiser reported, noting that Landry had rented the home for less than a month when he found the remains.
Thank you Chicken! I just deleted my post because now I'm feeling confused too! :waitasec: I think we need a timeline for that entire story!
Can someone clear this up for me please?
I know LaffyTaffy said he is not discussing the wreck that night anymore, because he already repeated himself. Understandable, and i believe him 100%.

But I'm hoping fellow Sleuthers can help me understand.

He said the remains were found by CH (The girl on the news last night who said BSL stalked her) and her boyfriend which were both involved in the crash. He said the crash happened the night Lisa Pate went missing (June sometime). In the crash, the boyfriend died, and she was put into a wheel chair.

So how did they come across the remains that had been there for a while, if the crash occurred the night she went missing, before she was even dead according to the date of death. Wouldn't her boyfriend have been deceased by this point/she had been put into a wheel chair?

Sounds confusing, but does anyone get what I mean?

The Baton Rouge Advocate, as well as other sources I have read, said the remains were found by Guy Landry. He was a new renter after the folks in the wreck moved, the official story goes.

So is Laffy Taffy - (a verified local) disputing the news, or do we have a misunderstanding here?
Megsy & Bessy,
I am reposting items for BSL timeline from #37 dated 7-19 post#1324
I am confident that many Sleuthers can assist with compiling verified data.
These items may help answer questions cause possibly there are other that he terrorized and connections can be looked into.

BSL TIMELINE approx 1994 til June 2012
-- *Dates & locations of where BSL resided and with who. Properties & dates owned or rented by bsl, his family members or relatives that BSL had access to.
-- *Date of BSL parents divorce and who & location he remained with.
-- *Dates & locations of schools, hospital, reform training, mental clinic, behavior clinics, etc.
-- *Dates & locations of military Army training & stations and dates of leave taken.
-- *Vehicles registered by BSL or he had access to drive (parents or family). How & when were vehicles disposed of (sold, traded) ?
-- *Police reports incidents, crimes or accidents BSL involved in with dates, location and what was situation.
-- *What were Dates & locations of prison terms? Was he allowed out of prison for visitations etc (work release) during his 8 yrs? If so, when & where?
-- *Where (city) was he released from prison and how did he arrive to his home and where home?
-- *Employment companies & dates he was employed after prison release. All Dates and Locations of employment, temporary assignments, training, leave dates, where he met boats, helicopter etc to go offshore.

Thanks in advance for all information contributed for BSL timeline.
Please share any information known about BSL to prepare thorough timeline.
I don't have a great handle yet on the timeline, but here are the basics that I understand. If I am wrong - please correct me:

June 1999 - BSL & his male friend and that friend's GF are in a wreck. At the time, the male friend - (and maybe the GF?) are living in the house where Lisa Pate later is found.
The male friend dies - his GF (higginbotham) is paralyzed, and the house stays empty for awhile - and then is rented again - to Guy Landry - late July or August.

Landry and another person (female?) go exploring the back yard (Sept. '99) and lift some boards and find Lisa Pate.

Can I go on this info, or is it wrong?
Ellis road is NOT in Church Point; though it IS in Acadia Parish. The police are patrolling because of all the "tips" & "panic" so there's been a lot of calls to this persons barn, that persons dog house, grandmas garden shed, & my favorite...something stinks in my washing machine outside!" police are going to calls to reassure folks HE didn't come here, blah, blah,'s kind of like 30+ yrs ago when Michael Perry (State v. Perry, 1983) killed his family (5 members) & he was seen EVERYWHERE...he left the area & went straight to Washington, DC. He was caught after an altercation in the lobby of a DC hotel. When they went to his room, he had 9 TVs with names written on the. (the screen) & on the sides.

Wow, I had forgotten all about Mike Perry!!!! That was a scary time.

Thankyou! I normally just sit on my hands when I read all of the gossippy stuff that doesn't quite jive. There are so many different versions of what went on involving that car accident, Pate's dissapearance/murder, and miss CH. I am really thankful for laffytaffy's input, however, I have to take it with a dash of salt. If miss CH ran with the likes of bsl, well... You can guess where I am going with it.
BSL was in the Army at the time of Pate's death.

" During the time pate was killed, the main suspect Brandon Lavergne was stationed at Fort Polk."

""I just feel like it's a lot of undercover stuff that the public doesn't know about, we're not aware about what goes on behind the scenes. And this here lets you know, it gives you first hand example what goes on sometimes," says Roderick Brown"
Thankyou! I normally just sit on my hands when I read all of the gossippy stuff that doesn't quite jive. There are so many different versions of what went on involving that car accident, Pate's dissapearance/murder, and miss CH. I am really thankful for laffytaffy's input, however, I have to take it with a dash of salt. If miss CH ran with the likes of bsl, well... You can guess where I am going with it.

I'm not so much doubting Laffy Taffy's input... it's when it's second hand, things get lost in translation. I would like to see LT's original posts so I can save them. Anyone know where they are?
hey Claire, glad to see you back. Read your DA article on the double indictment & appreciated the info :)

Before I get myself confused... y'all are discussing the adoptive dad, correct? And when you say "parents" you mean his adoptive parents, and not the later stepdad, right? I'm trying to get it straight for myself.

So he lived with his adoptive parents from 1979 until at least the divorce in 1997? Do we know what year he stopped living with the adoptive parents and got his own place? Did he live on his own a bit, or did he go straight from their house to the Army?
Did he ever live with his stepdad?

And it was the adoptive dad that was sick in NO and he couldn't pick him up?

Wanted to be sure, so that I can better contribute.


Oh wait, I didn't know that the dad was sick in New Orleans. I took it for granted that it was Lafayette.
Does anyone have the date LP went missing, and the date of the car accident?

I have seen 6/28 thrown around for the accident, I believe.

LP's missing date is not in the Advocate article.


Oh wait, I didn't know that the dad was sick in New Orleans. I took it for granted that it was Lafayette.

Y'know, I don't know either! I may be wrong!

Where was the adoptive dad in hospital?

(And was it the adoptive dad or step-dad?)

I can see we need a timeline because I feel moronic asking these questions....
I'm not so much doubting Laffy Taffy's input... it's when it's second hand, things get lost in translation. I would like to see LT's original posts so I can save them. Anyone know where they are?

Thats EXACTLY what I mean. I often click on laffy and read over all of his posts. I do believe that CH knows what happened and was probably threatened to keep quiet... But her actual version of the truth might be a little shuffled up after all these years.

Eta I hope to God she is a credible witness!
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