LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #38

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Just going by memory, which may or may not be accurate, I dont think they ever gave a specific date that she went missing. I think it was reported as mid-June. There was some speculation that perhaps she led a lifestyle such that she was not known to be missing until she missed teh birthday party. JMO

This does leave open the scenario that CH and her boyfriend stumbled upon something and told BSL - as it was his cousin's house... and then something happened to make such a scene that when they're all in the car/truck, they are arguing so bad they get in a wreck.

I was in a car a couple times when I was young when the driver got mad during an argument and floored the gas to shut everyone up. Young people do this.
Now... I've heard it said that the rental house belonged to a cousin.
As BSL was hanging out with CH and the male friend (does anyone have the name of the man killed in the wreck- I think I've seen it), it's obvious that he would have said something like "yeah, this is my cousin's house." That's a rural area, and people talk, and so definitely I think - that if the cousin-ownership angle is legit, that BSL and friends knew that.

If CH knew about the remains, it would have to prior to her paralysis - which seems to have been in the wreck of 6/19/99.

So did Lisa Pate disappear BEFORE 6/19/99, so CH would have had a chance to see?

When did she disappear? It would be key in deciding whether CH would have known something. It's not like BSL would have visited her in the hospital and said, "oh yeah, don't look under those boards in back of the house, when you can walk again."

Is this the wreck?
1 vehicle 3 occupants 1 death?
SR 95
St Landry Parrish was where it occurred right?

Did any of you happen to notice that you've been quoting yourselves all day?

By the way, Bessie, I appreciate that y'all have relaxed the rules just a bit about CajunNet stuff. It's been pretty accurate so far, and so if the discussion is kept within reason, seems to me it has helped us stay up with what's really going on around the town in the case. I know there's a fine line between rumor and B.S., but I think most of us have been doing pretty well at sorting the stuff, and y'all have been handling it well, too!

Quote from Claire Higginbotham:


Perhaps CH did give her story to LE back in 2008 and BSL knew about it through the Cajun-net...and this is why he talked of revenge. I'm guessing that, even with her story, LE didn't have enough solid evidence to link the crime to him, but that's all changed because of recent revelations at his property. I'm guessing again - no proof - but perhaps LE found items of Lisa's at BSL's home.
I'd like to know who was called to the GJ in 2008, and if some of these people who are coming forward now were called and testified, or if they did not tell all they knew about BL, or what happened at that hearing...could he have been indicted then? All of a sudden, it sounds as though everyone knew evil things about BL. JMO
Chicken, Laffy Taffy said that CH was only in the wheel chair for a while. It was the last post that she/he(Laffy Taffy) made and said he/she wasn't going to discuss it anymore. :smile:
Chicken, Laffy Taffy said that CH was only in the wheel chair for a while. It was the last post that she/he(Laffy Taffy) made and said he/she wasn't going to discuss it anymore. :smile:

Well then we'll have to go through LT posts and make a synopsis.

All this reference to "Laffy Taffy said..." is making me crazy.

No more white trucks.
This does leave open the scenario that CH and her boyfriend stumbled upon something and told BSL - as it was his cousin's house... and then something happened to make such a scene that when they're all in the car/truck, they are arguing so bad they get in a wreck.

I was in a car a couple times when I was young when the driver got mad during an argument and floored the gas to shut everyone up. Young people do this.

How about this scenerio: Perhaps it has nothing to do with the wreck except the fact that he was supposed to be in Fort Polk and was in this accident therefore placed (because of the accident report) near this house and had ties to this house and could have disposed of her after these people moved out or while she was still in the hospital. Read where Pate was last seen late June and missed her sons birthday. I wonder if her sons birthday is July 3 possibly the date she was reported missing. Im not so sure she was raising her children as she did some time in jail the previous year and apparently had a drug problem.
Y'know, I don't know either! I may be wrong!

Where was the adoptive dad in hospital?

(And was it the adoptive dad or step-dad?)

I can see we need a timeline because I feel moronic asking these questions....

His step dad's funeral was August 29,2009 so this must be the adoptive dad. I understood he was in the hospital closer to home because BSL said he was in NOLA being treated for the mugging and couldn't make it back to pick him up.

Link to step dad's obit:checking with mod

Keep in mind, though, that there was a grand jury in 2008 to try to pin the Pate murder on BSL, and it was inconclusive. Wouldn't CH have been called? Wouldn't she have told anyone?

Are we to believe that possibly during the upcoming Pate trial, CH will now say that she knew about LP's body but didn't tell anyone for 13 years because she was afraid of BSL?

I'm not discounting Laffy Taffy, but if this is what LT said, then I have to draw the conclusion that LT is saying that Higginbotham kept a murder silent for 13 years.

This woman may have approached LE with her information because of the case presented before the grand jury. They could not find enough evidence for a true bill. If this is the case, she must have been scared to death when he was released.

Cajun net said BSL wanted the guy who lived in the house to get blamed for Lisa's death. In a way it makes sense because if blame leaned that way, the guy was dead and couldn't defend himself.

Thank you!! :rocker: The location for the 6/19/99 wreck looks right - State Road 95... 3 occupants, one death..

So now... when did LP go missing? That fact is eluding me! It was said that she didn't show up for her son's birthday.

Lisa went missing in late June and it's believed for some reason that she died on July 3rd. People have been asking why and I'm thinking it may be because the woman in the accident, CH knew Lisa Pate's death had occurred on that day.
And we sure wouldn't want them to get a bad rash from all the poison oak/ivy/sumac shown on the left bank of the creek..

Hopefully they will soon take the horses in to trample around & do a thorough search of this unsearched area before all the vital evidence is washed away or destroyed by the scavengers of the forests...

Clever as a fox.
I'd like to know who was called to the GJ in 2008, and if some of these people who are coming forward now were called and testified, or if they did not tell all they knew about BL, or what happened at that hearing...could he have been indicted then? All of a sudden, it sounds as though everyone knew evil things about BL. JMO

It seems clear to me that one of two things happened, or both:

1. Someone who kept quiet in '08 came forward upon learning that BSL was the suspect in the Shunick case.

2. LE found something in BSL's residence that nailed him.

Could be that first #2 happened, and then #1.

But I truly do think they found something at BSL's place. They were so quick and emphatic that it was a "major crime scene" and also swore out the arrest warrant for murder one.
If the Independent article that said multiple women's IDs were found at BSL's, was accurate, then that's all it takes.

There would be no legitimate reason for BSL to have Lisa Pate's ID, or Mickey Shunick's.

So if CH was afraid of BL why did she get in the car with him the night of June 19? The three people in the car were CH, BL and the boyfriend of CH right? Now the boyfriend of CH who was 44 at the time, was he also BL's cousin? And he is the one who died in accident right? So where was Lisa P. ? The official date of death is July 3 right? how was that determined? So if she didn't die until several days later, then where was she the night of the accident?
Megsy & Bessy,
I am reposting items for BSL timeline from #37 dated 7-19 post#1324
I am confident that many Sleuthers can assist with compiling verified data.
These items may help answer questions cause possibly there are other that he terrorized and connections can be looked into.

BSL TIMELINE approx 1994 til June 2012
-- *Dates & locations of where BSL resided and with who. Properties & dates owned or rented by bsl, his family members or relatives that BSL had access to.
-- *Date of BSL parents divorce and who & location he remained with.
-- *Dates & locations of schools, hospital, reform training, mental clinic, behavior clinics, etc.
-- *Dates & locations of military Army training & stations and dates of leave taken.
-- *Vehicles registered by BSL or he had access to drive (parents or family). How & when were vehicles disposed of (sold, traded) ?
-- *Police reports incidents, crimes or accidents BSL involved in with dates, location and what was situation.
-- *What were Dates & locations of prison terms? Was he allowed out of prison for visitations etc (work release) during his 8 yrs? If so, when & where?
-- *Where (city) was he released from prison and how did he arrive to his home and where home?
-- *Employment companies & dates he was employed after prison release. All Dates and Locations of employment, temporary assignments, training, leave dates, where he met boats, helicopter etc to go offshore.

Thanks in advance for all information contributed for BSL timeline.
Please share any information known about BSL to prepare thorough timeline.
By all means, just as long as there is documentation to support the findings. If someone will alert or send me a pm when new info is posted, I'll add it to the timeline in progress. :tyou:
How about this scenerio: Perhaps it has nothing to do with the wreck except the fact that he was supposed to be in Fort Polk and was in this accident therefore placed (because of the accident report) near this house and had ties to this house and could have disposed of her after these people moved out or while she was still in the hospital. Read where Pate was last seen late June and missed her sons birthday. I wonder if her sons birthday is July 3 possibly the date she was reported missing. Im not so sure she was raising her children as she did some time in jail the previous year and apparently had a drug problem.

She could have been discredited by BSL defense team as an *unreliable witness* JMO :twocents:
By the way, Bessie, I appreciate that y'all have relaxed the rules just a bit about CajunNet stuff. It's been pretty accurate so far, and so if the discussion is kept within reason, seems to me it has helped us stay up with what's really going on around the town in the case. I know there's a fine line between rumor and B.S., but I think most of us have been doing pretty well at sorting the stuff, and y'all have been handling it well, too!


Don't thank us yet. We're still treading on very thin ice around here. :nerves:

dat's cuz we good sources of info JMO

Well, I won't argue wit dat! :floorlaugh:
His step dad's funeral was August 29,2009 so this must be the adoptive dad. I understood he was in the hospital closer to home because BSL said he was in NOLA being treated for the mugging and couldn't make it back to pick him up.

Link to step dad's obit:checking with mod

This woman may have approached LE with her information because of the case presented before the grand jury. They could not find enough evidence for a true bill. If this is the case, she must have been scared to death when he was released.

Cajun net said BSL wanted the guy who lived in the house to get blamed for Lisa's death. In a way it makes sense because if blame leaned that way, the guy was dead and couldn't defend himself.

Lisa went missing in late June and it's believed for some reason that she died on July 3rd. People have been asking why and I'm thinking it may be because the woman in the accident, CH knew Lisa Pate's death had occurred on that day.

Thanks for the response...

I saw someone say the other night that July 3 was the son's b-day, but maybe that's just rumor.

I have a very hard time believing that CH knew LP died on July 3rd, yet couldn't incriminate BSL back then. Unless, of course, she just came forward now.

This will all come out in the trial, and maybe not before. But I bet that the CajunNet gets pretty close. The Eunice area is a lot smaller than Lafayette, and I bet the C'Net is even faster there.
Jujube.... Thanks. I cannot begin to figure out how to snip, but this is re: your post.

Speculation and rumor says that bsl framed they guy who died in the accident with pates murder by saying that he confessed to killing her before his ill fate. Then the remains were found on the property that he lived at before his demise. Maybe no matter what CH said to that gj they still found reasonable doubt due to all of this.

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