LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #39

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Maybe the helicopter just brought some big shot politician to visit someone at the hospital. Since it's our tax dollars paying for gas most don't care how much fuel they use.

Could be something like that. A private helicopter dropped someone off and can't stay on the helipad because it's for emergencies.

Or I know when my son got airlifted to Shreveport a couple years ago the pilot wasnt sure where the hospital was and my husband said they circled over the wrong hospital for several minutes. The pilot finally decided to listen to my husband who was telling him that it was the wrong hospital and the correct one was way on the other side of town. By the time they got to the correct hospital they missed their landing time and had to circle while waiting for another helicopter to do a drop off and get off the pad. All while my 1 year old was unconscious in the back :banghead:.
I had a brief text conversation with one of the search volunteers this evening. She said that they have searched 100,000+acres in the last 12 days. She said she is very tired but it is worth it.

Wow thats about 8300 acres a day. How many searchers were there? Even if they had 200 searchers that would be about 42 acres a piece. Its great if there is that many searchers and they have covered so much ground. I'm guessing that it wasn't just wide open area either. Probably a lot of woods and swampy area too. Kudos to them. Thats great dedication and personal sacrifice!
Wonder if that's a good or bad idea?
Curious what everyone thinks...

It may be good, as they can use everything they have in one case; if there are separate trials, sometimes some evidence from one case is not allowed in the other. There are some screwy decisions made, sometimes, about what is allowed.

I remember a case in Michigan some years back; a guy who had killed at least two women but was soon due to be released had been found in prison with a weapon that made to strangle people (his chosen method.) But the jury for the case about the weapon was not allowed to know this, or anything about the murders he had been convicted of. Luckily, they convicted him anyway, but it was a close call...
Wow thats about 8300 acres a day. How many searchers were there? Even if they had 200 searchers that would be about 42 acres a piece. Its great if there is that many searchers and they have covered so much ground. I'm guessing that it wasn't just wide open area either. Probably a lot of woods and swampy area too. Kudos to them. Thats great dedication and personal sacrifice!

Just to give an idea I searched 2 days when they were allowing volunteers and covered over 100 acres in a 2 day period. The search groups consisted anywhere from 10-20 people per group. I have no idea how many TES has in each party. The heat out here is terrible.
Wow thats about 8300 acres a day. How many searchers were there? Even if they had 200 searchers that would be about 42 acres a piece. Its great if there is that many searchers and they have covered so much ground. I'm guessing that it wasn't just wide open area either. Probably a lot of woods and swampy area too. Kudos to them. Thats great dedication and personal sacrifice!

I believe there were much less than 200 searchers. She did not tell me a number but I have the idea it is less than 50. That is a lot of acres a day! These searchers were on atv's. She said they hope to get horses out to search this Thursday and Friday if the weather permits.

From what she has shared with me, this group of searchers are passionate and committed and have a strong bond with each other.
This can't be the only missing person case in the state of LA recently. But yet it's this particular case that has drawn such a huge outpouring. Is it because it took place in the smaller town of Lafayette vs. say NO? Is it because she was actually caught on video before she went missing?

I'm just interested in what made locals come out in droves in this case versus the many others that we see. It can't be just because it took place in LA because surely there are other missing persons cases in LA with not half the interest as this case has.

I'm actually from New Orleans, and you're right...a missing persons case or any criminal case wouldn't likely get this attention from the locals in Nola. We're jaded by it, almost. But, throughout the state, even in Nola, there is a sense of community. We come together in times of tragedy and times of celebration. There really is no other place on earth like it. Generally, when we rally for a particular cause, it's done behind the scenes, but the nation and the world get to see and be a part of our community this time.
Wow thats about 8300 acres a day. How many searchers were there? Even if they had 200 searchers that would be about 42 acres a piece. Its great if there is that many searchers and they have covered so much ground. I'm guessing that it wasn't just wide open area either. Probably a lot of woods and swampy area too. Kudos to them. Thats great dedication and personal sacrifice!

Yes indeed considering the terrain. IMO it would be impossible to search every square foot of all that area. IMO they would have to know if brush looked like it had been disturbed or flattened like it had been walked on or whatever. Broken sticks or brush like it was stepped on. Holes through brush or ends if little branches snapped off as someone walked by. I'm sure they know things like that but here we are 2 months later telltale signs like that would be gone. I wish that they would allow volunteer searchers. IMO that would be the only way that they could possibly cover ever square inch and people are willing. Kids in the area know the woods that they play in. The bayous they swim in etc better than anyone not from there. Hunters who hunt there as well. They know where this or that gully or coulie goes and how deep it is. All HMO

Furthermore arraignment is on the 27th right? There is but a few days left to bargain with him. I however wouldn't bet on it because I don't feel he cares if he lives or dies. IMO life in prison nor death penalty is bad enough punishment for the crime. There is no way to punish him harshly enough IMO.

All jmo
Wow thats about 8300 acres a day. How many searchers were there? Even if they had 200 searchers that would be about 42 acres a piece. Its great if there is that many searchers and they have covered so much ground. I'm guessing that it wasn't just wide open area either. Probably a lot of woods and swampy area too. Kudos to them. Thats great dedication and personal sacrifice!
I knew the exact numbers for the longest time, but my memory doesn't last very long. I know that there was at least 200 everyday of the 5 days I was there .. Thu-Mon. I know that on the Saturday there was over 400. JMO
This brings up a question (just jumping off your post, justwannahelp): A gag order -- an official one -- doesn't it have to come from the judicial branch? And if so (because I am not completely sure that's true) -- do we know if this was an official gag order or LE just requesting that he not continue to speak...?

And -- if gag orders do come from the judicial branch -- aren't they usually public record? I mean, don't we usually hear, in media reports, "the judge issued a gag order", etc.

Just something I have been wondering about and meaning to ask.

hmmmm. i'm not sure. i believe he said LE put him on a gag order. After the arrest everyone was questioning him, and he wouldn't answer much. I kind of took it as a "boy, you need to shut your mouth sort of thing", but maybe he was served papers or a contract to sign or something. They couldn't even get him to say whether it he was one of the 2 tips that Craft spoke of in the presser. I, along with many others, assumed he was one and the car sales lady was the other, but he wouldn't confirm. The only thing he would confirm is that his sister in law was totally in the dark leading up to the arrest.
hmmmm. i'm not sure. i believe he said LE put him on a gag order. After the arrest everyone was questioning him, and he wouldn't answer much. I kind of took it as a "boy, you need to shut your mouth sort of thing", but maybe he was served papers or a contract to sign or something. They couldn't even get him to say whether it he was one of the 2 tips that Craft spoke of in the presser. I, along with many others, assumed he was one and the car sales lady was the other, but he wouldn't confirm. The only thing he would confirm is that his sister in law was totally in the dark leading up to the arrest.

I have my doubts about any official gag order as well. Seems there would be a paper trail somewhere, and the media would know about it, even if they could not actually reprint it.
Also IMO if they don't find her soon they wont find her until the fields are harvested and the hunting seasons all come and go. I hope that they are still on the lookout then jmo
Lol... Allusonz, by far the nuttiest case. But definitely the most heart!!!! I've been here since 2008 (lurked until last year), and I've never seen locals come out and search, donate, help out in any way like this group. Funny, I'm even starting to understand em... :smile:
And I agree, there is more to come, just hope we don't have to wait 2 years to get a lot of the answers. Unless he cuts a deal or starts talking, it looks like we may have to be really patient... Ughh...
Let's just hope we find Mickey!
And btw, I love all of your cajun passion! It's endearing...


thanks for complimenting us Cajuns! it is a truly unique culture on so many levels.

jumping off the BBM part, I was watching coverage on the Aurora Massacre last night, and they (the news channel) said that Holmes' trial will probably take place within a year. So I'm wondering why his, with so many victims, will be more "speedy". Is it because it's so obvious - the evidence is all there versus a case where you don't have a body or a confession?

I'm only asking because many have said that the all of the motions the defense is going to file are ultimately going to be what hold up the trial, but wouldn't Holmes' defense be filing the same motions since it's will most likely be a DP case? Or are those motions not really an option for him due to the obviousness of his case? There's really NO doubt at all with Holmes.
The more I think about what must have happened that night with Mickey, I think that everything went wrong for BL as soon as Mickey was in the truck...and he that he was probably frenzied and panicked by the time he dumped the bike and got rid of Mickey, due to his injuries, if indeed they came from a struggle with her. If so, I am thinking he probably did not go to any great lengths in concealing her but did whatever was easiest for him, yet still relatively "secure."

I still think it is possible she was put in water at or near the site of the bike. I can't help listening to Tim Miller, as he has said this twice, that she could have been put there and they would never know. So in his mind, that location is not "cleared." I just can't imagine he would want to stop numerous times-he must have been sweating adrenaline by this time, probably desperate to get home, clean up enough to go to the hospital and maybe get some sleep.

Anyway...even if he just left her in a weed-covered ditch or gully, it doesn't make it any easier to find her, unless they look in the right ditch or gully...I remember Michele Le's body was not well-hidden and was near an area that had been generally searched, yet she was not found for a few months and only by a dog- walker by chance.

I hope she did not end up in the Bay, as I doubt she will be found, if so. If she is on land, there is a chance.

RE: The more I think about what must have happened that night with Mickey, I think that everything went wrong for BL as soon as Mickey was in the truck...and he that he was probably frenzied and panicked by the time he dumped the bike and got rid of Mickey, due to his injuries, if indeed they came from a struggle with her.

'IMO, based on what we know about Mickey Schunick, she would have never voluntarily got into a vehicle with a stranger. She would have dialed 911, called a family member or friend, or pushed her bicycle home.

Imo, the attack occured when she was bumped by BSL...
He may have attempted a rouse, similar to the Raleigh, NC bump & grab, but due to Mickey's anthropology studies and instincts, her hinky meter alarm would have alerted her to the eminent danger..imo..
Stick him in general population until he tells. We might not be allowed to waterboard him, but there's nothing stopping Bubba from doing it....or worse.

GREAT idea! Maybe a few gangsters in the general population can torture Mickey's location out of him. Seriously, this is Louisiana. Since when are our cops politically correct? Surely they can look the other way for a couple of hours ;)

GREAT idea! Maybe a few gangsters in the general population can torture Mickey's location out of him. Seriously, this is Louisiana. Since when are our cops politically correct? Surely they can look the other way for a couple of hours ;)


Is it legal to "bug" a cell??? I wonder why he was moved from the 4th floor to the 2nd floor? He is still RA and does not have a cell mate, but from I think there is a good chance he may be closer to another inmate? Maybe he'll talk?

I definitely think they need to put him in GP. But the inmates are chomping at the bit to get to him. I don't know if they could hold back until he told where MS is!
probably waiting for a chopper to exit. The roof only has capacity for one at a time.
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