LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #39

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I just want to apologize. It seems that my asking questions has ruffled a few feathers because people are tired of repeating themselves or tired of directing people to go back and read. I only asked questions because I did not see relevant postings to what I was thinking about.

So anyway, again, I'm sorry. I'll go back to lurking because it's obvious I can't really contribute anything useful at this point. I'll leave the sleuthing to the people who are better at it than I am. (^_^)

Hoping Mickey comes home soon soon SOON!!!
I agree with you totally. I use to ride at night for exercise but I always had a friend with me and I did have a knife in my handle bar bag and a plan of how to fight like a wild cat if I had to. I also was an avid horseback rider and I know how strong that makes a persons legs. I have no doubt that MS fought till the very end. I think BSL bit off more than he could chew with her. I do not believe he would have driven back to his place in CP with her. I think he probably panicked after the altercation turned south and disposed of her somewhere either in Lafayette or on the way to WB in that area. But I must say I do get goose bumps when I pass down Dulles in between Foreman Dr. and Bertrand. If in fact the Daily Advertiser has video of his truck passing then that area is very close to DA. There are several wooded areas on that little street that would have been very convenient to drop her without drawing suspician. I have suggested a number of times that I hoped they searched that area. If she was injured from him bumping her bike to stop her then convinced her to get in the truck and he would bring her home surely when he got off the normal route is when she probably turned loose on him. Just my opinion.

I have suggested a number of times that they search the road called Rheinhardt (sp?) near the LSU stadium...along the bleachers and fences.
Thread 30, post 33 has the photo of Miabella's truck still from the video taken with her phone. Is this the still everyone's talking about? I'm confused!

Does the bed cover looked propped up to anyone?
I have suggested a number of times that they search the road called Rheinhardt (sp?) near the LSU stadium...along the bleachers and fences.

Why LSU? Does he have any connections to the area?

Posted using the tapatalk2 app...forgive any typos please :)
I just want to apologize. It seems that my asking questions has ruffled a few feathers because people are tired of repeating themselves or tired of directing people to go back and read. I only asked questions because I did not see relevant postings to what I was thinking about.

So anyway, again, I'm sorry. I'll go back to lurking because it's obvious I can't really contribute anything useful at this point. I'll leave the sleuthing to the people who are better at it than I am. (^_^)

Hoping Mickey comes home soon soon SOON!!!

Dont apologize for anything, and dont even tell us you arent a good sleuther. We have seen you at work here. we arent letting ya off that easy. Guests have to lurk, but you dont, and I hope you wont! JMO
I just want to apologize. It seems that my asking questions has ruffled a few feathers because people are tired of repeating themselves or tired of directing people to go back and read. I only asked questions because I did not see relevant postings to what I was thinking about.

So anyway, again, I'm sorry. I'll go back to lurking because it's obvious I can't really contribute anything useful at this point. I'll leave the sleuthing to the people who are better at it than I am. (^_^)

Hoping Mickey comes home soon soon SOON!!!

It's not you!

Please don't misunderstand.

You were not named, unless the quote function screwed up again!!!!
I just want to apologize. It seems that my asking questions has ruffled a few feathers because people are tired of repeating themselves or tired of directing people to go back and read. I only asked questions because I did not see relevant postings to what I was thinking about.

So anyway, again, I'm sorry. I'll go back to lurking because it's obvious I can't really contribute anything useful at this point. I'll leave the sleuthing to the people who are better at it than I am. (^_^)

Hoping Mickey comes home soon soon SOON!!!

Sometimes I will type in a few words that I have an interest in knowing about on here and then doing a search of the posts. Hope this might help.
In regards to the question if pepper spray or mace causes a rash possibly similar to poison ivy or oak, in my experience it does. I was at my mothers house when her land lord was bombarded and search by narcotic police and one of the officers sprayed my dog and I wasn't aware of it until I pet him and my hands and eyes started burning after I had pick up my 2 yr old at the time and her entire leg welped up. I don't know exactly what the officer used but it strong enough to transfer from the dog to me then to my daughter. This was 8 years ago.

Thank you for answering my question, Kclark. I had a sneaking suspicion pepper spray would mimic the irritation on the skin in sensitive people much like poison ivy does.
respectfully snipped by me for relevance

I agree that BSL did not put an extraordinary amount of effort and creativity into disposing of Mickey's body. He seems to have a propensity for hiding bodies/items under something, i.e. LP's body under boards, and Mickey's bicycle under water (until it receded, of course) and for setting fires. IMHO, he either put Mickey in water, i.e. with her bicycle at/near WB or under brush/foliage; or burned her remains. I don't believe he removed her body far from the original crime scene (30 miles in any direction max) and definitely, imho, did not take Mickey to Texas.
However, having said that I just thought of's a little far fetched sounding, maybe, but that's my vivid imagination for you... :) what if he dismembered her body and put it into a weighted container and disposed of it at sea when he went out to his off-shore job. Maybe too vividly imaginative for the likes of BSL, though.
As sad as it is, IMO, I don't think Mickey's remains will be found anytime soon, if ever.

We know he was in and out of town AT LEAST until June 4th. Someone would have smelled it.
(Probably until June 20th.)

I would be nice to get his work schedule!
BBM: I agree. If she was already deceased or unconscious, her body would have been less awkward to fit in his truck. Even in the bed of a truck, her bike, at least part of it, would have likely been visible. And, also, her bike was more of a landmark to me. There are plenty of light blonde attractive females in Louisiana. Her bike would have been easier to match up to a simple description, increasing his chances of being spotted IMO.
We also need to remember that she wasn't reported missing yet. IMO, unless she was bleeding visibly, he could have put her in the front seat of his truck, head laying against the window. If I would have seen (saw? where are you godot?) that at that time in the morning I would have assumed that it was a drunk girl sleeping it off, not a girl that just got kidnapped.

I don't this that's a possibility. My husband worked offshore for many years, and when he would get to the heliport, everything he had with him, including himself, would have to be weighed to make sure the helicopter wasn't over a weight limit. Sounds good in theory, really, but it's not practicable.

I work at heliports. Some guys roll in with 120 pounds of stuff. It's really not that unusual.
Does the bed cover looked propped up to anyone?

I have ALWAYS thought that something looked wrong in the bed of that truck since I saw it the first time! And, by first time, I mean when the first set of pictures were released of all three vehicles.
I'm not sure BL decided to go to NO for hospital until later, after he had done his crime and disposal activities and maybe some things around the house. Then he may have cooked up his mugging tale and decided to take it on the road. By early afternoon on Saturday, he may have expected people to be out and about looking for Mickey, so he wanted to be out of town.
Since Brandon went all the way to New Orleans, I'm very surprised the bike was dumped at Whiskey Bay.

I'm pretty sure he knew that it would be less likely to be found in areas of New Orleans.

Another grip theory...
What if Mickey purposely held onto the handles as hard as she could, to avoid being put into his vehicle, and he had to pry her hands off of the handlebars, causing the grips to be removed?

Well, Mr. Shunick was surprised that the grips had been removed from the bike because he and Mickey and his son had tried to remove them before, but they were so tight they couldn't be budged. I don't see how her holding on to them could make them come off so easily.
Why is it that some people don't have the courtesy to go back and read what happened while they were gone? I don't understand why a poster should have to post their questions a second time because you don't want to go back and read. Numerous people asking the same questions has been clogging the board since day one. If you have a question put a tiny bit of effort forth and read a few pages back.

P.s. if everyone went back and caught up before posting the threads would be much slimmer, easier, and FASTER to catch up on.

AND read over the timeline, presser, and pertinent msm articles that have kindly been linked on page one.
Maybe BSL hid his stash of IDs under his trailer? Don't know if this has been suggested yet, but not that I remember. So many theories have been discussed that I can't keep track.
I'm not sure BL decided to go to NO for hospital until later, after he had done his crime and disposal activities and maybe some things around the house. Then he may have cooked up his mugging tale and decided to take it on the road. By early afternoon on Saturday, he may have expected people to be out and about looking for Mickey, so he wanted to be out of town.

I'm not sure he decided to go to a hospital at all, initially. I think it may have been several hours after everything transpired, when teh adrenalin rush was gone, that he either realized he was injured enough that he needed to seek medical help...or, perhaps someone he trusted was shown the injuries, and advised him that he needed to go to a hospital, at which time he realized that a Laffy hospital may not be the best place to showup with those injuries at that time.....JMO
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