LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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Sorry, no spell check, ACI. I meant 'quite handsome'
Ya know Im in your corner, *advertiser censored*!!!
OK, after reading this I had to post this old e-mail I got. I will tell you I got the right answer. How many of you will?

Blank Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result.
This is not a trick question. All the information you need is provided in the four sentences below. No one I know has gotten it right.
A woman, while at the funeral of her mother, met this guy whom she did not know. She thought the guy was amazing, her dream man! She fell in love with him instantly, but never asked for his phone number and
could not find him after the funeral. A few days later she killed her sister.
Question: What is her motive in killing her sister? (Give this some thought before you answer) then scroll down for the answer.
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She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again.
If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath.
This was a test by a famous American psychologist used to test if someone has
the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. If you didn't answer the question correctly,
good for you - you're normal.
If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off of my email list unless that will tick you off, then I'll just be extra nice to you from now on .


this is REALLY neat. I could not come up with ANY reason to kill her sister besides "the sister stole her man", but I didn't think that was really the answer. I was SHOCKED by the answer, but it sheds light on how they think. Very self serving. If it helps me out and hurts someone else, then oh well. That's their mentality and you get a sense of that in those Ted Bundy interviews. He talks about his victims so unattached. They were objects not people to him
the idea of involving another jurisdiction is a good one. I am thinking that early on someone mentioned he probably dropped her body off as he went offshore. That makes the most sense to me. He probably buried the body under his trailer and then loaded it up on the day he went offshore and placed it in the water somewhere on the highway that leads offshore. Or in a place he could remember it -- like a fallen tree, etc. that way he could "Check" on it without anyone noticing from his home town.
I've read almost every thread associated with the MS case since I was originally apart of the thread at TD where the BIL of BSL's GF at the time posted about BSL's RSO status and concerns for his SIL and children. I like everyone else hope that MS is found and her killer brought to justice. :please:
I would like to address one issue. I continue to read about concerns that he may have committed crimes while on work release and people upset that inmates receive an education and work opportunities while in prison. I hope that we can allow the details of the case play out before we unfairly criticize LE, the jails and prison system. I used to volunteer for a transition home for women prisoners and continue to do training at sites that use trustees from the Louisiana state penitentiary. The experience that I have had is that they are allowed some freedoms but are not allowed to run loose as some have indicated. There are some that work in work release programs that are bussed in from the prison to job sites, work for the day, and then are picked up and returned to the jail in the evenings. By and large, these people are on their best behavior because the last thing that they want to do is mess up and get the little bit of freedom they have revoked. That is not to say that there haven't been cases, but they are not at all common. Once these people go to jail, without an education, job training, and transition skills, they are much more likely to become repeat offenders. If we don't aim to try to rehabilitate and reform people then we just as soon give them a life sentence because that is where the majority will be without such measures. Also, just as an aside, the recidivism rate (Or return to prison rate) for Louisiana is below the national average and has continued to improve over the past 10 years. My point being that hindsight is 20/20 and it is easy to look back and say how could they ever let these people back into society to commit another crime. Afterall, BSL has proven to be a master of the skill of manipulation, not only by appearance, but also by behavior and has fooled many. Now, if you want to argue that he should have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the oral sexual battery (charged with forcible entry or burgalary also) and given a longer sentence, then by all means I understand your point. However, this knee jerk reaction and anger towards the LE because of speculation that he may have committed a crime while in prison, or was treated too lenient in prison to me is unfounded at this point. It is just an opinion, but I find it very unlikely that he is responsible for any murders committed during the time of his incarceration.

One last tidbit- on the arrest report it was listed that BSL's cell phone was confiscated when he was arrested. Now I don't want to violate any of the rules of this forum, so I'll just say that this is just speculation on my part but say hypothetically that LE was able to find incriminating photos on his phone. I don't know if BSL has a smart phone (iphone or otherwise), but if he did there is quite a bit of iinformation that can be retrieved from them by someone is an expert, including things that you think you may have deleted. Also, if he failed to disable location services on the settings of his phone, and took any incriminating photo, the photo is associated with a location. Just speculation on my part, but food for thought.

At last, the voice of reason!!!! Thank you!
the idea of involving another jurisdiction is a good one. I am thinking that early on someone mentioned he probably dropped her body off as he went offshore. That makes the most sense to me. He probably buried the body under his trailer and then loaded it up on the day he went offshore and placed it in the water somewhere on the highway that leads offshore. Or in a place he could remember it -- like a fallen tree, etc. that way he could "Check" on it without anyone noticing from his home town.

If he didn't go off shore for a couple of wks...that would be a long time for a body to be under his trailer in the heat for someone not to notice..jmo
Thank you. Maybe knowing this will ease my mind.

I was told that LE is contacting all the girls whose things he had in his possession. That was a tongue twister sentence.

Still though, I don't blame you for being a little uneasy. Good thing he's locked up!
If he didn't go off shore for a couple of wks...that would be a long time for a body to be under his trailer in the heat for someone not to notice..jmo

He might not have killed Mickey right away. BSL also may have another place where he keeps his victims that is not close to his home.
the idea of involving another jurisdiction is a good one. I am thinking that early on someone mentioned he probably dropped her body off as he went offshore. That makes the most sense to me. He probably buried the body under his trailer and then loaded it up on the day he went offshore and placed it in the water somewhere on the highway that leads offshore. Or in a place he could remember it -- like a fallen tree, etc. that way he could "Check" on it without anyone noticing from his home town.

i have been reading up on body decomposition and I don't think he would have kept a body for longer than 24 hours unless he wrapped it up in a tarp of some sort. but he didn't go off shore for quite some time after he took her. I don't think he would have kept the body, even wrapped in a tarp, for more than a week and that's pushing it. I'm making these assumptions from reading a very long and detailed study on 11 donated bodies and their decomposition rates.
BSL's girlfriend is a petite blonde. So my question is, how does he separate "oh, I'll be in a relationship with you". Or " oh, your my next victim"


In the last pictures I saw of him and his gf (the one with the two small children,) she isn't all that petite and she isn't blonde. Is she not the LAST girlfriend?
i have been reading up on body decomposition and I don't think he would have kept a body for longer than 24 hours unless he wrapped it up in a tarp of some sort. but he didn't go off shore for quite some time after he took her. I don't think he would have kept the body, even wrapped in a tarp, for more than a week and that's pushing it. I'm making these assumptions from reading a very long and detailed study on 11 donated bodies and their decomposition rates.

This is what confuses me: Lisa Pate's body was dumped behind a house and covered with three boards right? Ok...I know it sounds crass, but surely there was a godawful stench there long before only bones were found. There had to be buzzards in the immediate vicinity. I am just not understanding why it took those months to find her. Even if the site was somewhat isolated, there is no mistaking the scent of something decomposing, and something as big as a human body would smell for a good long time.
Even the sister of KA said she helped clean out the house after her brother was killed, so surely if LP's body had been there then, she would have at least questioned the smell so close. I am just wondering when her body was actually put there.
OT- I am feeling a little humbled today as I had sent Charlie a Petsmart card a few weeks ago, for Mickey's pets, and I received a card from her in the mail yesterday; she must have had to look up my address, etc. as I did not include it and she wrote a very nice note. I'd like to think I would do the same in her terrible situation, but I can't say for sure. Mickey really had an amazing family and her loss is everyone's loss.
JMO...I don't think he was on work release, he was released early due to overcrowding and I like this state,ent they use, "a model prisoner". He had to report To a parol officer X times per month and they should have been making routi e "check ins" at his home. (I doubt the check ins happened, kind of like the Dugard case, if they REALLY CHECKED, they would have found her) and I think if they really checked they would have seen he was up to no good then.

House arrest does usually involve a monitor but doesn't have to. It's more of a curfew. I found an RSO living in my neighborhood that I knew nothing about until I checked the register...he violated his order which was to live with his Momma. He moved to my neighborhood due to be closer to his job. Anyway, the judge ordered a fine to be paid, a curfew set, and regular check-ins. In fact, our city is in a huge dispute with RSOs having to pay at least $500 per month to help keep the cost of informing the public and the likes (expenses). Some lawyer, representing RSOs said, it was unconstitutional and violated their rights with such high fees. I said, you loose your rights when you do this type of felony, so what does it matter?

He was not released due to overcrowding. Louisiana does NOT do this for violent crimes or sex offenses. He was released after serving 85% of his sentence, per protocol. Typically, depending on which act he was sentenced under, work release is allowed either at 2-3 years before release or 6months prior to release. That just depends on which act he was sentenced under.

While on work release, prisoners are monitored by their employer. A corrections officer will do random pop ins to make sure they are still there throughout the work day, and at the end of the day, the inmate must wait to be picked up by a deputy and then transported back to the correctional facility.
To me, his "type" appears to be petite and vulnerable- simply someone he can get his hands on and overpower. I don't think Mickey was "chosen." I just think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sadly, if not her, it'd be someone else imo...

Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2

This is exactly why I don't think he killed the woman in New Orleans. She was in her own home, so she wasn't exactly at the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't think it's his "style" to murder a woman in her own familiar surroundings. His unfamiliarity with the home would make him too nervous and he'd be thrown off. Now, if she had been leaving her home and he came upon her and took her away to where he was more comfortable, I could believe that. I think he needs to feel comfortable and in control when he does what he does. My opinion only of course.
From what I read this morning, it seems the woman in NO may have been killed as early as the Friday night, 2 days before BL would have been released from prison. Apparently there were witnesses who had seen someone peeking in her window, on that night or one prior. I think the info is on the thread about BL & serial killing.
OT- I am feeling a little humbled today as I had sent Charlie a Petsmart card a few weeks ago, for Mickey's pets, and I received a card from her in the mail yesterday; she must have had to look up my address, etc. as I did not include it and she wrote a very nice note. I'd like to think I would do the same in her terrible situation, but I can't say for sure. Mickey really had an amazing family and her loss is everyone's loss.

That was very thoughtful...of both of you!
I am not very professed at posting but giving it a try.
Did anyone, individual, msm or anyone present at the courthouse
when bsl was before the judge, notice, remark or state what his hands looked like ?? Bandages ?? I believe the newspaper stated that he was rubbing his fingers on the handcuffs while appearing for his plea. Did anyone scope his fingers out and the condition they were in ?? Thanks !

i too read that he was nervously rubbing his fingers over the cuffs. which article was that? whoever wrote it got a look at his hands.
I just returned from a quick trip to Mississippi, and since I was the passenger this time, I was able to get a better look at things around me. I really do have to say that the Whiskey Bay exit/bridge/area will never be the same to me. I think of Mickey every time we pass. :(

I also noted something that might be inane for some, but I thought maybe some out-of-towners might like to know: that area, pretty much the entire Atchafalaya Basin Bridge, is abundantly overgrown, being summer and all. I can see the trouble with the searching, just from the bridge. The foliage is overgrown and lush, and looking for something specific would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Also, I don't know if this was ever noted before I joined, but I know there was talk of there not being enough room to pull over at the Whiskey Bay exit, which is true, but FWIW, there is plenty of shoulder room before and after the exit.
OK, after reading this I had to post this old e-mail I got. I will tell you I got the right answer. How many of you will?

Blank Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result.
This is not a trick question. All the information you need is provided in the four sentences below. No one I know has gotten it right.
A woman, while at the funeral of her mother, met this guy whom she did not know. She thought the guy was amazing, her dream man! She fell in love with him instantly, but never asked for his phone number and
could not find him after the funeral. A few days later she killed her sister.
Question: What is her motive in killing her sister? (Give this some thought before you answer) then scroll down for the answer.
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She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again.
If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath.
This was a test by a famous American psychologist used to test if someone has
the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. If you didn't answer the question correctly,
good for you - you're normal.
If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off of my email list unless that will tick you off, then I'll just be extra nice to you from now on .


My answer was: because she is crazy. I think that might mean my brain is lazy, and crazy covers a lot.

I am going to save this and ask all of my goddaughter's dates in the future.
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