LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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Forgive me if this has already been discussed (it's been nearly impossible to read every thread)...but has there been any more talk of Brettly's bike being stolen and how it was found near that cemetery? If BSL was the stalking/watching type, think he had anything to do with that? Maybe taunting someone that he'd seen with Mickey before? Or did LE figure out who stole it.

This is a stretch obvs....just trying to think as broadly as possible.
Just listened to the audio of BSL's hearing before the Judge. A whole lot of "No Sirs", "Yes Sirs". Can see how he managed to charm the authorities in the past.
I'd say he was impulsive too, had he not had women's items. That crosses the impulse line to me. If Claires story is the truth and BSL threatened to burn down her home, to me that's not impulse, but pre thought out. Just like he carefully broke into his 1999 victims home with a knife ready to go if she didn't comply.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he ever saw her before that night. I just think he's definitely not a random impulse guy

I don't know that we necessarily disagree on anything. To me, taking items can be impulsive. An opportunity arises and he takes advantage of it. Also, I don't mean to say he had not thought out how he'd commit his crimes in his head millions of times. I don't doubt he fantasized about it. However, IMO that is different than selecting a target, staking them out for weeks or months before acting. I think he went out that night with his plan in mind but no specific victim in mind.
Still learning, but to Mrs. A, gators take your whole arm and leg, IMO, if you're lucky!! Those things are mean and their jaws have 2000 lbs. of pressure when they bite. BTW--I hate to say that!! :hills: They can and do eat small animals and are extremely aggressive, especially if provoked!!

IMHO---Too bad I guess BSL didn't take a little slip down the slope in the water..:floorlaugh:

Please God bring Mickey home :please:

They are more afraid of you then you are of them ... Although the water is nasty as a kid I would go hydrosliding in the vermillion all the time done it as a adult a few times as well they aren't as scary as they seem!
so does anyone else think it's possible to be Mickey?? I mean he COULD have wrapped her body in a blue FEMA tarp or something of the likes and put her in the back of the truck on the floor and drove to Texas. Foxfire, do you think that's totally out of the question for this type of killer? Is it more likely he put her close to home? I know that I would be too afraid to drive to Texas with a body my car, but don't these killers not have fear like normal people do? Also, when you stop and REALLY think about it, as he may have, if you aren't speeding, there's really no reason to be pulled over on your way to Texas. So in his mind, he may have thought, why NOT drive her to Texas?

Someone tell me nicely that I'm being ridiculous and desperate and I'll give up on this notion of this body being Mickey.

This is not Mickey :( There was a lot of rumor here that it was Hailey Dunn, but they announced today that it was the body of a male. There was nothing but bones left, and it was found by a mowing crew that ran over the body with a tractor mower :(
if it's male, then maybe it is the old man that would park his truck at a nearby shop then walk to town. the owner of the shop said that he hadn't been back to the shop for a couple of months and his truck had been sitting there.

There are 2 males that have been missing from the area for some time that I know of. Months before Mickey went missing, they found a body in an oil field tank. It was very close to the POI's mothers house in the Hailey DunN Case. Everyone was certain it was her, but it was not :( Still no word on who it was they found in that tank either. Sadly, the same as Louisiana, there are a lot of desolate places that no one could/would search. We have some GIANT sink holes out here. And I am sure they would find people if they had a way to search them. It is sad and scary :(
Just listened to the audio of BSL's hearing before the Judge. A whole lot of "No Sirs", "Yes Sirs". Can see how he managed to charm the authorities in the past.

Where did you hear the audio?

What kind of questions were being asked?
There are 2 males that have been missing from the area for some time that I know of. Months before Mickey went missing, they found a body in an oil field tank. It was very close to the POI's mothers house in the Hailey DunN Case. Everyone was certain it was her, but it was not :( Still no word on who it was they found in that tank either. Sadly, the same as Louisiana, there are a lot of desolate places that no one could/would search. We have some GIANT sink holes out here. And I am sure they would find people if they had a way to search them. It is sad and scary :(

It is scary...I had not realized until today (after some reading) that some and possibly several of DTL's victims have never been found. That is very discouraging to know. Some missing more than a decade...
Well because it wasn't my business what he was doing Haha. But he stared at us the whole time though we were only there to turn around and leave. But he had the hood of one of the cars in the back of bsls house up and he seemed to be working on it.

do u think it was his brother?
I think he is a predator; sometimes he focuses his rage/whatever on a specific person and other times, he just sees what he wants and takes it.

I don't have a great knowledge of sk's or how they operate (can't stomach the research) but in my opinion I don't think that BSL has an mo persay. I believe that he is just fascinated with the idea of being a sk. My opinion is that he was exposed to the research that his cousin did for the "bad boy" book. I imagine that the topic could have come up several times, what with family in le and what-not. Then a decade later he is "lucky" enough to have his very own sk on his local turf to study/copy. I think that he might have tried really hard to be a notorious and successful killer, but instead he is just a willy nilly wannabe, poser, ahole killer with no actual rhyme or reason.

No actual fact or useful info in this post, but its all i've got.
They are more afraid of you then you are of them ... Although the water is nasty as a kid I would go hydrosliding in the vermillion all the time done it as a adult a few times as well they aren't as scary as they seem!

I've done some similar things but being tiny, I'm afraid he'd think I was an animal. So if I were homeless, IMHO, I sure wouldn't sleep at Whiskey Bay.

Please God bring Mickey home :please:
So, BSL may have went to 3 we know all three for sure? 1 in Texas, 1 in NOLA and the other is where, or, rumor TIA?
That would make sense but how do you explain LP being found where she was found? Not to far from BSL current location. Seems he did it once and got away with it, makes perfect sense he would do it again!

Lisa may have been in CP and brought out to the rural
area. I don't know enough about autopsies but I'd like to know how they can tell with a skeleton that a person died of asphyxiation by smothering or strangling rather than choking on vomit or a drug overdose. how Lisa got there remains a mystery that we may know the answer to at BSLs trial. I see a few possibilities-someone killed her and knew the house, in a rural
area was empty due to KA dying in a wreck so they hid the body there. Or she died of an overdose and someone who was with her didn't want the attention put her there knowing the house was empty.
Maybe BSL had her ID and pics of him with her body or something.
The only reason I think someone besides BSL and MS were involved in a fight is because he has stab wounds front and back. I think it would depend where and how deep the wounds on his back were. If somehow she snuck up behind him and started stabbing, then the wound on his back should be the deepest wound. Or if he was doing something to MS and a different person had a knife, they would stab him in the back and he would reach for the knife and cut his hand. No matter how I turn it though I cannot get knife wounds on the back and front and a knife wound on the neck and hand to make any sense. I think it would depend on how deep the wounds were on the back and where they were (could he have stabbed himself at that location). I don't believe that he cut his own finger that deep on purpose. I cannot picture anyone doing that -- unless they were on heavy heavy on meth. That is the only scenario I can imagine.
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