LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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During my early twenties, I scored a job with the Census Bureau. For me it was high cotton, as I was desperately poor. I lived in Duson off of Ridge Road at the time, and was assigned Duson and the surrounding areas. You are right, there are places that are in the middle of no-where.

One day I was in one such place. Cane fields all around. I was lost, and my aging 1973 VW beetle bug was low on gas. I saw a guy approaching me on a tractor, and realized he might help with directions.

As I flagged him down he pulled in front of me and blocked me, so that I could not go forward. He jumped off the tractor and came running as fast as his overweight, overall wearing body could move. As he got closer the look I saw was not one of a person who intended to help me.

On that day, that 1973 VW beetle became a truck, I drove it right through a ditch and out the other side and half way thru a part of a cane field. When I came out, I was going in the direction I had come from. I looked in my rear view and he stood right where my car had been a few minutes before.

I've shared a bit of my early Louisiana life to show you how easy it would be for something evil to go down in a blink of an eye in the country. I was lucky. MS was not. So he could have hidden her in the middle of the day and no one would have been the wiser... Especially out there..

I just realized I should have kept that bug. ;)

Oh my God!!! That is so scary. I'm glad you are okay. You definitely did the smart thing of pulling off into the field through the ditch. Locking doors/windows isn't enough, especially if he would have had a weapon to break your glass. I'm very glad you are okay.

You're right. Duson/Rayne areas are just asking for "back road trouble".
There are areas of water, ponds, weeds, fields, woods, everything.
All where little to no homes are in most areas.

To get to Rayne if he did go there after the crime, he would have probably passed through Duson if he took back roads.

Places like that are "heavens" to anyone wanting to hide something.

What sucks is that around that time, fields were just about to be harvested, and sugar cane was low. By now, they are all grown up in almost every field.

I really wish Mickey would have been as lucky as you.
But let your story be that much more help to other users here.

As long as your car can keep going, KEEP IT GOING!

Personally, I think with technology now, there should be a way for LE to locate ANY phone once it is turned off/broken/anything or it's last location. PINGS only go so far. Because everyone these days has some sort of phone with them, they should really look into this.
if we get back into the discussion of whether MS was hit by the DWT in front of the Circle K again I'm literally going to go absolutely insane!! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: LE has ruled this out by stating they know the relative location of the abduction and we have sleuthed the heck out of it multiple multiple times. for our sanity please let's move on to something constructive for Mickey

Can I get an AMEN!
Just so everyone knows, this weekend I'm planning on driving out to every "out of the way" road that could have possibly been taken. Including my own road.
I especially want to visit Duson/Rayne backroads, and I'll find the street name that contains the burned down home that I think should be checked.

I'd advise anyone with free time this weekend, to visit any back roads (Never alone of course) they can think of.
Especially in Rayne, Duson, and Lawtell.
And also, any on the way to Whiskey Bay.

There are a few "backroads" that Brandon could've used to get to Whiskey Bay because I'm debating between if he would use a backroad to throw off attention, or the interstate to play "casual" better and get to Whiskey Bay faster.

But yes, please, anyone with free time, search back roads on that area.
If one looks like a particular interest, please contact LE!
Let's do this!

Do you get cell service on those back roads?
With how secretive Brandon is, there is no way he would have hit her in front of that Circle K. In my opinion, NO WAY, at all.
I used to go there at late hours, and theres ALWAYS people at that circle k. You can even see from the image that people are sitting on their cars and stuff.

He would be asking to be immediately reported to the police if that took place right there.
So I never bought that the bike is under the truck.
Plus, I'm pretty sure LE would've noticed that, after still after still. They only released a few of those.
Well, maybe not in front of the Circle K, but just around the corner...
Sometimes people just are too asleep to notice anything awry. For example, just recently, there was an accident in my neighborhood where a perp. plowed a car through someone's house/yard at an intersection in the early hours of the a.m. I talked to several people on the intersecting street who knew nothing about it, nor did they hear anything. I heard sirens.
During my early twenties, I scored a job with the Census Bureau. For me it was high cotton, as I was desperately poor. I lived in Duson off of Ridge Road at the time, and was assigned Duson and the surrounding areas. You are right, there are places that are in the middle of no-where.

One day I was in one such place. Cane fields all around. I was lost, and my aging 1973 VW beetle bug was low on gas. I saw a guy approaching me on a tractor, and realized he might help with directions.

As I flagged him down he pulled in front of me and blocked me, so that I could not go forward. He jumped off the tractor and came running as fast as his overweight, overall wearing body could move. As he got closer the look I saw was not one of a person who intended to help me.

On that day, that 1973 VW beetle became a truck, I drove it right through a ditch and out the other side and half way thru a part of a cane field. When I came out, I was going in the direction I had come from. I looked in my rear view and he stood right where my car had been a few minutes before.

I've shared a bit of my early Louisiana life to show you how easy it would be for something evil to go down in a blink of an eye in the country. I was lucky. MS was not. So he could have hidden her in the middle of the day and no one would have been the wiser... Especially out there..

I just realized I should have kept that bug. ;)

OT. From one VW bug owner from another...yes we should have kept them! Glad you got away!
During my early twenties, I scored a job with the Census Bureau. For me it was high cotton, as I was desperately poor. I lived in Duson off of Ridge Road at the time, and was assigned Duson and the surrounding areas. You are right, there are places that are in the middle of no-where.

One day I was in one such place. Cane fields all around. I was lost, and my aging 1973 VW beetle bug was low on gas. I saw a guy approaching me on a tractor, and realized he might help with directions.

As I flagged him down he pulled in front of me and blocked me, so that I could not go forward. He jumped off the tractor and came running as fast as his overweight, overall wearing body could move. As he got closer the look I saw was not one of a person who intended to help me.

On that day, that 1973 VW beetle became a truck, I drove it right through a ditch and out the other side and half way thru a part of a cane field. When I came out, I was going in the direction I had come from. I looked in my rear view and he stood right where my car had been a few minutes before.

I've shared a bit of my early Louisiana life to show you how easy it would be for something evil to go down in a blink of an eye in the country. I was lucky. MS was not. So he could have hidden her in the middle of the day and no one would have been the wiser... Especially out there..

I just realized I should have kept that bug. ;)

Concealed carry ladies. The more I'm on this site and the older I get the more I believe every woman should have this. I'm glad you were one of the lucky ones. Thousands every year arent and I just wonder if it would have helped some if them. So glad you are okay! Thanks for sharing with us!

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'Guess, BS Lavergne, got cell service on those back roads, seems he'll be living in a cell, for the rest of his natural life'...
Haha! Good one, you are as clever as a fox!
I looked on the website to find out the minimum amount of evidence needed for no body cases, particularly in Louisiana*. That led me to the case of Vicky Dorsey, who was murdered by her husband in 1999. Her body hasn't been found, but the State of Louisiana was able to obtain a conviction for second degree murder against her husband, Ronnie Dorsey anyway. (The prosecution indicted him for first-degree murder but later amended the charges to second-degree murder.) Dorsey appealed the conviction in 2001 and lost. Among other things, the Appellate Court found that the victim's substantial blood loss beyond survivability, evidence that the defendant had been at the same bar where the victim was last seen, and evidence of the victim's blood at the defendant's house, were sufficient to support a second degree murder conviction. You can visit to read the court's decision.

I'm thinking that LE found similar evidence against BSL such that the prosecutors felt confident enough to pursue a first-degree murder case against him. Substantial evidence notwithstanding, I still hope that searchers will find Mickey's body so that the Shunick family can put her to rest and to make it easier to put BSL away for good.


*I am a licensed attorney but am not licensed in the State of Louisiana. Any information provided is my opinion only, and not to be taken as legal advice.
Just so everyone knows, this weekend I'm planning on driving out to every "out of the way" road that could have possibly been taken. Including my own road.
I especially want to visit Duson/Rayne backroads, and I'll find the street name that contains the burned down home that I think should be checked.

I'd advise anyone with free time this weekend, to visit any back roads (Never alone of course) they can think of.
Especially in Rayne, Duson, and Lawtell.
And also, any on the way to Whiskey Bay.

There are a few "backroads" that Brandon could've used to get to Whiskey Bay because I'm debating between if he would use a backroad to throw off attention, or the interstate to play "casual" better and get to Whiskey Bay faster.

But yes, please, anyone with free time, search back roads on that area.
If one looks like a particular interest, please contact LE!
Let's do this!

I live in Duson, really you could call it Scott. But if you have any particular places in mind, let me know and I can go look too.
Sources close to the Shunick investigation tell The Independent that among the evidence collected from Lavergne’s home in Swords were several women’s IDs and bloodied pictures of Lavergne showing the injuries he sustained May 19, the day Shunick disappeared.

What do you all think of this? Of the pictures of himself? Who took them? When and where? and...why? Opinions?

Who took them? I dunno. It's possible, depending on the camera used, that he took them himself. I just tested ot with my cell phone, which has a front camera as well as a main camera. The front one is used for self-portraits. I can get a pretty clear photo of myself from top of my head to lower rib cage. Depending on where his back injury, he might have Bern able to reach around and snap a pic, esp if on the upper back/shoulder area. With my phone, it only takes one hand. No telling where his phone has a camera with similar capabilities.

Perhaps someone else took the photos to document the injuries from his alleged mugging. This 'helpful' person may have suggested the photos in case the robber was caught, and maybe BSL felt that he had no choice but to go along. Or maybe he wanted photos to show his employer why he might need time off of work.

Why keep the photos? Since we don't believe the mugging in N.O. story, then perhaps it's a souvenir (shudders to think about it). Just tossing out ideas....
if she were put in the Teche she would have resurfaced from a barge going through. there are much "better" hiding places than the Teche. Much of it is in the backyard of many families. JMO, but i think she would have been found if she were put in the Teche

Oh, I agree. Never really thought she was there but remember thinking about that area.
OK, I kept thinking Breaux Bridge early this a.m., but I didn't want to get all psychic, because that's not allowed. I kept telling myself that Breaux Bridge is a catchy name, and that is probably why it stuck in my mind. But then again...

Who knows.

I know what you mean! I am not psychic in any way but I keep having a dream where Mickey comes to me while I am driving and says to tell her mom that she is in a town that's name has something to do with ketchup and then she shows me a yellow and green store.

Of course, it is just a strange dream but it was weird. Funny how the mind plays tricks.
I'm wondering when these bloody pics of his wounds were taken? According to his story he was lost and asked directions at some gas station and was attacked. Then he says he drove around trying to find a hospital. I think this is what his story was that he told the police. So if the police took the photos..the wounds would not be bleeding because they would have already been taken care of by the dr's at the ER. They interviewed after the fact. So he must have gone home after the kidnapping and took the pics or went somewhere else where a friend took the pics. He wouldn't have taken pics of himself while driving.
I'm wondering when these bloody pics of his wounds were taken? According to his story he was lost and asked directions at some gas station and was attacked. Then he says he drove around trying to find a hospital. I think this is what his story was that he told the police. So if the police took the photos..the wounds would not be bleeding because they would have already been taken care of by the dr's at the ER. They interviewed after the fact. So he must have gone home after the kidnapping and took the pics or went somewhere else where a friend took the pics. He wouldn't have taken pics of himself while driving.

If he didn't have access to a mirror he might have used his camera to take pics of his back wounds so he could see how bad the wounds were and if they needed stitches. Hopefully they later got infected and gave him gang green
is that a 10 second frame camera?? i never paid much attention to that particular camera since she wasn't on it.

also, there are a handful of locals that are still standing by the bike being under the truck in the Circle K image. don't throw tomatoes at me. just sayin'

I try not to talk about the bike under the truck because I know how badly others react to this opinion but I am 99% sure of it. It seems that there are many that could be in the know that also believe this.

Now I have not seen factual evidence to prove it either way but the further we get into this case the more I believe it.

Not sure if this camera provides continuous video or not but I do know that she was never seen on it. I was around when this discussion took place but cannot recall that info.
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