LA - Hope Thibodaux for obstruction in 2yo son's rape, Sun, 2010

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How did I not read this thread before 9 months when they already have a POI who has been spotted multiple times and it was called in?!? What an outrage! I am thoroughly disgusted!

Thank you for bumping this, tlcox. Have any of you who contacted the sheriff, etc., back in December received any kind of reply?
Another WS poster brought this horrid story to my attention. It is appalling. Not only the abuse this baby boy endured but the lack of appropriate response from LE and the different agencies involved, IMO. While agencies are squabbling, there is a baby rapist running free in Louisiana. He/she must be stopped and brought to justice. If this person raped once, they've raped again. As a grandparent, I simply cannot imagine the sheer horror of taking a diaper off my tiny grandson and finding this damage. Surely, surely someone knows more.

And bless these grandparents for being a resource for their little guy. I hope he and they are offered all the services they are entitled to.

Please note that the grandparents' full names are used in this story but I've edited them out for confidentiality for the baby. I'll leave it up to the mods as to whether we can and should include them.

Investigation Into Sexual Abuse Of Toddler Stalls

Grandparents Want Justice For 2-Year-Old

"SUN, La. -- A Northshore couple is demanding action after their 2-year-old grandson was sexually abused. They claim the Washington Parish Sheriff's Office hasn't done enough to protect the boy, and other children, from a potential predator. And more than six months after the offense, an arrest has yet to be made.

DT and CT said they know that sharing what happened to their grandson makes people uncomfortable. It makes them uncomfortable, too. But they believe they had to come forward so no other child will have his innocence taken away...."


"..."He ran up to CT and said, 'PaPa, my hiney hurts. My hiney hurts.' And we were like, 'Why does your hiney hurt?'" DT said. "Never had a problem with changing his diaper. Went to go change his diaper (and) it took two of us to hold him down."
"He just went into hysterics," CT said.
"And when he started that, we knew something was wrong. You just know in your heart," DT said.
With tears in her eyes, DT inspected her grandson.
"He had a big bruise around his butt ... around his rectum," she said. "It was torn, bloody."

A couple of weeks later, blisters and lesions appeared on the boy's genitals and buttocks, which was documented in hospital records. The Ts feared it was herpes. Initial tests were negative, but their family doctor insists there is still a high likelihood that the lesions are due to the herpes virus, so testing will continue...."


"....The T family claims there was not even an open case file at the Sheriff's Department, and they demanded a meeting with the assigned detective and [Deputy Chief] Lyons.

"Their exact words (were), 'The baby is 2 years old. He doesn't know. He can't identify the perpetrator. So there is nothing we can do,' DT said....

more at link

we havent stopped hopefully justice will come
[/LA~Grandparents want justice/Who brutally raped their 2 yr old grandson??
Calvin, welcome to the forum! Do you have updated information on how this dear child is doing?

Thanks for joining us, and prayers this child is doing well.
:welcome5: calvin.

I think of this little guy often, and his sissy.

We have had no updates on this case and that saddens me. I can only hope they are doing alright :(

I pray that is so
Calvin, I saw your post in the punishment for pedophile thread. Thank you for joining websleuths. Your family continues to be in my prayers.
:welcome5: calvin.

I think of this little guy often, and his sissy.

We have had no updates on this case and that saddens me. I can only hope they are doing alright :(

I pray that is so

there doing good we are gettin close on convictions
there doing good we are gettin close on convictions

I am so relieved they are doing well. Your story touched our hearts here. I am really glad to read there is progress and convictions are that much closer.

I hope you will give us what info you can, without messing up any investigation or case against the perpetrators. and I hope you will continue to update us going forward.
the kids are doin fine,we are so close to a conviction,im really tryin hard to find out more about this piece of junk,i gotta be nice.there is only one person its been the same man the whole time.the lil boys bio mother is gonna be charged as me we havent stopped my wifes been a busy woman an if wasnt for her theres no telling what the police dept would be doing.theres a new dect. on this case and shes wonderful shes heaven sent.ill keep yall posted plz keep us in your prayers we need the jury to prosacute these people.jail is to good for him like my wife says he needs to be hung from a treee put honey on his p-parts and let the ants eat him ALIVE!!!!!
this has been terrible for our grandson,as of dec 2011 they are now our children the adoption went through.our lil man does go to the hope house hes got alot to work through.its sad an very hard to listen to things he tells us.its realyy hard not to sit back an wait for justice but we have to.hopefully one day he will get whats comming to him an i hope we are there to witness it.Thanks to everyone for your prayers an thoughts for us.
Bless the little guy's heart. It will be a hard road getting past the awful things done. I am so glad he has you and your wife to get him through it. Also am glad he is getting help from hope house. Its gonna take a lot of love and patience.

That is great news that you and your wife were able to adopt, that bio mom is being prosecuted and won't ever be able to lace the kids in danger again. The best news is that you finally got this new detective on the case. She sounds on the ball. Finally, someone in law enforcement to listen and care!

I will keep all of you in my prayers and look forward to tha day you get to tell us that these horible people are convicted.
Calivn, thank you so much for posting. I'm so glad to hear of the adoption, and that the little guy is finding help through Hope House. I can imagine how it must infuriate you to hear the details he shares, but it's good that he's talking about it. Thank goodness he has you and your family to help him to trust and to feel safe again. You're all in my prayers.
well we still are fighting for our grandson,his bio mom has gotten charged with obstruction of justice and james blackwell the suspect is still running free in washington parish,unreal its disgusting this whole case .CHILDREN R SUPPOSE TO BE PROTECTED BY THE LAW,WHATS WRONG WITH SOCIETY,i will say anything an everything to let the world and washington parish know who this sick person walking the streets,10/06/1968 james blackwell ,hope ur enjoying ur freedom u have messed up an innocent lil boys life,i will make sure justice does serve this now 4 yr old boy:furious::banghead:
Calivn, thank you so much for posting. I'm so glad to hear of the adoption, and that the little guy is finding help through Hope House. I can imagine how it must infuriate you to hear the details he shares, but it's good that he's talking about it. Thank goodness he has you and your family to help him to trust and to feel safe again. You're all in my prayers.

alot of people tell me at least hes safe,well if the laws were different an the crazy parents cant leagelly denie a rape kit test then we would have more child rapist in jail.The bio mother is pregnet again and using things she shouldnt be an theres nothing to do to help that innocent child.I hope that this new baby will find a good sick over the justice system,if u can prosacute the mother you should be able to prosacute the guy who raped him:jail:
Bessie any updates? I also want to know what in the world is going on! How can this little boy heal when there is nothing going on with this case?! God forbid this perv have any contact with this child!

updates on this
It is sad that in many cases abused children don't get the help they need even when authorities KNOW about their situations
alot of people tell me at least hes safe,well if the laws were different an the crazy parents cant leagelly denie a rape kit test then we would have more child rapist in jail.The bio mother is pregnet again and using things she shouldnt be an theres nothing to do to help that innocent child.I hope that this new baby will find a good sick over the justice system,if u can prosacute the mother you should be able to prosacute the guy who raped him:jail:

Mr. and Mrs. calvin359...Mr. and Mrs. Crimson clover sit only a few parishes away from you, and have just this evening become aware of your litttle grandson's story. Breathless from post one...til now. We, as grandparents, share similar shoes...except, for the horrific reason we speak to each other today.

God bless you both, and your precious grandchildren. We feel so, so sorry for the adversity you face today. And yet, so enamored by your continued search for justice. Til the cows come home, right?

We love the way Mrs. calvin would perform justice on this pervert...considerably mild in fashion to our thinking. But, we are all good people, with good, loving hearts for our children, grandchildren, famiilies. A true test of patience with the justice system...we can only imagine.

We admire your strength, courage, and determination to GET this perp, at all costs. We are with you thought and prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. calvin359...Mr. and Mrs. Crimson clover sit only a few parishes away from you, and have just this evening become aware of your litttle grandson's story. Breathless from post one...til now. We, as grandparents, share similar shoes...except, for the horrific reason we speak to each other today.

God bless you both, and your precious grandchildren. We feel so, so sorry for the adversity you face today. And yet, so enamored by your continued search for justice. Til the cows come home, right?

We love the way Mrs. calvin would perform justice on this pervert...considerably mild in fashion to our thinking. But, we are all good people, with good, loving hearts for our children, grandchildren, famiilies. A true test of patience with the justice system...we can only imagine.

We admire your strength, courage, and determination to GET this perp, at all costs. We are with you thought and prayer.
we now have Bikers Against Child Abuse involved in our family they took our case Thank God,ive never heard of this organization before an it is GREAT,i thank u so much for reading our story its so fustrationing to go through this,these guys have more rights than the kids they hurt.the pain in our hearts is terrible and i think it gets worse as time goes on.poor lil man has only us to vent to and its depression:banghead:

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