LA - Lacey Fletcher 36, GRAPHIC, disabled, found dead, on couch for years, Jan'22 *Parents arrested*

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Im also wondering if she was being drugged.

I mean
- from a lively girl who was a member of school's sports team (volleyball, bowling) to a person totally inactive, sitting in one place for years???
Im also wondering if she was being drugged.

I mean
- from a lively girl who was a member of school's sports team (volleyball, bowling) to a person totally inactive, sitting in one place for years???

I was thinking the same thing: my guess is that they kept her sedated which is why she melted into the couch-- how else would you get a human to sit in one place for years?
Not just that - to sit in place with to-the-bone bedsores.

It is unimaginable to think that so called parents watched their daughter waste away for years, laying in waste, with bedsores to the bone and not attempting to get her medical care. I believe they are sociopaths: no conscience. You could not have a conscience and watch this occur before your eyes for years and years.
All that going on in their home while they present like a normal loving couple at church and to their community. They deserve life in prison, never to see the light of day again. This is one of the worst, if not the worst case of abuse I have ever heard of. I believe they are calling this a homicide.
It is unimaginable to think that so called parents watched their daughter waste away for years, laying in waste, with bedsores to the bone and not attempting to get her medical care. I believe they are sociopaths: no conscience. You could not have a conscience and watch this occur before your eyes for years and years.
All that going on in their home while they present like a normal loving couple at church and to their community. They deserve life in prison, never to see the light of day again. This is one of the worst, if not the worst case of abuse I have ever heard of. I believe they are calling this a homicide.

I agree that Sheila and Clay Fletcher are sociopaths or psychopaths. They are like David and Louise Turpin, Gertrude Baniszewski, or Josef Fritzl.
And at 16 she would have monthly periods, no diapers? I have nightmares from this case

If she was as underweight as she was when she was found for a long time, not necessarily. That doesn’t make everything else any less bad, but maybe a little bit less suffering on her end.

Given what was found in her stomach, I don’t think Lacey was trying to starve herself resulting in that state, either… The more we know the more disturbing it gets, it seems.

As some of you mentioned above I wonder if she was dragged as well. Unless paralysed and nonverbal I can’t imagine someone would sit trough that ordeal or not scream their lungs out from pain , yell for help.
I even thought about munchausen syndrome that her parent/s could have but that doesn’t fit with attention seeking aspect.
It’s hard to grasp that both parents were not helping her. For those years not one of them tried to alert authorities, ask for help.
I think when someone refuses or is unable to get up and use the bathroom, it's time to get help, buy diapers, something. You see a bedsore, you take them to the doctor, you call 911. You don't wait till they tunnel down to the bone. You don't go on vacation and leave them to die alone in torment. There is absolutely no excuse for 2 healthy parents to let this happen. This goes way beyond neglect in my book.

This. Like there's just no excuse. "Oh you can't force an adult to do something". I mean... sure. But there are people out there who are endowed with certain powers, and you utilise their services. I'm not in the US but I'm sure it's similar there. I used to work in disability homes, and when a resident would become non-compliant with her epilepsy treatment we would call emergency services (who were familiar with her case; we called them directly, not on the emergency line) who would send out an ambulance and a couple of cops (who she knew) and they'd take her to hospital for treatment. They had the legal power to force that; we couldn't force it, and if she'd still had living parents they couldn't have either, but that doesn't mean nobody can legally force treatment on someone. That's what legal guardianship etc is all about when a person doesn't have the mental capacity (due to illness or disability) to make those decisions for themselves. We don't just let people rot because they want to or they don't know better!

I'm sure that in the jurisdiction that the Fletchers resided in there'd be similar laws that would allow for the same kind of thing. You get authorities involved! That's what they're there for... you don't hide from them until this happens.
This link explains the behavioral health treatment available in Louisiana, whether for substance abuse or mental illness. It contains links to the following forms to request involuntary commitment.
Mental Health Services | La Dept. of Health

The coroner (that’s who is appointed for this) could fill out this form to commit someone involuntarily on an emergency basis for mental health treatment. It appears to be for a limited time. 2 Coroner's Emergency Certificate.pdf

Once a person is hospitalized, the hospital can use this form to ask the court for the patient to be held longer. At this point, Lacey would have been provided a court-appointed attorney to represent her if she didn’t have an attorney. Judicial Commitment - Hospital-Facility.pdf

Or parents could have filled out this form and submitted it directly to the court asking for involuntary treatment. Again, Lacey would have an attorney. The court would decide if Lacey qualified. for Judicial Commitment - Non-Legal.pdf

Of course, it’s always possible that the court may not have agreed to involuntary commitment, depending on doctor’s reports and the arguments of Lacey’s attorney or testimony of Lacey herself. But it seems that under the circumstances, when she initially parked herself on the couch, she could have been assessed and involuntarily committed to get treatment for whatever mental illness or disability she suffered from. Better to do it earlier than later. Of course, for parents, hope springs eternal, so it would no doubt have been hard to decide to force Lacey into treatment. It seems that after she seemingly “balked” and they backed down, things gradually went from bad to worse to a point of no return. Parenting a mentally ill adult is a huge challenge, but tough decisions must be made even if your adult child hates you for it in the moment. But like others, I also wonder if there was abuse that Lacey could have revealed to doctors.

So far, we only have Lacey’s parents word for how this all transpired for so many years. I suspect that the reason it took so long for an arrest was a thorough investigation to get enough evidence that would hold up at trial.
Mental issues aside, they could have taken her to a doctor or called an ambulance at any point over the years. Let's not forget she had covid as well.

The only people to blame in this poor woman's tortured life and death are the two sorry sacks of beans that were her caregivers who in fact gave zero cares.

It absolutely burns my biscuits that they were not arrested immediately and then as soon as they were finally taken into custody, they post bond. Do they own this town or what?
Mental issues aside, they could have taken her to a doctor or called an ambulance at any point over the years. Let's not forget she had covid as well.

The only people to blame in this poor woman's tortured life and death are the two sorry sacks of beans that were her caregivers who in fact gave zero cares.

It absolutely burns my biscuits that they were not arrested immediately and then as soon as they were finally taken into custody, they post bond. Do they own this town or what?
I read that she was an alderman of this town.

Activists want parents of neglected woman in jail; parents react through lawyer
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It's just disgusting to me that they were treated with kid gloves after having done something so awful. I don't care if they're Santa and Mrs. Claus. This is torture and murder in my book.

There may have been some element that they actually enjoyed watching her suffer-- we don't like to think that is possible, but they may be sadistic as well ----
I totally agree with other posters who wonder why they weren't charged immediately. For what it's worth, here's the Daily Mail's explanation:

News of the January horror is breaking now as the autopsy report was not handed to East Feliciana Sheriff's Office until March. At that point Sheriff Travis consulted with District Attorney D'Aquilla on a course of action that has resulted in this grand jury deliberation.

A new East Feliciana Parish grand jury is selected every six months, with a new one chosen today. Authorities decided it should be the new jury that decided the Fletcher case.

Parents of Louisiana woman, 36, found dead, 'fused to sofa' charged with second-degree murder | Daily Mail Online
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