LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #10

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Only M. knows for sure what her route was and why....
Lots of speculation but nothing concrete...

and the volunteer search has been called off indefinitely, as well as donations of goods ....Unexplained why...

Wow. Thanks for that update. Did they have a PC today?
From presser, last thread, Cpl. Mouton drops in an enticing teaser: "Other items of interest that we're not currently releasing at this time."

Yeah, I caught curiosity is in overdrive.
I missed a lot of pages. Where the did the info about a pipe come from?
Any theories on why no more volunteer searches? (have perp in mind? tainted volunteer pool? amateur screw ups? etc.?)
Ok, I'm going to post all the info that we got about the white truck from the other thread. Things were flying so fast, and also the presser was going on, I think this information, given by this poster is very important to Mickey's case. Just want it all to be here for reference.

Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 10

have not had time to read and catch up today but here are some of my findings on the pics...

My level of expertise in graphic design/editing software is expert/professional.

first pic of bike...
vehicle 15-20 yards behind bike pointing in same direction slowing or possibly stopped in loading zone... headlights appear off... braking based on light cast from rear of vehicle
...she is riding in the middle of the only lane in that direction.

second pic of bike (circle k)... appears she rode through a red light to cross University as it appears green in the other direction... there is no traffic...
... she is riding in the middle of the only lane in that direction...

pic of truck (circle K-following) pic is cropped and cannot see the state of the traffic light... the timeline might indicate truck had to wait for red light but was following per previous bike pic. same timeline as bike passing based on gas station patrons/movement

pic of truck (circle k-leaving) truck left turn lane slowing for red light.
tailgate is up per the fact we can see the license plate light which would be obstructed by a down tailgate... based on angles of reflection from upper backlighting, appears to have a white bed cover and dark upper window visors... possible off kilter fuel door enough to reflect light differently, or possible aftermarket. based on turning location, truck should appear on university camera in less than a minute dependent on the length of wait time at current red light

person leaning on car getting gas...
person in white t appears running toward store, possibly a passenger based on angle subject is moving away from car, fuel door most likely on passenger side of vehicle)

truck pic (university) truck appears clean, tires reflect light (possibly just shined) possible paved road travel only to this point per shiny tires... dark upper window visors reflecting light, possible white bed cover, 5 spoke wheels possibly stock. license plate appears flat (printed, not stamped) per even reflection, appears white with red upper lettering possibly similar to california's.

i need to go for a bit but will look more into them later... from what I have reviewed so far the truck appears to be the same truck in all pics, though i have read all your arguments about different trucks as the do certainly "appear" to be as was my opinion also "before i took them apart"... once i have time to bust out my slide-rule to get an accurate timeline i can contribute more

this is all of course, my opinion and could be wrong... but i am good at what i do... (i still have my waxer from when cut and paste meant "cut and paste") in no way could i upload all my work, but if anybody has a specific argument to any of this i will try to take the time to address it... but lets keep the argument civil and stay on point and we can work on this together...

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i did not go off of what was said or what we were told... i went off what i had... pics. news is not a credible source to me. i used professional tools to break these apart and have an experienced eye for the little details. the news is only going off what they were told... i have trained people in various fields of graphic design and photo manipulation... i have (in the past) been invited to colleges to speak on this subject to students... that being said... i'm just a regular guy, and i do make mistakes (but only according to my wife i believe one person "can" make a difference... i'm trying to help.

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Posts: 10

Originally Posted by mamamia54
I was interested to hear what the poster said too, because to me, and I've been taught that when LE releases a photo, they do it for more reasons than just what sticks out in front, it's what's behind in the photo that is really telling, and with the time frames there in all three photos, that's the same truck.

you are correct in this case... the timestamps on university are very telling...
not what times the cars passed...
the fact that one says 1:49:38 and the other says 1:51:27 says a lot about the frame-rate... we know there are many more pics or video from this camera based on those times...

if one was at 1:49:38 and the other at 1:51:38... we might assume it snaps a pic at lest once per minute

the fact they they are at odd times to each other says at least one pic snapped per second and possibly full motion video is available to them

Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 10

this is moving too fast for me... please go back and read my post about my pic findings...

window visors on truck
vehicle with lights off following bike in first pic
etc... much of what i found has not been discussed as far as i've seen

please take a look... i spent time on this i don't have and if anyone would like me to continue to... at least take a look a my findings thus far....

Registered User

this is the same truck... it turned left at circle k onto university (fact) at least a fact that it was in the lane to turn left in the pic...
university camera WILL have this pic... (FACT) based on the given known framerate unless it is motion sensing but then yields the same results.

it looks different but is the same truck

so this truck in in a possible 5 of the 6 pics we have


  • anotherwhitetruck.jpg
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I guess 11 days is a long time for the searchers. They must be so exhausted. I still find it weird though. Why........why why is it cancelled.
One more time for this:

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Accidents where drunks hit people, panic, and dispose of the body instead of taking the person to the hospital do happen sometimes.

I don't mean to spam by reposting this article, but it bears repeating. It does happen.

What if she was hit accidently and they panicked as you mentioned. Maybe they ditched the bike and took er to a hosptal outide of town in order to avoid detection. Im grasping at straws but I wonder if hospitals in nearby towns have been called.
She says the public volunteer searches will begin again on Thursday.

I get more and more confused, first its indefinitely, now its Thursday.

They say they believe the bike was not dropped, but that does not mean the bike was not dropped. Forensics will know that for certain unless they know something we don't.

Also, I think even if M. was wearing a helmet with her hair tucked up, she was a very feminine girl, so it would be obvious she was a young female. I also wonder with her being so safety conscious why she was not wearing a helmet.

Do you think there is any chance she wrecked herself. I mean even avid bikers have accidents. That could be a reason she would accept a possible offer or help or a ride. I have had my pants get caught and gone for an actual face plant one time in my life. Also have bent my rim hitting a curb wrong, so could this possibly be she wrecked and someone took the opportunity?
Did Cpl. Mouton say she was last seen ON St. Landry or OFF St.Landry, I thought he said OFF. Meaning side street? Any clarification welcomed!

Hopefully the press conference was recorded in its entirety and will be posted or transcribed somewhere soon.
What if she was hit accidently and they panicked as you mentioned. Maybe they ditched the bike and took er to a hosptal outide of town in order to avoid detection. Im grasping at straws but I wonder if hospitals in nearby towns have been called.

Word is out. Her pic is out far and wide, from locally to Italy! I'm sure if she was in a hosp somewhere listed as a Jane Doe she'd have been ID'd by now.
Wish there was a way to sync the comments happening here and on the Find Mickey FB page. Some good comments happening there as well right now. Not sure if I'm allowed to post them verbatim here, but would recommend checking it out.
Wish there was a way to sync the comments happening here and on the Find Mickey FB page. Some good comments happening there as well right now. Not sure if I'm allowed to post them verbatim here, but would recommend checking it out.

Dunno. I copied and pasted something here from FB and my post was removed.
I get more and more confused, first its indefinitely, now its Thursday.

Do you think there is any chance she wrecked herself. I mean even avid bikers have accidents. That could be a reason she would accept a possible offer or help or a ride. I have had my pants get caught and gone for an actual face plant one time in my life. Also have bent my rim hitting a curb wrong, so could this possibly be she wrecked and someone took the opportunity?

Idk about the search...I guess if she said Thursday on TV, it would be more reliable than the fb page. I was thinking they're taking a break to give LE more room to work with their 'undisclosed' findings. I believe they're on to someone and suspending the search will make those involved feel more comfortable, maybe slip up? MOO though.

And I think it's possible she wrecked herself, but it makes me feel worse to think that she was minding her own business and someone just stumbled upon her and decided to take her rather than it have been something planned out (someone who set out to do something awful). Idk why, it just gives me the heebie jeebies.
From presser, last thread, Cpl. Mouton drops in an enticing teaser: "Other items of interest that we're not currently releasing at this time."

I hope 'of interest' = of significance to the investigation
From presser, last thread, Cpl. Mouton drops in an enticing teaser: "Other items of interest that we're not currently releasing at this time."
Playing quick catch up here, Woofie. Any mention of the cell phone? I see LE has confirmed the bike was in the water. I suspect the phone is nearby.
Did Cpl. Mouton say she was last seen ON St. Landry or OFF St.Landry, I thought he said OFF. Meaning side street? Any clarification welcomed!

Hopefully the press conference was recorded in its entirety and will be posted or transcribed somewhere soon.

He said she was last seen on St Landry. I really got the impression that they didn't see her again after the Circle K video at St Landry and University (and there is another camera about a block and a half farther down St Landry in the direction she was travelling).
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