LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #15

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How can we find out if the truck showed up at 224 St landry? I would be beating down whoever has that video camera their offices NOW!!! seriously, how can we get this info?
Shelly, the Lafayette Police Department has said that this is the only picture of the truck available. This was specifically asked about in the live chat with the Daily Advertiser reporters yesterday.
Patty24: Off the subject & a personal note to the BTs pic, I bet a wonderful "dog-tective"
Are we sure there IS a Picayune, MS case? I know it's been posted about, and I was able to find a blog mentioning an "Ashley Smith" who went missing on the 21st, but I cannot find anything else about it. Am I missing something?

After seeing her poster in FMSN FB page, I did several google searches and found nothing except some comments from a Chicago blog.
Yeah, there isn't much. She has a common name too, so any Google searches could result in an explosion of your hard drive. I've done everything short of calling the number and asking. I actually saw this on Facebook and the height/weight, not so much looks (although she is pretty) got to me.

I'm just guessing they hoped it would blow up like the Shunick case.

Ok so they were confused with someone else when they said it was a domestic case and the husband was arrested? This is a different girl missing then?
Thanks. Anyone have any links to any kind of pics from that show?

I'm way behind, as usual, so sorry if this is a repeat. I recall reading that the band (or someone assigned by the band) took video that night. Specifically mentioned was video of the outdoor patio area out in the back.

Wish a band member would post the video - unless LE has it for the time being.
I'm way behind, as usual, so sorry if this is a repeat. I recall reading that the band (or someone assigned by the band) took video that night. Specifically mentioned was video of the outdoor patio area out in the back.

Wish a band member would post the video - unless LE has it for the time being.

Well I was going to shoot a message to one of MS's friends and ask for A.C.I., what color wristbands there were, if any, but he said he found what he was looking for already so I didn't bother.
Ok so they were confused with someone else when they said it was a domestic case and the husband was arrested? This is a different girl missing then?

Yes, this is a different missing girl. It's just very strange that news searches turn up absolutely nothing. She does have a common name, but would be great if we could find out if she's still missing. Picayune, like Lafayette, is very near swampy/watery areas in all directions.
Ok so they were confused with someone else when they said it was a domestic case and the husband was arrested? This is a different girl missing then?

Yes...different girl. The link that they posted was about a girl in my area...Covington, LA. The ex husband (who was still living with her), turned himself in.
I could totally be wrong, but I re-read that post today after doing the nite owl duty last nite ;) and I think they said the lites were at the Pilot Channel. But it was 2nd-hand info (sounded valid, tho).

You are correct!!!1 Thanks for the correction.

And that makes this whole thing more mysterious to me.... and leaves the possibly of a crazy stop-and-drop from the Whiskey Bay bridge.

It's hard to heave things out from that bank of the west side of the ext are....
How can we find out if the truck showed up at 224 St landry? I would be beating down whoever has that video camera their offices NOW!!! seriously, how can we get this info?

No one is going to get the info unless LE releases it, again to protect the integrity of the investigation, to protect the victim, to protect the victim's family, and maybe to save a potential victim.

I wouldn't advise beating down the door of whomever may have this video information, it could likely land someone in jail.

It seems like I've said this before about protecting the integrity of the investigation....By my count, I've said it three times, and numerous other posters have explained it much better than I have.:banghead:

IMO, JMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers.
I cannot point you to an article about the cameras on the side of the building. I went there however and noted these cameras:

If you are on st. Landry and looking directly at the building there are:
Three on the left hand side of the building (one of these is way in the back close to azalea).

One in the back of the building facing azalea.

At least two along the right hand side of the building, though there could be more.

Also, regarding the cameras on the left side of the building, I got out of the car and looked into the smokey plastic cover of two of them. Both point directly out looking over the parking lot she would have had to cross. I think it would be very difficult for both of them to miss her if they were operating correctly.
Shelly, the Lafayette Police Department has said that this is the only picture of the truck available. This was specifically asked about in the live chat with the Daily Advertiser reporters yesterday.

And it's been beat to death and resurrected and beat to death again...

JMO, IMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers.
Thanks! Do you mind linking to where you found that? I just cannot find anything on this girl. Do you know she's still out there missing?

I did a quick search for her on Facebook and easily found her page. She seems to update it many times a day. The most recent update being only a few hours ago. So, she seems to have been found and is okay?
I cannot point you to an article about the cameras on the side of the building. I went there however and noted these cameras:

If you are on st. Landry and looking directly at the building there are:
Three on the left hand side of the building (one of these is way in the back close to azalea).

One in the back of the building facing azalea.

At least two along the right hand side of the building, though there could be more.

Great info!!
LaffyMO said he/she is going to go up there and check the alignment of the cameras!

important sleuthing, IMO
I did a quick search for her on Facebook and easily found her page. She seems to update it many times a day. The most recent update being only a few hours ago. So, she seems to have been found and is okay?

Guess I'll be calling...
Guys, enough with these DUI hit-and-run scenarios. Though it would be easier on the heart and mind to believe Mickey was randomly hit by a stranger, consider the horror this person has put us through.

If he did accidently hit her, why take the evidence and dump it in the basin for nobody to find? Who is to say that she was dead when he did hit her? She may have had a fighting chance to survive, but it was taken away by this sick individual. This makes our suspect a MURDERER. Who is to say that his means of abducting her wasn't just to hit her with his vehicle?

Of course, for all we know it WAS a DUI or hit and panic scenario. However, I agree with you. I would love for her parents to be told thats what happened considering the alternative scenario... I just don't see someone going through the trouble of cleaning up after theirselves to this level (where NOTHING is found to indicate the scene it went down at). I don't see someone taking her just to kill her without doing God only knows what to, first. I don't hold out hope that she's alive.. And if she is, what kind of hell must she be in right now? ::SHUDDER:: I want Mickey to be brought home and whoever responsible prosecuted.

I cannot fathom going through this level of cover up for an accident.
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