LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #17

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As far as we know, Mickey's bike was not cut up. ?

That said, I would think someone would use a cutting torch rather than a hacksaw, especially if they were in a hurry.

The bike was intact with damage to rear tire rim. The question is why did the perp choose to not break or cut up the bike before disposal. It is a good question.
But this is so contrary to what we have been told by natives. We have been told that there is a huge cycling community and they are very close. Bikers are seen regularly traveling to and from school, work, clubs and home.

There's a big difference between a "huge cycling community" in the thoughts of those being involved in it, and most the city being bike friendly/most people use bikes as transportation. The cycling community is large (a couple thousand?) and close because it's the same people at everything revolving around cycling. The same people you pass on bikes everyday. As someone in the community, you share interests with the others in it. So of course you're close. You compare the # people in that cycling community to the population at large, however? Hardly even a blip.

There are very few bike lanes/bike paths. Someone previously mentioned the ridiculous inconsistency of the bike lane on Johnston St. Ambassador and Kaliste Saloom and Pinhook have none. Congress may or may not (I don't remember?). Those are all of the main roads in the city. The Blackham Colliseum bike path was a nice addition, but other than near the college, it doesn't really get you anywhere. I remember distinctly having a conversation with friends who still live there about how nice it was, too bad you have to drive to it to use it safely because it doesn't connect to hardly anything!

Lafayette is a driving city when it comes to transportation. Someone not in the cycling community would likely not be aware of it's closeness, or that it even existed.
There are some known people who frequently use / have access to pilot channel / work canal etc.

Has LE spoken to any of these people and checked out their vehicles? Even if they aren't involved, they might be able to provide names of acquaintances and eventually someone with a vehicle matching the VOI might turn up.

The reason I mention this is that it's more likely that someone who is very familiar with that area would return there,
as opposed to someone who has never been there before.
I guess I can see where someone would think "it's the middle of the night... No one saw me, no one would miss this girl..." for the cover up following an accident but yeah... They underestimated big time when it comes to Mickey Shunick's family, if that was the case. They did an excellent job getting word out.

And to add to the camp theory... There are also houseboats out there.
Mickey was taken on an early Saturday morning, a time when many camp sites become busy with weekenders. Unless someone had a fairly secluded camp, I would think that scenario (taken to a camp along the river) might not be as likely as others.

Those camps can be quite a distance from each other. Also, it doesn't take that long to get from Lafayette to the Butte La Rose/Whiskey Bay area.
OT, but of interest to many: George Zimmerman Bail revoked, per HLN.
I think it would be pretty dumb to have her in a camp out there and then dump the bike near the local boat launch. Draws to much attention to the area in general. Maybe if he had her in lafayette or broussard or Opelousas it would be smart to draw attention away toward the swamp.
I have asked myself that a million times. If it was an accidental hit- why not leave her and run? (even more importantly- why not call for help!!!!) If the perp had warrants, susp. license, was drunk/high, and all the other things- I guess I can see why they ran.. But I just can't understand the taking her and the bike and dumping them into the basin. That seems so... Irrational to me.

Because if he leaves here there, the alarm goes up right away because she gets found very quickly, and he loses his head start.
I thoroughly searched all the cabin and campground areas yesterday (Ive got the soaking wet clothes to prove it). Theres also lots of people AT their camps currently and tons of Mickey fliers in the area. I dont think shes locked up in a camp
The bike was intact with damage to rear tire rim. The question is why did the perp choose to not break or cut up the bike before disposal. It is a good question.

If I'm going to dump it in a deep body of water, cutting it up isn't even going to cross my mind.
If she was hit by accident, possibly the person stopped and put her in the truck to take her to the hospital. Threw her bike in the back and took off. Realizes she is not alive. Doesn't know what to do, has been partying, panic sets in. Decides to dispose of the bike. Dumps it. Dumps her.
I've said it before but I'll say it again as we approach the 2 week mark... The theory she is still alive? ::shudder:: What reason would someone have for keeping her alive? I don't even want to think about it.
I thoroughly searched all the cabin and campground areas yesterday (Ive got the soaking wet clothes to prove it). Theres also lots of people AT their camps currently and tons of Mickey fliers in the area. I dont think shes locked up in a camp

The camps upstream of Whiskey Bay bridge?
If it was an accident there is an empty hospital close by that could easily be use to put someone and a bike. So I must question again whether that hospital has been looked at closely.

Many times with missing persons they are often found quite close to the last seen site unless the person has been taken for different reasons.

ETA My gut tells me this was not an accident.
I thoroughly searched all the cabin and campground areas yesterday (Ive got the soaking wet clothes to prove it). Theres also lots of people AT their camps currently and tons of Mickey fliers in the area. I dont think shes locked up in a camp

Too bad yesterday's weather isn't like today. The searchers have been blessed today...Gorgeous weather with (dare I say it?)..lower humidity! haha
I know nothing about how a bike will behave when dumped in water. But, I do know that my 25lb (about the same as the bike) daughter sinks like a stone, even with the floaty noodles, in a pool... Kidding. Kinda. I do think a bike will eventually float down a bit with the current, but it will take a while and there is nothing in the statements released by LE to say it wasn't submerged in shallow water, kept in place by silty sand. A boat is a possibility, but then why the tire tracks and why the statement that the bike was dumped the morning of the disappearance. Ugh, so much we don't know and so much (I believe) is being kept from the public (for good reason, I'm sure).

I think it was a planned abduction. I don't think the perp knew, or maybe had ever seen Mickey before, but I think he went out that night with the idea in his head that he would find and take a girl. A different kind of "hunter". I don't think he was panicked, bc I think he had been planning this for a while or maybe had done it before. It reminds me too much of Sierra. Unfortunately...
This thought is what has discounted my accidental hit and grab belief. But I just keep going back to it, I can really see it happening.

If the perp hit her, and feared being caught -- perhaps she saw him/the vehicle, and he felt she could easily ID him -- he might want to eliminate the potential star witness to the accident, the victim.
Because if he leaves here there, the alarm goes up right away because she gets found very quickly, and he loses his head start.

He runs a huge risk either way. He has to stop, put her and the bike inside the vehicle which would take much more time than just driving away. Instead, he risks doing there on location, and someone possibly diving by, seeing him out the window of their home or business. That's why I think she just may have ridden on Cherry St, to St Mary's St, and right there, at the large parking lot of the LLC Bus yard, gets hit. No one around, trees around and buses parked further up.
I've said it before but I'll say it again as we approach the 2 week mark... The theory she is still alive? ::shudder:: What reason would someone have for keeping her alive? I don't even want to think about it.

There are some things far worse than death. Im right there with you.

But on a side note, Im way out in North La today and saw some Mickey fliers. So thats cool
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