LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #19

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I think I'm talking about evidence of this friendship prior to mickey's disappearance. I suppose LE has the communication records.

Ashely was interviewed with Mickey's mother and sister. They seem to be all well known to each other.
I read someone's character as safe and allowed him to come to my apartment at 1 am for a "drink" after a night out. I was introduced to him that night but he was an acquaintance of people I knew and I wrongly assumed he was an ok guy. I came a hair's breadth from being raped. He attacked me with a ferocity that to this day freaks me out. He changed in the blink of an eye once the door was closed. My neighbor was a good friend and had a key, heard the commotion and barged in. It was very ugly; my clothes were ripped and I was nearly naked. He fled but it was a long time before I felt secure; I moved shortly afterward because he knew where I lived.

OMG, Schmidty. How scary. Did you press charges?
The areas where higher % of population carry guns have higher crime rates, not less.

Try again.

I highly recommend More Guns Less Crime by John Lott. His thesis is solid.
The areas where higher % of population carry guns have higher crime rates, not less.

Try again.

Sorry but that's BS. Places where guns have been made difficult to get, by anti constitution nanny state freaks, have the highest crime rates. Washington, DC, Chicago - two examples.

Anyway, you tell me .... if a strange man tries to abduct you, would you rather have a little can of mace or a gun?
OMG, Schmidty. How scary. Did you press charges?

No. I was young, naive, and scared. Instead I learned to shoot a handgun with skill and took self defense classes.

There are so many details. The biggest error I made was in assessment and I needed to get skilled in that area also.

I truly believe that women, for the most part, do not believe it will ever happen to them.
No. I was young, naive, and scared. Instead I learned to shoot a handgun with skill and took self defense classes.

There are so many details. The biggest error I made was in assessment and I needed to get skilled in that area also.

I truly believe that women, for the most part, do not believe it will ever happen to them.

You are so right. I put myself in many a situation where I look back and cringe. Two guys tried to abduct me at 18. I was lucky to escape because I was in their vehicle. I hate even thinking about it.
You are so right. I put myself in many a situation where I look back and cringe. Two guys tried to abduct me at 18. I was lucky to escape because I was in their vehicle. I hate even thinking about it.

The upside is that I raised my kids with their feet firmly planted on solid ground when it comes to assessing a situation or a person. I pray I have done all I can to keep them safe in their own lives by the decisions and choices they make.
The upside is that I raised my kids with their feet firmly planted on solid ground when it comes to assessing a situation or a person. I pray I have done all I can to keep them safe in their own lives by the decisions and choices they make.

I'd LOVE to know what you learned about assessing people. I often think that we ignore red flags and intuition, but I also think that some people are so disarming that they are hard to assess or suspect. Ted Bundy was said to be like that.
I'd LOVE to know what you learned about assessing people. I often think that we ignore red flags and intuition, but I also think that some people are so disarming that they are hard to assess or suspect. Ted Bundy was said to be like that.

There's so much info available out there you can access. Teach yourself. My best advice is listen to your instincts.

Goodnight to you all.
If the person in the white truck is not from LA, it is totally possible that they are unaware of the search for the vehicle. Not everyone pays attention to missing persons cases or even the news in general.

Although possible, I find it unlikely that if you were from out of town you would be out at 2am, unless you came to the bars in which you would most likely been with friends and word(with social media) would have gotten to you.
I can't make out the door handles either. I am wondering if they are the same color as the truck.

Aw shoot, I forgot to look at those. I'll try to dig them up and look today. I believe the original Z71 has black handles and mirrors making it an LT. If we can tell if the other*(headed in opposite direction of MS)has white or chrome then thats another reason to dismiss the turning around and following her.

*I need to learn the streets and directions.
There's so much info available out there you can access. Teach yourself. My best advice is listen to your instincts.

Goodnight to you all.

Women need to be able to fight back!
Its more often than not a fight for your life!

pepper spray and karate!
Scream and scream loudly!

What do we know about BW and Mickey moving to NOLA together?

Why were they doing that? When was that decision made or announced?

Had they signed a lease?

What factors led up to the relocation plan?

How long had they both been single?

Are ex-partners OK with them moving in together?

Dosent BW have a GF?
I have to consider what Gatekeeper said about us focusing too much on that one white truck. While I don't discard it, and it certainly seems likely, we are all learning that there is a lot of ground with no cameras where "it" (the disappearance) could have happened and any number of vehicles could have been on those streets but didn't happen to be on camera, or at least that the public is given access to.

I still think if and when we find out what happened, it is going to involve someone she knows through someone else. And at this point, I don't think it's going to end well, sorry to say.
I still think she was bumped off her bike by a vehicle,abducted by gun or knife point,and is being held captive in a house where the neighbors are not close by.Having escaped myself after being abducted ,I hold high hopes for her.
Women need to be able to fight back!
Its more often than not a fight for your life!

pepper spray and karate!
Scream and scream loudly!


Eileen, think about what you just wrote. Mickey was on a bike and had mace. How I wish that mace had been a gun.
I still think she was bumped off her bike by a vehicle,abducted by gun or knife point,and is being held captive in a house where the neighbors are not close by.Having escaped myself after being abducted ,I hold high hopes for her.

Did you know your abductor? What happened?
Did you know your abductor? What happened?

No, I didn't know them.I was walking to my cousins house ,and got stung by a bee.While I was sitting on the ground trying to pull out the stinger,a car pulled up and a man jumped out and forced me into the car by knife point.I was only 17 and scared.There were 3 men altogether in the car.I'm not going to go into the hellish details of my ordeal but how I escaped was ,while at their house ,just when they were about to torment me somemore,they got company.They said they would kill me if I tried to escape.While they was with their company I took a chance that their company was people that they would not want to know what they were doing and I simply walked out the front door in front of their company and got away.I was extremely lucky to get away.
Eileen, think about what you just wrote. Mickey was on a bike and had mace. How I wish that mace had been a gun.

A gun wouldn't have been much help if she had to fumble around in her purse/bag for it, get her finger on the trigger and aim just right. Might not have been enough time. Suppose he bumped her bike, stopped, got out, was asking if she was hurt, could he help... all the time giving the impression that he was friendly, concerned. She may not have even felt threatened enough to grab for a gun... until he was right upon her. And then it would have been too late.
Well, it's possible the battery is not in the phone, but I don't know if that is directly correlated with what I said. A phone that is turned or powered off is not communicating with the outside world, battery in it or no. It's not even communicating with its inside world. It's just a brick, but it can still be turned back on because the magic blue smoke is still inside.

I can't speak to your other question, but I would imagine that depending on the type of phone, depth of water, and probably weather, it would be possible to get a signal from a phone under water. But as under water is not a recommended operating environment for (most?) cell phones, I wouldn't imagine this is a great possibility.

"pinging" has been around for a VERY long time. When I lived in South Dakota and worked for cell one in the early 90's a couple was lost in a Blizzard. They were found safe and sound in a snow bank. They were able to ping their bag phone that was still plugged in to their car. It took LE and my company several days. Had their phone been off, it would have been impossible to find them. Newer phones have GPS, this has been the case on entry level smart phones since about 2003-2006. Even so, there must be adequate signal to "ping", and same for GPS.. although GPS is more widespread. It is realistic that in the Whiskey Bay area signal is low. I dunno, I'd have to go down there with my Verizon phone and check it out. Once you get out on the water tho, it's definitely a loosing game.

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