LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #2

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It's nice to see so many locals taking an interest in Mickey's disappearance, but it doesn't surprise me a bit. I'm a New Orleanian, but I lived in Lafayette for awhile in the late 70's, around the time Acadiana Mall was going up. (Yes, I'm that old.) Looking at a map the other day, I found the apartment complex on Gloucester and Johnston where I used to live. It was brand new at the time, and beyond that point, Johnston St was a long stretch of lonely road. The town has grown in great leaps and bounds since then, but it has always been a community of good, down to earth folks, as evidenced by the all out effort to find Mickey. :praying: Many prayers for her safe return.

To all of the new members posting here for Mickey


just a whisper....Did anyone's hackles go up when Mr. S said he backed out of his driveway at about 2:30AM Sat. morning? Then he flew home Sat. night. :waitasec:

Forgive me. When you work on a rig can't you schedule a day off for your son's graduation from high school? :waitasec:

Often not. My husband used to work offshore, and he missed many, many important occasions because he was on a rig. Sometimes you schedule time off, then something happens and you still have to go. It's an awful way to live, one many people in southern Louisiana understand :(
just a whisper....Did anyone's hackles go up when Mr. S said he backed out of his driveway at about 2:30AM Sat. morning? Then he flew home Sat. night. :waitasec:

Forgive me. When you work on a rig can't you schedule a day off for your son's graduation from high school? :waitasec:

Not only did I find that pretty odd, especially since he made mention that graduation was a big thing. I found it odd, also, that his wife (Mickey's mom) didn't contact him immediately and directly about her being missing. Instead, he found out about it via the internet and e-mails....

Also, I wonder what route he took to get to where he needed to be. I know, as a parent, it has to be so upsetting to know that you were traveling on the road at the time your child went missing - quite possibly the very same road.
just a whisper....Did anyone's hackles go up when Mr. S said he backed out of his driveway at about 2:30AM Sat. morning? Then he flew home Sat. night. :waitasec:

Forgive me. When you work on a rig can't you schedule a day off for your son's graduation from high school? :waitasec:

Actually I did kind of wonder about that. Not that I think her dad had anything to do with it at all, it just surprised me that he was planning to work on the day of the graduation. I do know though that a lot of rig personnel have to be ready to fly out there at a moment's notice, so maybe there was a small emergency or something.
For some reason I keep coming back to her friend, BW. Nobody has been able to verify that she was ever riding her bike home. No surveillance video have been found. No witnesses that saw her. Hmmmm......
Just thinking about BW and his possible involvement or lack thereof - one thing I find off about him is how detailed he is. For example, on NG he goes into detail that about his phone dying, a friend then calling Mickey to follow up, and then even speaking of a text she received right before she left. How did he know she received a text? Did he read it, see her respond, was he using her phone at the time. Perhaps, he is just OCD and very aware of the things going on around him - which leads me to wonder - as detail oriented as he appears to be speaking about how friends checked on them, how he checked her mace, tires, and such WHY was there no system in place to ensure she made it home safe. I mean, had they had a system in place they could have began searching A LOT sooner. Of course, that is not to say that things would be any different, but there's a possibility. I guess that's what baffles me the most, I'm 23 (around the same age), I'm also a college student and although my lifestyle is a bit different considering I have a one and half year old, when I do go out and such I always check with my friends as they do with me to make sure we have all arrived safely (we travel in vehicles, not bikes). I just cannot get over that when I take into consideration the time of morning we are talking about. I could understand not checking up on her during mid-day travels, but not at 2 a.m.!!!
When you work on an oil rig, depending on your position, you are on call. Rigs blow out, they have special engineers and preventionists that fly out on very short notice at all hours of the night. I do not know what her father does, but leaving for a rig at 2:30 in the morning sounds like they needed his help. Course a friend is a blow out well preventionist. He would get yanked from his home at anytime they deemed it necessary, no matter what was on his agenda for the day.

For Mickey, her family and friends, much Light, love, prayers and hope.
Not only did I find that pretty odd, especially since he made mention that graduation was a big thing. I found it odd, also, that his wife (Mickey's mom) didn't contact him immediately and directly about her being missing. Instead, he found out about it via the internet and e-mails....

Also, I wonder what route he took to get to where he needed to be. I know, as a parent, it has to be so upsetting to know that you were traveling on the road at the time your child went missing - quite possibly the very same road.

Might want to read a bit about what TS does for a living....
I REALLY hate to say this but as the days wear on with no new information it really makes me believe that this case is not going to be resolved anytime soon. I honestly feel like investigators and LE are grasping at straws. After hearing the Chief of LPD speak on NG, I'm certain that they have no more than they are telling. I can't help but think that this very well may be the case of human trafficking - which in my mind leads to a planned abduction; however, not necessarily an abduction aimed specifically at Mickey. I guess what I'm saying is that the horrible people who abduct women for human trafficking have an intent to abduct, but as far as I know they don't necessarily stalk the victim. It is, in some respect, a crime of opportunity, yet they are "smart" and quick.

I think only a miracle from the good lord above will bring her home, and I certainly believe in miracles.

I have been to Lafayette, as I do have family there, and I know just how close and easy it is to access I-10 and I find it very plausible that she and whoever has taken her are long gone. I still wonder if border patrol has been contacted.
One of my first thoughts last Saturday was how quickly an abductor could have jumped on I-10 and been out of the state in no time, with or without Mickey. I'm not ready to give up hope yet, though.

If the intent was to hightail it out of town, I think the bike would've been left behind. There would be no need to take it along. In fact, it would be foolish to carry along a large piece of evidence that could link him to a crime, the victim notwithstanding. Much smarter to grab the target and run. Since the bike apparently was taken with Mickey, I tend to think the perp lives in the vicinity of the abduction and doesn't want evidence found close to home. JMO
Often not. My husband used to work offshore, and he missed many, many important occasions because he was on a rig. Sometimes you schedule time off, then something happens and you still have to go. It's an awful way to live, one many people in southern Louisiana understand :(

When I read that about Mickey's dad leaving his home at 2:30 that morning, all I could think was, that poor man. He is probably driving himself insane trying to remember if he could have seen something or if he just missed his daughter along her route. With everything this family is going through, this is just another sad detail and IMO, another circumstance that is just adding "insult to injury."

Prayers for Mickey and her family...
For Mickey, her family and friends, much Light, love, prayers and hope.

This case is bothering me so much. So close to home. I hope tomorrow when I wake up I'll log on to find that Mickey has been found safe or at least there's some break in the case. For her sake, her family's sake, her friend's sake, and the sake of the women of south Louisiana.
Someone mentioned about the mom not being able to contact him directly, again, fairly common. There were rigs my husband went on where I didn't even have a phone number, and cell phones don't work out there 99% of the time. Email was often all we had.
Might want to read a bit about what TS does for a living....

As embarassing as it may be, I have to tell you - I don't understand what it is that he does outside of something about processing samples from wells. So, if you could put it in laymen's terms for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Sorry.

FWIW, I'm not trying to saying anything harsh about TS or his wife - all that I was really saying was that I didn't understand why Mickey's mother didn't call him directly (or Mickey's sister, brother, or friend) to tell him about her disappearance. And, as far as him leaving at 2:30 a.m., I used the word odd but perhaps I should have used the word coincedence (in which, I sincerely mean) that Mickey disappeared right around the time he was leaving home. I'm not suggesting his involvement WHATSOEVER, just merely stating how close, yet how far he was from her. Sorry for any confusion.
Someone mentioned about the mom not being able to contact him directly, again, fairly common. There were rigs my husband went on where I didn't even have a phone number, and cell phones don't work out there 99% of the time. Email was often all we had.

I was not aware of that, but that does answer my question and is completely understandable.
When I read that about Mickey's dad leaving his home at 2:30 that morning, all I could think was, that poor man. He is probably driving himself insane trying to remember if he could have seen something or if he just missed his daughter along her route. With everything this family is going through, this is just another sad detail and IMO, another circumstance that is just adding "insult to injury."

Prayers for Mickey and her family...

All I could think of was what a coincidence. Maybe it's because I'm not used to people going places in the middle of the night so it struck me as being odd. How far is the rig/job from home? Did he drive all the way there?

Yes, prayers for the family are much needed at this time.
For some reason I keep coming back to her friend, BW. Nobody has been able to verify that she was ever riding her bike home. No surveillance video have been found. No witnesses that saw her. Hmmmm......

I know. Hmmmmm.........
All I could think of was what a coincidence. Maybe it's because I'm not used to people going places in the middle of the night so it struck me as being odd. How far is the rig/job from home? Did he drive all the way there?

Yes, prayers for the family are much needed at this time.
He is working on offshore drilling. He was flown out to the rig and then he was flown back.
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