LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #2

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From NG (might not be accurate info):

Mickey last seen riding on her bike past Taco Bell while clutching her can of mace.

BW said Mickey had the mace in her hand. Again, waiting for the transcripts to be published on CNN. Still not posted.
Was there anyone "new" to the group that was at the bar that night? Friend of a friend? I still want to know who the text was from and what was texted?

While I feel somewhat comforted in LE saying they don't have any reason to think BW was involved, they wouldn't say he passed the poly....because of the ongoing investigation. I just find that a little odd. Maybe BW does have some knowledge he shared and if the perp knows he has this knowledge and that he passed the poly, then perp would know LE prolly has that info...and LE won't say because of fear of retaliation against BW...or letting the cat out of bag? Does that make sense? LOL

Wish the family could confirm MS never stayed over at other people's houses overnight before.
IIRC, on NG, Mickey's dad referred to Mickey's mom as his "wife". Waiting for the transcripts to be published on CNN's website so I can post it here.

3 PM. Lafayette is Central time right?

ETA: I replied to wrong post...:/
Do they accept bikes as scrap metal at recycle centers?

There were quite a few hours to get rid of this bike before Mickey was reported missing.
Police Chief Craft will be on a local radio station (KPEL 96.5) at 7:35 AM Central time.
For folks out of town you can listen in on

Yes we are on Central Time.
It is not unusual for investigators to keep quiet about their findings. They wont say anything to family members, much less to the public in case the person responsible for it hears/sees about it and flees. When my grandpa was murdered along with his wife and her son, police were not telling the family any suspects they had in mind in case word got around to them and go more into hiding. I find it very odd that no one saw anything, there are no clues, evidence, or ANYTHING to go by. Very heartbreaking
From the Find Mickey Now FB page,

"Got a few hours today? We are short handed this morning and need as many volunteers as we can get, as early as possible! We stop searches early so that no one is out once it is dark."
It is not unusual for investigators to keep quiet about their findings. They wont say anything to family members, much less to the public in case the person responsible for it hears/sees about it and flees. When my grandpa was murdered along with his wife and her son, police were not telling the family any suspects they had in mind in case word got around to them and go more into hiding. I find it very odd that no one saw anything, there are no clues, evidence, or ANYTHING to go by. Very heartbreaking

So sorry for your loss alyssarenee. How devastating for your family. Was the perp(s) finally brought to justice?
There have been a lot of posts like this lately.
Everyone is not as paranoid and cynical as we are. MS and BW may not be the type of people to see rapists and murderers lurking in the shadows everwhere. My good friend Margarita (a born and bred NYer) tends bar in the west village, and when I help her close (which I'm paid for in free beer, LOL) I hail her a cab, and I let the cabbie know I have his medallion# before she gets in. I also insist she text me when she gets home. While she laughs off my concern, I point out she's pretty, 100lbs soaking wet, and carrying 200-300$ in cash.
This guy was the last male to see Mickey, and he has NANCY GRACE saying he's uninvolved? I think he's in the clear.
JMO, of course.

I have a 21 year old sister who lives in an apartment on Ambassador Caffery in Lafayette. She knows that there are bad people in the world.... But she seriously never considers that something could happen to HER. You know? I went to UL Lafayette as an adult, after I became a mother. I was always shocked at how young people feel like "it couldn't happen to me." Mickey made this trip often late at night and nothing ever happened. That helped both her and BW feel confidant that she would make it home safe, I'm sure. Lafayette has that sense of safety and community. Sure, there are parts of town that are dangerous but for the most part, young adults feel safe there. JMO.
Mickey Shunick Disappearance: Video of Cyclist Discovered
May 25, 2012

snipped..."What concerns us is, where is her bicycle?" Det. Stephen Bajat of the Lafayette police department said. "If it is some kind of abduction, most people would snatch and go on and not concern themselves with the bicycle."

Read more:

OT, but have to say it: Tarabull that a avatar is adoradoradorable!
Last night my husband and I were talking about how BW didn't ask Mickey to text him when she got home. Today, at 30, I do this all the time. But when I was 18-21, going out in Lafayette on the weekends with friends (at a street of bars called The Strip), we used to tell everyone who rode together, "If you aren't at the car at 2:15am, we assume you got a ride and we're heading home (a little town 20 minutes away)". How ridiculous is that?? And we thought that was totally normal. Just a little something to think about, 21 year olds are different than 30 year olds.
Lafayette Police Department requests business owners to review video surveillance
May 24, 2012

snipped...The search for Shunick has extended to include all of Lafayette Parish. However, the case is still listed as a missing person due to a lack of evidence to support foul play.

Thanks Isabelle, i reckon he gets enough exercise for ALL OF US ;)

Is the timeline changing or becoming tighter per LE interviews with Mickeys friends?

Police have gathered accounts of what happened in the hours before Shunick's disappearance from Wilson and other friends of Shunick. The friends say Shunick met up with them at Artmosphere, a local bar. At about 11 p.m. Friday, she began asking if people wanted to go to Mel's Diner because she was hungry and tired. None of her friends wanted to leave the bar, they said.

Around midnight, Wilson said he offered to bike with Shunick back to his house to drop off their bicycles.

Another interesting new bit of info I havent seen reported yet.

The missing woman's friends and family describe Wilson as a close friend to Shunick, noting that the two planned to move to New Orleans together this summer. Despite their plans to live together, Wilson and Shunick are not dating and have never dated, according to both Wilson and Shunick's friends.
So sorry for your loss alyssarenee. How devastating for your family. Was the perp(s) finally brought to justice?

Thank you. Yes, there were 5 people involved. One of which was already in jail for a shooting right after, and he was talking so thats how they got all the tips. They are all locked up and not getting out anytime soon. It only took a few days to catch them all. Awesome work on the investigators side, if only it were that easy in Mickey's case. I just pray that shes still out there somewhere unharmed, and safely return to her friends and family.|mostview

Searching for Mickey Shunick: Interview with Brettly Wilson: Daily Advertiser reporter Megan Wyatt talks with Brettly Wilson, a close friend of Mickey Shunick's, and the last person confirmed to have seen her before she went missing.

This video interview gives new details about Mickey and the relationship with Brettly.
I hate to say it but this BW interview shows another side of his personality. He doesnt appear as robotic-maybe changing because he is aware of public perception of him. Does comment at about the 6;30 min in about his previous videos.
Watch this

Another interesting new bit of info I havent seen reported yet.

The missing woman's friends and family describe Wilson as a close friend to Shunick, noting that the two planned to move to New Orleans together this summer. Despite their plans to live together, Wilson and Shunick are not dating and have never dated, according to both Wilson and Shunick's friends.

I guess it was just for the summer since she had a semester to go and would graduate in December. Maybe someone wasn't happy about that? Wonder when they were suppose to move?
Will the presser be carried live? 3 p.m. Central, correct?
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