LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #20

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Welcome to WebSleuths, Soleil11!

I haven't read the article you mention. But I do know that sometimes journalists can take the flow of someone's words and present them in a way that gives a false impression. Sometimes it's intentional, I think, but often not. Sometimes a very honest person, who just flows forth with whatever is on his/her mind (and I can imagine that all kinds of things are running through C.'s mind these days), is just very forthcoming, etc., is at a big risk for that, I believe.
Why would a simple bike thief need to use Whiskey Bay? There are swamps and bayous all over that hold no significance. It wasn't it's proximity to Lafayette, because there are places that would have been closer. Why Whiskey Bay?

I'm not married to the theory, just still consider it possible. Seems WB may be a popular dumping spot for items besides bodies -- and maybe the "thief" lives nearby and it was on his/her way.
Well this lady does now need some sleep.

Praying today we get some answers and Mickey is brough home.

Good Night everyone :)
Why would a simple bike thief need to use Whiskey Bay? There are swamps and bayous all over that hold no significance. It wasn't it's proximity to Lafayette, because there are places that would have been closer. Why Whiskey Bay?
because of the inuendo?
Ive bn reading for awhile on this case & I started catching up this evening so I apologize if my 1st post is redundant or has bn discussed & thrown out. But I can't shake this yucky feeling that something isn't right w the sister. I just saw her latest article where she's telling the story of punching Mickey n the face followed by an odd insert of "I've never hit any1 again after that..." what? R u serious - that's what u want to tell the public when uve bn coached since the beginning by le to make people care abt Mickey. She starts the article w something abt maybe it was an ex of hers that mistook Mickey for her but then says she cleared that theory. She says little girls think she's a hero & tell her they hope 1 day they can do something for their sister like she's doing for Mickey. Again, what? Seriously - who's saying that to missing persons fam? U lose all sense of compassion & decency to say geez I hope my sis goes missing someday so I can be like u? there's an awful lot of I statements & not much abt Mickey that furthers a please help us please help us msg. She even talks abt how she thinks she's ok - almost like the MSG is don't worry too much abt her & now bk to me. I could be way off & maybe this is just a girl in shock not thinking clearly. I def don't want to attack family - but it isn't sounding right to me. Why are u not endearing the public to Mickey, why are u telling weird I punched her in the face stories. If someone has her u wldnt want to send a MSG of gee she made me so mad I had to pop her. I don't like it. Sorry for the takes awhile to finally get to post after u join & I'm nothing if not redundant & also I repeat myself. I've thought stranger abduction from go - but now I'm wondering if there's something to the "someone she knew" or people she knew...

I didn't read these things that way. I tend to think the punching story was an attempt at humor, and humor is often an expression of anxiety.

To take this on from a different angle, I think we all easily lose track of the human element of these situations when we're consuming media reports and interviews and leads, and because we're concerned, it puts us in a critical mode of thinking. But this isn't just a woman standing next to a microphone trying to get some information across. That's a picture of courage, you know what I mean? That human being is at war with herself, probably low on sleep, probably physically sick because of her anxiety, probably without a lot of food in her, probably trying to focus her thought process while her brain continuously trails off. Charlie, in particular, has done so much press for this. If she comes across as weird, she's probably in a pretty weird frame of mind. I would be, too, if I googled my sister's name and a picture of me crying came up with some lyrics written at the bottom. I completely understand what you're saying, but let's keep in mind this family is going through what will probably be the worst moments of their entire lives--and they're doing it publicly. Sometimes the message can get a little garbled because of the emotional stakes. That's why they have T-shirts to speak for them: all we care about is finding Mickey. That's all that really needs to be said. Anything else the family can offer through the media is done so out of courageous resilience and is an attempt to further convey that simple message: find Mickey. They deserve a free pass, in my opinion.
the thought makes me sick to my stomach but it is possible that she may have indeed been placed in the same area of her bike but with all the wildlife such as alligators and etc ..... would never be found. I am sorry. It is sick and makes me sick but true.

Would prefer to think she is alive... I truly hope she is injured and being held captive til she heals or agrees to hush. Human trafficking scenerio is bad but all I can do us hope she's alive.

I truly hope she is alive somewhere and that we will find her soon. There have been cases where the kidnappers kept their victims for long periods of time. However, the more holes I see in the sequence of the events (though we don't know many things the LPD does to be sure), the more I have to wonder if this person didn't have a decent amount of experience in this department. And, if not, was a very careful planner as to abduct her, taking her and the bike, and all the while not being caught doing so by the many security cameras around town.

I get horrible chills just thinking about what kind of person takes a beautiful young girl in the prime of her life, tosses her beloved bike in a swamp, and keeps her from her family for this long.

I still would love to know why the LPD believe her abduction couldn't have been related to other similar looking ladies around the country. She definitely fits the profile of those victims. It must be some evidence they have which leads them to believe the perp is local.
Maybe they have evidence that def rules that suggestion out
Ya know BW said he was dating friend of MS they broke up... and he and MS remained friends.... I kinda thought huh? Not cool to be a friend with your girlfriends X (not in my day at least) maybe it was a guy? That rule would not apply there would it?
STOOPID ME I assumed he meant a GIRL BUT HE NEVER said that!
I'm not calling him gay! If he is good for him! No issues here... I just went to "girlfriend" on assumptions!
I still think BW had more than "friendly" feelings for MS... and still think he is straight but... I may be way off base here???

ETA: a lover's triangle keeps popping up in my mind..... just what kind of triangle is where i can't pin point anything!AND NOT SAYING BW did anything wrong here!
Ya know BW said he was dating friend of MS they broke up... and he and MS remained friends.... I kinda thought huh? Not cool to be a friend with your girlfriends X (not in my day at least) maybe it was a guy? That rule would not apply there would it?
STOOPID ME I assumed he meant a GIRL BUT HE NEVER said that!
I'm not calling him gay! If he is good for him! No issues here... I just went to "girlfriend" on assumptions!
I still think BW had more than "friendly" feelings for MS... and still think he is straight but... I may be way off base here???

ETA: a lover's triangle keeps popping up in my mind..... just what kind of triangle is where i can't pin point anything!

He's not gay he has a girlfriend ... An yes it's common
I can't sleep. I tried. I have to be somewhere at 8 AM and I can't sleep. Thoughts of Mickey consume me.
He's not gay he has a girlfriend ... An yes it's common

Thank you. I'm really sick of the Brettly speculation. He's been cleared. I don't find him weird. I have compassion for him and know he must be suffering.
He's not gay he has a girlfriend ... An yes it's common
TY! I didn't think he was... but I automatically thought "girlfriend" andin this day and age I SHOULD NOT!!! I need to be more respectful of same sex relationships!!! AND never assume "dating" means the opposite sex!!!
kk (note to self taken!)
Welcome to WebSleuths, Soleil11!

I haven't read the article you mention. But I do know that sometimes journalists can take the flow of someone's words and present them in a way that gives a false impression. Sometimes it's intentional, I think, but often not. Sometimes a very honest person, who just flows forth with whatever is on his/her mind (and I can imagine that all kinds of things are running through C.'s mind these days), is just very forthcoming, etc., is at a big risk for that, I believe.
I agree - I certainly wouldn't want to say I'm certain on any of it - but every evening I run a google on Mickey before I hit ws hoping to see some progress in her case & tonite/ this am this article really gave me an angry feeling. It wasnt what I expected from the article title. I'd love to think it was misquotes but since she told so many bk n the day's hard to think they didn't capture what she was delivering. She even made some inappropriate remark abt hey Mickey hope ur not having more fun where ur at... Honestly it gave me a disgusted feeling. I also saw the sister on ng & thought she was not helpful but at that time I blew it off as too soon & scattered mind everywhere behavior. Iit doesn't feel right. At the very least she needs to not be speaking out on the case bc I think that article was in no way helpful & possibly harmful to getting the public to care abt Mickey & start thinking abt their friends neighbors etc who may have acted suspiciously or had an oddly explained absence at the time of this crime.
I can't sleep. I tried. I have to be somewhere at 8 AM and I can't sleep. Thoughts of MickeyUOTE]

I understand. I can't sleep because of Mickey and restless legs. I freak myself out about all the scenarios that could have occurred and what I would do if it was one of my daughters (pregnant with #2 right now). I just want her to be found so badly and everyday this drags on it feels less and less likely. I pray the LPD have many leads that we aren't aware of and that they will make some type move in the case soon. I really have to start sleeping.
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