LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #25

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Goodafternoon folks. I hope we get something new today.

They just apprehended the perp who murdered the 9 yr old twins and his babysitter....let's hope LE is on a roll today!!!!
I've never had to register a bike, ever... in Baton Rouge and Lafayette.

The last time I bought a really nice bike (a Trek mountain bike), in BR, we had it registered, though I cannot remember if we chose to register it or not. When my hubby bought a bike a few years ago from Walmart, we didn't have the option to register it. From what I remember of buying the Trek, it seems like they recommended registering it, though it wasn't required. I think we did it because we were told if it were stolen, that would be the only way to recover it. I should also note that I bought my Trek over 10 years ago.
I had never heard about this case so I looked it up. Very scary and sad.

Ms. Wood was on leave from her doctoral studies and visiting her family in Ottawa in the summer of 2003. She was riding her bicycle along a path beside the Rockcliffe Parkway in the Green's Creek area when she was last seen on August 6, 2003.

News of her disappearance was reported widely in Canada, and the entire city of Ottawa rallied around a search effort that involved hundreds of volunteers, the police, and the military. Her body was found in the woods around Green's Creek on August 11, 2003.


Ottawa police received many tips that a man on a bicycle was seen luring women into the woods along the path where Ms. Wood had travelled. A composite sketch of the murder suspect was compiled soon thereafter, and was widely distributed across Canada.

Over two years after the murder, on October 20, 2005, police arrested Chris Myers, a 25-year old man, who had been previously charged with assaults in North Bay, Ontario. Staff Sgt. Randy Wisker led the investigation into Ms. Wood's murder, and relied on a loose collection of tips prior to the arrest.

Ardeth Wood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As previously mentioned, the show covering the Ardeth Wood case repeats on ID today at 4PM central.

Off the bat, the one big difference I note between AW's and MS's cases, is that AW's body was found within the first week of her disappearance. Haven't watched the show yet but the location a body is found together with the location the person was last scene combined with the time of death and when and where the body is discovered all provide valuable evidence to detectives toward solving a crime,
(Journal of Forensic Sciences, March 1994, Vol. 39, No. 2, Keppel & Weis).
Were they able to get any fibers/dna from AW's body or was that not possible? That's a for instance statement as I'll watch the show for the details. Point being, when the crime investigation involves the recovery of a body, it's different than when they can't find a body. The solvability rate goes way down when a body is not recovered.

That said, I'll never understand why they didn't arrest Josh Powell - has the importance of science or, I should say, the emphasis on science, gone too far? That guy was guilty from day one in my book - just put him through the trial system and get a conviction. Unbelievable. :twocents:
I've never had to register a bike, ever... in Baton Rouge and Lafayette.

Really? When we purchased bikes, it was done right at the pay for the bike and registration at the same time! I will have to ask my sons if they've changed this, because they buy their own bikes now!
The last time I bought a really nice bike (a Trek mountain bike), in BR, we had it registered, though I cannot remember if we chose to register it or not. When my hubby bought a bike a few years ago from Walmart, we didn't have the option to register it. From what I remember of buying the Trek, it seems like they recommended registering it, though it wasn't required. I think we did it because we were told if it were stolen, that would be the only way to recover it. I should also note that I bought my Trek over 10 years ago.

We never purchased bikes at Walmart.....only at bike shops, so maybe that is what happened. It sure did come in handy.
One last word about the truck in my pic 1 and I promise not to bring the white truck up again unless asked... In my pic it appears the white truck has those horrible things referred to as "truck nuts" hanging from the rear hitch. You can see them very clearly if you blow the pic up big enough.

I read this quickly, went to the picture you provided and thought 'what are those supposed to be? answering my own question I thought, 'ball sacs?' :waitasec:) Then I reread your post and see you must have put the thought in my head - but still - weird that guys are giving their trucks a set of balls - must be the one's who feel they need them. lol!
DTL, was driven underground, yet was eventually captured in Atlanta, GA due to heat being placed on the DTL Task Force via concerned citizens. The one common denominator in cases that I have researched is that once the pressure is placed on the predator/s, no more innocent victim's lives are taken.

Interesting read about the DTL Investigation; deja vu-

In Search of Derrick Todd Lee: The Internet Social Movement that Made a Difference
by Stan Weeber In Search of Derrick Todd Lee: The Internet Social Movement that Made a Difference (9780761838425): Stan Weeber: Books

This book is about criminologist Maurice Godwin's Internet social movement that sprang to life during the Baton Rouge serial murder case. The movement was a response to the Task Force failing to find serial killer Derrick Todd Lee, as citizens in Baton Rouge, South Louisiana, and South Mississippi no longer wished to wait in fear. This is a story of citizen empowerment in a time of crisis. Both scholars and ordinary citizens will be inspired by the way the people in Baton Rouge helped themselves by putting pressure on investigators for improved results. Godwin's innovative Internet movement, involving geographic mapping and online discussions with Baton Rouge citizens, developed into a hub of information to expedite the finding and arrest of Lee. The author sociologically describes and analyzes the key players, the major controversies, and the internal dynamics of the movement that led to the arrest of the serial killer on May 27, 2003.

Thanks so much. Haven't read that yet, but will. I can tell you that the people of BR were in a rage over LE's handling of the investigation. We wanted answers and we wanted them now! BTW, I learned of DTL's capture here on WS! At the time he was on the prowl, I was working as a home health nurse and never knew what I might encounter in a day's work. It was very scary, esp since two of the women he killed were nurses!
It sure seems to me like the tone of more, not all, posts have taken on a more sullen tone. I understand why, given the length of time MS has been missing and the statistics say this and the statistics say that and the lack of LE updates. However, the pieces of information given by the PI seem to be the most information and the biggest reason for hope for some sort of closure for the family since MS went missing, short of possibly finding her bike. Now, if anytime, is a time to stay strong and be optimistic that something comes from this information. Praying for MS and her family/friends.
IMO the white truck is long gone, way way up the road! Probably never to be seen again! Gotta find Mickey!
The thing I find odd about BW's bike being stolen is that it was found.
Bikes are stolen all the time and I have never heard of one being found, I am sure someone somewhere has found their stolen bike but that would be rare. Anyway, if BW's bike was stolen by people who steal bikes to sell them, it would not be found.
Just my thoughts...

I would like to add that I do not see anything unusual about the bike being stolen, or who found and returned it. Just that it was found.
In college towns, all towns probably bike theft is common. I don't know how to find out the percentage of bikes that are returned but I bet it is low.

There are many things about this case that seem a little off to me. Probably most can be explained and not related to the case at all.
I am going to list these, just to clear my mind:
-BW's bike stolen, returned
-the timeline from taco bell to seeing her on the first camera, seems like she ate quickly.
-caling the mom in to id the would have a registration number, right?
why put her thru that?
-tool shop fire...stolen truck parts
-LE??? no updates at all. Hopefully they are working on something we do not know about and need to keep quiet. If that is not the case it seems like there would be a way to use media in a way that would be helpful.

I hope there are answers soon, and a miracle.
-LE??? no updates at all. Hopefully they are working on something we do not know about and need to keep quiet. If that is not the case it seems like there would be a way to use media in a way that would be helpful.

I hope there are answers soon, and a miracle.

I agree with you whole heartedly on this aspect. I'm not asking that LE turn over everything they have to MSM. In fact, I'm not saying they should turn over anything for the sake of informing me or the public. But, for instance, the way in which the PI handled this last bit of information is a better approach, if you ask me. He gave enough information that the public feels the investigation is being proactive. At the same time, he was vague enough that the perp has to be asking himself (even more so than us Joe Public) what it is that they were given. In my mind, that would make the perp sweat a little bit and hopefully make a mistake because of it, leading to his arrest. To me, LE's complete silence allows the perp to sit back and wait it out until the investigation dwindles down.

UPDATE V: Additional Vehicles Sought in Search for Mickey
Original Release: May 26, 2012 @ 5:30 pm

Lafayette, LA – Detectives have provided an updated picture of the initial vehicle of interest and the pictures of two additional vehicles that were in the area during the same time frame when Mickey Shunick was last captured on surveillance footage. The first truck (Picture1) drove from the area that Mickey had traveled. It is evident from the new photo that the vehicle has a bed cover and tinted windows. The second truck (Picture2) is a white 4 door Chevrolet Z71 that traveled in the same direction of Mickey on St. Landry Street. The third vehicle (Pictures 3 &4) is an 80’s or 90’s 4 door vehicle with body work on the rear right quarter panel. Detectives are interested in locating the vehicles and speaking with the occupants to obtain further information on the case.
Anyone with information is encouraged to call the tips line at 337-291-8633. 2.jpg

UPDATE IV: Mickey Captured on Video, White Pickup Sought
Original Release: May 25, 2012 @ 6:40 pm

Lafayette, LA – Detectives were able to identify a bicyclist believed to be Mickey Shunick traveling on Versailles Blvd and Saint Landry Street. At approximately 1:47 am the bicyclist is captured on Versailles Blvd traveling towards St. John Street. She then traveled on St. John Street and crossed over University Avenue, continuing west on St. Landry Street where she was captured on video at approximately 1:48 am. Investigators are seeking information regarding a white newer model four door pickup truck, which was captured on video after Mickey Shunick traveled on both streets.

After reading the Lafayette police web site AND having one of our WS'ers call the Police Dept who confirmed that they are the same truck on Landry - are there still those who must believe that LE is lying to the public??? Clearly, the truck on University had a bed cover and the other one does not.

These are old news releases.
Not lying just a mistake. LE said they were different. One officer said they were the same.
I mostly lurk here, and very occasionally post. I've been reading this thread almost from the beginning. I've been pretty cynical about a lot of "leads" and possibilities, but the one thing that caught my eye more than any other is the May 9th post on Bike Lafayette about Brettly's bike. I know many don't want to think there's any connection between his bike being stolen and Mickey's disappearance. But that is one of the strangest things I've read since following Mickey's case. Something feels very "off" about it. My husband read it and agrees. It's brought me back to thinking that Mickey may have been abducted by someone she knew, that she went willingly because it was someone she trusted.

Was BW's bike fake stolen around the time he and MS announced they were going to NOLA together for the summer? When were they planning on leaving? Who would that affect if and when they left? They were planning to return, right?
The above questions are the reason why it's important to know more about the intimacies of MS's life at the time of her disappearance.
Was BW's bike fake stolen around the time he and MS announced they were going to NOLA together for the summer? When were they planning on leaving? Who would that affect if and when they left? They were planning to return, right?
The above questions are the reason why it's important to know more about the intimacies of MS's life at the time of her disappearance.

What do you mean "fake stolen"?!
My thought along that line was perhaps a stable worker who was jealous of BW hanging with MS all the time stole his bike and then ditched it near his house just to see how close he could go to the house and grab MS without anyone seeing. If they followed her for a while they knew her routes. They may have pulled up by her, convinced her to get in (after all she needed to get home for graduation in the AM) and then popped her with an injection of Kentamine that may have been laying around the stables for the horses.

Wow, now that's an evil theory. But why? Why would one or, more unlikely two, stable workers want to do that to someone like MS? She's described as being quiet, or more quiet than her sister, kind and gentle, self focused (by that I mean focused on her interests versus gossipy stuff) and dedicated to those and what she loves. (forgive me for going back and forth with the past and present tense - it's difficult to keep a voice in present tense).

There was something about my physical look that, when I was younger, caused people to mistake me for being aloof which was far from the truth (someone told me this so I know it to be true). Could MS have some kind of characteristic, whether true or not, that caused her to come off in a way that peeved others when they didn't know her? Like stable workers? As in attitude - like do your work and leave me alone or was she friendly and chatty with them? See where I'm going with this?

Some people like trucks but I like psychology.
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