LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #25

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Per district11's request, I just left the State Police headquarters in Baton Rouge. It's a massive business park with police buildings. I found the Crime Lab and noticed two possible areas they could put the trick in *if it was brought to BR. One area had a white truck in it, I took pic but won't post. And another area which would have been more likely to hold the DWT would have been an area with big block drive in bays. I didn't see any tow trucks or Lafayette Police cars. I heard about all of this too late though. It only takes about 1 hr to get to BR from Lafayette, with the traffic jam that would have added about 30 minutes onto their route. I showed up at the headquarters about 2 hours and 15 min after the posting about the white truck being towed.

I am here:

Gosh, thank you for checking that out! Good coordination between you and someone in Brazil!

And I have seen the photo of MS on the bike with no truck behind her. For this theory to be true she would have had to have stopped in the middle of the road, then the truck come and hit her, she and the bike would not move except to somehow get pinned under the truck. That is a physical impossibility.

So many other things would not make sense like:
1. Why would Mickey stop in the middle of the road rather than pull off to the side?
2. Why wouldn't people at the Circle K see this?
3. Why would the FBI be involved?
4. Why wouldn't there be any trace of blood or markings on the road?

The family would not be holding out hope that Mickey is still alive if they've seen her in videos and pictures run over by a truck.

For the sake of argument:

1. We don't need to know why but if the right boot is on the ground we can assume she did

2. We don't know that they didn't. For any number of reasons the two persons may not want to become involved. It happens.

3. This is the question that stumps me. Why the FBI?

4. I admit it is unlikely but possible. (I am dealing with the realm of possible in my responses, not in terms of absolute impossibilities.)

As to the family, and again this only a possibility, what if they were not told. Why is the FBI involved?

I want to stress this is for the sake of argument, to point out that the POSSIBILITY is there, no matter how slim or unlikely.

Like Jury's Out says, nothing is off the table.
Newbie here...know it is long shot but want to mention a case that recently came to mind. Approximately three years ago, a Comeaux High School student (female) was approached by a darn white "work" truck on Artisan street in Lafayette. The attempted abduction was unsuccessful. She was able to get away. Never heard anything else regarding issue on the news.
Also, in this first photo we see Mickey about even with the LCG driveway.


But the white truck had not yet passed the beginning of the same driveway.


So for Mickey to be under that truck in the photo, she would have had to have backed up so the truck could then hit her and not move her forward.

Makes no sense.
Newbie here...know it is long shot but want to mention a case that recently came to mind. Approximately three years ago, a Comeaux High School student (female) was approached by a darn white "work" truck on Artisan street in Lafayette. The attempted abduction was unsuccessful. She was able to get away. Never heard anything else regarding issue on the news.

Also, in this first photo we see Mickey about even with the LCG driveway.


But the white truck had not yet passed the beginning of the same driveway.


So for Mickey to be under that truck in the photo, she would have had to have backed up so the truck could then hit her and not move her forward.

Makes no sense.

That top pic seems very distorted and different from the one released.

Here's the post way back showing the ones released:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - LA LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #4[/ame]
Per district11's request, I just left the State Police headquarters in Baton Rouge. It's a massive business park with police buildings. I found the Crime Lab and noticed two possible areas they could put the trick in *if it was brought to BR. One area had a white truck in it, I took pic but won't post. And another area which would have been more likely to hold the DWT would have been an area with big block drive in bays. I didn't see any tow trucks or Lafayette Police cars. I heard about all of this too late though. It only takes about 1 hr to get to BR from Lafayette, with the traffic jam that would have added about 30 minutes onto their route. I showed up at the headquarters about 2 hours and 15 min after the posting about the white truck being towed.

I am here:

Why not post the photo? Were there any LE around the the truck? Did it appear to be parked in a regular parking place? Was it a Z71? GMC or Chevy?
Newbie here...know it is long shot but want to mention a case that recently came to mind. Approximately three years ago, a Comeaux High School student (female) was approached by a darn white "work" truck on Artisan street in Lafayette. The attempted abduction was unsuccessful. She was able to get away. Never heard anything else regarding issue on the news.

Hi faith! Can you provide a MSM link to the original story?
Per district11's request, I just left the State Police headquarters in Baton Rouge. It's a massive business park with police buildings. I found the Crime Lab and noticed two possible areas they could put the trick in *if it was brought to BR. One area had a white truck in it, I took pic but won't post.
Could you tell if it looked liked the DWTIQ??
The idea that Mickey was run over by the white truck in front of Circle K, then the perp put the bike in the truck then put Mickey in the truck and left no trace of blood or markings on the road and no witnesses is really not possible. Especially when we can see in the photo what appears to be two cars at the gas pump across the street. Someone would have seen this.

Plus LE and the family would have made this public.


this is where our opinions differ... i'm going purely off what i see... you are going off what you know, based on what you were told...

this i can state as a fact... in an image, there is a clear, focused light source underneath the truck, aimed at the curb, that can not be explained as an artifact or reflection... this light SOURCE where there should be only shadow also has the same color signature as the bike light in the previous capture... we can go back and forth all day long on whether or not there is a bike or a person under the truck, or who you think knows what, based on personal opinion... what cannot be argued is there "is" a clear focused light source under the front of this vehicle in it's under-shadow... you can choose to see it or choose to not see it because it contradicts what you have been led to believe... both opinions are valuable input in this situation... but this light beam which is clearly there is hard to "just move passed" because it doesn't fit to what is believed...

to continue on your path of logic... why not release the full video anyway... we know its a vid capture based on, all three subjects are center frame (chosen)... not random, as a still capture cam would create...


my opinions
no inside info
Far out! I hope they dig up some solid info.

~ when and why did that expression go out of style? It's a good one! Those were the days my friend, thought they'd never end. :rocker::sigh::biggrin:
May I ask... why would the tow truck with DWT be going to Baton Rouge? I must of missed something.

If it were evidence, it is possible it is being brought to State Police Crime Lab which is in Baton Rouge. But, dunno!
this is where our opinions differ...

you can choose to see it or choose to not see it...

I choose not to see it. Just like you chose not to see anything in the window.

I also choose to acknowledge that there are other posters on this thread who works with graphics professionally.
IMO, there is absolutely, positively, without ANY doubt NOT a person/bike under that truck. Impossible logistically AND morally.
Per district11's request, I just left the State Police headquarters in Baton Rouge. It's a massive business park with police buildings. I found the Crime Lab and noticed two possible areas they could put the trick in *if it was brought to BR. One area had a white truck in it, I took pic but won't post. And another area which would have been more likely to hold the DWT would have been an area with big block drive in bays. I didn't see any tow trucks or Lafayette Police cars. I heard about all of this too late though. It only takes about 1 hr to get to BR from Lafayette, with the traffic jam that would have added about 30 minutes onto their route. I showed up at the headquarters about 2 hours and 15 min after the posting about the white truck being towed.

I am here:

What or who is 'district 11'?
Wonder if the white truck being towed with police behind it was a decoy?
IMO, there is absolutely, positively, without ANY doubt NOT a person/bike under that truck. Impossible logistically AND morally.

With respect, I can't come up with a definition of morally impossible.

What comes close is what was done to Jaren, that might be considered morally impossible ... yet it happened. I really don't know what you mean by this.
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