LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #29

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Well... we walk a fine line talking about the Olds driver. I would say that that guy would likely be the driver. I saw that Olds several times around town, and it was the only one like it.

Let's be careful. LE cleared him.

my pick of fantasy perps would be male, vain, well groomed, cash money havin', with no respect for women in a freeking LOUD way... and enough muscle/weapons to do the deed quick quick.
As far as RSOs. I wish they would break them down into more categories, for public safety, instead of lumping them together. A 58-y.o. man molesting a 12-y.o. is quite different than a 20-y.o. and a 15-y.o. Different psychological things going on there, IMO, and it would help make RSO searches more productive.

Well... we walk a fine line talking about the Olds driver. I would say that that guy would likely be the driver. I saw that Olds several times around town, and it was the only one like it.

Let's be careful. LE cleared him.

'Chicken Fried, you seem to be up to date on photoshooping'. What do you see in the photos?

Don't sugar coat it..
nobody "knows" anything. we've got 5 super cr_p pictures, and detectives set on recycle.

We especially have not eliminated the possibility that the right wheel of DWTiq crushed the rear wheel of MS bike. I'd agree that this particular snapshot in time is getting stale.

We haven't eliminated that possibility, you're right. But based on a complete lack of supporting evidence, combined with a considerable amount of evidence to the contrary, we've eliminated the possibility that this occurred in front of the Circle K.
As far as RSOs. I wish they would break them down into more categories, for public safety, instead of lumping them together. A 58-y.o. man molesting a 12-y.o. is quite different than a 20-y.o. and a 15-y.o. Different psychological things going on there, IMO, and it would help make RSO searches more productive.


Chicken Fried, I agree, but the RSOs are only a very small percentage of the actual sexual predators in a specific location at a given time.. Especially on a Saturday Night..

I've posted the links in previous posts as to why this is. Megan Maxwell & possibly Britaee Drexel are only two of the innocent victims of absconded RSOs from other states. The recent arrest of Terry Speaks in New Orleans is another example of the havoc these predators cause..
Does anyone know how close her house is to where she was last seen?
This is where her bike was found. They have said it was damaged, but I don't know the details yet. But If I was to guess I would say she was hit by a vehicle and the person may have gotten out and pretended to be concern with saying something like. Oh my God, are you OK. I am so sorry. And then when he got close enough he put his hands over her mouth and told her to keep her mouth shut. He put her in the front seat next to him, but through her bike in the back. I am not sure of the distance between where she was last seen and where her bike was found. So I cant say if he dropped it off first or later on. If I had to guess I say later on. Did-not want to keep it where he lived, so he got rid of it and took it here and submerged it in the water. Knowing where this place is from the area she was taken makes me think for now he is local to the area, and knew this area was here to submerge in the water, as if he knew how deep or that it would be deep enough. Could have thrown from bridge after parking further down from it. Or drove down the dirt road.
From looking at the photo I would say he probably drove the dirt road and tossed it in where found.
I think he lives in the area, or surrounding area and she is somewhere in
the area.




'Chicken Fried, you seem to be up to date on photoshooping'. What do you see in the photos?

Don't sugar coat it..

I'm sorry - I don't have the time or energy to join the photo hunt. Have to go now - pressing personal business.

If I get a chance, I do want to go look at the sidewalk near the Olds at night and see what I see. There is heavy tree cover to the west, and other lights creating irregular shadows, and there may be a sidewalk irregularity. It's Lafayette, after all.

I will weigh in only after I have done that inspection, when I can. Looking at the photo without personal inspection of the site is not something I feel can lead me to an opinion.

This is where her bike was found. They have said it was damaged, but I don't know the details yet. But If I was to guess I would say she was hit by a vehicle and the person may have gotten out and pretended to be concern with saying something like. Oh my God, are you OK. I am so sorry. And then when he got close enough he put his hands over her mouth and told her to keep her mouth shut. He put her in the front seat next to him, but through her bike in the back. I am not sure of the distance between where she was last seen and where her bike from found. So can say if he dropped it off first or later on. If I had to guess I say later on. Did-not want to keep it where he lived, so he got rid of it and took it here and submerged it in the water. Knowing where this place his from the area she was taken makes me think for now he is local to the area, and knew this area was here to submerge the water, as if he knew how deep or that it would be deep enough. Could have thrown from bridge after parking further down from it. Or drove down the dirt road.
From looking at the photo I would say he probably drove the dirt road and tossed it in where found.
I think he lives in the area, or surrounding area and she is somewhere in
the area.




thinking along the same lines as you.....but I think he took the bike and flung it over the railing
The trunk on that Olds would put an '06 Montego to shame. That was the last of the full-size Olds. Probably 35-40% more trunk space.

Agreed, chickenfried. A friend of mine had the Cadillac version of that car growing up. I drive Lincoln Town Cars for a living, and even those don't compare.
This is where her bike was found. They have said it was damaged, but I don't know the details yet. But If I was to guess I would say she was hit by a vehicle and the person may have gotten out and pretended to be concern with saying something like. Oh my God, are you OK. I am so sorry. And then when he got close enough he put his hands over her mouth and told her to keep her mouth shut. He put her in the front seat next to him, but through her bike in the back. I am not sure of the distance between where she was last seen and where her bike from found. So can say if he dropped it off first or later on. If I had to guess I say later on. Did-not want to keep it where he lived, so he got rid of it and took it here and submerged it in the water. Knowing where this place his from the area she was taken makes me think for now he is local to the area, and knew this area was here to submerge the water, as if he knew how deep or that it would be deep enough. Could have thrown from bridge after parking further down from it. Or drove down the dirt road.
From looking at the photo I would say he probably drove the dirt road and tossed it in where found.
I think he lives in the area, or surrounding area and she is somewhere in
the area.




The bottom photo is correct.

The top photo is not correct. The bike was not found there. the top photo is a picture of the east side of the W. Bay area, near the boat launch, hundreds of yards away and involving a different body of water.

The bottom photo is a long distance view, looking west, of the more isolated west end of the area. The bike was found under the bridge there. Bike was likely thrown off the back side of the bridge pillar at the east end of the W. Bay bridge.

Link to album: Bay June 9th 2012/
Which video?

If it's the DWT, the front isn't though. The front of the Colorado resembles the 2003-2007 Chevy Silverado.

Not sure what you mean by "the front" but the entire truck looked like the white truck in question. I haven't googled the image but the one I saw looked just like it.
personally I think LE doesn't know anymore than we do.
I'm thinking that white-blonde is Charlie and Mickey's natural hair color, like their mother. She probably dyed it darker several times when she was younger. Of course if she's still alive and being held captive someone could have dyed her hair darker--maybe, maybe not. Depends on if they'd risk taking her out in public where people would see her. If they don't plan to do that, when why bother changing her hair color? But I don't think it's as likely that the blonde is "growing out" of her hair.

Mickey had darker roots in one of the pictures so I agree darker hair is her natural color. My mom was a towheaded child and as she got older, her hair got darker.

We all do, waiting1979, but sadly this is seldom the case..
Simply SOP that has been used in investigations since the 1930's. The most valuable resource in missing persons investigations; the American public, is being squandered due to antiquated strategies & tradition..

Reminds me of a quote; 'if you run your business today, like you did yesterday, you will not be in business tomorrow'...

"After days of searching for Adam Mayes who had abducted the bains sisters due to missinformation given to the public that Mayes was on foot. Nancy G. or JVM released the vehicle description that he was driving".. A successful rescue was the result...due to an aware citizens tip.

Video: FBI Overnight Update - Adam Mayes invetigation/abduction of Bains sisters..

Elizabeth Smart was brought home by a tip from the public.

Yes. As the proud owner of a "hooptie," I call it my Lincoln pickup. You can fit anything in the back and still slam the trunk lid shut. Some say those cars were designed with the Mafia in mind....

My first car was a 1964 navy blue Lincoln town car with suicide doors. The trunk was HUGE. I used to say I didn't worry about being homeless because I could live very comfortably in the trunk. Our nickname for it was "The Tank" and it was perfect for a 15 yo who just got her driver's license.
personally I think LE doesn't know anymore than we do.

lillygator, to be honest with you, I doubt that they have as much..
Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but I research past missing persons investigations and this is my conclusion.
Wish it was more optimistic...
I think the Olds deserves more attention still, but what I am looking at are 2 things above the the Olds, some say 'Mickey hauling @$$'.. and something just to the right. What I don't think we've talked about much is the vehicle headed in the opposite direction at the far right side of LE pic. It seems to have a big split screen nose, like a locomotive form the 40's, and I believe I see round headlights. Dodge has been doing a retro 1940's thing ever since the PT cruiser, and the bulbous nose now appears on their trucks. the round headlights remind me of a Jeep Liberty, but that has a flat nose.. can't have it both ways. I'm just saying let's look at that one too.

There is a registered sex offender in the area, drives a blue 1983 Olds 98, according to the local sex offender website.. I believe I got a link to that here @ WebSleuths. I'm psychologically ready for something new to chew on. Aren't you?

Looks like the back of the car to me. It is just has more reflected light than the rest of the car based on how it's sitting.
[ame=""]Mickey Shunick:3 year old Ava Grace HELp FiND MICKEY Help f - YouTube[/ame]

Mickey Shunick:3 year old Ava Grace HELp FiND MICKEY
I think the reddish blonde-brown in the photo shown before is her natural hair color. I believe the Platinum is dyed.


So you think her mom and sister also dye their hair? Seems natural to me since all 3 of them have the same.
this is a good point, about it being someone she new that lived near by. the area she went missing from is a black hole of cameras but you CAN NOT leave the neighborhood and get onto a main street without passing a MPO or REDFLEX camera. we give LEO's too much credit, i wonder if they wathced the video from all of the surrounding cameras until the same truck was seen on one of them leaving. if the truck did not leave the area within a couple hours or whatever chances are they live or know someone who lives in the neighborhood.

I have always considered that someone Mickey was familiar with is responsible for Mickey's disappearance. I really do believe it is possible that she saw someone who lives in that area, someone she recognized and had probably spoken to before, and stopped to chat. That person either used a ruse to get her indoors, or maybe Mickey asked if she could use the restroom (she had complained of nausea earlier) and once inside, that person did not allow her to leave.

IF IF IF that happened, then Mickey could be in a residence right along her route, and if she is being held there, we can still find her and bring her home.

I wish we knew exactly how far she got along her way home.....I've personally seen three LE searches in the Cajun Dome/Blackham Coliseum area in the early days of the search.


Being picked up or invited inside by someone she felt comfortable with is the only easy way for *me* to explain how all of her belongings disappeared with her.
The bottom photo is correct.

The top photo is not correct. The bike was not found there. the top photo is a picture of the east side of the W. Bay area, near the boat launch, hundreds of yards away and involving a different body of water.

The bottom photo is a long distance view, looking west, of the more isolated west end of the area. The bike was found under the bridge there. Bike was likely thrown off the back side of the bridge pillar at the east end of the W. Bay bridge.

Link to album:

Thank-you..For the explanation on the photos. When you say west, would this be going in the direction from where she was seen heading west?. Another wards, If I keep going on a bike or car going in the direction she was, would I eventually reach this area where the bike was found going west in the direction she was going?

How far would you say distance minutes wise would that be.
From where she was last seen on video to the bridge?

And thank you for the additional visual aids of the bridge!
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