LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #29

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:please:Here's my Whiskey Bay album: Bay June 9th 2012/

Guys, from the heart, here, it only takes a few keystrokes to save my links. You're wearing your waiter out over a period of weeks here. Not you - specifically - but the way WS is set up - the blog style - I have spent too much time reposting and reposting and reposting, and I get the feeling no one is opening a little file on their device and saving my links. Sometimes I feel like a waiter at an all-you-can-eat popcorn shrimp night when the 300-pound club rolls in.

Please help me - Truly - I don't mind doing it, but I can't keep doing it week after week. I have big problems with my wrists. It just takes a second to open up Word or something else and save any links you want to save, and you can go back anytime you want.

Just drag the websleuths icon showing in the browser next to the www. and slide it up to bookmarks. When it opens put the icon anywhere you want and then you always have it...Just wanted to offer a solution on saving information
Completely exhausted. Havent slept in two days. Poke around on my photobucket and see if anything helps you. I'm about to drop.

I have been losing sleep over this case as well and I am only reading online and sharing flyers via social media and constantly worrying when I'm away from the computer. I'm not a local and I have not done a fraction of the things you have done in an effort to find Mickey. Your efforts are appreciated by everyone. Please, remember to take care of yourself. Get some sleep, eat well, let your hands and wrists rest. Every once in awhile, let yourself do something enjoyable that can distract you. Even for just a little while. Your mind and body need a break sometimes. For your own emotional well being.

I know this case has caused me a lot of emotional turmoil and as I said, I haven't done a fraction of the things you have, so I know it is much harder on you.

Take care of yourself please, if you don't take care of your mind and body, you will be in no shape to help mickey. Please get some rest, eat some yummy food, you deserve it. Thanks for everything you do.
Does anyone else remember a poster from about a week ago. This was the poster's 1 and 2nd post. The poster said something like "She is not under the truck, she is under the road work sign and I believe she is still there"?? I wish I had asked to explain that.

How could she still be under the sign? A camera is there,so it would have gotten anything.

I did not sleuth another WS member. I stated that ACI is verified by WS. I apologize if anyone thought I was sleuthing him. Verified posters are listed in the first post of each thread. :)

Nopers, not what I mean, Who Knew. You didn't give the wrong impression at all. That's why I wrote 'using your post as a jumping off point'...because the post I WANTED to quote, I don't believe SHOULD be quoted, due to following the rules.
Nopers, not what I mean, Who Knew. You didn't give the wrong impression at all. That's why I wrote 'using your post as a jumping off point'...because the post I WANTED to quote, I don't believe SHOULD be quoted, due to following the rules.

Thanks! Sorry I took it the wrong way. :)
Just drag the websleuths icon showing in the browser next to the www. and slide it up to bookmarks. When it opens put the icon anywhere you want and then you always have it...Just wanted to offer a solution on saving information

Iguess what I'm saying is I'd like to see people take a more active role in saving links that THEY want to go back to again and agian.

Put yourself in my shoes. I'm out on the streets... on the scenes - using energy - and then because I'm a local, I get endless requests to poste= the same info over and over... and newbies are fine, but I;mseeing a lot of the same questions come up over and over and recognize some of the same people debating it. Why do I have to be the facts repository for the same facts i posted 3 weeks ago? For those at computers states or countries away, THIS is what you can do to help find Mickey - heklp rduce the load on locals by haveing their lins=ks ready for others and be proactive about it so I dont have to lift tired fingers.

of many good bits, links photos.. Someone or a few someones should make a compilation so we don't have to dig through 33 threads 1300+ entrees.
and at least 5 perp angles
such as
1)Carnival workers
2)Oil Workers
3)Locals with DUI problems
4)Sex offenders
5)Baton Rouge traffickers

Then maybe a unified version of events that can be agreed upon. It takes me a couple of hours to get through 1 thread, and I'm usually looking for something specific like a link or a description. It's too much, but sometimes if I go by memory my memory let's me down.
I'll bet there is a bunch of specific timeline stuff we can agree upon. I'd prefer it if locals did the work, because they are familiar with the area, directions, store hours etc. I'd like to see the day shot of the Circle K and the big map with the colored triangles on it... and a bunch of other stuff... you know.. the good stuff. I'll do it this weekend, but I think a local could do it better
How could she still be under the sign? A camera is there,so it would have gotten anything.


I agree, she could not be under that sign then or now.
I just wish I has asked what the poster was trying to say. Since she could not possibly be under the sign I thought they might be hinting at something else. I don't know what....

Another poster, way back said "the writing is on the wall".
What wall, where? I will go there and read it asap.

[ame=""]LA LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 * Timeline & Media Links ONLY * - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Save it. It's the timeline thread. Half the stuff is on there
Bolding added by me. I just want everyone to make sure that they take this statement as an opinion, and not a fact. It is impossible to factually declare that she is stopped.

I'd like to add another argument against Mickey being under the truck (although the laws of physics alone did it for me). Her family reads here. We suspect MSM reads here. ACI posts here. People in direct communication with Abdella post here. The theory that Mickey is under the truck that keeps coming up again and again over the last several weeks has most definitely been presented, by one or more of these parties, to LE. If she is truly under this truck, why continue this charade? They have the video. They can see the movement of the truck coming and going. They know if she's under there. And if we "found them out," and discovered the released a picture with her under the truck, why continue this?

She is not under this truck. Whether she ended up under some other truck/car/van, we can't say because there is no evidence of such. But she's not under this truck.

ETA: For the same reasons stated above, I think it can be concluded her bike is not under this truck either. They also would have seen that on the video, and if we'd "found them out," they would have released some sort of information at this point. There is no logical reason to pretend like the bike didn't get run over if they have video of it being run over. Whether Mickey was on it or not. We know they have the video. We know they know exactly what the truck did or did not run over.

I do not believe I am making any assertion that she is under the truck at all in my post above. I am just stating that it is easy to drug a young unsuspecting girl, and yes I do stand corrected it is just an opinion of mine that she is standing with both feet on the ground. I do type faster than I think at times.

many good bits, links photos.. Someone or a few someones should make a compilation so we don't have to dig through 33 threads 1300+ entrees.
and at least 5 perp angles
such as
1)Carnival workers
2)Oil Workers
3)Locals with DUI problems
4)Sex offenders
5)Baton Rouge traffickers

Then maybe a unified version of events that can be agreed upon. It takes me a couple of hours to get through 1 thread, and I'm usually looking for something specific like a link or a description. It's too much, but sometimes if I go by memory my memory let's me down.
I'll bet there is a bunch of specific timeline stuff we can agree upon. I'd prefer it if locals did the work, because they are familiar with the area, directions, store hours etc. I'd like to see the day shot of the Circle K and the big map with the colored triangles on it... and a bunch of other stuff... you know.. the good stuff.

If you are wondering if something has already been discussed, or if you are looking for something specific, Google is a much more expedient way to do so than searching through threads. And it is less time/energy consuming for our great sleuthers like chicken fried. If you preceed your search with you will only get websleuths results. Ex: " Mickey Shunick carnival" brings up all websleuths results where the carnival has been discussed in Mickey's threads.
Just a quick question...has nancyanne been verified? :confused:
I do not believe I am making any assertion that she is under the truck at all in my post above. I am just stating that it is easy to drug a young unsuspecting girl, and yes I do stand corrected it is just an opinion of mine that she is standing with both feet on the ground. I do type faster than I think at times.


I have wondered if she could have been drugged earlier that night, at Aptmosphere. Could explain why she felt bad.
Drugging her might have made her easier to grab.
I do not believe I am making any assertion that she is under the truck at all in my post above. I am just stating that it is easy to drug a young unsuspecting girl, and yes I do stand corrected it is just an opinion of mine that she is standing with both feet on the ground. I do type faster than I think at times.


Nor do I believe you were. That post was not directed at you. I bolded your statement because sleuthers have taken such as facts and ran with them in the past, and I just wanted to make sure we didn't start having, "Where did you see that" and "Link???" posts come flying as a result.

The rest of the post was simply an argument as to why she is not under the truck. And why the bike is not under the truck. Please do not think it was directed at you.

The only facts here are that we don't know. And until LE gives us more facts or a PI discovers them and released them, we won't know. And like another sleuther--who I'd like to hug--suggested, it would be amazing if we could use our energy debating new theories.

ETA: New theories like your drugged theory. That's a new, and quite probable, angle.
I agree, she could not be under that sign then or now.
I just wish I has asked what the poster was trying to say. Since she could not possibly be under the sign I thought they might be hinting at something else. I don't know what....

Another poster, way back said "the writing is on the wall".
What wall, where? I will go there and read it asap.


Every once in a while there are hints here and there. Some are just rumor and speculation, and others are just plain odd. :) Let's hope we can piece them together and get that girl home. I am working on an odd one right now,and..yes they can stump you that's for sure. Perhaps that's the intention of the poster.

I really hate puzzles where pieces are missing.

Regarding the possibility of that being Mickey's bike light under the truck...A few days ago someone posted excellent daytime shots of that same spot. I believe it showed the roadway studded with reflectors. That light beneath the truck might just be one of those reflectors.

There are no reflectors in this lane...nothing at all that should cause a reflection.
Nor do I believe you were. That post was not directed at you. I bolded your statement because sleuthers have taken such as facts and ran with them in the past, and I just wanted to make sure we didn't start having, "Where did you see that" and "Link???" posts come flying as a result.

The rest of the post was simply an argument as to why she is not under the truck. And why the bike is not under the truck. Please do not think it was directed at you.

The only facts here are that we don't know. And until LE gives us more facts or a PI discovers them and released them, we won't know. And like another sleuther--who I'd like to hug--suggested, it would be amazing if we could use our energy debating new theories.

I second that thought. No worries.

Calling A.C.I. -- I thought A.C.I. asked LE and they said there was video of her beyond the point of where she was shown by Circle K.

Perhaps some of you can recall that?

I had someone from an LE from another jurisdiction call. He was told that no scenario has been ruled out. That doesn't mean yes or no. I think we have all come to the concensus that LE is not going to say anything either way.
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