LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #30

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Speaking as a non-local, I can't imagine anyone riding a bike in any of those areas at 2am. They look desolate, even in the daytime. At 2am, I would be very afraid.

I have become much more afraid (or I'd like to call it aware) as I have gotten older. It is so frustrating as a youth to be told 'you shouldn't do that'...I heard it many times and disregarded it many times in younger years. I, in fact, rode my bike home from work at midnight - 1am in not so great areas during my college years...and at the time I thought I was being really smart by being on a bike...seems more like I was just lucky. I could go on and on about things that I did that were probably not safe. In some argument could be made that Mickey should not have been driving a car that night either, because you know there are drunks on the road at that hour on a Friday...also not safe. In some ways biking on sidewalks and paths is a good way to avoid the drunks on the road.
If you email that address you get back an auto response that says to call the LE number. It also says please don't talk about your tip on social media sites.

JA's email is

Oh. Thank you...I did not try and send an e-mail to it...I will edit my post above to relay that information.
Try telling that to some of the DWT crowd. :what:

You know...I did laugh at this but I have to say....(don't throw things please).

I feel like an idiot.I really do because I do see MS and the bike under the truck in the one picture. I absolutely see it...BUT at the same time I know it can not be...there is just no way, logic tells me there IS NO WAY (oh, and a few of you may have reminded me too). Yet, my eyes see what they see and I keep having to force myself to not believe my eyes. For me that picture is the definition of my eyes playing tricks on me. So, no I do not believe she is in the picture...but heck if I do not see it still.
If you email that address you get back an auto response that says to call the LE number. It also says please don't talk about your tip on social media sites.

JA's email is

IMO, social media sites are a very valuable tool in missing persons investigations.. The FBI posts on many missing person Facebook Walls almost daily. Seems the honorable PI J. Abdella, may want to come up to the 21st century, imo...

FBI — Social Media Outreach: Connect with us on our new ...
Social Media Outreach: Connect with us on our new Facebook page. ... Sections. Contact the FBI · FBI Headquarters · Local FBI Offices · Overseas Offices ...

This was posted on my Facebook a few months ago:

FBI: Help Us Crack This Code and Solve a Murder Case (cold case 12 years)
I can't tell from that pic, but if they are smooth its a model year prior to 2007. The previous model did run from 89 to 06 with grill, bumper and trim changes. If you google those years you can see fenders and beds are virtually unchanged. You might see a wheel well flare on some that can be ordered though.

/Please note that part, a small part, of the 07 model year when the new body style was introduced, the previous mode body style was also called an 07 and badged as a Silverado Classic. Probably because Chevrolet had some of the older body style that weren't sold yet. So short version is don't get confused if you see an 07 Silverado that doesn't look like the newest ones and the one that is headed in the same direction as Mickey. I know, its complicated.

That it is. When I look at the 2007 work trucks on the Internet that is the one that I think is is similar to my pick.
I have become much more afraid (or I'd like to call it aware) as I have gotten older. It is so frustrating as a youth to be told 'you shouldn't do that'...I heard it many times and disregarded it many times in younger years. I, in fact, rode my bike home from work at midnight - 1am in not so great areas during my college years...and at the time I thought I was being really smart by being on a bike...seems more like I was just lucky. I could go on and on about things that I did that were probably not safe. In some argument could be made that Mickey should not have been driving a car that night either, because you know there are drunks on the road at that hour on a Friday...also not safe. In some ways biking on sidewalks and paths is a good way to avoid the drunks on the road.
Either she knew it was not safe as evidenced by her carrying mace, or someone who loved her was concerned and gave her the mace to carry. Sadly it proves that it is probably best to avoid danger rather than to have a false sense of security because you have a "weapon" to protect you.
Where did she get the video? I asked but I don't think she replied...anyone else know by any chance?

I am not Miabella and don't speak for her.

What I can do is maybe offer some insight.

LE requested that business/individuals check any surveillance video they may have. This tells me that LE relied on the public to bring forth anything they may have. Many individuals now have camera's. I know I have it both for my businesses as well as personal.

Many times the original is not taken by LE they will instead take a copy of it. Mine is downloaded onto a server daily.

Maybe it is from an area that LE did not canvess.

The initial time frame was between 1:30 - 3:30. Then video was released with specific times (sorta kinda maybe). I state the sorta kinda maybe since it was noted that there was a significant difference between one time stamp and many have thought that it was due to the camera time stamp being off.

Some individuals do not like dealing with LE and often will feel more comfortable with someone outside.

Some people truly don't pay alot of attention to things like missing persons. They may hear about it but feel that they have nothing of importance and it is quickly dismissed from thought unless someone brings it back to their attention.

These are just some scenerios. I am sure there could be many others.
Again people, a pipe one would use to smoke tobacco/pot is very different from a crack pipe. Let's please move on away from the crack talk! And the drug talk in general! We have no proof Mickey used her pipe to smoke anything besides tobacco (again, Artmosphere has flavored tobacco) and there's no evidence drugs played any part in her disappearance. I think these insinuations - particulatly any alluding to crack - are hurtful to Mickey's family and unfounded. I also think they do very little to help bring Mickey home.

Where is the accurate description of the pipe that early searchers were told to look for and how do we know what it was used for?

We have no proof Mickey didn't use it for drugs or that she did use it to smoke tobacco. This tidbit of info got hidden very early on for some reason.

Actually we don't have any proof of a lot of things in this case.
It is unfortunate that one of the very few things people have to discuss is that truck. Usually when LE does not try to clarify previously released information, it means that the info they are interested in is VERY specific (LE most likely wants someone to corroborate what the DWT was doing in the area.) When combined with the silence in this case as a whole, there is a good chance that LE may sorta know what happened, but the lack of direct evidence may force them to play a waiting game with no reason to tip their hand.
This perp needed a reason to be in the area at that time, it is highly unlikely that they were joy riding in that specific area, in a biggish city and struck in a spot with no cameras and then had enough dumb luck to dump the bike in an area notorious for dumping items never to be found again.
We do not know everything about MS life, but we know enough to see certain patterns in her schedule. We can try to look at this as a familiar perp or a stranger, premeditated or spur of the moment. The patterns that stick out to me, are that she preferred to ride her bike wherever she could and had a habit of taking similar bike routes home late at night. This is something she did quite often it seems, the security guard at the hospital seemed to be very familiar with her so it stands to reason that anybody who frequents that area in that time frame could also become familiar with MS and her route (for all we know, this perp could of been trying this for awhile and finally got their opportunity.). She was taken with her bike, so it is certainly possible this could be premeditated and then the bike dump at WB would also show local familiarity.
If we go down the outsider/opportunistic path, it still relates right back to why would this person would be in the area that time of night. They would of been joy riding(cameras are around), leaving home/friend's home, leaving a bar/restaurant/work and that is about it.
This situation screams out as being committed by someone with local ties and a reason to be in the area at 2AM on a friday night. This is far from the perfect crime.
It is unfortunate that one of the very few things people have to discuss is that truck. Usually when LE does not try to clarify previously released information, it means that the info they are interested in is VERY specific (LE most likely wants someone to corroborate what the DWT was doing in the area.) When combined with the silence in this case as a whole, there is a good chance that LE may sorta know what happened, but the lack of direct evidence may force them to play a waiting game with no reason to tip their hand.
This perp needed a reason to be in the area at that time, it is highly unlikely that they were joy riding in that specific area, in a biggish city and struck in a spot with no cameras and then had enough dumb luck to dump the bike in an area notorious for dumping items never to be found again.
We do not know everything about MS life, but we know enough to see certain patterns in her schedule. We can try to look at this as a familiar perp or a stranger, premeditated or spur of the moment. The patterns that stick out to me, are that she preferred to ride her bike wherever she could and had a habit of taking similar bike routes home late at night. This is something she did quite often it seems, the security guard at the hospital seemed to be very familiar with her so it stands to reason that anybody who frequents that area in that time frame could also become familiar with MS and her route (for all we know, this perp could of been trying this for awhile and finally got their opportunity.). She was taken with her bike, so it is certainly possible this could be premeditated and then the bike dump at WB would also show local familiarity.
If we go down the outsider/opportunistic path, it still relates right back to why would this person would be in the area that time of night. They would of been joy riding(cameras are around), leaving home/friend's home, leaving a bar/restaurant/work and that is about it.
This situation screams out as being committed by someone with local ties and a reason to be in the area at 2AM on a friday night. This is far from the perfect crime.
I agree with you about the abudcter most likely being a local who was familiar with Mickey (even just from afar) and her habits. I also believe the dumping of the bike at WB was intentionally done as a ruse to throw off the searchers. The locals are familiar with WB and it's history, and a local who committed the crime would think that disposing of the bike there would lead people to suspect a serial killer.The only thing that troubles me is that the bike was apparently well concealed at WB until the water receded...
Okay, I just have to jump in here for a sec and say my piece about a few things:
1) Mickey's pipe- I have some friends who smoke flavored tobacco. Since Artmosphere is also a hookah bar, they'd have flavored tobacco and that's why she had the pipe with her. Even if it was used to smoke pot, I doubt she'd be trying to score pot at 2am from some shady dealer. And I absolutely do not think she was using the pipe for smoking crack or meth (and btw, a crack pipe is different from a tobacco/pot pipe & from the description of her pipe, we know it wasn't a crack pipe). I find any insinuation that she was looking to score meth or crack as absolutely ridiculous and hurtful to her family. Also, I think we should stay away from suggesting she was going to pick up pot from someone on her way home at 2am. There's no solid evidence to me that Mickey even smoked pot (again, pipe could be used for flavored tobacco) & if she did, there's no evidence that has anything to do with her disappearance.
2) While I'm disappointed to see that the family has asked ACI not to work the case, I think this is due to them thinking that too many cooks in the kitchen makes it hard for anything to get done. (Now I don't think this is the case, I think everyone who can help should be, but I don't think they have nefarious reasons forasking him to stop) I don't think they don't want help or don't want Mickey found or don't want certains things stumbled upon all of a sudden. I just don't think that's the case. I think they desperately want Mickey found but want the info to go through LE and the PI that works with them (this way also, they can be informed of all the leads, info, etc the PI gets). But goodness, I do wish Abdella would get an email account for us to contact him on and send in tips! That would help! Not bashing him, email would make contacting him so much easier- particularly about stuff we see online or links we want to send him.
3) As far as her mom saying at first that she thinks Mickey was in an accident and the person freaked out and took her. I think this was wishful thinking that someone had not taken her for far more nefarious reasons. I think this was to give the perp an "out" - drop her off somewhere, we don't care about finding who hit her, we just want Mickey, etc. I think as time goes on, she knows the accident theory is statistically unlikely & that someone would have turned in anyone they suspected of an accident for the $25K. I think she always knew the accident was unlikely. Most people on WS seem to think and have from the beginning it was no accident -even if a collision was involved - and that this case reeks of an experienced sexual predator (now granted- I know a ton of people in Lafayette & surrounding areas who are still going with the drunk driver accident theory, but I think that it's safer for them to think that and that they're in denial about the possibility of a sexual predator being in the area - I also think that's why many young women in the area are still out late at night alone, etc. They think it was an accident or at least are telling themselves it was an accident so they won't be so scared). I think Mickey's family was told early on by LE and/or their PI that the situation reeked of an abduction. They just finally have come to accept it or have stopped giving the perp an out at this point.

So....can we please stop trying to insinuate that Mickey was trying to score drugs on her way home that night and that the family doesn't want help or has some inside info they don't want us to stumble upon?

For clarity...I do not believe that Mickey was buying pot when she disappeared. And I do not assume that she smokes it. I have very clearly stated my theory on many prior threads.

However, it is an investigation and you cannot allow emotion to interfere with looking at all angles. If a pipe was among her belongings and no one has stated as a fact that it is a hookah pipe then it is an angle that should be explored and probably was by LE.

I certainly mean no disrespect to her family. If it were my child I would want all avenues explored if it meant bringing my child home no matter how rediculous they may seem.

I hope I never ever offend anyone with any of my posts. Even though I have a theory I am positive of, in my mind, I try to look at any investigation with an unbiased and open mind. Until there are definitive facts that specific things happened or have been disproved by LE....all roads are roads are open for investigation.
Haven't caught up yet on the threads-but I wanted to get these posted. These are pictures from LCG building, Down St. Landry to Colesieum, past Sorority row, and then I went back and got St. Julien. When I uploaded these to photobucket, they put the first pictures on the last page. You have to start at the end then go forward to get them in sequence. I'll fix it eventually:)

A simple thank you is not enough. I wanted to personally thank you for taking the time it took to go out and capture these visual aids.

Until proven otherwise, I am even more convinced now from looking at your photos which i am still doing that she was struck from behind from a vehicle as she was riding her bike.

Thank you again for doing what you have done here to help us.

add on...From looking at some of your photos. There are several buildings near the street that have a flat roof. Just in case she was hit near by one of those buildings I wonder if they checked the roofs in the area in case the person responsible threw her back pack on top of one to get rid of it...Thinking wayyyyyy outside the box here. But in this case anything is possible. But finding that bike was a needle in a haystack. Without it, it would seem they she simple vanished without a trace. Finding that bike, which could have been anywhere was a Godsend.
You know...I did laugh at this but I have to say....(don't throw things please).

I feel like an idiot.I really do because I do see MS and the bike under the truck in the one picture. I absolutely see it...BUT at the same time I know it can not be...there is just no way, logic tells me there IS NO WAY (oh, and a few of you may have reminded me too). Yet, my eyes see what they see and I keep having to force myself to not believe my eyes. For me that picture is the definition of my eyes playing tricks on me. So, no I do not believe she is in the picture...but heck if I do not see it still.

I'm right there with you.

I'm having the same problem with the Jaren Lockhart case.

Maybe I need to retire my eyes.
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