LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #30

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kdlpn I would like to hear more of your thoughts, those lyrics are interesting. Don't be shy! Do you have anymore thoughts about "the writing is on the wall"?

I'm at a disadvantage bc I never found the actual "writings on the wall" post, just the aftermath which ultimately lead to the graffiti discussion. I feel like there are distracting coincidences in this situation; possibly including the graffiti, these lyrics, ect. which have lead to lengthy OT discussions. But I'm afraid that the minute any minor detail is dismissed, it will be that one distracting coincidence that needed to be explored. It's like a sleuthcatch-22. I just know that this song has been stuck in my head since reading the discussion. "I ain't gonna go blind for the light which is reflected" (reminds me of the circle K pic) "interstate 5 stayin' alive Won't someone try open up your eyes You must be blind if you can't see The gapin' hole called reality" (interstate 5 is in California, but x2= I-10 [longshot, I know])

Can anyone remember something being said about parallels??? I'm 99% sure it was in this forum. If so, please find the link. In the meantime, read this (may have already been covered but..)

This is so frustrating :maddening:
I have been trying to look at this case with logic and understanding of the few facts. I just realized that using" my logic" is wrong. The perp who took MS will have a different logic than I do, a different level of empathy, and belief in others rights.

I will not be able to make sense of this perp's motivations and actions. They would not react the way I would to a situation. A precieved put down or injustice might linger with this perp for a long time and grow in their mind.

Here is an out of the box theory that seems like a long shot to me but what if:
-This perp has spent a lot of time reading comics-----ie batman...
-Perp is a gamer who wanted to take a game into real life ,and/or likes to mess
with people's heads with mind games.
This theory occurs to me because of the pac man graffiti and BW's bike being taken
only to be hidden in a cemetary near his home. Think "Game Over" and"ghost w a bow and cemetary.

If the perp's profie fits the above I would think this person would be very into fb and other social sites, would want to read how their actions were messing with people's minds. This person may make comments on these sites to further mess with minds and confuse or anger people, or drop hints or lead people off course.

I know this is really speculating but if this perp sees themself as "The Gamer" they may not want Batman on the case.

You know, normally I'm an Occam's Razor type of gal (the hypotheses that makes the fewest assumptions offers the simplest explanation), but I've been wondering along the lines of the some of the same things you've mentioned.

BW's stolen bike has bothered me. Why would someone steal a bike and hide it in a bush in a cemetery? How many bikes are stolen and recovered and then a police representative posts on a Facebook wall instead of directly contacting the stolen bike's owner? BW's phone number was listed in the missing bike post. Why put it on Facebook? Is this perhaps a Southern thing? I can't think of something like that ever happening up here in the Northeast. Things are much more formal here :rolleyes:

That graffiti located right near BW's house also bothers me. Not to take off on a wild goose chase, but someone pointed out that a nickname of the pink ghost in Pacman is "Micky" in the original "Puck Man" version (confirmed on the wikipedia page). The artist of the Lafayette piece didn't have (or didn't use) colored paint, so we don't have the pink ghost but the ghost did have a deliberately added bow to identify it as female. Also, MS's disappearance happened near the anniversary of the game's release (5/22/1980) and MS was born on 5/21/1980.

The thing that holds me back from being entirely freaked out about the Pacman graffiti is the conversation in an earlier thread made it seem more likely that the "Game Over" is meant for Pacman given the placement of the dots. Also we don't know with certainty when the graffiti appeared and it sounds like Pacman graffiti is not entirely uncommon.

Overall, Mickey strikes me as spunky and street-smart. I can't see her being too trusting of someone who approached her at 2am. The only ways I can see her being taken are:

1) Deliberate injury or ambushing so she is stunned and caught off guard.
2) Approaching/chasing her in some of those more desolate areas where a perp wouldn't necessarily need the element of surprise.
3) Encountering someone she knew and trusted.
4) Encountering a police officer or police impersonator.

Some have speculated that there was a vehicle sitting in the LCG lot who may have started to pull out after MS passed by because of the different cropping of the MS photo and the white truck photo. In thinking about how Mickey might respond to a (perceived) LE officer, it hit me - doesn't an after-hours government-owned parking lot near a convenience store seem like a great place for an LE car to sit and monitor traffic and watch for drunken drivers?

I know there was a DUI checkpoint on Johnston the night MS disappeared, but in all of my late-night driving experience it is not at all unusual to see a police officer parked in a government-owned lot. Around here, we don't usually see them in a privately owned lot, even if it is well after the business has closed. I'm not sure if it is the same in Louisiana.

Those are some of my somewhat unorganized thoughts and undeveloped theories. I'm still new here and I'm a little nervous that I have veered into wild-speculation territory with this post.

Mickey's case has transfixed me and I find myself reading these threads daily. I feel for her wonderful family and her sweet friends, who are suffering so much in her absence. If they are reading I hope it helps just a little bit to know that so many people are thinking of Mickey every single day and hoping for good news.
You're all going to laugh at me now, but it has entered my head more than a couple of times that someone *who shall remain nameless* and was of small stature, donned a curly blonde wig and rode Mickey's bike just to provide the perfect alibi (knowing that cameras would track her), then went off camera to a parked vehicle and dumped the bike at WB. I know what you're thinking - she's flipped her lid, but at this point in time, with no new info or leads known to us, I'm looking at every possibility. Truth is often stranger than fiction, and this would be very, very strange! :confused:

I have had the same thought..... in addition to one more - maybe a person who looked similar to MS..........
Hi! This is my first post although I've been reading here for a few short months.

Assuming she was abducted - other than being lured, bumped into with a vehicle, hit with an object from behind, tasered, and/or threatened with a weapon, what are some other ways the perp/perps could have gotten her off of her bike?

Although not impossible, it seems it would be more of a challenge to get her and her bike in a vehicle unless she was incapacitated.

Also, I've wondered if she were taken for some type of sexual gratification (it is quite disturbing to type this) I would think that hitting her with a vehicle would be the least possible (but not ruled out) option as I would assume that he would want her alive and not badly hurt. Again, this is jmo..

As a side note, I wanted to say that the support on this forum as far as locals go is unreal. I visited Louisiana last year for the first time and fell in love with all of the areas I visited and can't wait to go back!

I'm not tempted to laugh, more tempted to cry. Someone has subjected himself to sixteen hours of questioning by LE, without his lawyer present. Someone took a lie detector test when LE requested that he take one. Someone allowed police to search his home and property, allowed his cell phone records to be accessed by police, allowed his computer to be searched by police, allowed his home to be occupied for days and days by friends and strangers alike, just to make sure search efforts were coordinated. LE said everything he told them was verified, and they had no reason to believe he had anything to do with Mickey's disappearance.

The scenario suggested doesn't make sense on many one has ever seen BW wearing or in possession of a curly blonde wig......not to mention that Mickey's parents and sister recognize her on the video pics.

Add to that, where is his motive? I see no potential motive: no blind rage nor sexual assault, nor revenge, nor money issues , seem to be evident in their relationship. Those are the usual reasons for a murder between friends.
Hi! This is my first post although I've been reading here for a few short months.

Assuming she was abducted - other than being lured, bumped into with a vehicle, hit with an object from behind, tasered, and/or threatened with a weapon, what are some other ways the perp/perps could have gotten her off of her bike?

Although not impossible, it seems it would be more of a challenge to get her and her bike in a vehicle unless she was incapacitated.

Also, I've wondered if she were taken for some type of sexual gratification (it is quite disturbing to type this) I would think that hitting her with a vehicle would be the least possible (but not ruled out) option as I would assume that he would want her alive and not badly hurt. Again, this is jmo..

As a side note, I wanted to say that the support on this forum as far as locals go is unreal. I visited Louisiana last year for the first time and fell in love with all of the areas I visited and can't wait to go back!



From what we know, Mickey was feeling tired and a little unwell (which begs the question, why did she cycle home at that time). However, we know she had a can of mace with her and knew she was taking a risk cycling home alone. If we look at other ways she might have been lured that did not involve injury, then it points to being offered a lift home by someone she knew (perhaps another student or a neighbor or someone she trusted) or a policeman (fake or otherwise). We know she loved animals, so if the person had a dog she might also feel safe with another animal lover. Just some guessing here.
Sorry if I offended anyone - but when a young woman disappears, it always puts the person she was last known to be with under close scrutiny/suspicion, as well as any known boyfriend/husband/close acquaintance. Apologies, but if we don't keep asking questions, we'll never get to the truth of her disappearance.

*** I have just seen this new article ***
Mickey Shunick case answers may lie with Morgan Harrington case and FBI

I am not offended. I truly feel sadness that a young man who has done everything he knows to do to find Mickey, who has cooperated with LE and Mickey's family is going to live under the shadow of insinuations until Mickry is found. He doesn't deserve this.

I have had the same thought..... in addition to one more - maybe a person who looked similar to MS..........

Who? Are you suggesting Charlie is in on her sister's disappearance?

You do know she was verified ad being in Baton Rouge when Mickey went missing, don't you?
I am not offended. I truly feel sadness that a young man who has done everything he knows to do to find Mickey, who has cooperated with LE and Mickey's family is going to live under the shadow of insinuations until Mickry is found. He doesn't deserve this.

Who? Are you suggesting Charlie is in on her sister's disappearance?

You do know she was verified ad being in Baton Rouge when Mickey went missing, don't you?

It could have been anyone small and blond, or small with a wig - I didn't name anyone.
I am trying to find out when Chief Craft commented that there was video of bicycles where exactly he is speaking of. He was talking about video from inside a building. This is the info I am seeking.

During the first week of the disappearance LPD Chief Craft was interviewed on "Mornings With Ken & Bernie" and was asked about a video that was located showing *someone* on a bicycle between the hours of 1:30am and 3:30am on May 19. (The video was also mentioned in the first Nancy Grace coverage.)

Chief Craft: “It’s very, very blurry. It’s video from inside a structure… so it’s very hard to see… because… the purpose of the video is to video inside the structure, not outside, … so it just so happened that you can sort of see the street. And it’s dark, and so you can’t make anything out.”

Two women raped in Broussard today were picked up at a Lafayette motel on Cameron Street. They were picked up by two men - the rape suspect, 26-year-old Terrance Lee, of Broussard, and another man. Lee was a passenger in the unidentified man's white extended cab truck, and the driver dropped off the women and Lee at abandoned house in Broussard, Police Chief Brannon Decou said. The house is located at 207 Gustave St., and around 11:49 this morning the women ran out, with their mouths duct taped and they were wearing only shirts. "The victims claimed that they were each raped at knife point after being duct tapped on the face by Terrance," Decou said.

Both women are 39-years-old and were treated at a local hospital. Chief Decou said Lee confessed to having sex with both women. Lee is in the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center charged with 2 counts of Aggravated Rape. Broussard police are still looking for the driver of the truck, and Decou said whether the man will be charged with a crime is undetermined.:what:
For those who didn't notice my earlier post, please check out the FBI sketch that may be connected to Mickey's abductor:

Mickey Shunick case answers may lie with Morgan Harrington case and FBI :what:

I'm glad they've got the DNA. I hope he is caught soon.

I'm not familiar with the website you linked, but I find it so, so frustrating that the white truck is referenced in Lauren's case, when it has been public knowledge that truck had zero to do with Lauren's disappearance.

She links Mickey to Morgan because they are similar in appearance, went to college and disappeared after concerts. It isn't impossible. If LE obtained DNA from the bike, at least they'll have something to compare it to.

Just another observation: FBI is not linking the perp in Morgan's case to Mickey, nor are they linking the sketch to Mickey.

From what we know, Mickey was feeling tired and a little unwell (which begs the question, why did she cycle home at that time). However, we know she had a can of mace with her and knew she was taking a risk cycling home alone. If we look at other ways she might have been lured that did not involve injury, then it points to being offered a lift home by someone she knew (perhaps another student or a neighbor or someone she trusted) or a policeman (fake or otherwise). We know she loved animals, so if the person had a dog she might also feel safe with another animal lover. Just some guessing here.

So this makes me theorize that a plausible scenario could have been simply the perp in his car, pulls aside to her, starts a conversation - asks for directions, makes small talk, even flirts and at first she is not too concerned as she's in her comfortable hometown and familiar with being out late at night and before you know it, he attacks. Could be with a gun - get in the car or else. Could be that he opened the door hard and knocked her off her bike and he grabs her. Geez, so many directions this could go.

Also, in regards to the bike whether it was discarded hours or days later, I do believe that it was never taken apart but moreso damaged from being discarded or damaged due to weather, boats, etc.

Two women raped in Broussard today were picked up at a Lafayette motel on Cameron Street. They were picked up by two men - the rape suspect, 26-year-old Terrance Lee, of Broussard, and another man. Lee was a passenger in the unidentified man's white extended cab truck, and the driver dropped off the women and Lee at abandoned house in Broussard, Police Chief Brannon Decou said. The house is located at 207 Gustave St., and around 11:49 this morning the women ran out, with their mouths duct taped and they were wearing only shirts. "The victims claimed that they were each raped at knife point after being duct tapped on the face by Terrance," Decou said.

Both women are 39-years-old and were treated at a local hospital. Chief Decou said Lee confessed to having sex with both women. Lee is in the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center charged with 2 counts of Aggravated Rape. Broussard police are still looking for the driver of the truck, and Decou said whether the man will be charged with a crime is undetermined.:what:

A man Broussard Police say drove a rape suspect and his two victims to an abandoned home will not face charges.

Police say the driver was questioned but detectives have determined he was not present when the rape occurred, nor had knowledge of it.
Do you think it is someone wearing a curly blonde wig, wearing Mickey's clothes on the video stills?

I'm really unsure of what point you are trying to make. Mickey told her friend Ashley that she and Brettly had gone to TB, so that is a fact.

Police don't have to release a transcript of the call! They have phone records to show that the call was placed, they have interviewed BW (who says the call was received and was able to report Mickey's side of the conversation) and they have interviewed Ashley. BTW, we have known from the first information released that Mickey RECEIVED the call. She didn't call anyone to say "boy that Taco Bell was delicious."

There are a ton of foreign exchange students at UL. I don't know that any of them were interviewed by LE. There doesn't seem to be anyone saying that any of them were around the area that evening.

Yep, you sure did. We all were calling them photos, even though LE said they were taken from video when they released the stills, they also told us they'd enhanced the stills......and here is kgeaux, still calling them photos!

Concentric can lead kgeaux to the water, lol, but the water just goes over kgeaux's head sometimes!
Most of the foreign exchange students appear to be in the sciences. On rare ocassions they're liberal arts majors. They usually seem to want to work in the campus parking lots & go back home to their country when they're done. But then, I've been out of grad school for 13 yrs.
No Hotels. I started just past the LCG building, however, in the first picture that shows the LCG sign, you should see the Circle K sign on the right hand side. There are more Circle K area pictures in my Websleuths public folder. They'll show you from the Circle K to just past the LCG building.

There are many, many seedy hotels not far from this area. I often wonder if these have been checked out. I went to one to put up flyers of Mickey, and in the daylight, I was iffy about going in by myself. Even the desk person had bullet proof glass in front of them!!!
During the first week of the disappearance LPD Chief Craft was interviewed on "Mornings With Ken & Bernie" and was asked about a video that was located showing *someone* on a bicycle between the hours of 1:30am and 3:30am on May 19. (The video was also mentioned in the first Nancy Grace coverage.)

Chief Craft: “It’s very, very blurry. It’s video from inside a structure… so it’s very hard to see… because… the purpose of the video is to video inside the structure, not outside, … so it just so happened that you can sort of see the street. And it’s dark, and so you can’t make anything out.”

Direct link, as the above one has changed, to the (rather lengthy) radio interview with Chief Craft:

It did sound as if the surveillance video came from inside a small business or a residence, not from an outdoor camera. There was no indication as to the location or if LE identified that it was indeed Mickey. There was also some discussion IIRC that the time stamp might have been off by a few hours.
I am starting to wonder about the taco bell thing. Along with some other things... What if you take the white truck out of it? Reread all the "facts" - then see why they are considered to be fact (whose interview, word of mouth, newspaper report). Then question if you believe it was correct/truthful/whatever word you want to insert. Then see what you're left with. I know we can't sleuth others on here, but you can "do the math" and see what you come up with.

what's the difference even if she didn't go to taco bell? video and pics are taken of her riding her bike home after this incident and people received phone calls and text messages during/after taco bell. what would it change? on the security cam of taco bell you can't see her but you can see her friend handing someone food and talking to someone in the car. and her credit card was used. and she said she was there. why speculate on something that doesn't matter?
I think Mickey being at Taco Bell is one thing that can be considered a fact. It is ridiculous, IMO, to be doubting that, unless you are clearly accusing BW of something.
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