LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #31

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I find myself wondering - maybe some here have some idea - whether 16 hours of questioning as has been tossed around from the beginning that BW underwent, is pretty normal for this type of case. I also wonder whether a polygraph is standard, or whether is is employed when the subject has given conflicting or vague answers.

Note - I am NOT sleuthing BW.

I would think that in a situation like this, the close friends would be checked out - which would lead me to think that maybe a lot of that 16 hours was spent having BW talk about her friends, and painting a picture of her circle.

The fact that BW allowed his computer to be searched would indicate to me that his online activity, such as Facebook, would have been checked right away. That then leads me to believe that LE would need to do a lot of checking of mutual friends, and not just BW. So likely, they have been pretty active under the radar, clearing her circle of friends.

I do wonder what prompts LE to do a polygraph. Would this be standard in a missing person, where only one person (BW) was the last to see her, as opposed to a group?

Just trying to put myself in LE's shoes and how I would go about looking for her.
If Mickey did not have a chance to use her mace, it is unlikely a gun would have helped her...any victim who is caught off guard is still likely to become a victim, IMO, armed or not.
We are on, what, thread #31?? And still no closer. Almost every theory conceivable that can be posted w/in the rules & confines of this WS has been hashed, re-hashed, shredded to bits, highlighted, trashed, praised.

Ginger, as well as the other posters, including myself, are getting mental lagoons from this. No info, no statements from LE, what, indeed, can we sleuth with?

We're just trying to inject a little humor into this. Some of us need it. Some of us have been at this for a while & need levity. Maybe you don't. If you become a mod maybe you can set us goofs on the right track?! 'till then, maybe you could be a sweetheart & not jump on ginger, who has nothing to apologize for. Jump on me, I'm older & meaner & have a bigger back & a bigger mouth.
And sweetie, I'm sure ginger doesn't need me to defend her, but I'm pretty sure she can read a map. And secondly, are you from Louisiana? It's 'red gravy,' not 'red eye,' that's something you do with ham & coffee.

I find myself wondering - maybe some here have some idea - whether 16 hours of questioning as has been tossed around from the beginning that BW underwent, is pretty normal for this type of case. I also wonder whether a polygraph is standard, or whether is is employed when the subject has given conflicting or vague answers.

Note - I am NOT sleuthing BW.

I would think that in a situation like this, the close friends would be checked out - which would lead me to think that maybe a lot of that 16 hours was spent having BW talk about her friends, and painting a picture of her circle.

The fact that BW allowed his computer to be searched would indicate to me that his online activity, such as Facebook, would have been checked right away. That then leads me to believe that LE would need to do a lot of checking of mutual friends, and not just BW. So likely, they have been pretty active under the radar, clearing her circle of friends.

I do wonder what prompts LE to do a polygraph. Would this be standard in a missing person, where only one person (BW) was the last to see her, as opposed to a group?

Just trying to put myself in LE's shoes and how I would go about looking for her.

I think LE will almost always ask the person to take one, whether they actually follow through and give it or not. But since BW could not really prove what he was telling them, I don't find it unusual that they asked him. Not sure if they already had the video of Mickey on her bike when he took it? Maybe not. But then they said the video at Taco Bell backed up his story, so I think he had taken it by then. I can't remember the order of events and I don't think we ever heard when he took the test. Maybe he offered-LE will always take you up on it, IMO.
Brettly seems like the type who would volunteer to take a polygraph in the interest of allowing the cops to clear him and move on and find Mickey. That he was subjected to 16 hours of grilling makes me think he did not have a lawyer and just spoke willingly.
BW would have immediately been Suspect #1 so 16 hours of questioning and a polygraph and searching everything is every LE's DREAM with a prime suspect. Remember, we did not have video immediately so there was absolutely no outside verification that she ever even left his place. Everything he said checked out though and LE has moved on, in my opinion, making a good choice. It would be a shame to get stuck on BW and not look at other suspects or possibilities.
This happens in almost every case...when the info stops coming, people circle back to the person who saw the victim last, even if they have been told that LE has moved on from is a symptom of lack of information and frustration, IMO...
I found a post from Bessie that I felt is a good reminder for us here. :)

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Muddy water in the street; Muddy water 'round my feet... as sung by the inimitable Bessie Smith, "Muddy Water (A Mississippi Moan)"

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 05 June 2012 - #2[/ame]
This happens in almost every case...when the info stops coming, people circle back to the person who saw the victim last, even if they have been told that LE has moved on from is a symptom of lack of information and frustration, IMO...

That either happens or really bizarre plots start emerging. I mean, sometimes really bizarre plots are true, but I just noticed that the really creative options usually don't start cropping up until about a month with no new news. I am not really creative-I usually think someone the person knew did it for ______ reasoning or a sexual predator did it ha ha.

Hopefully something will break soon or someone with more imagination than me will put everything together!
Hi, folks -- I have not been able to be on Mickey's threads as steadily lately, but just wanted to let y'all know I do still check in to see if ANYTHING is happening, fairly regularly. Still praying Mickey will come home.
This happens in almost every case...when the info stops coming, people circle back to the person who saw the victim last, even if they have been told that LE has moved on from is a symptom of lack of information and frustration, IMO...

If not for the video stills of her in two different places along her route we would still be debating whether she took took a right or left off Ryan and sleuthing all of BW's neighbors.

Ok.. I admit, I am doing that anyway, BUT, you are right.

OT In Lauren Spierer's case we have seen no video stills at all and none to show she actually left JR's house at all. If I was LE, I would search his place, collect every shred of DNA evidence and otherwise that shows she was there and in trouble.. and start building a case. The pressure of going to jail, and having a serious record will be the only thing that makes one of them cave and tell the truth against one of their Frat Brothers.
I HEARD from a fisherman that the water rose 8 feet between the day of her disappearance and the day the bike was found. I guess there was a way to tell that the bike had been in there during that 8 foot rise??

It's posted here somewhere the water level went down 2.5 feet according to water level recordings from WB.
It's posted here somewhere the water level went down 2.5 feet according to water level recordings from WB.

I think that is why the bike was found, and why LE believes they know when it was dumped...water marks, etc...if so, I don't think it was left there to be found, as in a taunt.
Do we have a reference to BW saying he thought MS would take Parkside to St Mary?
Her not taking that route when he expected her to may indicate she saw something/someone further down Parkside that made her decide not to take that route. If anyone was stalking her it would not have been hard to figure out what way she may have gone. From Parkside you can see across the back parking lot ( or access it by turning on Azeala) of LCG and a bike rider could easily be seen on St. Landry. Not much further is the small bridge from Parkway over the coulee to behind M&C Funeral Home office. Continuing up Parkside puts you at St Mary just around the funeral home itself. A quick left turn & a right puts you by the old abandoned parking garage on your right and the hospital (closed) on the left. The night the video stills were released I went down St Landry from Circle K and went up & down the street several times. For some reason there were what appeared to be 5 street lights that were not on. To this day I can't figure out if they are on motion detectors or what because I have seen some of them on since then. That area was pretty dark. I have noticed since then there seems to be more lights being left on by local businesses.

Something is puzzling me. Lack of comminication in this day of cell
Phones, text messaging & computers. BW stated he and MS were to go to the stables the next morning to shoot a video of her horse. He didn't call her in the
morning when she didn't call him? Or call her house when he got no answer and they were supposed to go to the stables? Did he go to meet her at a certain time and she didn't show up? Or did he just blow it off? It seems like MS was reliable so I don't understand why he wouldn't have been concerned when he didn't hear from her. I also don't understand how MS & Charley went out Thursday to a graduation party and Charley was in town for graduation yet MS didn't know her sister had left Lafayette and gone an hour away to baton Rouge until late that night. I would have thought in both circumstances that at least a text message would have been sent.jmo

In reference to the similarities between MS & MH case I really wouldn't call going to hear a band at Artmosphere (small venue) going to a concert.
In regards to the news article I posted about the Broussard, LA rape...The main reason I posted it is because of a man in a white truck being involved. Lee was arrested, the man in the truck however was just questioned. What if the guy in the truck played the dumb card and knew what he was doing. I know the story is from 2011 but the truck in question is 2009-2012 body style. I am just going out on a limb but I did pull that particular story up when I first heard of Mickey's disappearance. I just do not understand why at one point we were told the DWT was not a focus, but then it was again.
PS: We had DTL and another one we have yet to identify.... the last thing we need is someone out there we have no idea how, why, or if it is his first and/or last... so yes, women in general are feeling uncomfortable with this entire investigation and the lack of information being provided.[/QUOTE]

I always thought that another guy was on the loose killing women, I think the majority were done by DTL, but someone else was killing as well.

Maybe a copy cat. Once DTL was nabbed he stopped for a while, but it is a distinct possibility he has started again.

Maybe this guy has been doing this for a while under the radar, and now that he grabbed someone who is not an "endangered runaway" he's feeling the heat.

Do we have a reference to BW saying he thought MS would take Parkside to St Mary?
Her not taking that route when he expected her to may indicate she saw something/someone further down Parkside that made her decide not to take that route. If anyone was stalking her it would not have been hard to figure out what way she may have gone. From Parkside you can see across the back parking lot ( or access it by turning on Azeala) of LCG and a bike rider could easily be seen on St. Landry. Not much further is the small bridge from Parkway over the coulee to behind M&C Funeral Home office. Continuing up Parkside puts you at St Mary just around the funeral home itself. A quick left turn & a right puts you by the old abandoned parking garage on your right and the hospital (closed) on the left. The night the video stills were released I went down St Landry from Circle K and went up & down the street several times. For some reason there were what appeared to be 5 street lights that were not on. To this day I can't figure out if they are on motion detectors or what because I have seen some of them on since then. That area was pretty dark. I have noticed since then there seems to be more lights being left on by local businesses.

Something is puzzling me. Lack of comminication in this day of cell
Phones, text messaging & computers. BW stated he and MS were to go to the stables the next morning to shoot a video of her horse. He didn't call her in the
morning when she didn't call him? Or call her house when he got no answer and they were supposed to go to the stables? Did he go to meet her at a certain time and she didn't show up? Or did he just blow it off? It seems like MS was reliable so I don't understand why he wouldn't have been concerned when he didn't hear from her. I also don't understand how MS & Charley went out Thursday to a graduation party and Charley was in town for graduation yet MS didn't know her sister had left Lafayette and gone an hour away to baton Rouge until late that night. I would have thought in both circumstances that at least a text message would have been sent.jmo

In reference to the similarities between MS & MH case I really wouldn't call going to hear a band at Artmosphere (small venue) going to a concert.

I hadn't thought about that scenario the next morning until now ...

IMO I imagine BW tried to call and received Mickey's 'phone is switched off' message or the call went straight to her messagebank? He may have assumed she was still asleep after not feeling well the night before, therefore not immediately too concerned?

On another note it might have already been asked and apologies in advance if it has - I have read a lot of Mickey's threads but may have skipped this one;

If Mickey only had one semester to finish WHY was she planning to move in July? Or was she planning to only move for a few months and return to Lafayette to finish? It may be irrelevant but I found it curious, realising she had been so close to moving. Do Anthropology students do work experience or intern in their final semesters? I am on the other side of the world and in my mind NOLA and Lafayette was a twenty minute journey until I just googled it!

Prayers for Mickey, as ever, and her family
I think perps sometimes get more brazen as they have more successes. And maybe many women would think twice about riding/walking home alone at 2am now, but what about jogging at 6am when there aren't necessarily a lot of people around (one of Sean Vincent Gillis's victims was taken this way- hit with car while jogging then taken in the early morning - but it was daylight) or walking anytime of day where there's not much traffic or a lag in traffic (many residential areas are pretty dead mid-day, or taking groceries inside of their home (DTL probably got into Murray Pace's house this way), etc. Anytime you're alone even for a few minutes, it's a possibility if the perp happens to be out and about and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, 2am is more likely to be the wrong time, but really, it could almost be anytime....if the perp happens to be out as well. And if said perp follows and stalks the victims a little bit before (like DTL is believed to have done), eventually at some point he will find you alone.

I worry that too many women are blowing it off like "I would never ride/walk home alone at 2am." it could happen anytime. And I don't even want to tell you how many people in Lafayette have said to me about Mickey's case "well, don't ride your bike home at 2am" or "she shouldn't have been riding her bike at 2am" and blow it off like this could never happen to them, because it could, almost anytime/anywhere throughout their days. I think they say it to feel safer, not be scared, and deny there may be some sort of predator they could be victim of rather than a knock at Mickey, if that makes sense.

Right, I know when I am being followed. I seriously doubt many women do. I am sure ACI will say he could follow me without being caught. The truth is, he could not.

Every woman should be this way. If you are not, and you truly believe it will never happen to you, or you'd never do that..

You have the potential to be a victim. I really believe all women should be taught self defense/awareness at an early age.
Who would Janet's guy be?

Brad, Rocky Horror Picture Show.

How about a long haul trucker that owns a DWTiq? Does anybody know of a route that runs north to Mo, and for what? Don't ask me why. Just answer the question if you can.
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