LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #31

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I probably missed the discussion in the past but can someone tell me why it looks like something is under or next to the passenger side right tire? what am i seeing??

Some of us think we "see" something too. Our minds might be playing tricks on us but the image of Mickey alone and the WT going in the opposite direction do not have that same "something" in that spot. You are welcome to speculate with the rest of us.

I personally think it could be her bike. I super imposed a Z71 white truck over the photo of the bike from my local paper today that was hit by a white truck. I am going to continue to work on it and see if it matches up from a side view.


  • TruckonBikeExample.jpg
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I'm really glad the mods let us talk it out for a bit. I didn't think it was arguing. For me, it was constructive as I had been stewing since ACI was pulled off the case. Reading the posts of others who were feeling the same way I was relieved some angst about the situation, then reading Tricia's post of her experience, calm demeanor and explanation of why anything they say shouldn't be taken personally, helped tremendously. But, I have to admit I'm still frustrated at the silence and not knowing whether or not I am safe. And surely if someone finds out we do have a serial criminal on our hands, ACI or whomever will be allowed to work on the case. Like I mentioned before, to me it's a matter of public safety. I surely don't think they'd want to put people in danger and would allow it at some point, eh?

Ok, I'll get off this subject, but thank you again mods for letting is talk it out a bit. It was weighing pretty heavy for awhile.

I would just like to add that as frustrated as some of you are about this situation there are those of us that are equally frustrated and more inclined to share the family's view.
I probably missed the discussion in the past but can someone tell me why it looks like something is under or next to the passenger side right tire? what am i seeing??

I think we've all grown frustrated by the grainy quality of those video stills and it's so difficult to see much detail, but very easy to be fooled by reflections of light sources and road signs, etc. Sometimes I think I *see* Mickey and her bike under the truck, even though it defies logic. I really wish LE would release the video footage in it's entirety, so we can better help solve this mystery.
Gotta rest my peepers now, goodnight all :bedtime:
Could it possibly be that LE does have a suspect and it is bring kept hush for now, which I'd the reason why the family doesn't want any outside help?

I consistently keep S. Lamar case in mind and how LE was so quiet and in the end it turned out they had a suspect all along.

In comparing Sierra's case to Mickey's, I'm struck (correct me if I'm wrong) that there is no there is no detective, sheriff, etc. someone in LE acting as the spokesperson for Mickey case.
I did some research into the TV coverage of Mickey’s case:

CBS/CNN/MSNBC: Nothing. Correct me if I’m (hopefully) mistaken. Yes, there are articles on their websites, but I don’t believe they have ever aired anything on TV about Mickey.

ABC: GMA has talked about Mickey's case on 9 mornings. The last time was on June 9.

HLN: JVM has talked about Mickey’s 7x, and Nancy Grace has talked about her 2x.

NBC: It’s very hard to search their website, but it looks like The Today Show has talked about the case twice.

FOX: There was a 10-minute segment on Justice with Judge Jeanine.

I honestly thought the case had received a lot more TV coverage than what I discovered.

If you saw something about Mickey’s case that I didn’t write here, let me know.

I suspect that the family would have declined if they were asked to appear on any national media recently. I also wonder if LE is being quiet because they were asked by the family to do so. It makes me think that LE and/or their PI is on to someone and media attention could jepardize the case. It makes me hopeful that they have the perp in their sights and are getting ready to arrest someone.
Could it possibly be that LE does have a suspect and it is bring kept hush for now, which I'd the reason why the family doesn't want any outside help?

I consistently keep S. Lamar case in mind and how LE was so quiet and in the end it turned out they had a suspect all along.

I hope so too, and I think they will. Hopefully, if done by accident- guilt or lack of preparation will give them away. I just hope it's soon.
I just showed this picture to my son and his opinion is that it appears to be a mechanics paint saver mat. Used to keep from scratching the paint on the vehicle. ?????
I'm looking around for something that expands the wheel well like that.. seems so square.. in the process I ran across some auto body tools that looked familiar.. that is, someone made a blow up.. i think maybe the 'other way truck' with the bed down. can't remember.. anyway, there was this bunch of pointy stuff..
and this picture reminded me of that stuff.


Does anybody remember that?

What I know of a mechanics mat is it basically looks like a blanket or a rubber mat that you just lay over the body and it's flexible. It would echo the squareness of the wheel well, but on DWTiq it looks so rigid. I'm going to keep looking and see if I can find a match.
I would just like to add that as frustrated as some of you are about this situation there are those of us that are equally frustrated and more inclined to share the family's view.

My apologies for not clarifying - I share the family's views of not wanting to hinder the investigation. I don't like that LE isn't addressing the issue of public safety. If it is revealed at some point that it is indeed a serial criminal, I hope the family would reconsider their request as it then puts all of us, especially those fitting Mickey's description, in danger as well. IMO
I had fallen behind on this thread and finally got somewhat caught up. For whatever its worth, I too would like to thank ACI for the way he has conducted himself. He has given selflessly to Mickey's cause in blood, sweat and tears. Throughout it, I thought he was able to walk a fine line of engaging us here to think through different possibilities or scenarios while maintaining a professionalism such that he would not hinder or impede any investigation. My thanks, however, go beyond what he has done to try to bring Mickey home.

I did not see the comments made by the Shunick family directed to him and I won't go looking for them. Suffice it to say that it was probably out of character for them such that, despite what they're going through, they still saw fit to post a public apology. I could never begin to put myself in the Shunick's shoes. I have never been remotely close to a case such as this. Others have put into words much better than I can what their family is experiencing. Because of that though, I would never fault the family for anything they say or do.

Where my additional thanks to ACI comes in is with how you have responded to those statements, along with being asked to remove or reduce your "web presence". I felt and still feel a lot of the same frustrations that others have expressed and it would have been easy to attack the family in response, if for no other reason than to defend ones self. However, ACI didn't do that, and like it or not ACI, there are many people in the world who would not have handled it as you have. For that, I thank you.

At the same time, I hope you do NOT reduce your web presence. I find your posts to be thought provoking, honest, and with the right amount of levity at the right times when dealing with such a heart wrenching issue. Like I said, I do not fault the family for what they say, but in this instance I do not agree with them. If you have been asked not to have an active role in the investigation, there is no reason for you not to have a "web presence" particularly here at WS.

As I have seen written many times, those are just my thoughts and my opinions.
Way back in thread #1 when I posted "Attractive, petite gal riding a bike alone at 2am what could go wrong there! "
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - LA LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #1[/ame]

It was mentioned "The bike community in Lafayette is HUGE, so it's not uncommon to see people on their bikes at all times of the day and night."

At the time I then thought for sure someone from the biking community would have seen something suspicious that night or in the days/weeks prior to Mickey's abduction that would lead to finding the perps.. Sadly, this doesn't seem to be happening...
Finally, caught up with reading

I have been praying for some sign that leads to Mickey for ..well, a while now. IN our local paper today was a photo and article about a woman on a bicycle hit by a DWT!! The tire rim is bent, the article says mangled but it's not. My photographer friend who took the photo said there were no broken pieces of the bike, no scuff marks on the pavement. The white lines you see in the photo are chalk marks, not drag marks. Witnesses say she was screaming on the ground but witnesses told my photographer friend there was no blood. Possibly a broken bone..So....
"they" implies ONE or MORE persons
1. I think Mickey was hit by the truck or vehicle on accident
2. I think they were drunk, high, no insurance, license suspended or wanted...
3. I think instinct said take her to the hospital, picked up her and her bike
4. I think she had head injuries or was screaming about them going to jail (she is sassy)
5. I think they drove to whiskey bay right then if she didn't make it or they suddenly got scared of jail. I think they went there at night because they aren't afraid of whiskey bay at night, it's a great place to go unnoticed I think they threw the bike in because it shows she was hit and likely had evidence of the vehicle that hit her. (hope the water didn't wash it away and LE has it)
I think that Mickey died hitting her head, "en route to the hospital" or whiskey bay and was not conscience and they threw her in too with the bike, and she is downstream.
I think the family hopes she has amnesia, held captive and they are nursing her injuries and will release her when she can walk/talk on her own. I think they have to hope, I did. I was lucky to have my husband back after he went missing in 1990 before the internet and was found-he had amnesia, in a hospital 3000 miles away. Odds are against them.

I promised myself I wouldn't post again after being "timed out".

I send you deep prayers, and thanks so much.

My Heart goes out to you.

I read your posts for the first few weeks and was impressed with your cleverness and caring. I do not know why this has happened with the investigation. Hopefully there will be a day that we can be told the reason...
Hope you are well.
If I ever go missing people will be calling you! And you can say anything over social media that might help me. You can tell all of the juicy parts to our fellow sleuthers and they can have some laughs while they look for me.

Thanks ;)

Hopefully you never go missing, but if you do make sure to leave me some DaVinci Code-esque clues to follow :)
I had one other thought that hit me while watching the the prosecuting attorney's press conference following the Sandusky verdict. I noted how she did not reference him once by name. Only referred to him as the defendant. Obviously, it was on purpose and the purpose was that it de-humanizes him (not that he was much of a human being to begin with). It turns him into a legal concept, an object or an entity.

I am new here so I probably have no room to throw out suggestions, but if I had one thing I would love to see us on WS do differently, it would be that we would always call a victim by his/her name, i.e. Mickey. I understand why we use initials, its easier/quicker to type. And I understand no one, in their mind, is objectifying a victim. But I also think that by taking the extra 2 seconds to type out Mickey instead of MS, the human element of who Mickey is is maintained. For the perps, LE and others, I will initial away, but I will always try to remember to use the victims name when talking about them. Silly, I know.
No its an LT model with the Z71 package. The LTZ is the top of the line. And Yeah you get skid plates, shock upgrade, suspension, 4 wheel disc brakes and other stuff I can't even think of right now with the Z71 package. Now I hate to open this can of worms, but I have seen one Chevrolet on a lot that a tool box opened out of the side of the bed above the wheel well. It ran the length of the bed in two sections. And its the only one I've ever seen. Maybe it can be ordered, don't know. Never seen one inside the bed.
I had one other thought that hit me while watching the the prosecuting attorney's press conference following the Sandusky verdict. I noted how she did not reference him once by name. Only referred to him as the defendant. Obviously, it was on purpose and the purpose was that it de-humanizes him (not that he was much of a human being to begin with). It turns him into a legal concept, an object or an entity.

I am new here so I probably have no room to throw out suggestions, but if I had one thing I would love to see us on WS do differently, it would be that we would always call a victim by his/her name, i.e. Mickey. I understand why we use initials, its easier/quicker to type. And I understand no one, in their mind, is objectifying a victim. But I also think that by taking the extra 2 seconds to type out Mickey instead of MS, the human element of who Mickey is is maintained. For the perps, LE and others, I will initial away, but I will always try to remember to use the victims name when talking about them. Silly, I know.

You have a good point. Not silly at all.
I'd like to think LE is "on the case" and close to an arrest...but seeing how all we have seen them do is return to WB (even if they deny it is to look for Mickey I believe it is) and if that is their main clue, then I really don't think they know anything more than we know, other than perhaps if she made it another block or two down the road.
And Facebook? Facebook causes more problems than it does good. Young people have their locations in their status updates? Updating your status to show every place you are going and what your plans are? Checking in everywhere you go? To me, that is just asking someone to stalk you.

The only Checking In I do on FB is when I'm actually checking out of a place. Safer and more private, that way. Last thing I want is some yappy, socially unaware goofball acquaintance of mine showing up while I'm at dinner, wanting to discuss the weather or whatever.
Would any fingerprints left on the bike still be useable even though the bike was submerged in water for days?
I know we are all sick of t he truck talk, but by process of elimination, it really shouldn't be THAT hard for LE to find that truck. I know we all see tons of white trucks in the area. BUT, not many are 4 door Z71s. I see more 4 door fords etc and Chevy 4x4s. There aren't nearly as many z71 stickers as there are 4x4s.

So, If they TRY, they should be able to find the DWT.

I totally agree. Where I live in south Louisiana, I have actively looked for trucks matching the DWTIQ, and in several weeks, I've only seen one. I tried to get a picture of it on I-12 East in BR, near the Airline Highway exit. I almost wrecked trying to get a pic with my phone. Just my luck, the darn thing froze up and by the time I was able to get a pic, the truck was out of sight. Grrr. I do think it would be easy enough for the LE to find the truck if they wanted, so what gives? Yeah, 4x4s are much more common.
Hello....can anyone else see the gold tool box hanging on the rear passenger side of the bed. This is not a black and white opinion. I think this is simply a picture that is taken at you might be able to see some green in the grass and the yellow/gold toolbox. Thanks

I think there is so much pixellated distortion in this still-frame capture that if a person looked hard enough, they could see virtually anything they want to see (Space Invaders, a plastic poblano pepper, Santa Claus, a smart politician, and all other kinds of fake stuff...).

Not a very reliable clue, other than being a fairly decent representation of the model of truck in question.
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