LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #31

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Toadlily, thank you very much for sharing this. Due to his MO, and the many other parallels. I feel this may very well be related to Mickey's abduction.
Glad this innocent victim was able to escape his wrath.

Guess, time will tell...

This is very interesting. The fact that this happened 1000 miles away and the vehicle appears to be different would tend to suggest that this is a different guy but I suspect it is somebody who has been following the news. This MO is pretty unusual.

It has me wondering that, if the damage to the bike was minimal, could Mickey have been uninjured and voluntarily accepted a ride. It would explain the lack of debris, blood etc.

I don't know how that kind of speculation could help the investigation but it does suggest that "bump and grab" assaults on young women riding bicycles could become a problem.
Apparently police do request phone companies to provide them with all-inclusive data from specific cell towers in the aftermath of a crime and that’s raising the ire of certain civil liberties groups and other political factions:

"For years, legal scholar Susan Freidwald has been raising alarms about police tracking the locations of average American cellphone users, without warrants or judicial oversight."

And they won't talk about that publicly. And as you can see, the **** storm that comes with them doing it, they won't do it too often. Particularly if they already have an internal investigation going on. They don't want to draw the ire of civil rights groups to add to the ever increasing pile of **** they already have on top of them.
I just read this in the our local news and it reminded me a lot of this case. In the NC incident, the guy hit her back tire at an intersection and then put her bike on the top of her SUV and offered to drive her home but in fact tried to rape her. The victim in this case was able to get away from the guy.

Wow, that's a heck of a clear picture of the car. Sounds very similar.
The woman was riding a bicycle west on Stafford Avenue, near Cameron Village, around 2:30 a.m. June 18, when a man driving a small, dark SUV 'hit her rear tire' as she approached the intersection.

Raleigh, NC police are looking for this dark-colored SUV in connection with a report of an attempted rape that happened in the 'early hours' of June 18, 2012.

'dejavu'? opportunist sexual predator, bump & grab of cyclist, copy cat or recidivist? One month to the day since Mickey's abduction, 1,000 miles away by interstate..

North Carolina State University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
located in Raleigh, North Carolina..

Parallel or coincidence?
On the #2 photo there is a clear shot of the license plate. Hopefully this will lead LE to the perp unless the vehicle or tag was stolen..

I think I'd start looking for Mickey in North Carolina as well.
The woman was riding a bicycle west on Stafford Avenue, near Cameron Village, around 2:30 a.m. June 18, when a man driving a small, dark SUV 'hit her rear tire' as she approached the intersection.

Raleigh, NC police are looking for this dark-colored SUV in connection with a report of an attempted rape that happened in the 'early hours' of June 18, 2012.

'dejavu'? opportunist sexual predator, bump & grab of cyclist, copy cat or recidivist? One month to the day since Mickey's abduction, 1,000 miles away by interstate..

North Carolina State University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
located in Raleigh, North Carolina..

Parallel or coincidence?
On the #2 photo there is a clear shot of the license plate. Hopefully this will lead LE to the perp unless the vehicle or tag was stolen..

[Parallel, coincidence or serial predator?

This story activates my hinky meter. Rare as it is for a bump and grab (this and the Hawaii story), I think this could be significant.

Back during the first week of June, I drove over to Lafayette to help with the foot searches. Along the way, I saw and photographed a white chevy truck on I-10 headed west - that at the time I thought matched one of the two videoed on St Landry. When I arrived at Blackham Coliseum and spoke with other searchers, I learned that the truck still being sought was a Z71. And the truck that I saw was not/ or did not have a visible Z71 sticker. So I set it aside and haven't thought much about it until reading this article. The truck I photographed that day had a NC license plate and the driver was a good sized man with dark facial hair.
The hard reality is that social media is a double-edged sword. It helps spread info, with both good and bad results.

The feeling I get right now - JMO - is that there is a lot of stuff boiling under the surface. The rumor mill in Lafayette is in overdrive. Long ago, I posted that the only thing faster than the Internet is the CajunNet. This town talks.

I am not saying that this is the case - but something to think about:

If LE has identified some various POIs, in various directions or social circles, and if they are young and local, they almost certainly use social media.

If leaks occur that get to people who can tip off the POIs, and if LE is still watching the POIs, the POIs' guards will be up and they will that much more careful not to do or say anything that could lead to Mickey's recovery - alive or otherwise.

Your post speaks of a frustration that people here don't want to move forward and don't want to find Mickey. I submit to you that it is eminently possible the responsible act of silencing wagging tongues could be the best way to accomplish that goal.

The goal of outing onto the Internet everything one finds out, and the goal of finding Mickey, may not necessarily be compatible. In the worst-case scenario, those goals may be mutually exclusive.

Ostensibly, the goal of Websleuths and other "sleuthing"-type blogs, is to share info, with the idea of assisting in finding the missing person. In my opinion, the goal is not - and should not - be simply "let information be free" - and to throw everything against the wall for public consumption.

While many people I have run across in life and even in this case believe that there should be no censorship - self- or other-directed - exercised, and that all info, no matter how sensitive, should be posted on the Internet for public viewing, I take a different view:

When the goal of digging up facts and sleuthing certain individuals begins to interfere with actually finding the missing person, that is when I believe all involved must take a step back and meditate on which is more important - being the first to post a juicy "fact," or being responsible enough to know when to hold back and let LE do its job. This is where there are Terms of Service at WS. The sleuthing of non-POIs, etc., and publicly published rumors and other info about them, is not allowed. This is to make sure that WS does not actually interfere with the case. Sometimes there is a fine line between gathering information to help move the case forward, and gathering information to satisfy the "gossip gene."

Now I am not basing this on anything concrete, but: Lafayette is an unusually gossipy town. A lot of people just HAVE to have the latest tidbit, to have the satisfaction of being a person with the "inside scoop," and spreading it to their neighbor.

If Mickey has been taken by locals, then this "gossip gene" is an absolute nightmare for LE and the family. The buzzing hive of busybees in this case is growing louder and louder and has to scare the heck out of LE and family if, indeed, they have some POIs but are still gathering info.

I urge everyone here to realize that there is a real possibility that info posted here at WS and other social-media sites is getting back to the perp(s). So - do we really want to be an informer here, in service of the perp(s)? In the worst case scenario, places like WS could end up being the gusty wind that blows the dropped piece of paper across the parking lot, with LE chasing the paper, and everytime they bend down to pick it up - places like WS could be the gust that snatches it away.

Self-censorship does play a role in a gossipy town with possible local perp(s).

All of this is just my opinion, of course, but I am just a bit disturbed at the willingness of some people in situations like this to make posts about possible POIs (not necessarily here - just in general) that don't take into account that they may be assisting the perp(s) as much or more than assisting LE and the family.

Just some thought about self-censorship.

The goal is to help find Mickey..... without making it harder to find Mickey. Fine line. Very fine.

Dangit man, well done very well done.
Unbelievable. Thank goodness she managed to escape.

Wish we could do a rewrite:
"A lift home after you purposely rammed my bicycle? How kind, just let me grab my loaded pistol-grip Mossberg bicycle pump.”

Please let us know if there are any new developments.

Ha ha. I would love to know how to rig that up on a bike frame. Hmm.
This is very interesting. The fact that this happened 1000 miles away and the vehicle appears to be different would tend to suggest that this is a different guy but I suspect it is somebody who has been following the news. This MO is pretty unusual.

It has me wondering that, if the damage to the bike was minimal, could Mickey have been uninjured and voluntarily accepted a ride. It would explain the lack of debris, blood etc.

I don't know how that kind of speculation could help the investigation but it does suggest that "bump and grab" assaults on young women riding bicycles could become a problem.

kemo, the news article wasn't posted for 11 days after the incident, which is curious. With the photo of the perp & the vehicle in NC, hopefully he will be identified & arrested, due to an aware citizen's tip.
Imo, the DWT may not be the vehicle used in Mickey's abduction, but only a witness.
To bump someone's bicycle and only damage the rear tire takes finess, imo.
I will simply say, if you've got the money to spare, go run through a red light at an intersection with cams on it. You'll get a nice ticket in the mail with a link to see the video of you approaching the light and then running through it. Works with speeding too. Start off slow and then punch it through the intersection. You'll still see video of you slowly approaching. Funny how they don't record huh? Or do the cameras have some super advanced algorithm that can predict the future and knows to only record those specific segments at that time? They will always claim either the cameras don't record, or they weren't on, or they were broken, or in the process of being fixed etc. But most people know better. They will never release video from or even admit to reviewing any video from those cameras, to the public. That would open floodgates that they simply will never open. Same thing with contacting cell phone providers in relation to specific towers and the logs from them. A record of every phone that pinged on that tower at a specific time. So seems pretty simple right? Follow Mickey's phone until it stops hitting towers. Purchase the data dumps from all those surrounding towers. Match up phone numbers to the ones in the same area and or travelling the same direction at the same time and see who it belongs to and where it goes. Case solved right? Afraid not. That's something they simply won't do. Far too time consuming and very expensive (Verizon, Att, Sprint etc all charge for those data logs). And if they do it on one case, then every case after that people will be demanding they do it again. Same with the cameras. And that is just too expensive and too much work. Not to mention once that specific cat is out of the bag every criminal and attorney in Lafayette will be re-opening old cases, demanding that they go back to review all this stuff to prove their innocence. Opening up class action lawsuits for false arrests and a myriad of other wrong doings. That's a can of worms that will simply never be opened, even though it can and should be.

The "traffic cameras" are not the same cameras as the speeding cameras. The traffic ones are really high in the corners of intersections, generally above the street lights. The speeding cameras, are low, and on their own pole. They have a box around them and a huge strobe light that you can see flash in your rear view if you just blew through the intersection. Apparently they record when tripped. The strobe flashes to capture liscence plate. They're blinding to anyone going the other direction and annoy the crap out of me. They are much better cameras, as the one ticket I got (Sunday morning, Johnston st. 44mph, speed limit, 40. It's the only time you can go faster than 40, I didn't realize I was!) you could see me perfectly, inside of my car. Seriously. The color of my eyes close. Ugh! Invasion of privacy if there ever was one. The closest REDFLEX (private company that owns the red light cameras) camera to Mickey would have been north at the intersection of University and Agnes/Simcoe or intersection of South College and Johnston.

As far as the phone goes, I'm sure they have it tagged to notify them if it pings again, but I think they have all they're going to get from her phone. I think the phone technology has come a long way, especially when you consider I can tap "find my phone" and it instantly shows me on a map where the phone that are on my account are, within a few feet. My husband and I can find each other at festivals, Marci GRAS, and Disney world (haha, but it works), and the best part is I can see where my son is. It could be false security if I solely depended on that, but its comforting.

Class action lawsuits? I don't think so. And, those camera on top of the light posts are ours. Our tax dollars pay for them. I'm fine with that. "Monitor traffic" all day ad night, but as far as I'm concerned, those cameras should record and be able to be used for investigation. My goodness, recording them would save so much man power in terms of investigative work! I'm pretty sure the recording would have to be accessible to tax payers, the same way we are able to go into LCG's website and view the live view. Otherwise, it would be a giant invasion of privacy. And, sorry people, I am not all about living in a police state. I also, since this has happened have cameras on every corner of my house. They record three weeks of time, but only Record when there is movement, so realistically, longer than three weeks. I would like to believe that LE does not make their decisions based on fear of class actions. Some class actions get out of had,yes, but really, they help A LOT of people, that have been wronged by greedy corporations, that otherwise may not have had the resources to go after the corporation on their own. Its a power in numbers thing. It also frees up the judicial system a bit, instead of handling each case on a case by case basis. That would be too tedious and hard to regulate across multiple cases.

Again, my own opinion.

Have you, or anyone, heard from MamaMia?

Where are you MICKEY???
Yes, but does onstar need to be "turned on" or subscribed to for them to track the truck?

True, when my mom went missing a few years ago the truck was equipped with it but she was no longer subscribed to it. Sorry :(
This is very interesting. The fact that this happened 1000 miles away and the vehicle appears to be different would tend to suggest that this is a different guy but I suspect it is somebody who has been following the news. This MO is pretty unusual.

It has me wondering that, if the damage to the bike was minimal, could Mickey have been uninjured and voluntarily accepted a ride. It would explain the lack of debris, blood etc.

I don't know how that kind of speculation could help the investigation but it does suggest that "bump and grab" assaults on young women riding bicycles could become a problem.
We don't know for certain that it was the white truck that was involved in Mickey's disappearance. Anything could have happened off camera and on a dark side street out of a camera's view. I agree with Foxfire that it takes finesse to just tap a bicycle, and possibly some practice...
This story activates my hinky meter. Rare as it is for a bump and grab (this and the Hawaii story), I think this could be significant.

Back during the first week of June, I drove over to Lafayette to help with the foot searches. Along the way, I saw and photographed a white chevy truck on I-10 headed west - that at the time I thought matched one of the two videoed on St Landry. When I arrived at Blackham Coliseum and spoke with other searchers, I learned that the truck still being sought was a Z71. And the truck that I saw was not/ or did not have a visible Z71 sticker. So I set it aside and haven't thought much about it until reading this article. The truck I photographed that day had a NC license plate and the driver was a good sized man with dark facial hair.

Please tell me you still have that picture, just in case. Also, please don't post it here. :) I cannot even imagine the confusion that may cause. Turn it in as a tip again. You never know. If LE releases it, please, post it here again and again.
I hope the pic of the perp in NC gets national coverage. If the guy is traveling he could be from La,NC, or anywhere. I wonder what age the girl in NC is and if she is small or blond.
Foxfire do you have any idea why they would wait 11 days to release the story and pics?

The girl in NC is 22. Looks like the bump and grab took place near NC State University.
The "traffic cameras" are not the same cameras as the speeding cameras. The traffic ones are really high in the corners of intersections, generally above the street lights. The speeding cameras, are low, and on their own pole. They have a box around them and a huge strobe light that you can see flash in your rear view if you just blew through the intersection. Apparently they record when tripped. The strobe flashes to capture liscence plate. They're blinding to anyone going the other direction and annoy the crap out of me. They are much better cameras, as the one ticket I got (Sunday morning, Johnston st. 44mph, speed limit, 40. It's the only time you can go faster than 40, I didn't realize I was!) you could see me perfectly, inside of my car. Seriously. The color of my eyes close. Ugh! Invasion of privacy if there ever was one. The closest REDFLEX (private company that owns the red light cameras) camera to Mickey would have been north at the intersection of University and Agnes/Simcoe or intersection of South College and Johnston.

As far as the phone goes, I'm sure they have it tagged to notify them if it pings again, but I think they have all they're going to get from her phone. I think the phone technology has come a long way, especially when you consider I can tap "find my phone" and it instantly shows me on a map where the phone that are on my account are, within a few feet. My husband and I can find each other at festivals, Marci GRAS, and Disney world (haha, but it works), and the best part is I can see where my son is. It could be false security if I solely depended on that, but its comforting.

Class action lawsuits? I don't think so. And, those camera on top of the light posts are ours. Our tax dollars pay for them. I'm fine with that. "Monitor traffic" all day ad night, but as far as I'm concerned, those cameras should record and be able to be used for investigation. My goodness, recording them would save so much man power in terms of investigative work! I'm pretty sure the recording would have to be accessible to tax payers, the same way we are able to go into LCG's website and view the live view. Otherwise, it would be a giant invasion of privacy. And, sorry people, I am not all about living in a police state. I also, since this has happened have cameras on every corner of my house. They record three weeks of time, but only Record when there is movement, so realistically, longer than three weeks. I would like to believe that LE does not make their decisions based on fear of class actions. Some class actions get out of had,yes, but really, they help A LOT of people, that have been wronged by greedy corporations, that otherwise may not have had the resources to go after the corporation on their own. Its a power in numbers thing. It also frees up the judicial system a bit, instead of handling each case on a case by case basis. That would be too tedious and hard to regulate across multiple cases.

Again, my own opinion.

Have you, or anyone, heard from MamaMia?

Where are you MICKEY???

If they only record when tripped, then why do the video segments that you can review start seconds before you even commit the crime? Is the camera able to predict that you are going to commit a traffic violation? They may not record indefinitely, but at least intermittently.

And about the phones, I wasn't talking about only her phone. I was referring to tower dumps which can be obtained by LE and thus show any phones in the same area at the same time as hers. Just a matter of narrowing down who's who at that point (and seeing which one goes to Whiskey Bay). It's very expensive though and they don't like the general public knowing they can do that. Big civil rights issue. And LPD has enough on their plates right now without adding the issues that would come from them catching whoever did whatever they did to MS by use of cameras they claim don't record and accessing cell tower records they also don't want the public knowing they have access to.
To bump someone's bicycle and only damage the rear tire takes finess, imo.

Agree. The girl in North Carolina was bumped by the perp. when she slowed at an intersection.

What would the traffic have been like at St. Landry & W St. Mary that night @ 2am? If Mickey hit a red light would she have been able to sail thru it or would she have had to stop and wait for the green because of vehicular traffic? Or would she have just obeyed the red?
And they won't talk about that publicly. And as you can see, the **** storm that comes with them doing it, they won't do it too often. Particularly if they already have an internal investigation going on. They don't want to draw the ire of civil rights groups to add to the ever increasing pile of **** they already have on top of them.

I followed the Caylee Anthony case, they had pings of Casey's phone for the entire "31" days that Caylee was "missing".....supposedly missing.
Florida has the Sunshine Law, Open government, which allows the public to view those records. Even though Casey was aquitted, I still believe she killed her daughter, WS'ers really impressed me as they sleuthed the pings, etc. and as what showed up in court from the prosecution WSer's pretty much nailed what really happened to Caylee.

I think that sometimes it would be nice to have access to SOME things that LE is investigating......however, I do understand the importance of keeping things under wrap. Just some things that I think about.::)) while trying to keep cool in central IL.
I hope the pic of the perp in NC gets national coverage. If the guy is traveling he could be from La,NC, or anywhere. I wonder what age the girl in NC is and if she is small or blond.
Foxfire do you have any idea why they would wait 11 days to release the story and pics?

It is strange that it took so long to be released. I emailed the editor over at WRAL a news link to Mickey's case just in case the two cases are connected.
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