LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #41

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I wonder why there is no Permissino to Search for Brettly Wilson's house? I am also curious about the accident!!!!

100 Ryan rd is listed in that 24 page document. I was just reading over it a few minutes ago
K.jill, ironically there is a way to keep the victim's memory alive. This is accomplished by stressing that Mickey Schunick's valiant, courageous, and heroic actions are the catalyst for BS Lavergne's apprehension. Due to the light being shined on him, other victims will be prevented and the many unknown victims will be revealed, as we have already witnessed by Lisa Pate. Good triumphs over evil..

"Calling All Angels"

"Calling All Angels" to Find Mickey Shunick Now - YouTube

Thank you, yes Mickey is a hero. Amazing girl, so sorry she came in contact with such a horrific monster. She left her mark on him, led investigators to him and is helping to get justice for herself, Lisa Pâté, and likely more to follow.
Still, I personally would have preferred no more than two separate discussion threads, one for each woman, and possibly a separate thread for the DWT for those who didn't care to see it discussed any more. Going back and forth between threads is a challenge for me, and sticking to one topic doesn't hold that much interest to me. Maybe I'm just too old and set in my ways.

Maybe they will consider this.
I took it as he moved the bodies after the killing occurred. I thought it was a simple or vague statement...i don't think it means he moved the bodies more than once MOO :) Although, he def could have!!!

Seems to me like he commits the crime at one location and likes to move the body to a different location. I think that's what the court documents are referring to also, and I think that's what BSL learned to do after he was caught leaving evidence behind after the rape. I also think that's what they are referring to by tampering with the body and obstructing the investigation.
You guys are really missing out by not jumping over to the other threads. In depth discussions are going on about all o this stuff.

I hate to say this, but sadly, another sweet little child will go missing that will touch your heart. Now that you are introduced to websleuths you will want to follow that case. Many ws'ers follow several cases at one time. You will grow to appreciate all of the vast capabilities of this entire site.

I lurked on webleuth for years before finally registering because I wanted to see the scanner forum during the search of a local girl. Did you know that somebody listens to the police scanners and posts in real time in several cases and you can go back and read those threads?

Kudos to you for registering in the first place. Now take the training wheels off and look around. You will be very satisfied with what you find... Promise!
For those who don't like the forum change there needs to be a format to compile and document all of the info that is and will be coming out.

I read every day but sometimes I have to go pages back to figure out what everyone is talking about. Think of it as a table of contents for easy reference on a particular subject.

Thankfully the mods have left the general discussion thread so everyone can continue to chat so to speak.

Can you imagine had there not been a forum for dear sweet little Caylee? There would have over a thousand threads!

Mickey and Lisa deserve their own forum.

Well that's my 2 cents and I sure didn't mean to offend anyone if I did.
:eek:hdear: Hey, gang. We do have a rule here about nicknames and derogatory name changes. And yes, it does apply to perps.


In an effort to keep case discussion constructive, name calling, general bashing and using derogatory name variations for any of the case players is not tolerated. Regardless of how we may feel about many of the people that are the focus of our discussion here,it is always best to elevate the conversation and avoid this type of posting behavior. Feel free to express your displeasure with individuals that are being discussed, just avoid petty nastiness,name calling, name changes and over the top rude posts directed at case players.

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Well another poster, 2 pages back mentioned that someone should give him a name. IMO someone will at some point. I do not want to give him any notoriety at all. It is sad that victims names are forgotten and the killers remembered.
If he is going to get a name I would like to see it be unique in that it remembers the victims and not him.

Maybe foxfire has a link handy, the definition of an sk is 2 people.

But why are we assuming that Lafayette is going to forget Mickey and only remember BSL? They heard about her disappearance for months, and I'm sure the trial will get a significant amount of coverage. Sadly, I could see Lisa's name being forgotten but I don't think it's a given that Mickey will be too. With most serial killers the victims are forgotten because there are so many of them (compared to "only" two for BSL) and the public never really becomes familiar with them until after the murders are discovered.

For example, it was announced in 2008 that Adam Walsh was killed by serial killer Otis Toole. Yet, I bet more people would recognize the name Adam Walsh today than Otis Toole.
For the new people having a hard time navigating and keeping up with new post in threads:

If you click on the check mark notated by the arrow in the picture below, it will take you to the the newest post you haven't read yet in that thread. Example, I'm reading post 55, I log off and two days later I want to go back to read where I left off but cannot recall and don't want to fish around looking. Two ways you can do this one is by clicking the check mark in picture below...or you can click on your name, click on statistic tabs, find all post by (your name) and then you can click on the post you last posted.

I don't want BSL to get too much attention or be able to benefit from his crimes in any way. In a recent article in Lafayette's Daily Advertiser, one commenter wrote, "can you please stop showing this idiots face...we know what the fool looks like....please." I agree wholeheartedly!

See the View Comments" section at|head

KinseyWannabe, I honor your opinion, but the comment that you posted was taking into consideration that BSL was only responsible for two innocent victims, that he has been indicted, and by showing his photo, it is only giving him notoriety.

Due to tier 3 RSO/SK; BSL's traits, escalation and pattern of violent of crime, the probability of more unknown victims are very high. The more awareness, the better, imo. BSL was identified due to Mickey Schunick's valiant fight, excellent police work, and the public's awareness..

Another comment from the article: BS Lavergne's Photo needs to be placed in the ms media everyday, as well as billboards across LA, TX & MS. This is critical for info of any unknown victims, imo..
Okay, Bessie (or anyone else who can help), here's how I access WS:

1) From my Android phone, I have one single bookmark to my user CP. From there, I choose from one of the threads I'm subscribed to. Do I have to subscribe to each subthread separately? I'd rather keep my bookmarks to a minimum.

2) From my Nook (which I share w/ the family), I log into WS and again go to my User CP for subscribed threafds. I don't want to bookmark at all since the kids have access (and yes, I clear my browser history).

What's the best way to find the subthreads on these devices?
What's the point in giving him a nickname? I didn't think that killing two people made someone a serial killer. There are lots of killers who have murdered two people and they don't have a nickname. It will just make him more infamous and increase his notoriety.

eileenhawkeye, the revised definition by the FBI makes since, imo. If you kill two or more victims in separate events. The probability of killing others is pretty high. There is little chance that a person will stop killing, even if it is other prisoners after being arrested, convicted and incarcerated for life without parole...

The Symposium attendees reviewed the previous definitions and extensively discussed the pros and cons of the numerous variations. The consensus of the Symposium attendees was to create a simple but broad definition, designed for use primarily by law enforcement.

In combining the various ideas put forth at the Symposium, the following definition was crafted:

* Serial Murder: The unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offender(s), in separate events.
Every time I have to look at that Smugshot I want to scream :banghead: I'd rather articles had no picture than that one :maddening:
For the new people having a hard time navigating and keeping up with new post in threads:

If you click on the check mark notated by the arrow in the picture below, it will take you to the the newest post you haven't read yet in that thread. Example, I'm reading post 55, I log off and two days later I want to go back to read where I left off but cannot recall and don't want to fish around looking. Two ways you can do this one is by clicking the check mark in picture below...or you can click on your name, click on statistic tabs, find all post by (your name) and then you can click on the post you last posted.


Thanks for this! Definitely didnt know this and have been frustrated everyday doing this lol.

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It is sad that the names victims are so often forgotten and the name of the sk is remembered. I wish there was a way to turn that around.

Around here I don't think Mickey's name will be forgotten for a long, long time, if ever :) She's had such an impact on our community.
BS Lavergne's ultimate goal is gaining notoriety. He does not want to be portrayed as the coward or monster that he is.. Imo his motives were many. BSL, had never accomplished much in his 33 years, although his life was looking up to those who saw him through his false mask of normalcy. BSL's other self was hidden from his family, friends, companions, as well as his future victims. This chameleon like appearance is common among predators.

Notoriety, Not Trauma, Drives a Serial Killer
I have spoken to five serial killers, including Richard Ramirez, the ''night stalker'' who terrorized southern California in 1985, and about whom I have written a book. Mr. Ramirez told me that serial killers have ''no remorse, no scruples, and no ethics,''
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