LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #7

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Thank you.

I think things are getting back to normal (thank God bessie's around!) so I can sink back into my usual quagmire, attempting against all odds to figure out what happened in the course of any particular unsolved crime.

lol, and make a quick trip to Wally World!

ok back on topic
Hopefully someone saw her talking to someone in a pickup truck.

Someone had to have seen something.
IMO, if they called off the search at Whiskey bay so quickly, especially without being able to properly search the previous day due to tidal conditions, then they have reason to believe she's elsewhere. Alligators (as well as other water dwellers) would have at the body if it were in the water, but it's not something that would happen on day 1, or even be complete in a week.

I'm with you! Why stop searching there?
Am starting to wonder if the whole white truck issue is pulling the investigation in a single direction. I hope not.
Human trafficking....

I agree... I brought this idea up in the first thread, I believe. However, the more a pondered the idea the more I came to think that it was unlikely. The reason I feel that way is because, from my knowledge of human trafficking, the 's (piece of _, in my wording) that abduct the women are usually quick and they are heading out of town with the women. I don't see most of them grabbing the bike. To me, their would be no need. The would just grab the woman and hit the road, heading out of town.
Maybe the owner of the Cadillaic already contact LE?
I believe it is law here that if you ride in the roadway, you must ride WITH traffic.

No one has said that Mickey rode in the road against traffic.

Brettly said that once she reached West Congress, she would have ridden on the sidewalk on the left side of the road.

I was at Rood's on Johnston Saturday having my a/c looked at and I was looking at the bike lane. It has arrows showing bikers are supposed to ride with traffic. It made me think on BW saying MS rode against traffic.
think - It could just be an artifact from the cam.
View attachment 22787
There is what appears to be a large white mass extending a good distance beyond the blue/purple "shirt" that is not in the other pic with Mickey riding by. I still believe it is a white vehicle. Maybe they turned right and made an immediate right into circle k and it is the white car/truck in the second gas station bay in one of the pics? Or an unrelated vehicle that had just passed Mickey and took off for parts unknown.
Unless they have a reason to avoid LE (not pertaining to the case).

Possible. But believe me, the people around here would find away. Theyd have their grandma or some **** say it was them driving. That kind of money is a big deal in a lot of these neighborhoods.

On a side note though, with all the record checks Ive been doing this past week, the courthouse has been FULL of people requesting back ground checks on anybody and eveeybody. Neighbors, friends, family members. Theyll turn on each other in a heartbeat for reward money. Its kind of sad, but at least its getting them involved.
Might be a Caddilac Coup deville 1983?

Good question- I've been meaning to ask Chicken Fried:
Do you think this car is a 2 door or 4 door? I can't tell and know zip about cars.
I have to say - I still have my suspicions on another person - especially after watching NG tonight. I don't see this as a serial abduction related to any others, and I don't believe she was taken to be sold as a sex slave. Whoever took her tried to hide evidence - so I think it has to be someone she knew, or at the very least, a local who knew her. I wish they had a behavioral analyst on NG (or other shows) to evaluate interviewed guests' actions/reactions.
I'm with you! Why stop searching there?

To me, this would be a decision made by a criminal profiler with the FBI. This is one of the many resources that the FBI offer in a case like this. I believe that they have the evidence they need to conclude that the bike was ditched and not the body.
A.c.I. you are a private investigator?

I know a lot of people who work offshore. My dad grandpa whole family work offshore all my friends' significant others and such. Ialways hearpeople around me tell their wives girlfriends etc "don't tell people I work offshore! They do not need to know I work offshore and when I'm not home!" Do you think that whoever did this could have possibly known that her dad was called out that morning?

I do know this. Helicopters don't fly in the dark. So if someone who works offshore did that he'd be on his way sun up on Saturday? Doubtful. Now if they crew changed on Friday, he came home Friday to money in the bank probably partied in Lafayette all night. Normal 7 and 7 schedule.......he'dbe due to go back out following Thursday/ Friday morning to catch helicopter at sun up. Dropped bike off on his way. Just find it odd that bike was found exactly one week later. I guess the proof would be whether the area was searched before the fishermen saw bike. Like to know itvdefinately wasn't there before and when exactly it did appear there. I bet le knows!
I did say that the person driving the white truck was probably from a rural area around Lafayette. Most of the people but not all (apparently i need to say this) that drive a Z71 around here are outdoorsman, hunters, fisherman or the truck is work related(farmer). Most people that live and work in the city do not need a $50,000 4 wheel drive truck.

I'm a long time lurker and a local. This is my first post. Its driving me nuts how difficult it would be to "look out" for a white 4 door in this area and the whole state in general. In fact I just traveled from the area where Mickey lives with her parents to the Saints Streets to visit my family member. I counted 5 going out (not through) my subdivision, 10 on Congress to St. Thomas, and 7 between St. Thomas and St. Landry. They are everywhere. Some are company trucks, some are personal. Its just the most common vehicle here. Our top automotive dealerships are GMC, Chevy and Dodge truck dealers. The majority of the trucks are WHITE and double cab and the drivers range from tiny woman to giant outdoorsy men. Its a needle in a haystack and I pray LE has more than they are saying, specifically more video from the other cameras on St. Landry.

FYI, I'm still catching up. So my apologies if I appear to repeating someone.
Goodness, I disappear for one afternoon and y'all already have almost an entire new thread filled! I'll be awhile playing catch up. The quality and volume of ideas here is *amazing*.

I have a gut feeling that Mickey is being held somewhere in Lafayette. I really feel for some reason that she's close, but I don't have any solid evidence to back myself up. (And I know it's probably more likely that she was taken to another city or state.) Please don't tell me to take my uppity butt off to the psychic forums, wfgodot! ;)
I read the graduation was at 9am last Saturday. I gotta search for a source again...

Edit: 11:30 a.m. May 19: The Acadiana High School graduation takes place at the Cajundome. Shunick’s brother, Thomas Zachariah Shunick, graduates. The family becomes increasingly concerned when Shunick does not appear at the graduation and they are not able to locate her.

Thank You for this, Questioning. Very helpful.

I see that LE was not contacted until 6:30 Saturday night.

Bless their hearts, the Shunicks clearly view life more optimistically than I do. If my adult child had missed their sibling's high school graduation ceremony, I would have been punching 9-1-1 on my cell phone lickity-split. :what:
White crew cab trucks are super common in Lafayette and probably other parts of Louisiana. Tint is also common to have as its so hot here. What is not all that common is bed covers. I haven't seen anyone with that in a while. They make a roll up kind and a kind with hydraulic arms that lift up. I don't believe any of the trucks in the pictures have a bed cover (I'm just not seeing it). I believe its just reflection from the street lights.
What would make LE know she is not near where the bike was found?
I can't quite see how they can clear such a huge area with a one-day search.
A.c.I. you are a private investigator?

I know a lot of people who work offshore. My dad grandpa whole family work offshore all my friends' significant others and such. Ialways hearpeople around me tell their wives girlfriends etc "don't tell people I work offshore! They do not need to know I work offshore and when I'm not home!" Do you think that whoever did this could have possibly known that her dad was called out that morning?

I do know this. Helicopters don't fly in the dark. So if someone who works offshore did that he'd be on his way sun up on Saturday? Doubtful. Now if they crew changed on Friday, he came home Friday to money in the bank probably partied in Lafayette all night. Normal 7 and 7 schedule.......he'dbe due to go back out following Thursday/ Friday morning to catch helicopter at sun up. Dropped bike off on his way. Just find it odd that bike was found exactly one week later. I guess the proof would be whether the area was searched before the fishermen saw bike. Like to know itvdefinately wasn't there before and when exactly it did appear there. I bet le knows!

I work at a helicopter company. And Saturday morning we crew changed about 17 people. Just at the one base I work at. It's not as busy as the weekday, but there are still some crew changes on the weekends. Also people who are called up and told to be there at first light.
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