LA - New bill would allow judges to sentence convicted sex offenders to surgical castration

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Dec 3, 2023
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NEW ORLEANS — A bill that would allow judges to order surgical castration of convicted sex offenders is closer to becoming law in Louisiana. Senate Bill 371 would allow judges to sentence child rapists to surgical castration.

NEW ORLEANS — A bill that would allow judges to order surgical castration of convicted sex offenders is closer to becoming law in Louisiana. Senate Bill 371 would allow judges to sentence child rapists to surgical castration.
Does this work 100% unilaterally? Seems like an over-reach to me, why not impose longer sentencing laws instead?
Our Bishop led a mass at Jeff’s home Catholic church prior to being sworn in as governor. On Thursday, it was announced that he cut funds directed to Catholic Charities. In my area, Catholic Charities provide shelters for the homeless, housing for women choosing to keep their newborns, and provide daily hot lunches.

NEW ORLEANS — A bill that would allow judges to order surgical castration of convicted sex offenders is closer to becoming law in Louisiana. Senate Bill 371 would allow judges to sentence child rapists to surgical castration.

offenders use all kinds of objects to assault and surgical castration does not affect the brain where the sickness lies
so - pointless
offenders use all kinds of objects to assault and surgical castration does not affect the brain where the sickness lies
so - pointless
I agree. Considering there are all sorts of hormones out there to inject and ingest. Just because the factory closed doesn't mean you can't buy retail. The issue isn't in the scrotum, it's in the brain.
I agree. Considering there are all sorts of hormones out there to inject and ingest. Just because the factory closed doesn't mean you can't buy retail. The issue isn't in the scrotum, it's in the brain.
(Emphasis added) I think I sprained myself laughing.
Chemical castration is an option in various states including California with defendants being able to opt for physical castration. This seems to me to be a valid option to be on the table given that many other options don't work. It is directed only at the specific offender.
Chemical castration is an option in various states including California with defendants being able to opt for physical castration. This seems to me to be a valid option to be on the table given that many other options don't work. It is directed only at the specific offender.
There is a huge difference between someone opting for castration and it being imposed by the government.

There is a huge difference between someone opting for castration and it being imposed by the government.

Not really. California was the first state to adopt chemical castration as a condition of parole. Is it really voluntary? But regardless, Calif and a few other states still have it as a mandated procedure for some repeat offenders. AND physical castration is an option if the defendant elects. This Louisiana law really doesn't change a lot. I don't think many understand what "castration" means.
Not really. California was the first state to adopt chemical castration as a condition of parole. Is it really voluntary? But regardless, Calif and a few other states still have it as a mandated procedure for some repeat offenders. AND physical castration is an option if the defendant elects. This Louisiana law really doesn't change a lot. I don't think many understand what "castration" means.
I think everyone here knows what it means. Surgical castration, which is what we are talking about in this thread, means removing the testicles. Chemical castration means administering an anaphrodisiac to suppress sexual desire and libido. It can also be used to treat certain cancers that feed on sex hormones. Unless a parolee is being monitored weekly I don't think chemical castration necessarily works since there are other drugs to improve libido.

Surgical castration is end of the line and has been used on women (ovaries) and men (gonads) who've had cancer but they can recalibrate their libido by taking medication to increase it to lead a normal sexual life which means someone who has been surgically castrated because of illegal acts can also take the same drugs. Without constant monitoring there is no way that someone who is already predisposed to engaging in illegal acts isn't going to seek out those same medications.
I think everyone here knows what it means. Surgical castration, which is what we are talking about in this thread, means removing the testicles. Chemical castration means administering an anaphrodisiac to suppress sexual desire and libido. It can also be used to treat certain cancers that feed on sex hormones. Unless a parolee is being monitored weekly I don't think chemical castration necessarily works since there are other drugs to improve libido.

Surgical castration is end of the line and has been used on women (ovaries) and men (gonads) who've had cancer but they can recalibrate their libido by taking medication to increase it to lead a normal sexual life which means someone who has been surgically castrated because of illegal acts can also take the same drugs. Without constant monitoring there is no way that someone who is already predisposed to engaging in illegal acts isn't going to seek out those same medications.
Which could be followed up on by mandatory routine hormone testing, just the same as mandatory drug testing exists for parolees.
Governor Jeff Landry is an embarrassment to our state.
How is that considered an embarrassment? Children need to be safe from being sexually abused and sex offenders need to understand the world is sick of them continuing to hurt innocent children with minimal punishment.
Which could be followed up on by mandatory routine hormone testing, just the same as mandatory drug testing exists for parolees.
These two reports seems to disagree with that premise. Whatever motivates someone to engage in violence or depraved acts isn't always because of sex drive.

How often would parolees have to undergo drug tests? Everyone has different levels of sex hormones. For women, the sex hormones rise during ovulation, adolescence and fall as they age. For men, the sex hormones peak in late teens and fall as they age. The also rise in the morning and trail off during the day which is why many men wake up with erections. Their levels are also affected by seasons, high in the later months of the year falling to early spring months which may be some kind of ancient holdover to ensure spring births survive long enough to endure a hard winter. That is just my opinion. The rest is factual from scientific study.

It's interesting to note that women are more attracted to men during ovulation who have classic masculine features. I wonder if the opposite is true for men with low levels of hormones and that makes them seek out prepubescent children. Just speculating there. It seems like you'd need a degree in sociology, biology and anthropology to determine that when administering anaphrodisiacs.

How is that considered an embarrassment? Children need to be safe from being sexually abused and sex offenders need to understand the world is sick of them continuing to hurt innocent children with minimal punishment.

It's archaic. Massive government overreach. The same people who love this probably decry countries where thieves have their hands cut off or people are whipped. It also doesn't save any children. Depraved people will find a way. When this has been done in the past, or when abusers have medical issues (can't get it up) it's been shown that they simply use objects instead. It doesn't stop them. I'd be worried about abusers taking it a step further and silencing their victims for good, to avoid this punishment.

A better solution to people hurting children with minimal punishment is to improve the punishment (long prison sentences) not taking us back to the dark ages.

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