LA - Parents Sleep As Pup Chews Off Baby's Toes

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I just copied and pasted the below response from the other link that was going about this Link

OMG! That poor baby! I thought the same thing South (about the parents not waking up). My fiance slept through an earthquake so I believe it is possible (I'm praying drugs were not involved and they are just overly sound sleepers).

They couldn't reattach the toes either. :(

I love Pitt Bulls and used to do foster care through my local humane society for that breed specifically.

These are wonderful animals but the wrong breeder/owner can ruin the lives of these animals before they've ever had a chance and paint the breed into an extremely bad light.

Ownership should be limited to people who take a course about the breed and truly understand the environment necessary to keep them as poor care can bring out their natural dominant trait.

Continuous obedience training and a controlled loving environment are must haves and no way should a puppy, regardless of breed, be given free reign of a house while a baby slept in a car seat on the floor. That was just a recipe for disaster as a baby in no way would be viewed as the Alpha of the family.

I prayed that this was just an unfortunate situation and that the child was ripped unnecessarily from her parents. But, given the length of time it took for this to occur and the lack of details, I'm suspecting that the police believe drugs may be involved. And if that is the case my heart breaks for the cruel start this child has been given. I am praying that it was just due to them not correctly analyzing the dangers they placed the baby in. (I mean who would think a puppy would do this!)

We give an IQ test for school. We take a written test for driving. We must register to vote. We must fill out a background check for certain jobs. And yet the most important job of all, parenthood, can be completed by any idiot capable of procreation. Seems unfair. :confused:
I am at a loss for words. I can not even imagine sleeping through something like what this baby must have been going through. I have a little dog that I crate at night in our room and even if he whimpers I hit the floor a running. I did the same thing with my kids when they were young and asleep in another room. No - I didn't crate them...LOL well in a way....

Too bad our laws prevent authorities from giving both of these parents a "snip" job. :furious: Poor baby she is disfigured for life.

And you know isn't even the puppy's fault. At this age they are teething also...or hungry. But once it has had the taste of blood - who knows? (or is that an old wives tale?) It will probably be put down because of these ignoramuses.

I also have a leaning toward the alcohol/drug scenario.

I am stepping down off of my rant box now.
sillygoose said:
It sounds like they weren't doing a good job of anything, pet care, or parenting. Honestly, some people just aren't fit to breathe air. This poor child is going to have to bear the marks of her parent's stupidity the rest of her life. :furious:
I would think this baby will be severley delayed now as far as crawling, standing and walking. A baby needs 2 good feet to balance themselves as do adults. Can an infant successfully get physical therapy to walk and crawl?
4Angels said:
I just copied and pasted the below response from the other link that was going about this Link

OMG! That poor baby! I thought the same thing South (about the parents not waking up). My fiance slept through an earthquake so I believe it is possible (I'm praying drugs were not involved and they are just overly sound sleepers).

They couldn't reattach the toes either. :(

I love Pitt Bulls and used to do foster care through my local humane society for that breed specifically.

These are wonderful animals but the wrong breeder/owner can ruin the lives of these animals before they've ever had a chance and paint the breed into an extremely bad light.

Ownership should be limited to people who take a course about the breed and truly understand the environment necessary to keep them as poor care can bring out their natural dominant trait.

Continuous obedience training and a controlled loving environment are must haves and no way should a puppy, regardless of breed, be given free reign of a house while a baby slept in a car seat on the floor. That was just a recipe for disaster as a baby in no way would be viewed as the Alpha of the family.

I prayed that this was just an unfortunate situation and that the child was ripped unnecessarily from her parents. But, given the length of time it took for this to occur and the lack of details, I'm suspecting that the police believe drugs may be involved. And if that is the case my heart breaks for the cruel start this child has been given. I am praying that it was just due to them not correctly analyzing the dangers they placed the baby in. (I mean who would think a puppy would do this!)

We give an IQ test for school. We take a written test for driving. We must register to vote. We must fill out a background check for certain jobs. And yet the most important job of all, parenthood, can be completed by any idiot capable of procreation. Seems unfair. :confused:
See I am a heavy sleeper, i slept throught the 1st few hours of katrina, I can slepp through and alarm clock, anything, but my babies cries ALWAYS wake me up. I think that is just a mother's instinct.
Taximom said:
Thanks, SewingDeb.

I'm thinking drugs or alcohol are involved like some others here think.

Meth comees to mind. I've heard that they stay awake for long hours then crash and cannot be woken. I hope it's not the case, but I can't imagine sleeping while my baby screamed right next to me.
Don't you think it's irrelevant that it was a pit bull puppy? Other than the media likes to portray them in a bad light. When raised properly they are very loving animals. I would think any puppy left with nothing to teethe on might do this. I hope the puppy isn't euthanized.

That poor little girl. It had to have been painful no matter how small the puppy's teeth were. I have to agree with the other posters. These parents either weren't even in the room with the infant or were under the influence and didn't hear her cries.
SewingDeb said:
Meth comees to mind. I've heard that they stay awake for long hours then crash and cannot be woken. I hope it's not the case, but I can't imagine sleeping while my baby screamed right next to me.
I keep imagining this poor innocent thing crying for help and no one helping. She will have issues with abandonment for the rest of her life over this.

My heart breaks for every second she suffered. I have a 4 month old daughter and when she gets a belly ache or shot I cry right along with her. She makes me such a wimp!
2sisters said:
When we got our dog at 8 weeks old had all of his teeth, but they fell out like baby teeth. I am not sure if that is the norm or not but thats how our dog was.

Our puppy was 12 weeks when we got him and he still had little baby teeth and they are like little needles. That poor, poor little baby. I'm betting the parents were passed out drunk. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Right now the breed of the dog is irrelevant, I agree. I don't think they are the right dogs for young kids but thats not the issue here. Something was going on in that house that is not being said. Maybe they were high, drunk, or in theother room having sex. Point is that baby had to be crying so terribly. i said earlier I didn't know how a baby sounded liek that was in pain but i forgot taking them to get shot and the cries they let out were awful so imagine how a baby would sound getting it's foot eaten.
Show of hands please. How many of you drag your matress from room to room. Some people should not have children. I just can't imagine that poor baby screaming, breaks my heart.
It's not wise to get a puppy when you have a baby in the house period. They both require alot of attention.

We had a case here in VA (sorry I don't have a link) where the parents had two pit bulls (in this case I think it was relevant). They claimed they were upstairs asleep when their two year old went downstairs and was killed by the female pit bull (there were two pit bulls, male and female and a litter of puppies! all in the house). Why I think this is relevant is because a full grown pitbull can do alot more damage than most dogs. These parents were charged with neglect and it later came out that they both were under the influence when their son was killed. I think they may find out the same thing with this babies'.
englishleigh said:
Our puppy was 12 weeks when we got him and he still had little baby teeth and they are like little needles. That poor, poor little baby. I'm betting the parents were passed out drunk. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

They are like needles, English. Two of my children had to have the rabies series of injections because they were playing with some puppies at a Flea Market and the tiny nicks in their hands put them at risk. It was discovered that the puppies' mom was rabid and the puppies (naturally) were nursing. All were put down and examined and one puppy was rabid. No way to know whether my kids were exposed, they had to have the shots.

I have a real problem with irresponsible dog-owners. I love dogs and as I said, am the daughter of a vet - always had animals around - but they were properly trained and cared for, and peoples' safety was most important.

My little boy, at 3, loved dogs so much. He would just run up to them before I could grab him. He wasn't mean to them but he was right at their height. He was attacked in the face TWICE. The dog owners in both cases scarcely apologized and did nothing about their animals. Yes, I did report them, to no avail - but there's a one-bite rule, so if they ever were reported again, something would be done. At least that's what the police told me.

The pediatrician said the Dalmation that attacked my son should have been put down. Oddly enough he was also the son of a vet. He also said the dog bite cases he saw were usually involving 2 or 3 particular breeds. Certain breeds need extra care and training, as 4Angels says.

I also think drugs or alcohol must have played a role in this. Also I must add that a bad time to get a new puppy is when you also have a new baby. Common sense. Not fair to either of them.

I will never forget how I felt when I saw my son's face. He has a slight scar below his eye and a round one under his lip The dogs tooth went all the way through his lip. He also had a black eye and lacerations all over the place. It happened so fast. I felt helpless.

SO What said:
Show of hands please. How many of you drag your matress from room to room. Some people should not have children. I just can't imagine that poor baby screaming, breaks my heart.
I agree. What that baby must have gone thru. I agree with the posters that said drugs and alcohol was probably involved .
Eight weeks of age is the ideal time for a puppy to adjust to a new home. Most puppies don't leave their litter until 8 wks, so these parents must have recently got the 6 wk old pup. Acquiring a puppy prior to eight weeks of age can also create problems. These puppies miss out on important interactions that take place with other puppies in the litter. A puppy selected too young may miss out on the consequences of biting a littermate too hard and socializing skills important to being a good house pet.

Regardless of what the parents were doing w/ a 6 wk old puppy, what the heck were they thinking leaving it unattended? I have a 10 wk old pup right now and I NEVER leave him unsupervised. For one thing, he's not house trained yet. That pup of theirs must be peeing all over! If I can't watch mine, he is kept in a crate or his playpen.

That poor baby girl! I can't imagine sleeping through her painful cries. Someone ought to knaw on the parent's toes and see how they like it.
SO What said:
Show of hands please. How many of you drag your matress from room to room. Some people should not have children. I just can't imagine that poor baby screaming, breaks my heart.
i usually leave the matress on my bed and watch TV on the couch.
kahskye said:
Eight weeks of age is the ideal time for a puppy to adjust to a new home. Most puppies don't leave their litter until 8 wks, so these parents must have recently got the 6 wk old pup. Acquiring a puppy prior to eight weeks of age can also create problems. These puppies miss out on important interactions that take place with other puppies in the litter. A puppy selected too young may miss out on the consequences of biting a littermate too hard and socializing skills important to being a good house pet.

Regardless of what the parents were doing w/ a 6 wk old puppy, what the heck were they thinking leaving it unattended? I have a 10 wk old pup right now and I NEVER leave him unsupervised. For one thing, he's not house trained yet. That pup of theirs must be peeing all over! If I can't watch mine, he is kept in a crate or his playpen.

That poor baby girl! I can't imagine sleeping through her painful cries. Someone ought to knaw on the parent's toes and see how they like it.

Twelve weeks is the recommended age for puppies or kittens to leave their mothers. A pup at 6 weeks still depends mostly on mom for nourishment and for the comfort of nursing. It sounds like the parents in this case are total idiots all the way around.
If these folks couldn't afford beds, they probably didn't need to be spending money on a dog, etc.
I have a new pitt bull mix dog that came to me pregnant. The puppies were born around Thanksgiving and the mother refused to nurse them after her poor little teats were nearly torn off by the nursing babies. The breed is relevant only because a little breed probably would have to gnaw awhile, but I can see any of my pups in a few more weeks being able to take infant toes off in a matter of seconds.

It's possible the parents were sound asleep, the baby got his toes chomped, and screamed - the parents got up to investigage and the toes were already gone. It wouldn't have taken long. I'd have never thought so if I didn't see the even younger pups in my bathtub. They tried to nurse on my teenager's finger and she said it was extremely painful - and they are plump and well fed (hand fed, of course... you can't drag that mother in to let them nurse.
I'm betting the parents were sleeping off drugs. I have a puppy that just now got his adult teeth in. We got him when he was 8 weeks old. He would chew on anything...puppies do that...and we had to train him to not "mouth" us humans (and the other family pets trained him not to bite on them either!). I don't think he could have chewed off anyone's digits though without spending quite a bit of time doing it!

Puppies are like little kids. Everything goes in the mouth. In the wild, their mother and litter mates would train them not to bite them! The more dominant the personality, the harder it is to break them of that. Now, when I"m playing with my puppy, if he even accidently puts his teeth on me, he stops playing immediately.
Well, I hate to say this, but I have students whose parents have/raise Pit Bulls to guard their meth labs.


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