LA - Parents Sleep As Pup Chews Off Baby's Toes

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GlitchWizard said:
I have a new pitt bull mix dog that came to me pregnant. The puppies were born around Thanksgiving and the mother refused to nurse them after her poor little teats were nearly torn off by the nursing babies. The breed is relevant only because a little breed probably would have to gnaw awhile, but I can see any of my pups in a few more weeks being able to take infant toes off in a matter of seconds.

It's possible the parents were sound asleep, the baby got his toes chomped, and screamed - the parents got up to investigage and the toes were already gone. It wouldn't have taken long. I'd have never thought so if I didn't see the even younger pups in my bathtub. They tried to nurse on my teenager's finger and she said it was extremely painful - and they are plump and well fed (hand fed, of course... you can't drag that mother in to let them nurse.
A vet interviewed in the article said it would have taken an hour for the puppy to do this.
lizzybeth said:
Don't you think it's irrelevant that it was a pit bull puppy? Other than the media likes to portray them in a bad light. When raised properly they are very loving animals. I would think any puppy left with nothing to teethe on might do this. I hope the puppy isn't euthanized.

That poor little girl. It had to have been painful no matter how small the puppy's teeth were. I have to agree with the other posters. These parents either weren't even in the room with the infant or were under the influence and didn't hear her cries.
I don't think it's entirely irrelevant. I don't blame the dog - I personally have never met a puppy who didn't chew, chew, chew - but this breed, in the wrong circumstances, is known to be aggressive and dominant. The dog could have well been trying to establish dominance over the child.

Please know that I am not trying to lash out at pit bulls, but they are not a breed I would have around young children...especially if I was unable to care for and train them - which was obviously the case with these owner parents.
I feel so much pain for the little baby. Now this child was not only in massive pain (I'm guessing), but will also have to grow up into adulthood with no toes on one foot. How horrible this is going to be for the poor child at age 7 or 8, when people go swimming and bike riding and such ... you know how kids can be: cruel. They'll make fun of the poor child!
I am wondering if they can create artificial toes that look real?

Prayers for this poor baby.

Shame on the parents, but I'm guessing they feel pretty rotten by now. If they don't, they should. I know I would. I would not be able to live with my careless mistake in such a case like this.

And I also have to say prayers for the puppy. It's just a baby dog. It doesn't know right from wrong. I hope it doesn't get put to sleep because of this.
That poor baby, deformed for life--those parents need to be sent to prison for at least a year--pathetic---and get rid of those pit bulls and get a sweet little kitten
Taximom said:
I have a stupid question. Does anyone know at what point after birth these dogs get teeth?

I'm just wondering if this was a slow gum gnawing or sharp teeth chewing.

Either way, of course, it's ridiculous that it got that far without the parents waking up. Why have a pit bull in the same room as a little baby anyway?:doh:
Why have a pit bull at all when you have kids.

Don't people see the news?
It's always a pit bull that's mauled some kid.
They should be banned, they are vicious and unpredictable.
lizzybeth said:
Don't you think it's irrelevant that it was a pit bull puppy? Other than the media likes to portray them in a bad light. When raised properly they are very loving animals. I would think any puppy left with nothing to teethe on might do this. I hope the puppy isn't euthanized.

That poor little girl. It had to have been painful no matter how small the puppy's teeth were. I have to agree with the other posters. These parents either weren't even in the room with the infant or were under the influence and didn't hear her cries.
Not at all, I think it's totally relevant.

You've got to be joking, the statistics speak for themselves.
With my job I go to many homes with different breeds. The worst was a toy poodle and a beagle that lived together. They were both vicious...I was shocked and my boss told the owners that we couldnt pet sit unsocialized animals. All im saying is just because it was a pit bull doesnt mean anything. We dont know how these people treated the dog. If it had been a lab would we have even thought about the breed? I have a red nosed pit and have never had an issue because I have always treated my dog well...she loves people/strangers...not much of a guard dog! Obviously they were intoxicated to not hear their babies screams. Babies cry for no reason at all....and too imagine a baby crying during this and they didnt hear??? Its insane.
I have never head of a vicious beagle. They are pretty easy going and affectionate, albeit, a little annoying. I have to wonder about the owners of that dog.
lizzybeth said:
It's not wise to get a puppy when you have a baby in the house period. They both require alot of attention.

We had a case here in VA (sorry I don't have a link) where the parents had two pit bulls (in this case I think it was relevant). They claimed they were upstairs asleep when their two year old went downstairs and was killed by the female pit bull (there were two pit bulls, male and female and a litter of puppies! all in the house). Why I think this is relevant is because a full grown pitbull can do alot more damage than most dogs. These parents were charged with neglect and it later came out that they both were under the influence when their son was killed. I think they may find out the same thing with this babies'.
I think it is dumb to leave any breed of dog, proctecting her litter around a 2 year old. Where I work I see ALOT of biting and never once has a pit bull done this and we see ALOT of them. Please stop bashing pit bulls they really are sweet dogs. It is the STUPID PEOPLE who breed them wrong and fight them. There should be a spay/nuter LAW for anyone not a licsened breeder.
I agree with the posters who say there must be drugs and alcohol involved. I have 4 kids, and you always have your "mom ears" on. I can sleep through just about anything, but not my baby crying.

And, the pain cry is just so hard to listen to at ALL! It doesn't take long to know if they're crying because they hurt, they're hungry, they're frustrated, etc. I can't imagine sleeping through the pain cry!
hipmamajen said:
I agree with the posters who say there must be drugs and alcohol involved. I have 4 kids, and you always have your "mom ears" on. I can sleep through just about anything, but not my baby crying.

And, the pain cry is just so hard to listen to at ALL! It doesn't take long to know if they're crying because they hurt, they're hungry, they're frustrated, etc. I can't imagine sleeping through the pain cry!
Hopefully the baby will never have to go back to them.
Unless the parents are hearing impared I do not believe even drugs or alcohol could adequatly account for not waking up. This poor baby had to have been wailing for a long time!! I hate to even think this but I have to wonder if the parents left the baby alone in the house with the dog. It is inconvievable to me that they could have slept through a dog eating four toes off a baby next to them.

Indy Gal said:
Please stop bashing pit bulls they really are sweet dogs. It is the STUPID PEOPLE who breed them wrong and fight them. There should be a spay/nuter LAW for anyone not a licsened breeder.
Sorry! I won't stop bashing pit bulls! The breed has a reputation for viciousness and unpredictability. Anyone that has one near a young child is an idiot! They are predisposed to chew and bite flesh.:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: They don't just bite and release, they maul people fatally far more than any other breed. They should be banned.

We don't even socialize with the 1/2 pit bull next door!
We don't even know if the parents were home which may be a reason they didn't hear the baby. I'm just throwing that out there as a possibility. Or they could have put the baby and the puppy in another room. I still think it's all very suspicious.

I saw their pics on tv and they looked real young. I hope the baby has a better life after this with other loving parents.
Seems there was also a ferret in the home, but was supposedly caged. :doh:

Police believe the couple's six-week-old pit bull puppy did it -- although veterinarians have questioned whether a dog that small was capable. A ferret was also in the house but the couple said that animal was in a cage, police said.

The Hansches this afternoon were jailed under $50,000 bond each on misdemeanor charges of child desertion. They were scheduled to make their initial court appearances via closed-circuit Tuesday.
I just hope they don't euthanize the dog. he is too much of a puppy to be vicious. he was probably on the fast track to it though.
2sisters said:
I just hope they don't euthanize the dog. he is too much of a puppy to be vicious. he was probably on the fast track to it though.
No, but he has developed a taste for blood, and he is a pit bull. I'd euthanize him rather than take a chance adopting him out to another family.
LinasK said:
Sorry! I won't stop bashing pit bulls! The breed has a reputation for viciousness and unpredictability. Anyone that has one near a young child is an idiot! They are predisposed to chew and bite flesh.:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: They don't just bite, they maul people fatally far more than any other breed. They should be banned.

We don't even socialize with the 1/2 pit bull next door!
I guess I am an idiot. I had a pit bull named China for 7 years and she never so much as growled at any of my children. I have two half pit dogs now that I rescued as pups, and they are wonderful animals. ANY dog that is mistreated or trained to fight is going to become vicious. The meanest dog I have ever owned was a Chihuahua. And I seriously doubt this puppy who was probably just teething has gotten a "taste for blood" and needs to be killed.:snooty:
My SIL had a pitbull who was treated wonderfully, he was so loved and was never mistreated but he on one occasion bared his teeth at a child one year at Christmas. He was very volatile with other animals. I don't know about the breed, but they do make me uneasy.

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