
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Do we have any handwriting experts here at WS? The "these eyes" notation looks different from the rest of the handwriting on the page.

It also looks like some of the words on the page were things that she went back to and retraced. "402 months" "records" "CNA" "Laciner" "Today". Are those things that she was obsessing about?

Edited: I removed the image because it was blowing out the page margins here on the forum. If anybody knows how to shrink and post it, please do.
I'm no expert but I do have a lot of experience doing handwriting comparisons from when I was a title examiner. The two words "THESE EYES" are certainly different in style than everything else on the page. The phone number written below it, however, is similar and nearly indistinguishable from all of the other numbers on the page. "THESE EYES" is printed in stylized, all-caps letters. Unfortunately we don't have any other capital E's printed on this page for comparison.

Considering the formatting (or lack thereof), content, and context of the page, it's likely that "THESE EYES" was doodled while the writer spoke on the phone. While it's possible that some of the items that have been traced over more than once were things that she was obsessing about, it's also possible that she retraced them absentmindedly while on a boring phone call. Note pages like this are unique due to their complete informality. Most people who make notes like these don't expect anyone else to ever read them, so they're far more sloppy and less likely to follow rules of grammar, spelling, and neatness than they would on even the simplest informal document like a grocery list.

Was "THESE EYES" written by a different person? There really isn't enough information on the page to know. Considering that the numbers directly beneath it match the writing of all the other numbers on the page, my best guess would be that they were all written by the same person. An expert handwriting analyst might be able to make more of it but I suspect that they'd be hampered by a lot of the same issues that I'm struggling with here. My verdict: not enough information, inconclusive as to whether they were written by the same person or not.
I'm no expert but I do have a lot of experience doing handwriting comparisons from when I was a title examiner. The two words "THESE EYES" are certainly different in style than everything else on the page. The phone number written below it, however, is similar and nearly indistinguishable from all of the other numbers on the page. "THESE EYES" is printed in stylized, all-caps letters. Unfortunately we don't have any other capital E's printed on this page for comparison.

Considering the formatting (or lack thereof), content, and context of the page, it's likely that "THESE EYES" was doodled while the writer spoke on the phone. While it's possible that some of the items that have been traced over more than once were things that she was obsessing about, it's also possible that she retraced them absentmindedly while on a boring phone call. Note pages like this are unique due to their complete informality. Most people who make notes like these don't expect anyone else to ever read them, so they're far more sloppy and less likely to follow rules of grammar, spelling, and neatness than they would on even the simplest informal document like a grocery list.

Was "THESE EYES" written by a different person? There really isn't enough information on the page to know. Considering that the numbers directly beneath it match the writing of all the other numbers on the page, my best guess would be that they were all written by the same person. An expert handwriting analyst might be able to make more of it but I suspect that they'd be hampered by a lot of the same issues that I'm struggling with here. My verdict: not enough information, inconclusive as to whether they were written by the same person or not.

The e's used on "These eyes" are the same as in her signature as Becky Sue Turner on the driver license.
BBM... I agree. I based my assumption because "solo" appears on the certificate (I've always associated "solo" with "piloting/flying"). Tandem also appears on the certification, too (so I assumed a 2-seater), but maybe a person can solo/tandem jump?
I believe tandem parachute is when you are kind of attached to the belly of the instructor and the instructor pulls the cord and steers, lands..I had friends do it
Yes. Well aware. Just clarifying the 1982 "dismissal" notation on the court documents.

On Ancestry there is a KIW died March 1982.. that would be reason for dismissal of the divorce (same as FLEK, dismissed divorce because she is deceased before it was final) we know KW Laciner's middle initial?
I am not sure if this is the same girl...
On Ancestry there is a KIW died March 1982.. that would be reason for dismissal of the divorce (same as FLEK, dismissed divorce because she is deceased before it was final) we know KW Laciner's middle initial?
I am not sure if this is the same girl...

That thought makes sense, we sure can't seem to find her. BUT.. If it is the one in CA, she died after the divorce was dismissed and has a different birthday than the one ancestry is giving me for K. I do not know of a middle initial.
I think most of the original posts have been transferred over to the first page of this Laciner thread..... so...I have a question.

I was finally able to pull up the divorce from 1981 and at the top it states in 1982 "NON-SUIT/DISMISSAL BY PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER". Then below that "converted disposition". Now, does this mean an agreement was arranged and that divorce was granted and did not have to go into a trial? Or does it mean the original divorce petition was dropped? I am no legal expert, so just wondering what that status means. TIA!
What was the dismissal date?
I believe tandem parachute is when you are kind of attached to the belly of the instructor and the instructor pulls the cord and steers, lands..I had friends do it

"Tandem flight" is typed on the certificate as well as the printed words "Solo flight". I think she piloted a 2-seat powered parachute. I don't think she made a tandem jump.
That thought makes sense, we sure can't seem to find her. BUT.. If it is the one in CA, she died after the divorce was dismissed and has a different birthday than the one ancestry is giving me for K. I do not know of a middle initial.

I have so far found her in 86 and 93 in MA with a new last name.
I found ONE site only that lists KL with the name Johnson. Just once.

Since Jeung confirmed she did not know Catherine D'lish in the 80's, I started looking for anyone by that last name. I found a Lish that lived in Hollywood ( north) and he had a son...the SON lives in ...wait...wait...yep


Guess who else lives there RIGHT NOW. LASSINER.

dont want to break rules but I have the info in a jpeg.

Since Jeung confirmed she did not know Catherine D'lish in the 80's, I started looking for anyone by that last name. I found a Lish that lived in Hollywood ( north) and he had a son...the SON lives in ...wait...wait...yep


Guess who else lives there RIGHT NOW. LASSINER.

dont want to break rules but I have the info in a jpeg.

Do you mean "Lassiner" or "Lassinger"? Also, where is "there"? At the exact same address as Mr. Lish Jr. or merely in the same town?
I found the same thing but don't see him in Scituate.
I found a reference from Mylife website that links a Kim Johnson to A. Laciner. Can y'all research Kim Johnson Werner or some variation of that.. I feel like she was never in Dallas with A., but maybe in Austin or MA
I found a KW Johnson on my life. She lives in MA. She has always lived ther with a bday of April 15 1953...,

However.. Her join date was July 19 2013. I would like to speculate and warn everyone that it is POSSIBLE that someone is giving us misinformation or trying to deflect or cover up something. I am very interested in WHY.
From a book by one of Verlan lebaron s wives:

During the past two years, Verlan had constructed separate adobe homes for each wife. He married Lillie, and now he was busily courting another teenage girl named Kim. Three babies were being born into our family on average each year. Indeed, Verlan was adding many new jewels to his eternal crown. There were over 40 children in our family now -- 40 kids who hardly knew their own father. Children who needed a relationship with him in the worst way. Unfortunately, Verlan never had time to spend with them.

I am posting this due to the mention of a teenage girl named "Kim". The elusive Kim Laciner? Is it possible?
If last known whereabouts of k is 1982 due to death, is it possible that LEK lived as k from 82 to 88 when for some reason, she had to do something else quickly?
If last known whereabouts of k is 1982 due to death, is it possible that LEK lived as k from 82 to 88 when for some reason, she had to do something else quickly? far as I can tell, K is still alive in MA. Same address and all.
Did you guys hear me?
There is a brand new profile on MyLife created to appear as KWJ. KWJ is linked to AL on several sites. Her name was Kim Werner Johnson. Someone just now made this profile... To throw us off? Strange since I just posted the mylife info on A laciner. Be careful with any new stuff. I believe we have a person on this board who is new that is giving is false info.

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