Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

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Cat13067 wrote in the last thread:

I am just wondering why LE can not charge TH with child neglect. Had TH walked Kyron to his classroom instead of watching him walk down the hallway Kyron would have been in a safe place with his teacher, and class mates. There has to be something LE can charge TH with to get her into their custody.

Wouldn't stick long enough for her to be in custody more than ten minutes. If that.

If they arrested TMH for child neglect on the basis that she failed to walk Kyron into his classroom, then how could they justify allowing all the parents who put their children on school busses to go free? Those parents don't even watch their children enter the school building!

Arresting TMH on some trumped up pseudo charge would just backfire on them if they are ever able to charge her with Kyron's disappearance.

Plus, getting her into custody would further the investigation... how? She has a good defence lawyer and I am sure he has already primed her on saying "I want to consult with my lawyer." At this point, she would probably refuse to answer any question beyond her name and SS number. And maybe not even the SS number.
We don't know how functional Terri was all those years though. We know she's been through two divorces, got a degree but only worked a year, drove very drunk with her kid in the car, stayed home to care for someone's elses child, had a baby in older age and many years after her first, and let her looks go. To me, that seems too dependent on some man when she didn't have to be. Her looks went from one extreme to the other, but if she acted nutty or evil then why did Kaine allow her to take full responsibility of his child. IMO, Kyron should have been with his mother once she recovered.
I'd love to know the results if they were to do a lie detector test on the landscaper. (I know LDTs aren't 100% but still..)
you know i dont know what pissed me off more during the scott peterson trial.

that they claimed he became a sociopath because his mommy couldnt touch him thru his incubator (so does this mean all premies become unfeeling monsters?)

or that it was the prosecution that came up with this moronic (imo) theory.

why do people need reasons to become monsters? some may be born that way. some may just become that way. some dont need roids or ppd to do what they do either
ITA ... I think she's just a piece of work who wanted to hurt her husband to get him back for some real or imagined slight.
The story by the Oregonian newspaper, if true, would explain why KH moved out with the baby daughter, filed for divorce, and why he was able to get an RO; and why TH hired a criminal defense attorney. I wonder if she's got herself a family law attorney yet?

I do notice that the story did come out on July 4th, the one month anniversary of the day Kyron disappeared -- June 4th -- how much of a coincidence was that?

I think this story about TH allegedly wanting to hire a hit man to kill her husband KH puts her in a totally new light (not that she had a positive image beforehand).

TH just seems like the type of person thats going to end up one of Ann Rule's true crime books eventually.
I just don't get it. How do you fool so many people. When Kyron first went missing I looked at TH's Facebook and I immediately thought she couldn't be responsible. She just seemed so normal and had a lot of friends that seemed to really care about her. She seemed like a very good mom. Lot's of pictures of her baby and the other kids. No red flags at all. Even now she seems to have a lot of supporters. No one (other then the landscaper) has come out and said a bad thing about her. I know people say she's narcissistic or sociopathic put I saw none of that. I just saw a mature, well supported stay at home mom, volunteering with her son's school, doing all the normal mom things. Yes, in the days following the disappearance she did seem very casual and nonchalant but that didn't even strike me as that weird. I just thought she was being strong. Not a hint of anything that would point to her being a person that would seek to have her husband killed or do something to her step son. If I am so baffled I can imagine how her friends feel. Are they looking back at past behavior, looking for signs that should have warned them? Or are they still loyally backing her, unable to comprehend the possibility of her being guilty? Now that someone has come forward will we hear about other things she has done? What made this woman snap? I mean she has lived 40 some odd years and other then a drunk driving there is nothing in her past that even comes close to indicating she could do this.
I think there might be some skeletons still rattling in the closets. Most of the things said about Terri Horman in the early days of this investigation seemed to come from her friends or family and they might have an interest in shutting up about anything that could make her look bad. IMO, and just speculation, the platonic nanny to the rescue story was an example of such. Terri's mother had told the press that Terri and Kaine had been together for seven or eight years, opening up avenues for speculation about whether she had anything to do with Desiree and Kaine's breakup while pregnant with Kyron, and while it's not illegal for people to have relationships and break up from previous relationships her friends may have figured it might turn some people against her anyway and came up with a tale in which she plays the hero instead and rescues an ailing female friend's baby. :cow:

I think we might find out later on that we have seen some more beautification.

What about the DUI? It is possible that she got caught the first and only time she ever drank too much and touched the steering wheel but it could be she used to have substance abuse issues. Some people get away with a lot before they get caught.

I read here that Desiree had said that she would like to comment on something but couldn't, and I wonder what she'd have to say about all this.

A landscaper told Multnomah County detectives that the stepmom of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman offered him money to kill her husband, a source told FOX 12.

Terri Horman made the offer to the landscaper several months before Kyron disappeared, the source said.

Multnomah County sheriff's spokeswoman Mary Lindstrand would not confirm that there is an ongoing murder-for-hire investigation.

Comment by me:

As far as I'm concerned, this "landscaper" had a moral, if not legal, responsibility to come forward to LE several months ago when TH allegedly approached him & offered to pay him money to "kill her husband". IMO, it makes no difference whether or not he took her seriously or may have thought it was a "joke". I, for one, am not convinced that he didn't believe her @ the time of the alleged criminal solicitation.

And why am I not surprised that the MCSO is not confirming this murder for hire info? It's only been reported in practically every local news outlet. It's a little late to evade it at this point in time, I think, especially with the reports of how the "landscaper" wore a wire & met with TH, along with an "undercover officer" who failed to get TH to admit to it.

Investigators also recorded a conversation June 26 among the cooperating landscaper, Terri Horman and an undercover law enforcement officer, but Horman shut down the conversation fairly quickly, sources said.

Landscaper wired by police

On June 26th, the landscaper, who is cooperating with authorities and was wearing a wire, met with Terri and an undercover officer but Terri - perhaps suspecting something was up - cut the conversation short.

Question by me: Is TH smarter than MCSO? I would hate to think so. But it's possible that TH believes that she is, and this recent episode might have led her to be convinced that she is.

Frankly, I'm more than a little disappointed in the MCSO for trying to arrange a sting on TH regarding the alleged "hit" on KH - 3 weeks into K's disappearance. It's no wonder she "shut down the conversation fairly quickly", "suspecting something was up".
Wow... I'm having alot of trouble with this story... The property looks far from the grace of any landscaping... JMO...but I'm not buying into this story yet.... :p
Wow... I'm having alot of trouble with this story... The property looks far from the grace of any landscaping... JMO...but I'm not buying into this story yet.... :p

I lived on an acre of property in Salem for a while - you'd be hard pressed to say there was a landscaper there either - it just meant, I paid someone to mow the yard, and periodically trim what should be trimmed as I had neither the desire or inclination to do the work myself.

Separate Comments
Maybe they are hoping she will give her side of the story "I didn't say that, this is what I meant"

Desiree's brother was on the news, I don't know but to me he really sounded like he believed Kyron is alive...almost like he didn't believe Terri was behind it.
I know a lot of people are talking about TH being a sociopath and all that. I don't have enough information to know that but it does seem like she has been on a decline for at least the past 8 months. Just by looking at her pictures from last Halloween to now you can see a big difference. I am thinking they may try to blame PPD since 8 months ago was within a year of her child's birth. I just don't see how a person could be normal and functional for all those years and all of the sudden want her husband killed. I do think that money may have been a motivation. And anger at Kaine and DY, too. If Kaine had a life insurance policy I am sure Kyron would be a main beneficiary. If something happened to Kaine then that money would go to DY. If Kyron wasn't around all the money would go to baby K. I also think that if someone wanted to hurt me the way to do it would be through my kids or grandkids. That would be much worse then death to me. This way she sticks it to Kaine and DY. Maybe she thought there could be a law suit against the school district? And later, when all the fuss dies down, Kaine has an "accident"?

I don't know if this was some recent "decline" or just part of her selfish personality/character flaw. I mean, what kind of mom drives drunk with her underage son in the car? And that was 2005.
i dont know why this dope decides to essentially implicate himself anyways when the police dont even know about this till he opens his trap.

is this all an elaborate set up to get her to fess up about kyron?

this case disgusts me all together
i dont know why this dope decides to essentially implicate himself anyways when the police dont even know about this till he opens his trap.

is this all an elaborate set up to get her to fess up about kyron?

this case disgusts me all together

At least he didn't sell his story to the National Enquirer. I don't know if it's true or not. Hopefully, if it is true they have some good, cold, hard evidence. Like emails or voicemail.
I'm not surprised that she didn't fall for the sting. If I had a missing step child with the whole country watching I certainly wouldn't think about setting up my husband for murder. I don't think she is that stupid or she would be arrested already.
right... I guess when you hear the word "landscaper" I tend to think of the upper class people.... It just didn't sit well with me...Perhaps lawn care is more in order... :)
I think there might be some skeletons still rattling in the closets. Most of the things said about Terri Horman in the early days of this investigation seemed to come from her friends or family and they might have an interest in shutting up about anything that could make her look bad. IMO, and just speculation, the platonic nanny to the rescue story was an example of such. Terri's mother had told the press that Terri and Kaine had been together for seven or eight years, opening up avenues for speculation about whether she had anything to do with Desiree and Kaine's breakup while pregnant with Kyron, and while it's not illegal for people to have relationships and break up from previous relationships her friends may have figured it might turn some people against her anyway and came up with a tale in which she plays the hero instead and rescues an ailing female friend's baby. :cow:

I think we might find out later on that we have seen some more beautification.

What about the DUI? It is possible that she got caught the first and only time she ever drank too much and touched the steering wheel but it could be she used to have substance abuse issues. Some people get away with a lot before they get caught.

I read here that Desiree had said that she would like to comment on something but couldn't, and I wonder what she'd have to say about all this.

I completely agree with your accessment.
I seem to remember an early story about the case where someone said something about the true story being very complicated or something like that. Does anyone remember what I am talking about?
At least he didn't sell his story to the National Enquirer. I don't know if it's true or not. Hopefully, if it is true they have some good, cold, hard evidence. Like emails or voicemail.
I'm not surprised that she didn't fall for the sting. If I had a missing step child with the whole country watching I certainly wouldn't think about setting up my husband for murder. I don't think she is that stupid or she would be arrested already.

and if he'd gone to the police 7 months ago when she alledgedly tried to hire him, this case would just be anouther innocous 'spouse tries to off signigant other' case in crimes in the news. not what this has become.

A landscaper told Multnomah County detectives that the stepmom of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman offered him money to kill her husband, a source told FOX 12.

Terri Horman made the offer to the landscaper several months before Kyron disappeared, the source said.

Multnomah County sheriff's spokeswoman Mary Lindstrand would not confirm that there is an ongoing murder-for-hire investigation.

Comment by me:

As far as I'm concerned, this "landscaper" had a moral, if not legal, responsibility to come forward to LE several months ago when TH allegedly approached him & offered to pay him money to "kill her husband". IMO, it makes no difference whether or not he took her seriously or may have thought it was a "joke". I, for one, am not convinced that he didn't believe her @ the time of the alleged criminal solicitation.

And why am I not surprised that the MCSO is not confirming this murder for hire info? It's only been reported in practically every local news outlet. It's a little late to evade it at this point in time, I think, especially with the reports of how the "landscaper" wore a wire & met with TH, along with an "undercover officer" who failed to get TH to admit to it.

Investigators also recorded a conversation June 26 among the cooperating landscaper, Terri Horman and an undercover law enforcement officer, but Horman shut down the conversation fairly quickly, sources said.

Landscaper wired by police

On June 26th, the landscaper, who is cooperating with authorities and was wearing a wire, met with Terri and an undercover officer but Terri - perhaps suspecting something was up - cut the conversation short.

Question by me: Is TH smarter than MCSO? I would hate to think so. But it's possible that TH believes that she is, and this recent episode might have led her to be convinced that she is.

Frankly, I'm more than a little disappointed in the MCSO for trying to arrange a sting on TH regarding the alleged "hit" on KH - 3 weeks into K's disappearance. It's no wonder she "shut down the conversation fairly quickly", "suspecting something was up".

When I read she shutdown the conversation I was like, "No *(&#$"!
Would anyone with an IQ above room temperature engage in such a conversation in the midst of being the focus of a missing child investigation?
She had to smell a rat from a mile away.
and if he'd gone to the police 7 months ago when she alledgedly tried to hire him, this case would just be anouther innocous 'spouse tries to off signigant other' case in crimes in the news. not what this has become.

If she is the one who did something to Kyron, then this is TH's responsibility... nobody elses. I have no idea why he didn't go to LE back when she was asking him to kill KH. Im sure he never imagined her thought process would go from wanting a so called cheating husband dead to hurting her stepson.
I think there is more to the story of the landscaper and TH that we'll find out later. Maybe he considered her a good friend at some point, and didn't want to tell on her? I don't know, I'm just throwing out the possibility that he wasn't a complete stranger just hired to cut her grass when she asked him to kill KH.
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