Larry King Live hosts Drew Peterson 04/11

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A couple of things that caught my attention (Fran also pointed these out). I will have to go back and look at all the early info, but until I do:

Larry asked what Drew was doing when Stacy disappeared. Drew said, (this is approximate) "I was sleeping and she called to say she was leaving. She did not say where she was calling from." (I don't recall that he was asleep when the phone call came from Stacy.)
And, also Drew said that her sister had died a few months prior, (wasn't it more like a year prior?) and that "we had her under psychiatric care and medications."
So, I guess the police will know who the psychiatrist was and what the medications were. Were the medications found in the house?

My overall impression of the interview is that Drew Peterson is, imo, a liar.

This article doesn't exactly say he was sleeping, but supposedly she called him at 9 p.m. according to Drew.,0,6805815.story
Sitting at a desk in his house Wednesday afternoon, unshaven and with bags under his eyes, Drew Peterson, 53, said his wife, Stacy, 23, called him about 9 p.m. Sunday and told him she was leaving. That was the last time her cell phone was used, police said.

"Sorry, I get choked up about it," Peterson said, his voice cracking. "I believe she's with someone else, but I believe she's safe."
My point is that I think it's interesting he uses the alibi of sleep when he's got 4 kids and he's already in bed at 9? (Well, we know he wasn't, but what a stupid alibi.)
Does LK have that powder stuff on his hair like the old time judges used to put onto their wigs? Heehee

JAB, Liza Bloom, Yale Galanta, didn’t catch the third one.

Liza Bloom, DP’s story is preposterous because there should be a missing man?

JAB……Compares Stacy missing to husband killing his family and no one thought he would ever do that. He doesn’t know why there’s no missing person.

Yale Galanter…. thinks they should NOT be doing these interviews. LOL, get em!

JAB disagrees. This doesn’t apply to high profile cases. He’s comparing DP to Michael Jackson and Robert Blake who were acquitted.

Yale brought up Scott Peterson.

Sorry……….got distracted…………..didn’t quite catch what third person said. I think she didn’t like his tv appearances and believes their negative for DP.


i know this is why i cant watch, I want to shoot the screen and the stuff that gets out there..I mean he is always so demeaning of Stacy.
nd I have always worried as to why he is so sure she wont be found?? I truly think he hs found a way to dump the body either in different places or some type of chemical thing..this came up when lacy went missing.
We thot maybe scott had dipped her in a tank where she would never be found because there would be nothing left and it would be disposed of as toxic waste.

Given his police knowledge, I am sure he has lots of knowledge as to how to get away with murder. nd he knew there could not be a second accidental death (rolling eyes), because that would just not go over well.
Oh, yeah, DP said he wouldn’t get physical with a wife because he’s a policeman and he’d loose his job.

Liza Bloom……… he innocent? We presume he is. He bad mouths his wife and brings up all the negative stuff he’s been spewing about her. Why isn’t he looking for her? There’s no evidence she’s alive.

JAB said there’s no evidence that she isn’t. She disappeared and ran away with a new man. Yadda, yadda, yadda…….

Yale, will this ever go away with no resolution? He thinks there will be an arrest eventually. He’s innocent until proven guilty. Shouldn’t be so publicly outspoken though and shouldn’t be badmouthing his missing wife. Those statements will be used against him.

JAB disagrees………..of course……………..this isn’t going to be a simple case and he doesn’t think his client is going to be charged.

Last woman attorney, can he be charged if no body? Yes, it is possible. We don’t know what the police have.

Motive? JAB…………..he brings up no body trials for 150 years in Illinois. No way will they charge him for Stacy.

WOW is all I gotta say. The suspect and his attorney are absolutely positive Stacy will never be found!

What the heck did he do with her!?


the reality is even if stacy ran away (which she did not), there is no way on gods earth she would put her family through this. ( Rather, once she saw all the attention this was getting she would call them).
He made up that story because her mother did something like it - and because she was she was on meds he could make her out to be unstable.
Now that gave him the license to say she was unstable.
(Coping with him would make anyone unstable and cause the need for meds.)
He has thot about this more than once and like scott he figured it would NOT get widespread attention.
Without a body its harder to prosecute etc.
He took all the vulnerabilites of a family history and used it to creat a whole story of her instability and her families instability so he could get away with murder.

HE is The worst kind of evil there is.
I got interrupted from watching Larry King Live the first time tonight, and just watched the repeat broadcast in full.

IMO............the entire interview was a series of lies, denials, and casting blame on others. Anyone who's said anything negative about DP was either a liar, had alcohol/drug issues, was emotionally unbalanced, etc. DP tried to tone down his behavior, but he didn't quite pull it off.

I want to remind everyone that it was just a couple of weeks ago, when the searches resumed that Cassandra had a press conference and stated that the ISP told her that Stacy didn't leave the Peterson house willingly and that the ISP has evidence. I think we can be confident that at some point, hopefully soon, there will be charges.

I don't know how Joel Brodsky can categorically state that his client won't be charged. And, one has to wonder why JB researched the "no body" cases in Illinois if he's so sure his client is not guilty.

At one point in the program, Larry King urged viewers to go to the website for LKL and vote on whether or not Stacy Peterson is still alive. It doesn't look like many viewers buy DP's assertion that Stacy is still alive. Here's the poll results:

Do you think Stacy Peterson is alive? Yes 8% 211 No 92% 2490 Total Votes: 2701
I do have to tell you though, the highlight for me of the whole interview was the caller who was 'time delayed' and after she was finally put through, she asked,

"Is he any relation to Scott Peterson because they're exactly alike?"

Gotta love it!


That was great wasn't it?
DP is such a sociopath. I wanted to throw something at the tv. He is so smug and sure of himself. I have faith that his day of arrest is near.
I think there may be a better chance of convicting him for KS's murder.
I am counting on that in case he does wiggle out of the Stacy murder.
All I care is they wipe that smirk off his face and that he go to jail for life.
It would be sad not to get a conviction for Stacy and yet, even to get him on the other is better than nothing.
I went back and looked at some early articles. I will post some snippets here. I have been saving articles so I am not sure that the links will actually work. I was specifically looking for indications that Stacy's 9:00 PM phone call had awoken him. I couldn't find that information anywhere.

Missing Woman's Officer Husband Has Troubled Past
Sergeant's Third Wife Died From Drowning

POSTED: 6:02 am CDT October 30, 2007

Drew Peterson said he heard from his wife Sunday evening, when she called from her cell phone and told him where he could come and retrieve the family car.

Police unit at Peterson home to ‘maintain some order’

Wed Oct 31, 2007, 07:07 PM CDT

Lt. Ken Teppel, spokesman for the Bolingbrook Police Department.

Teppel said Drew Peterson told police he received a phone call from Stacy at about 9 p.m. Sunday, although Teppel said he could not comment on whether or not that call has been verified through telephone records.

Teppel also said Drew Peterson did not provide the content of that phone call, other than to say he had been in contact with his wife.

Also Wed. Oct 31, 2007

Bolingbrook Cop Speaks About Wife's Disappearance
Husband Says 23-Year-Old Is 'Where She Wants To Be'

Reporting Mike Puccinelli BOLINGBROOK, Ill. (CBS) ―

Bolingbrook police Sgt. Drew Peterson commented Wednesday for the first time about the disappearance of his young wife Stacy Peterson. Meanwhile, prosecutors are taking a fresh look at the death of his ex-wife three years ago.

Sgt. Peterson didn't want to go on camera but he did allow CBS 2 inside for a 10-minute conversation.

He described his last conversation with Stacy on Sunday night as being very unusual. He says she seemed "snotty."

He also said that her demeanor changed after one of her sisters died recently from cancer. He said she'd been under the care of a psychiatrist who had put her on the anti-anxiety drugs.

That's all I found for now. However, the following is extremely interesting.,0,5078794,full.story

Need for control drove Peterson, families say

By Erika Slife, Josh Noel and Gerry Smith, Tribune staff reporters. Tribune staff reporter Matthew Walberg contributed to this report
November 18, 2007

The night she disappeared, Cales said, Drew Peterson told Cales: "I will not let her divorce me."
Why didn't Larry bring up all of the calls from Kathleen to LE and her letter when DP said he would NEVER get physical with one of his wives due to possibly losing his job? How does he explain those? DP said no one has ever seen him mad. LOL Don't we have clips showing him angry?

Good question Seriously. I'm not sure there are any clips of him losing his temper.
However, my sister pointed something out to me. She trains dogs. So when she was watching DP with his dog she noticed the dog acted very frightened of DP. In the clip she is referring to, DP opens the gate to the yard and the dog, which looks like a large Shepherd, puts its ears back and nearly crawls passed DP to enter the yard.
My sis says that dogs actions speak volumes about his owner. She says that's how dogs react when they have been mistreated or beaten by a person.
Who knows, maybe my sis is on to something.
Anyone remember this clip?
JMO and my sis's too.
I did catch part of LKLIVE last night..Monk wasn't on here. Anyway I thought Drew looked worse then I have ever seen him look. He also sounded again like he was on meds..voice he needed a glass of water..and very monotone..

Once again the same old quetions and pretty much the same answers..doesn't he realize when he makes Stacy look bad in public he makes himself look worse. The comments he and JAB make about her go directly against him saying that she was not seeking a divorce, that she had not packed his things up, but wait she was seeing two different men and exchanging text messages with them, that she called at 9:00pm and he was asleep,...none of this then holds water to his other explanations of things.

Also I would like to know more about the timing of the 9pm call from Stacy..vs he had already called in that night, prior to 9pm, to call off work because she was missing. The kids are still up later around 11 when Cass stops by the house. And he works 2nd he wouldn't normally be asleep at that time. None of his excuses hold water. And that timing of the 9pm phone call is crucial...esspecially if LE knows he called off earlier in the day because she was missing in action.

I wish JAB would buy a suit that fit him properly..the sleeves are always too long and the jacket shoulders are too wide. I also wish they would have ask about JABS partner who does not want JAB handling this case and feels it is ruining their law practice..oh, wait, he would have said she made those comments to the reporter because she had her period that day.

So the two teens are bored with the fact their adoptive mother is tears, no sorrow..just bored. Well Drew you did a fine job of raising those two boys, their reaction sounds more like yours then theirs.

Sharon having the posters up to irrate him..hmm..I guess it would be a stretch to believe she actually has them up Drew because she is trying to find your wife. The posters in car windows are a great idea..because everywhere that car travels Stacy's picture is there for people to see.

Drew had one more pity party last night..let's hope he is arrested the next pity party can be from the jailhouse.
He stopped himself only once, when King asked where he was when Stacy disappeared.

"I was at home," he said, then glanced at his attorney, Joel Brodsky.

"It's OK, he can answer that," Brodsky said.

"I was at home sleeping," Peterson said.,0,1691376.story

According to Drew P......he got off work at 4am Oct. 28 and got into bed with Stacy. He spoke briefly with her around 9am when the children came and jumped into the bed. He went back to sleep and when he woke up Stacy was gone. People magazine Dec. 3, 2007

I'm guessing he's trying to sell that he was home sleeping when Stacey "disappeared."
This article doesn't exactly say he was sleeping, but supposedly she called him at 9 p.m. according to Drew.,0,6805815.story
Sitting at a desk in his house Wednesday afternoon, unshaven and with bags under his eyes, Drew Peterson, 53, said his wife, Stacy, 23, called him about 9 p.m. Sunday and told him she was leaving. That was the last time her cell phone was used, police said.

"Sorry, I get choked up about it," Peterson said, his voice cracking. "I believe she's with someone else, but I believe she's safe."

We already know where he was at 9pm - He was with TM not at home sleeping. He is a LIAR
All of this is going to come back to haunt Drew Peterson one day.
He is trying to sell us that he was sleeping in the morning when she disappeared and then sleeping again at 9pm? If we didn't know he was with Tom at 9pm..we'd still know he was lying..He has bags under his eyes ..he goes to sleep at 9am and again at 9pm he should be a living beauty with that much rest. Plus we know he called into work that he was calling off because Stacy was gone..., that was in the late sfternoon...things that make mamma go hhhmmm? So his many renditions of that Sunday are starting to break apart now..and haunt him.

I thought of this too DD - he was with Tom at 9pm when that 'supposed' call came in...
Unfortunately I tuned in a half hour into the program - but you all said what I thought of the program!! LOL!

SeriouslySearching said:
LOL Brodsky just said more or less... that is his story and he is sticking to it. He gave his statement once to LE and he shouldn't give another one because they could drive a truck through it (inadvertantly) if there were "minor" inconsistencies. (The reason DP wasn't allowed to give the timeline out or to talk to the GJ)

and... he (Brodsky) added - quote from transcript, if I can find it!! LOL!
BRODSKY: There's a rule the lawyers go by. That rule is you give a statement once. You don't give two statements. Because there's the potential for minor conflicts, which they will tend to drive a truck through, even unintentional ones. It happens when people tell complicated statements. So he gave a full and complete statement to the Illinois state police, and they have it.

whew - found it! yes - it DOES make it difficult when people tell "complicated statements" - as Drew has...
Thanks for posting the transcripts - I'll have to go back and read the first part!

Mysteriew said:
Glad to see they got at least a partial answer to the timeline question. I wonder when the GJ will get their copy of the show to review? After all, he took the 5th in the GJ and answered the question on live TV, lol. Now they get to hear a little of it in his words! And that really makes it look like he was trying to hide in the GJ.

:confused: I did not realize that he can take the 5th in front of a GJ - or is that only civil cases?? TIA! :)

Leila said:
IMO............the entire interview was a series of lies, denials, and casting blame on others. Anyone who's said anything negative about DP was either a liar, had alcohol/drug issues, was emotionally unbalanced, etc. DP tried to tone down his behavior, but he didn't quite pull it off.

I totally agree with ya, Leila - my impressions too!

azwriter said:
However, my sister pointed something out to me. She trains dogs. So when she was watching DP with his dog she noticed the dog acted very frightened of DP. In the clip she is referring to, DP opens the gate to the yard and the dog, which looks like a large Shepherd, puts its ears back and nearly crawls passed DP to enter the yard.
My sis says that dogs actions speak volumes about his owner. She says that's how dogs react when they have been mistreated or beaten by a person.
Who knows, maybe my sis is on to something.
Anyone remember this clip?

Oh I sure do!! {raising my hand!} My first impression was - that dog is really scared of Drew.... :( that definitely speaks volumes - I totally agree azwriter!

Okay - off to read the transcripts!
Mysticj said:
We already know where he was at 9pm - He was with TM not at home sleeping. He is a LIAR

All of this is going to come back to haunt Drew Peterson one day.

Lets hope so!! Justice for Stacy!

I wonder when Sandra will be updating her website - I've gone there every day this week and nothing...

I wish JAB would buy a suit that fit him properly..the sleeves are always too long and the jacket shoulders are too wide.

Hopefully the taxpayers of Illinois will be paying for a new suit for him sometime soon.
Lets hope so!! Justice for Stacy!

I wonder when Sandra will be updating her website - I've gone there every day this week and nothing...

I just posted to the Sandra thread that she will most likely post an update on Monday...Great minds.....
Niner, under our constitution a person cannot be forced to incriminate themselves in any legal proceeding. A person can claim the 5th in any court including the GJ and clear up to testifying in the Senate. Of course what DrewP said in the GJ is secret. But When DrewP was at the GJ, he was inside for only a very short time and it is conjectured that he took the 5th because of such a short time in from of the GJ.

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