Latest from George Anthony 1-2-09 at 11:58 PM

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After watching the four videos that WindChime showcased on her thread, my sympathy for George has diminished.

First he says the car smelled like a dead body and then said it was rotting pizza along with CA? He is almost gleeful in another video stating that they found Caylee and he's sooo excited? (Couldn't locate link after searching a long time. It was in his driveway with Dennis from Kidfinders trying to get reporter to leave).

Yes, I feel horrible that he lost his granddaughter. However, his actions since Caylee went missing have been to cover up her murder.

How could he?

What was this about? :eek: He was trying to say they had found her? Alive or dead?
I think there are three opinions of CA/GA/LA. with some gray area in between:

1) They are in total denial and believe Casey would never harm Caylee in any way. She was a wonderful mother, in fact, mother of the year.

2) They believe Casey did it and they are trying desperately to get her off at any cost by lying, blaming others, misleading the public, wasting tax payer dollars, accepting donations, profiting monetarily, etc. There is no denial in this scenario, pure cover up.

3) They thought Casey was up to something bad in the beginning but never fathomed she murdered Caylee. As soon as they realized the truth, see # 2.

If you believe the second or third scenario then the Anthonys are trying to set a murderer free. I think that explains some of the harsh feelings toward the family. MOO

urcting justice

I agree with this. I'll go a step farther - I feel very sorry for the grandparents. I feel this is a very dysfunctional family, which explains alot about why casey turned out the way she did. I feel they are enablers, in denial (cannot accept criticism of their family, cannot accept that one of their is a cold-blooded murderer, could not accept that their precious grandchild is dead), they are spoilers, and in CA's case especially, controlling and, when it comes to the case against her daughter, dishonest. I don't like a lot of what they have done, such as trying to confuse the public, or trying to place blame on others for what their kid did, or possibly obstructing justice by hiding or lying about certain things casey did (CA). However, they are not murderers, casey is. All the anger on the board against two people who lost a little girl they obviously love, baffles me. casey alone is ultimately responsible. The anger should be towards her. These are just poor, misguided souls who lost their innocent grandchild at the hands of the daughter they love.
That's very hard to take. I know parents like them, who will protect their child at all costs, even when it's obvious the kid is guilty. That is wrong-headed and causes screwed up kids. But, although it is very odd, I understand the horrible position psychologically that this kind of enmeshed behavior puts them in. They still love their kid and they can't face that she is a monster, but they know deep in their hearts that she is. Then comes the self-blame as it can't be their perfect daughter's fault. However, the grandchild is just as precious to them and is vulnerable and innocent on top of that. Hence, the strange phone calls and jail visits in which they express love for and faith in casey while at the same time trying to get anything from her through request for information or by working on casey's sense of guilt, in order to allow them to see the truth they cannot face, but must, for Caylee's sake.
It's a catch-22 for them and although everyone has a real problem in seeing how that can be, how they can even think of casey or feel for her if it is between her and little Caylee, they themselves do not truly understand this or that helping casey really means putting her needs above the need for truth and justice for Caylee. They do not see it.
Again, they did not murder Caylee and I really doubt they would ever have covered up the crime such that Caylee ceased to exist to the world, in order to protect their offspring. The jailhouse calls and tapes show that, as did CA's 911 calls as well as GA's LE interviews and GJ testimony. They never would have said half of what they did if their only goal was to protect their kid. Yes, CA called 911 about the car, initially, but regardless of the smell in it, after they found no bodies inside and located casey, I think they could not fathom, nor allow themselves to think for a moment that Caylee has been killed by casey. It seems clear that such a thought did not enter CA's consciousness until casey told her Caylee was missing. Her subsequent and totally panicked call after that showed her true feelings: "There's something wrong. It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car...I need to find her." Not the words of someone who's goal is to protect their kid at the expense of their little grandchild.
My long-winded point is these people have some serious problems and that explains alot of the behavior they exhibit which tends to make it appear that casey is more important than Caylee. But, I don't think that's truly the case.
We must remember that they are victims of casey as well. They have lost their world and must feel guilt that they contributed to creation of the monster who took that world from them. My heart cannot hate them. I have only sorrow for what they are going through and how they are left with the one who destroyed their lives instead of the one who made their lives beautiful.
I pray that little Caylee is now safe and at peace in the arms of our Lord. I have no hate for the Anthonys and I pray for healing for them. I think Caylee would want that, instead of hate and anger towards them.
Anger and hatred? I reserve that for casey, for whom I am sadly not Christian enough to pray.
I have, my 18 yr old son. And exhausting doesn't even begin to describe it. Some kids just don't turn out the way you would like, even with the best parenting skills. I am flawed, like most other parents, but I have 3 other children who have turned out absolutely wonderfully. One is at college on full scholarship, another in the military, and the "baby" is a straight "A" student in high school. Never a lick of trouble, no drinking or drugs, stealing or lying... great, great kids.

.. but, my son has had his hand in everything. And takes no responsibility for anything he does. He will find a logical way [in his mind] of making everything he does someone else's fault. He has been in more programs than I can count, I've taken three different 10 wk long parenting courses for children with oppositional behaviour and "other" problems, in the hopes of gaining insight. Strategies up the yahoo.... and nothing. This son of mine lies and steals without remorse, has never learned what personal boundaries are [regardless of countless consequencing].. etc etc etc

I could go on and on, but my point is that as parents - none of us is perfect and it is very easy to take someone else's inventory when everything they have said or done has been under the glare of the public spotlight. I'd like to know just how the rest of us would come out of this particular wash. Here's where we get folks who'll say "My kid would never have done it in the first place, or if she/he had I would have done A, B, C and D"... but it's very easy to say that when we aren't in the position of it happening to us. Every criminal in the history of the universe was once someone's baby, and some of them were pretty nice, common folk ... on the outside. Many of them had very normal childhoods with no glaring red, flashing arrows pointing to the fact that they would commit an unforgiveable crime at some point in their adulthood.

Being in the unique position of having a teen with alot of issues, I do not blame these parents one iota. I have not always agreed with everything they have said or done, but my position affords me the latitude to err on the side of leniency with regards to their actions. To me they have done the best they could at any given time. I can't imagine myself not breaking and making a few faux pas under all the media scrutiny while protesters screamed obscenities and vulgar comments - all the while trying to come to terms with the fact that my grandbaby was missing and might not ever come home again.

...and that my daughter is responsible.

I just think we need to focus on the person who is responsible for this precious loss of life, and not criminalize the grandparents. I seem to be in the minority here, but that's jmo.

My heart goes out to you George and Cindy, may you both find some peace amidst the pain you now feel and the heartache that will surely accompany it in the coming months.

I applaud you for all your effort. The difference between you and the Anthony's is that you tried, you made the effort. From everything I have seen from the Anthony's, they never made any effort at all in regards to KC's behavior. They lied and covered for her and never made her take any personal responsibility for any of her actions. A perfect example of this is when KC stole money from her Gfathers nursing home account. What they should have done was made a police report of the theft like Gmother wanted to do and made KC own up to her illegal activity. Instead they covered for her and talked Gmother out of making a police report. They never made KC responsible for ANY of her actions. What about the thousands and thousands of dollars KC stole from CA? Was anything ever done about that? All they ever cared about was projecting the perfect family image, not the mental health of their own daughter who was raising their granddaughter. Shame on them. So yes, I hold them equally responsible for everything that has happened. They had numerous opportunity to intervene and they dropped the ball on every occasion. Would it have made a difference? I believe it would have. If charges had been filed against KC for the Gparents theft we wouldn't be here now discussing this. It would have changed the course of events.
I applaud you for all your effort. The difference between you and the Anthony's is that you tried, you made the effort. From everything I have seen from the Anthony's, they never made any effort at all in regards to KC's behavior. They lied and covered for her and never made her take any personal responsibility for any of her actions. A perfect example of this is when KC stole money from her Gfathers nursing home account. What they should have done was made a police report of the theft like Gmother wanted to do and made KC own up to her illegal activity. Instead they covered for her and talked Gmother out of making a police report. They never made KC responsible for ANY of her actions. What about the thousands and thousands of dollars KC stole from CA? Was anything ever done about that? All they ever cared about was projecting the perfect family image, not the mental health of their own daughter who was raising their granddaughter. Shame on them. So yes, I hold them equally responsible for everything that has happened. They had numerous opportunity to intervene and they dropped the ball on every occasion. Would it have made a difference? I believe it would have. If charges had been filed against KC for the Gparents theft we wouldn't be here now discussing this. It would have changed the course of events.


Why didnt he say

We are going to do everything possible to see that Caylee receives justice
Her murderer needs to be punished to the full extent of the law
We support the state and want this horrible crime punished
We want the murderer brought to justice
We are so grateful to all the people who worked so hard to find her

If I had to guess, it would most likely be because the person responsible is his daughter. I'm trying to think how I might react in the same situation. And while I would understand and want justice for my grand-daughter, my position would be far different and more difficult than the general public with many more distressing emotions complicating how I felt and reacted. Simply put - while I might need justice for what happened to my grand-daughter, I would be completely heartbroken that it was my daughter who had committed the crime, and I doubt I could be out publicly demanding that they string her up. I would understand that my daughter will be punished to the full extent of the law in due time and that my grand-daughter would never be coming home again, but I think I would be too busy dealing with my own [and my family's] emotional roller coaster to get out and satisfy the public by calling for my daughter's head on a platter.

Don't get me wrong, I think Casey should rot in jail for what she's done. I just don't think that we can even imagine what it's like to be in George and Cindy's shoes. While they were indeed in denial, I don't think they're stupid enough to believe that Casey will wiggle out of this. I think they know justice will be served. They've not only lost their precious grandbaby, but their daughter as well... even if they continued to visit and support her - she's gone for life imo. And that is like another death of sorts. I know we couldn't care less, and that she should experience every sordid aspect of jail for the rest of her life, but emotions get more sticky when you're as close to the situation as the Anthony's are.
This family doesn't deserve a break. Period. They knew from "day 1" that Caylee was dead and that KC killed her. They chose to not believe what they knew in their hearts, denial. They can say whatever they want, KC is mother of the year, Zanny did it, Jesse did it, whatever, but they have ALWAYS known in their heart that KC did it. Their actions reflect that fact. For example, not begging for Zanny to return Caylee but rather using that media time to defend KC. What a waste, huge waste. Like others have mentioned, had they REALLY believed that Caylee was kidnapped they would have been screaming at the top of their lungs every single chance they got for the safe return of Caylee. In all the hours and hours of media time they have been given, have you ever heard them do that? Once?

Please don't think I don't respect your opinion, because I DO, I truly do. I understand your anger over the situation, and I can't even say that I truly disagree with you, HOWEVER . . . . I've never lost a child (dear God, please let that never happen!). Have you walked the same path as they have? Do you know for certain how they should be acting?

I feel immensly sorry for them. Yes, they've handled this poorly. They, especially CA, have twisted their own words, twisted the media's words, and tried to paint a lovely picture of their daughter, even though not one of us is truly buying it (because we see with our own eyes what an ugly person she is). Then there's GA, so tragically hurting, but obviously too spineless to stand up for himself or his own convictions, and LA who seems to have some sort of supressed rage (I'd be a little afraid of him).

Still I try to see it all from their perspective, as challanging as that may be. To admit what they have probably known to be true from the very beginning, is to admit that they raised a monster (maybe a couple of them). Any way you slice it, they are in the worst possible position. They lost their precious little grandbaby. Their daughter is a monster. They probably don't know which end is up right now.

I also feel that standing around pointing fingers at them makes us no better than the way they have treated us. Remember the statement: "Get off your *advertiser censored**es and find my grand daughter!"? I hated that statement. Still do. But I'm not going to return that to them. I have more dignity than that.

Okay, sorry for blathering on. I hope you & others don't hate me now. It's just my opinions too, which in the grand scheme of things probably aren't worth too much.
Here we will have to agree to disagree. I believe he chose to believe Caylee was alive and someone else had decomposed in KC's car. Possibly someone setting KC up for some of her misdeeds.

I believe he privately held KC responsible for something, including Caylee going missing. But it was too painful to contemplate Caylee's demise so the chose not to. I feel extremely sorry for him. For his loss, his denial, for the way KC led both parents around by the short hairs by telling them what they wanted to hear. I don't blame him for wanting Caylee to be alive. Look at those vids and say you'd turn your back on her.

C&G chose to listen to the wrong people, but there was no shortage of people telling them what the wanted to hear. JB, KFN, NLH, DC and KC.[/QUOTE]

I have two words. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. It seems to me that the Anthony's don't know the meaning of those two simple words.
Bold mine.

Yes as a parent it's a chance he needs to take. He's not responsible for her actions (which he may not realize) but he is responsible for how he responds to her actions. He needs to cut the cord (Been there done that) daughter will get past it and then maybe she will treat him with respect.

Speaking of cutting the cord, I know this was addressed briefly in another thread (which is now locked, so I hope it's okay to bring it up here), but IMO it's rather odd that GA was the one to cut the cord when Caylee was born. JG, the presumed father was there, wasn't he? Casey didn't want Caylee's "father" to cut the cord? I don't get it.

Not to say it's unheard of, particularly in the case of a teen mother, but still, it's not that common for a grandfather to be in the delivery room at all, much less cut the cord.
What was this about? :eek: He was trying to say they had found her? Alive or dead?

I was looking at a bunch of OLD newscasts about 2 weeks ago and came across it. I searched for an hour to link it last night and couldn't find it again. I plan to continue the search later today and will PM you when I do!

It was early on. GA said they knew where Caylee was and she was coming home - alive. This was during the time when they were saying they knew who had her, so it appears they thought they were bringing her home alive.
If you locate that, please provide the links. I too am having problems with George and his entire demeanor from all the jailhouse interviews with Casey and Cindy. George just seemed to sit back bored and then would come on with all his "precious princess" "count my fingers" crap to soothe her. She didn't need soothing. She didn't even mind jail!! She liked the fact that she was only steps away from the front desk under watch by mostly men all the time. She was pampered in isolation without having to be held accountable. She should be in the mainstream prison block...not protected....AGAIN.

I plan to continue to look for it later today after church and a couple of errands. I was up past midnight last night looking and my eyes couldn't do it anymore! LOL! It was an OLD one. GA and the guy from Kidfinders were in the driveway at night and a reporter was asking questions. GA said they knew where Caylee was and she was coming home and he appeared giddy with excitement!

I will PM you too when I find it, as well as link on this thread for everyone.
Please don't think I don't respect your opinion, because I DO, I truly do. I understand your anger over the situation, and I can't even say that I truly disagree with you, HOWEVER . . . . I've never lost a child (dear God, please let that never happen!). Have you walked the same path as they have? Do you know for certain how they should be acting?

I feel immensly sorry for them. Yes, they've handled this poorly. They, especially CA, have twisted their own words, twisted the media's words, and tried to paint a lovely picture of their daughter, even though not one of us is truly buying it (because we see with our own eyes what an ugly person she is). Then there's GA, so tragically hurting, but obviously too spineless to stand up for himself or his own convictions, and LA who seems to have some sort of supressed rage (I'd be a little afraid of him).

Still I try to see it all from their perspective, as challanging as that may be. To admit what they have probably known to be true from the very beginning, is to admit that they raised a monster (maybe a couple of them). Any way you slice it, they are in the worst possible position. They lost their precious little grandbaby. Their daughter is a monster. They probably don't know which end is up right now.

I also feel that standing around pointing fingers at them makes us no better than the way they have treated us. Remember the statement: "Get off your *advertiser censored**es and find my grand daughter!"? I hated that statement. Still do. But I'm not going to return that to them. I have more dignity than that.

Okay, sorry for blathering on. I hope you & others don't hate me now. It's just my opinions too, which in the grand scheme of things probably aren't worth too much.

I don't think you were blathering on and I think there are quite a few here who agree with you. Fact is, I remember when watching all the people hoopin and hollerin outside the Anthony home as to say to my husband..."If they care so much, why aren't they out looking for Caylee's body? Instead people were outside like a mob and creating a terrible ruckus." I didn't blame George for saying that. Not at all..and especially from their perspective when they wanted to hope, pray and believe that Caylee was kidnapped and not murdered by their own child! I'm sure they had a lot of upset with the police for handling it as a murder investigation as opposed to a missing child case. Keep in mind....we were watching it, as you said....not living it.
Any more news as to WHY LA went home? I can not even imagine living with CA in that house. And the little playhouse, pool, CAYLEE's room.........Is LA still working? Was it financial? What happened to his girl friend? Wasn't she expecting a son soon? Did she move in also???
I hope so, but something tells me KC is going to continue to be pampered for a long time.

Yeah, I'm worried about this, too. My concern is that if she gets convicted she'll live out her days in protective custody. Perish the thought!
I was looking at a bunch of OLD newscasts about 2 weeks ago and came across it. I searched for an hour to link it last night and couldn't find it again. I plan to continue the search later today and will PM you when I do!

It was early on. GA said they knew where Caylee was and she was coming home - alive. This was during the time when they were saying they knew who had her, so it appears they thought they were bringing her home alive.

Wow, if he was saying stuff like that, that's just bizarre. Woo woo twilight zone theme song.
Good analysis!

I agree with most of it, but re the bolded part, I disagree. The SA is very experienced and anyone can see that the As will have zero crediility in the witness box. If the Defence calls them as Ws, the SA gets to cross examine them. I really don't see any motive for them to provide immunity to such unreliable and dishonest witnesses.

I am going out on a limb here, but I don't believe they will be offered immunity. I believe that is a pipe dream of theirs which will never come to fruition. I don't believe they have anything LE needs at this point.

They may have been able to have negotiated that prior to the body being found, but now, there is really no point.
I plan to continue to look for it later today after church and a couple of errands. I was up past midnight last night looking and my eyes couldn't do it anymore! LOL! It was an OLD one. GA and the guy from Kidfinders were in the driveway at night and a reporter was asking questions. GA said they knew where Caylee was and she was coming home and he appeared giddy with excitement!

I will PM you too when I find it, as well as link on this thread for everyone.

I remember it, and that was right before Caylee's birthday. He said they had been following them and they knew exactly where she was. He also said she had been moved 9 times.
Speaking of cutting the cord, I know this was addressed briefly in another thread (which is now locked, so I hope it's okay to bring it up here), but IMO it's rather odd that GA was the one to cut the cord when Caylee was born. JG, the presumed father was there, wasn't he? Casey didn't want Caylee's "father" to cut the cord? I don't get it.

Not to say it's unheard of, particularly in the case of a teen mother, but still, it's not that common for a grandfather to be in the delivery room at all, much less cut the cord.

In home births it is common for many family members to be there, but most young women would not want their "father" in the room during delivery. From what I have read though it appears CA "thought" SHE was the mother of this child from birth. I would never have held one of my children's babies before the mother.

I find it very strange he was the one to cut the cord. That is the normal procedure for the father which makes the the incest theory rise again. When Lee's attorney called Caylee, Lee's "daughter", it somewhat cinched the incest for me.
Lisa, We do not know what the Anthony's did or did not do in rearing Casey. For all we know they may have taken her to family therapy, psychologists, individual therapists, psyciatrists, etc. We just do not know at this point. So I also agree with Coco in that why should they be also held accountable due to the actions their daughter, an adult, took? Yes, they coddled her and pacified her and blatantly had some "fear" of her. Yes...not the other way around. Casey may have felt her mother as cumbersome and on-to-her...but I do not believe for a second she "feared her". I believe George and Cindy feared Casey...feared she would walk out of their lives forever and hold their grandchild from them. Hence is more than probably the reason Cindy felt things were out of control and went to therapy and proceeded to warn Casey that they would take custody. There is NO OTHER reason whatsoever that a parent would coddle an adult child except for their own insecurities of what the retaliation could be by that child. Whether it be they would disown their parents, and/or remove their grandchild from them. It's please do not put responsibility on the parents....especially when we do not know all the facts, as yet.

Maybe I did not make myself clear in my other post. I DO NOT think the A's should be held responsible for the crime their daughter committed, but I do feel they should be held responsible for their actions SINCE that time. Initially, yes, by ca's calls to 911, she acting as anyone would. After that - they went into PROTECT CASEY at all costs mode. They created a media frenzy to put reasonable doubt in the mind of any juror (Caylee sightings, the "proof" of innocense that was supposed to come out at trial). She was in lock up and still, "sweetie, darling" please it made me sick. The obstruction of the investigation is what they should be held responsible for. Maybe they did try to get her help, that is something we will never know, BUT what has come to light is they kept their eyes closed to what that girl was doing. They believed her because it was the easier way to handle her. They too, are guilty of neglecting poor Caylee. I do feel for them, they have lost so much thoughout this. As I stated before, it is just so hard to show them sympathy.
I was looking at a bunch of OLD newscasts about 2 weeks ago and came across it. I searched for an hour to link it last night and couldn't find it again. I plan to continue the search later today and will PM you when I do!

It was early on. GA said they knew where Caylee was and she was coming home - alive. This was during the time when they were saying they knew who had her, so it appears they thought they were bringing her home alive.

Yes, I remember this. He said those people were being watched. That was probably something KFN or NLH had told them.
IMO I think there is way more to this gas can incident.

From George's account, it sounded as if there may have been a decent physical tussle in the hallway to the garage. I think the entire family is extremely physical, prone to violence, especially when cornered.

He was supposedly going for one of the tire blocks and may have even had a hunch that the gas cans were in there. And he may have even wanted to call her on it.

IIRC, that was the day that Casey wasn't expecting him to be home - I think he caught her off guard that he on a whim decides to look in her trunk and she panicked that he was going to beat her to the trunk and find Caylee's body.

I think that she either shoved or grabbed him, and her reaction alarmed him - and then either one of 2 things happened:

1) he was so alarmed at Casey's behavior - restraining him from the trunk, thrusting gas cans at him - that he is stunned into such a stupor that he slinks away with his tail between his legs and decides to forego what was his original intention entirely, which was not the gas cans but the tire blocks, right?

2) or he was so alarmed at her reaction that he wondered why she was being so protective of him getting near the trunk - and he takes the cans and puts them aside, and asks the obvious question, which is WTF is in your trunk that you are trying so desperately hard for me not to see? And then proceeds to push her aside and finds Caylee's body... and the biggest cleanup of George's life began...???

Just wondering aloud, sorry. Thanks for letting me share. Like so many others, I just cannot seem to get this case out of my brain.

ETA: I also keep going back to the Greta video at the Anthony residence where George is on the couch recounting the gas can incident, and when he gets to the part (rough quotes here) "...and when she opened the trunk-" he faltered a bit, as if he were remembering finding little Caylee, and Cindy grabs his thigh and quickly interjects "- and there were the GAS CANS." It was just such a strange exchange, and it stuck in my craw. Anyone else catch that?

bolded and underlined by me....I also think that this was the beginning of GA's involvement in coverup..have since he admitted seeing KC on 24th.
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