Laura Babcock: Dellen Millard & Mark Smich charged w/Murder in the First Degree #1

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Thanks cansleuther. That's what it sounded like to me .. that she got the info from the horse's mouth. Absolutely no offence to Det Jennifer Cash :)

Interesting that AB states the last calls were to DM.

Someone asked her on the blog about those last calls. She directed them to her previous blog post in which she accused LE of being incompetent and suggested that, to her, Det. Carbone seemed unsure when he answered the question all three times. The version of the press conference that she has on her blog is the cut-off version, without his repeating his answer. When I watched the original conference, I didn't get the same impression as she did. He just seemed to be confused about why the reporter kept asking the same question.

AB posted on the "Help Us Find Laura" FB page that she called the Toronto police yesterday and they gave her the info.

Actually, the way it reads to me is that she contradicts what was said in the last police conference first, then says basically that she called the police to try and get them to confirm or deny, and that the officer she spoke to declined to provide her with any details. She was then refered to someone who didn't return her phone calls. So she is saying right up front that they told her nothing. Therefore it seems to me that anything she says is not from the horses mouth, but in fact from her own sensationalist musings. She is providing false information that fully contradicts the police, and then saying at the end, that there has been no new information in 3 months, so how is it she would have new information? When asked why she believes she is right over LE, she answers basically that she didn't like the way Det. Carbone looked shifty as he contradicted her opinion. Three times.

To me it actually seems like nothing more than a grab to try to raise hits to her site, especially the way instead of answering a very valid question, the one at the crux of her piece, she instead directs you to add another hit to her list of visits, effectively doubling her count, very clever. But unfortunately the link takes you to another opinion piece where her opinion today is supported by her opinion at a press conference, that she didn't like the look on the detectives face when he answered the opposite of what she is claiming, 3 times. Bloggers like her are trying to make money off of their musings, and the only way to do that is to increase hits. Even though we all know that there is no new information out there being released, we all went to that site and gave her plenty of hits she would not have gotten otherwise, good for her. I will know better next time.
I suppose anyone can email Det. Jennifer Cash to find out what is going on with Laura Babcock's case. JMO
Actually, the way it reads to me is that she contradicts what was said in the last police conference first, then says basically that she called the police to try and get them to confirm or deny, and that the officer she spoke to declined to provide her with any details. She was then refered to someone who didn't return her phone calls. So she is saying right up front that they told her nothing. Therefore it seems to me that anything she says is not from the horses mouth, but in fact from her own sensationalist musings. She is providing false information that fully contradicts the police, and then saying at the end, that there has been no new information in 3 months, so how is it she would have new information? When asked why she believes she is right over LE, she answers basically that she didn't like the way Det. Carbone looked shifty as he contradicted her opinion. Three times.

To me it actually seems like nothing more than a grab to try to raise hits to her site, especially the way instead of answering a very valid question, the one at the crux of her piece, she instead directs you to add another hit to her list of visits, effectively doubling her count, very clever. But unfortunately the link takes you to another opinion piece where her opinion today is supported by her opinion at a press conference, that she didn't like the look on the detectives face when he answered the opposite of what she is claiming, 3 times. Bloggers like her are trying to make money off of their musings, and the only way to do that is to increase hits. Even though we all know that there is no new information out there being released, we all went to that site and gave her plenty of hits she would not have gotten otherwise, good for her. I will know better next time.

I suggest that you avoid reading or corresponding with the Toronto Sun's Joe Warmington as well in that case. He is much more critical of the TPS than Ann Brocklehurst and more opinionated about the parties under arrest.

Both of these people have access to more information than anyone has professed to have on WS, and if they have developed a "bias" as some have called it, it's on a basis of more knowledge that they have accumulated than is available through WS.

Hopefully in building their case LE didn't discount any information off hand because they thought the source was sensationalizing or providing information that didn't fit a preconceived notion.

If one feels constrained by WS rules, in my experience these writers do politely answer emails to the extent that they don't contravene the PB.
JMO, one thing we learned from AB's article is that TP have an entire team working on LB's case. Interesting. Hope they find something to bring closure for both LB and WM's families. MOO
JMO, one thing we learned from AB's article is that TP have an entire team working on LB's case. Interesting. Hope they find something to bring closure for both LB and WM's families. MOO

Yes that is pretty well all I got out of it: that there is a team or teams looking at the deaths of LB and WM wrt DM, right now/still.
Yes that is pretty well all I got out of it: that there is a team or teams looking at the deaths of LB and WM wrt DM, right now/still.

AB clarifies in the comments that LB is still classified as a missing person. She also mentions that additional charges are not covered under the publication ban, so if DM and/or MS were charged with WM's death or anything involving LB's disappearance, the information would not be kept secret from the public.
AB clarifies in the comments that LB is still classified as a missing person. She also mentions that additional charges are not covered under the publication ban, so if DM and/or MS were charged with WM's death or anything involving LB's disappearance, the information would not be kept secret from the public.

I also read on Find LB page that they are still looking for her which makes me believe that at this time the family has not been given any information otherwise to stop looking. Her Aunt is a member on the page and is hoping she is found and/or comes home soon.:moo:
AB clarifies in the comments that LB is still classified as a missing person. She also mentions that additional charges are not covered under the publication ban, so if DM and/or MS were charged with WM's death or anything involving LB's disappearance, the information would not be kept secret from the public.

The fact that any charges regarding LB or WM are not under the publication ban has been posted on here a few times. The publication ban is only on the current TB case - evidence, no contact list, and what happens in the courtroom.

I see some of her previous recent posts on the FB page have now been deleted.
I suggest that you avoid reading or corresponding with the Toronto Sun's Joe Warmington as well in that case. He is much more critical of the TPS than Ann Brocklehurst and more opinionated about the parties under arrest.


I would recommend that as well, and agree that he is much more opinionated and sensationalistic. Personally, I prefer news that is just factual news without the biased opinions. When I want to read an opinion column, I'll go to one.

Reporters are just people too. Their opinions aren't necessarily based on information they know that we don't. It's also possible they just have a strong opinion of what they believe, like many of the rest of us following the case.

The 'North American Missing Persons Network' website ( has a profile for LB with information that has not been mentioned in MSM or any other source.


Laura was last seen in the Queen and Roncesvalles area of Toronto. Laura returned home to drop off her dog and cash and was never seen or heard from again.

I believe this is the first we've heard of "cash". Also, a bit contradictory wrt last seen at Q and R, but then never seen .. after she was at home. Which was the last sighting?
Also, a bit contradictory wrt last seen at Q and R, but then never seen .. after she was at home. Which was the last sighting?

It appears that her parents were not at home when LB dropped off her dog. No mention of cash being left in this article though.

The last sign of life was a shaggy, white dog. Clayton and Linda Babcock arrived home last June to find their daughter’s two-year-old Maltese, Lacey, had been dropped off without warning.


I believe this is the first we've heard of "cash". Also, a bit contradictory wrt last seen at Q and R, but then never seen .. after she was at home. Which was the last sighting?

Cash?! Interesting to note according to what DM claims to have told SL, LB was asking for a place to stay and drugs. If she had cash, why would she need DM to supply her with drugs and a place to stay? Assuming the business she was in, I believe she would be privy to many sources who could provide her with drugs or connections to obtain them. She also knew if she was desperate enough, she could return home or back to friends' places she had been known to stay with. I cannot see SL lying about what DM told him but I can see DM lying to cover his hiney, distancing himself from LB, giving excuses which would make LB seem more suseptible to falling in with bad people or situations taking the focus off of him and putting it on numerous others who may have come into contact with her. MOO

Of course we do not know how much cash, but the fact she dropped off cash period, knowing she needed it for survival, makes me very disbelieving of DM's claims according to SL. Again JMO.


I believe this is the first we've heard of "cash". Also, a bit contradictory wrt last seen at Q and R, but then never seen .. after she was at home. Which was the last sighting?

Wonder what area this is? Close to her parents home?
I had not heard this before. Just a bit interesting IMO. Wonder who answered the door at DM's condo on that Sunday...

Another Laura Babcock &#8212; who runs the O Show on Cable 14 in Hamilton &#8212; was contacted by Hamilton police last Tuesday. They wanted to check in and make sure she was okay, because of the link between Millard and a missing girl of the same name.
&#8220;It was definitely a weird call,&#8221; she said Saturday. &#8220;But it was good to know they were working so hard to get every angle.&#8221;

On May 7, Millard purchased a $627,524 condo at 70 Distillery Lane in downtown Toronto. Ten days later, after his arrest, he transferred the condo to his mother for $1.
No one answered the door at the 37th floor condo unit Sunday afternoon.
I had not heard this before. Just a bit interesting IMO. Wonder who answered the door at DM's condo on that Sunday...

Another Laura Babcock — who runs the O Show on Cable 14 in Hamilton — was contacted by Hamilton police last Tuesday. They wanted to check in and make sure she was okay, because of the link between Millard and a missing girl of the same name.
“It was definitely a weird call,” she said Saturday. “But it was good to know they were working so hard to get every angle.”

On May 7, Millard purchased a $627,524 condo at 70 Distillery Lane in downtown Toronto. Ten days later, after his arrest, he transferred the condo to his mother for $1.
No one answered the door at the 37th floor condo unit Sunday afternoon.


It says no one answered the door.

Wonder what area this is? Close to her parents home?

This is where the hotel is that SL got her a room in.

Shawn Lerner, Laura's ex-boyfriend, last saw her when she called looking for a place to stay. Lerner put her up at a hotel in the Queen Street and Roncesvalles Avenue area of Toronto and took her out for dinner. He wouldn't hear from her again.


It says no one answered the door.


Thanks AG:seeya: Oopsie, I thought it read until. The old eyes are starting to fail me. Time to get glasses maybe. Pretty close; unit, until...
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