Laura Babcock Murder Trial - *GUILTY*

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This. Absolutely.

Millard is a veritable bouquet of psychopathy. But IMO we don’t know enough about Noudga to say, and we know enough about Smich to say that he is almost certainly not psychopathic. Psychopathy is a particular confluence of multiple behaviours, not just a willingness to kill with an apparent lack of conscience.

If I had to guess, I would think Noudga definitely approaches clinical narcissism. But while every psychopath is a narcissist, not every narcissist is a psychopath.
Interesting that this was picked up by Fox News. I never watch or read Fox News but it popped up on my Google feed. Another article that isn’t 100% factual and makes DM seem like some important Canadian personality

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I am completely baffled by how many commenters seem to have independently concluded from the article that Millard and Smich are gay. WTF.
Why would other criminals want to hire TD? He didn’t seem to do much of anything. He failed to get his client a lesser verdict in both trials, and he even tried to delay the sentencing date due to an issue with legal aid. Money was his primary concern, when all was said and done.

I though TD wanted to get on with the trial. It was DM stalling it and cried about no legal aide and wanted more time. TD said he was ready and he asked for separate trials because DMs crap. TD announced after TB trial that he’d be taking on MS for LB trial as well. Or I missed this about TD and MS concerning legal aide, seems I’ve missed a few things lol
I am completely baffled by how many commenters seem to have independently concluded from the article that Millard and Smich are gay. WTF.

Maybe they read WS about the gay dating sites linked to a married man but suspected that they are really DMs and MSs accounts :D

Or could be the “I love you Baby” text :loveyou:

I though TD wanted to get on with the trial. It was DM stalling it and cried about no legal aide and wanted more time. TD said he was ready and he asked for separate trials because DMs crap. TD announced after TB trial that he’d be taking on MS for LB trial as well. Or I missed this about TD and MS concerning legal aide, seems I’ve missed a few things lol

Maybe he was constrained by the realities of conducting a defence in a co-accused situation, but it really seemed to me like TD phoned it in a bit in this case. Arguing that the incinerator was for garbage and that they burned a deer carcass was just such an obviously doomed approach.
I knew I shouldn't of clicked on it. :gaah: LOL.

The comment section was riddled with making this political. I hope things settle for our neighbors in the near future.
Shooooot!!! ALL ALONG these trials I have never scrolled down farther than the article it's self, to see a comment section!!!!!! DAMN.

It"s just like when i visited Toronto years ago, on and off. I was to afraid to pop up from the underground shopping path connected to the hotel I stayed at. I guess I felt safer wondering around and trying to remember the way to go. It took soooo long to get to the mall that was connected. After a few years I finally did it and wow what a short walk! DAMN!
Maybe he was constrained by the realities of conducting a defence in a co-accused situation, but it really seemed to me like TD phoned it in a bit in this case. Arguing that the incinerator was for garbage and that they burned a deer carcass was just such an obviously doomed approach.

I read an article recently about a US case where they separated the two accused. The prosecutors told two different stories in the crimes regarding who actually shot the person.

In that regard, the two defendant route does benefit the accused as the crown has to come up with one story for both accused.
Why would other criminals want to hire TD? He didn’t seem to do much of anything. He failed to get his client a lesser verdict in both trials, and he even tried to delay the sentencing date due to an issue with legal aid. Money was his primary concern, when all was said and done.

Just having your name out there helps. Thats why legal firms advertise. We have no idea if Diamond and Diamond in Canada or Call Lee Free in Michigan (or where ever those commercials come from) are any good. But if you are sitting there looking for lawyer, more likely you'll take the guy you've heard of instead of the guy you haven't.
I bet she hates it. she was the queen b ya contest for her.
I bet it sort of bugs Dm to go down on that story too and we will hear another version or three from him, in his life time.
Media's really running this love triangle angle into the ground.
CN must be loving it.
Why would other criminals want to hire TD? He didn’t seem to do much of anything. He failed to get his client a lesser verdict in both trials, and he even tried to delay the sentencing date due to an issue with legal aid. Money was his primary concern, when all was said and done.
Can't make a cake with two rotten eggs and a pile of *****.
I though TD wanted to get on with the trial. It was DM stalling it and cried about no legal aide and wanted more time. TD said he was ready and he asked for separate trials because DMs crap. TD announced after TB trial that he’d be taking on MS for LB trial as well. Or I missed this about TD and MS concerning legal aide, seems I’ve missed a few things lol

I wonder how often DM will try to delay the next trial.
Isn't it fantastic to know that with the new year we don't have to have to drag these two murder cases into the new year and can leave them in 2017.
In some ways I regret ever paying attention to the posters about Tim Bosma because once I was made aware of his disappearance I felt I had to know the outcome.
When I heard the news that his body had been found burned beyond recognition I was sickened by it so much.
I thought he had been burned at the farm in a field or something. I had never heard of a machine the eliminator.
I then had to find out more about how this happened and then I got hooked to the case and had to see it to the end.
I never knew I would learn the terrible things I did and about how the two murderers were celebrating taking an innocent man s life.
It really impacted me to become aware that such people like DM and MS were out there and also was very scary.
No other criminal case impacted me as much. I also had at one time lived in the same area MS did in Oakville and I thought I might very well have even seen him.
I just feel very relieved and so proud of the work of the police in Hamilton and the crown at both cases. I am sure they all need to take nice long holidays after these two cases.
Even becoming aware of websleuths I don't think if not for these two cases I would ever have had any interest.
I though TD wanted to get on with the trial. It was DM stalling it and cried about no legal aide and wanted more time. TD said he was ready and he asked for separate trials because DMs crap. TD announced after TB trial that he’d be taking on MS for LB trial as well. Or I missed this about TD and MS concerning legal aide, seems I’ve missed a few things lol

Yes, all of that happened as well. I was referring to a tweet immediately following the verdict where Dungey asked for a later sentencing date. I’ll try to find that tweet. My post was in response to an original post by someone who had commented that TD would now get more business from high-paying clients because of this (paraphrasing). Anyway, I neglected to include the original post in my response. I just was not impressed by Dungey because it didn’t seem he was after justice. I guess that’s how it is when you’re a defence lawyer. And, he was not effective in my opinion. Here’s what I was referring to:


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Just happened across this. Some expect that consecutive sentencing in murder convictions may eventually face a Supreme Court challenge.

It is the never ending battle between those that wish to see justice served (the majority IMO) and the few that are always pushing back and advocating for the rights of the most vile and detestable amongst us.
Harper gets a lot of flak but it is hard to fault him and his government for ridding us of the 'faint hope clause' and enacting a new statute in the criminal code that allows for consecutive sentencing. The application of this is discretionary, to be decided by the judge on the recommendation of the jury and applies only to serial murderers, rapists, etc.
Yet, almost like waiting for the other shoe to drop, there are those who see these new laws as simply unfair to these vilest of humans, these heartless serial killers who cared nothing of their victims. Rather than to be concerned about the safety of innocent, law-abiding citizens, the 'advocates' take up the cause of the killers instead, arguing that no one should be subjected to such cruelties as 50 years of incarceration, irrespective of their crimes.
Hard to understand but hardly surprising.
Can't make a cake with two rotten eggs and a pile of *****.

So true !!! LOL. But then, why would other criminals care to hire him either if he can’t do anything for their rotten behaviour. Know what I’m saying?
Maybe he was constrained by the realities of conducting a defence in a co-accused situation, but it really seemed to me like TD phoned it in a bit in this case. Arguing that the incinerator was for garbage and that they burned a deer carcass was just such an obviously doomed approach.

Yes! Constrained is a good word to use regarding that. Finding out they made an agreement was disappointing.
Just having your name out there helps. Thats why legal firms advertise. We have no idea if Diamond and Diamond in Canada or Call Lee Free in Michigan (or where ever those commercials come from) are any good. But if you are sitting there looking for lawyer, more likely you'll take the guy you've heard of instead of the guy you haven't.

True. He’s a household name now to those who followed the trials.
This really is compelling! I agree with you completely. It is such important information and I couldn’t understand why we had not heard it as evidence before this article. Not once did he attempt to contact Laura, even though he had been communicating with her over the days before her death.

Anyone else curious if AM ever tried texting her? I’m guessing not.

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