Laura Recovery and Klass kids come back to help find Hailey

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I think Billie needs to stop worrying about theories that don't involve Shawn and just worry about getting her daughter home, in any way possible. With luck and hopefully some decent police work, if he is truly as innocent as she says, the truth will come out.
What happens if she isnt found tomorrow? Where does it go from here? Im afraid this will be the last big search.
I felt that way when Tim didnt find Caylee tho and a few months later Kronk found her body.
Then I think of those like Hayleigh that have never been found.
Im afraid people will stop looking soon for her.
Me -- I just want her to be honest and stop defending that xxxxxxx (IMHO) boyfriend of hers. I question her sincerity as I question her actions. I have no issues with many parents of missing children, but there's something about BD that doesn't sit right with me.

My apologies if I seem to come down to hard on her -- I'm not walking in her shoes. But if I look at Desiree in the Kyron case -- out there front and center handing out flyers today. Then BJD who, as far as I know, hasn't passed out a single flyer (if this isn't true, my apologies).

Inconsistent statements, inconsistent timelines, drugs, masks, nitrate sticks for tatoos. All of this doesn't sit well with me -- which is probably why I pick on her.

Perhaps I just need to take a step back from this case.



I hear you on this.
IMO the trouble with Billie, is there has been to much defending going on.
Remember when the reporter asked Kaine if it bothered Kaine what people were saying about him? He said something to the fact, if it makes them feel better to say things about me, let them, if it brings more attention to his sons case, than let them talk. I don't remember him defending at all.
Billie Dunn, the mother of the missing teen, showed up to thank the people who stopped their lives to help find her daughter, "There are so many different scenarios that could have happened. Thanks to everybody for looking everywhere, thanks for looking in the fields because that's something I could never do."
more at link:

Even if she "can't" search, would it be too much of an imposition for her to help out, serve drinks, pick up trash, at the search center? Other families have done as much and more.

I'm particularly touched Amber Dubois' mother came all the way from California to help.
Can she not do anything right -----------------She is criticized and things said because there was no video and many thought and said it was terrible that she did not even go to thank the searchers.

There is an article that states she was there to thank the searchers and many think the words she said was strange and that she was trying to up Clint. I guess I am so confused ----- do you want her to stay closed up, out there, or what just my humble opinion........

Me -- I just want her to be honest and stop defending that xxxxxxx (IMHO) boyfriend of hers. I question her sincerity as I question her actions. I have no issues with many parents of missing children, but there's something about BD that doesn't sit right with me.

My apologies if I seem to come down to hard on her -- I'm not walking in her shoes. But if I look at Desiree in the Kyron case -- out there front and center handing out flyers today. Then BJD who, as far as I know, hasn't passed out a single flyer (if this isn't true, my apologies).

Inconsistent statements, inconsistent timelines, drugs, masks, nitrate sticks for tatoos. All of this doesn't sit well with me -- which is probably why I pick on her.

Perhaps I just need to take a step back from this case.



What we want to see is a mother who cares first and foremost about her missing daughter, not one who makes every excuse in the world about the main suspect. We'd also like to see her take the initiative, on her own, to actually do something to find her daughter or help those who are searching - donating a few hours at the search center would be a great start.

We'd like to see her make sincere, emotional statements, not strange, bizarre statements like the ones she's made in reference to searching, and so many other things. I'd prefer she'd say to us, "I don't care what you think of me. I have to search for my daughter and don't have time to make speeches explaining my actions...because I'm so busy searching for my dear Hailey.". Then she should get out and do something to help find the child.

I'd like to see Billie Dunn act like Amber's mom, Chelsea's parents, Kyle's parents, the parents of Susan Cox Powell, the parents of Laci Peterson and Stacy Peterson, and so many, many others who got off their duffs and looked for their children. That's what I'd like Billie to do instead of having to be forced to leave her house by the head of a search organization. :maddening:

I wish she'd just show someone the way to Hailey or make SA do it.
I am so sorry to ask this BUT what was Haileys daddy in jail for> I have not read here in a couple weeks.
What we want to see is a mother who cares first and foremost about her missing daughter, not one who makes every excuse in the world about the main suspect. We'd also like to see her take the initiative, on her own, to actually do something to find her daughter or help those who are searching - donating a few hours at the search center would be a great start.

We'd like to see her make sincere, emotional statements, not strange, bizarre statements like the ones she's made in reference to searching, and so many other things. I'd prefer she'd say to us, "I don't care what you think of me. I have to search for my daughter and don't have time to make speeches explaining my actions...because I'm so busy searching for my dear Hailey.". Then she should get out and do something to help find the child.

I'd like to see Billie Dunn act like Amber's mom, Chelsea's parents, Kyle's parents, the parents of Susan Cox Powell, the parents of Laci Peterson and Stacy Peterson, and so many, many others who got off their duffs and looked for their children. That's what I'd like Billie to do instead of having to be forced to leave her house by the head of a search organization. :maddening:

I wish she'd just show someone the way to Hailey or make SA do it.
Then she would be bashed for not having time to get media attention. She feels people are only looking for a dead Hailey so she defends herself she is defending her position in her head. Hailey is alive. If she didnt defend then all attention would be on Hailey being dead.

Hailey is a missing child. No evidence of foul play. Finding Hailey is important, but do you really help pick up trash when people are out searching for you daughters body? Not me I wouldnt do it. I would want no parts of that. Thanking searchers for looking for a body of a little girl that I am praying with all my heart is still alive would be a very hard and bitter thing for me to do (not tht the searchers are not wonderful ,I am so glad they are out there) much less helping out at the center.

I dont think people have stopped to really think about ALL of the emotions one would feel if their daughter was missing.
I am not looking for a debate on why she did and didnt do this or that either. I have seen some stuff said online about her that makes me ashamed of humanity. I feel she does deserve some compassion and empathy until we know what has happened. I mean do we really think she never loved her daughter at all? Do people think she never cared if Hailey lived or died and has no feelings at all for her?
I don't suppose the searchers can search on SA's family property. Until that can be done.....I don't think Hailey will be found.
Then she would be bashed for not having time to get media attention. She feels people are only looking for a dead Hailey so she defends herself she is defending her position in her head. Hailey is alive. If she didnt defend then all attention would be on Hailey being dead.

People have to look for a dead Hailey now. It has been close to a month. So anyone searching the woods and the abandoned buildings have to be looking for remains. That doesn't mean that she is not alive--maybe she is. But there is a good chance she is not with us anymore, and if her body is not found, then the mystery will never be solved. I am not sure she really wants it 'solved' though. The way she changes her version of events, and puts Shawn's version in her timeline, making it seem factual, makes me wonder.

Hailey is a missing child. No evidence of foul play. Finding Hailey is important, but do you really help pick up trash when people are out searching for you daughters body? Not me I wouldnt do it. I would want no parts of that. Thanking searchers for looking for a body of a little girl that I am praying with all my heart is still alive would be a very hard and bitter thing for me to do (not tht the searchers are not wonderful ,I am so glad they are out there) much less helping out at the center.

There IS evidence of foul play. We all know she did not runaway that day. So where is she?

And WHY would it be 'hard' to thank the searchers? What if Hailey is being kept alive in an abandoned home or in a cellar or barn somewhere?
What if she is hiding or injured and the searchers come upon her?
Does Billie know that cannot or will not happen?
I am surprised that you use the term bitter in defending her. Seems kind of odd when these volunteers put their own lives on hold, many traveled hundreds of miles, just to try and bring Hailey home, in whatever condition she is in.
If she is dead, doesn't Billie want her found?

I dont think people have stopped to really think about ALL of the emotions one would feel if their daughter was missing.
I am not looking for a debate on why she did and didnt do this or that either. I have seen some stuff said online about her that makes me ashamed of humanity. I feel she does deserve some compassion and empathy until we know what has happened. I mean do we really think she never loved her daughter at all? Do people think she never cared if Hailey lived or died and has no feelings at all for her?

I disagree. I think many of us have thought about ALL of the emotions one would feel. Many of us have actually had those same feelings and experiences. And that is why some people have a problem with Billies lack of emotion at the start of the case. And with her most animated emotions being when she speaks of Shawn. And when asked what the lowest point of the experience has been, and she says it was when people began to suspect Shawn. THOSE are the things that set off the hinky meters imo.

Of course she deserves compassion, as all mothers of missing children do.
And if anyone has said she has no love for her daughter and doesn't care about her, I would strongly disagree and ask them to stop saying such things.
However it was unfortunate that she never called her 13 yr old girl, even after she said she was upset not to hear from her. And hearing that Billie went out with Shawn that night and took the last $ from her empty account to get them both high, and she still did not check on her that entire night---that upsets some people. I agree that it is not fair to attack her for that, but she is in the spotlight now, and that is going to happen.
Can she not do anything right -----------------She is criticized and things said because there was no video and many thought and said it was terrible that she did not even go to thank the searchers.

There is an article that states she was there to thank the searchers and many think the words she said was strange and that she was trying to up Clint. I guess I am so confused ----- do you want her to stay closed up, out there, or what just my humble opinion........

What I would have liked (and expected from the beginning) is for BD to show more concern about her missing daughter (and her son who may be taken away forever eventually) than for a live in bf who is the main suspect in her daughter's disappearance.

The reason she "can't do anything right" is because it seems that she takes cues from the internet about how she should be behaving and seems to attempt to tailor her actions (if not her words) to *fit* what we have been asking for. Yet, somehow, even with all that...something

I wanted to believe in her innocence, and did at first for quite some time. But BD and only BD (her actions, her words, her affect) have brought me down off that fence. (unwillingly, I might add.)

She spends more time and energy obfuscating facts and making excuses for Shawn than she ever did doing productive things that might help her daughter. It's as if she already's too late for Hailey...maybe I can save Shawn. (and/or herself? Idk...)
What I would have liked (and expected from the beginning) is for BD to show more concern about her missing daughter (and her son who may be taken away forever eventually) than for a live in bf who is the main suspect in her daughter's disappearance.

The reason she "can't do anything right" is because it seems that she takes cues from the internet about how she should be behaving and seems to attempt to tailor her actions (if not her words) to *fit* what we have been asking for. Yet, somehow, even with all that...something

I wanted to believe in her innocence, and did at first for quite some time. But BD and only BD (her actions, her words, her affect) have brought me down off that fence. (unwillingly, I might add.)

She spends more time and energy obfuscating facts and making excuses for Shawn than she ever did doing productive things that might help her daughter. It's as if she already's too late for Hailey...maybe I can save Shawn. (and/or herself? Idk...)

Yes I remember well that In the beginning{and even some ways into the case you and I were truly believing BD had zero involvement} one point it was only you and I that remained clinging to BD zero involvement..

So I am so glad that you posted the ^above^ post because often times in this past month I have wondered had your stance changed? were you still feeling BD zero involvement? or had you sadly and extremely reluctantly been forced to have to face the fact that BD is not at all what You and I both originally believed her to be??..

I am not one that is easily swayed..or ever felt the need to conform to others opinions around me..infact more than once I've been on the unpopular side of the fence regarding the perp..and been all alone in my opinion or view.. None of this bothers me in the least.. I truly keep an open mind..always able to take in new info and process it thoroughly for what it is and then re evaluate from there..Never is out of sudden impact that my view may change..nor over one certain issue will it make or break my stance of whom I feel is responsible..but rather multiple and many different that comes to well as observations made personally by me.. Those are the things that leads me to what is my opinion or view in cases such as this one..

And it took alot of time.. alot info.. alot coming to light..alot of observations for me to so very unwillingly change my original stance and belief of Billie.. It is not because of anything stated by any players in and around the is not because of the many rumors that have been flooded out on the internet that changed my stance..

It IS ONLY DUE TO BILLE{herself and her alone} that had led me to unwillingly see Billie for what Billie really is and not what I want in my mind so much for Billie to be because it would mean an alive Hailey..jmo..but I can't deny nor ignore her statements..actions/reactions..and behaviors that she has consistently displayed throughout the unfolding of this case..

Its hard as hell to admit IMO but I can't lie and say its all great nor can I ignore all of the glaringly obvious..

Again Thanks mmmagique for sharing your most current views and opinions I for one have been wanting to know..
:wink wink elmo:

By Celinda Emison
Posted February 19, 2011 at 10 p.m.

It was called a record turnout Saturday, when 100 volunteers gathered at the Civic Center in Colorado City to search for missing teenager Hailey Dunn.

Searchers came from across the United States, organizers said, bringing their own resources and expertise to lend a hand in the search for Dunn, who was reported missing Dec. 28.

more here
What evidence? Have I missed something?

A 13 yr old is missing, without a trace, without taking any of her things, without
contacting any of her friends or relatives, without being seen since that day, without any contact by cell phone or computer. So YES, imo, that is evidence of foul play. She did not just runaway.

Sure, there is no crime scene yet, no blood evidence, no body. But there has been 'foul play.'
Can she not do anything right -----------------She is criticized and things said because there was no video and many thought and said it was terrible that she did not even go to thank the searchers.

There is an article that states she was there to thank the searchers and many think the words she said was strange and that she was trying to up Clint. I guess I am so confused ----- do you want her to stay closed up, out there, or what just my humble opinion........

Have you read what the searchers - multiple searchers - who were right there have said about what she did when she came in? That she was only there for a minute? That she was obviously unhappy to be there? That some of them tried to talk to her and she obviously didn't even want to talk to them? That's right from the searchers who were there.

Hailey Dunn Open Discussion:
A 13 yr old is missing, without a trace, without taking any of her things, without
contacting any of her friends or relatives, without being seen since that day, without any contact by cell phone or computer. So YES, imo, that is evidence of foul play. She did not just runaway.

Sure, there is no crime scene yet, no blood evidence, no body. But there has been 'foul play.'

Certainly suspicious circumstances. But no direct evidence of foul play or of a crime. Yet. I am still leaning in the direction that Hailey ranawy. At lease she wouldbe safe far away from her crazy family.
I am so sorry to ask this BUT what was Haileys daddy in jail for> I have not read here in a couple weeks.

It's in this "downstairs" thread in the PL:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
What we want to see is a mother who cares first and foremost about her missing daughter, not one who makes every excuse in the world about the main suspect. We'd also like to see her take the initiative, on her own, to actually do something to find her daughter or help those who are searching - donating a few hours at the search center would be a great start.

We'd like to see her make sincere, emotional statements, not strange, bizarre statements like the ones she's made in reference to searching, and so many other things. I'd prefer she'd say to us, "I don't care what you think of me. I have to search for my daughter and don't have time to make speeches explaining my actions...because I'm so busy searching for my dear Hailey.". Then she should get out and do something to help find the child.

I'd like to see Billie Dunn act like Amber's mom, Chelsea's parents, Kyle's parents, the parents of Susan Cox Powell, the parents of Laci Peterson and Stacy Peterson, and so many, many others who got off their duffs and looked for their children. That's what I'd like Billie to do instead of having to be forced to leave her house by the head of a search organization. :maddening:

I wish she'd just show someone the way to Hailey or make SA do it.

Most excellent thank you. Hey, even Scott Peterson spent hours at the search center :)loser:) even when he knew Laci was deceased. A horrible attempt, hat and all -- but at least he did something! If BJD can't bother to do that, I can't imagine what she really knows about this case. IMHO it screams "when are they all just going to go away so I can get on with my life).


Certainly suspicious circumstances. But no direct evidence of foul play or of a crime. Yet. I am still leaning in the direction that Hailey ranawy. At lease she wouldbe safe far away from her crazy family.

There is apparently no physical evidence of Hailey being deceased, if that's what you mean by foul play, but to say there is most certainly evidence of a crime is erroneous.

Perhaps you've missed all of LE's statements that there is a criminal investigation underway. You can just Google in Google News:

"hailey dunn" kampfer "criminal investigation"

and they should all pop right up for you.

I'm not sure how anyone could think that a 13 year old runaway could possibly be capable of adequately caring for him or herself. And any adult - or other child - who harbors a 13 year old, has kidnapped them. Kidnapping is a crime. If you look in the affidavit, you'll see references to kidnapping.

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