Law enforcement officials to hold news conferences July 15, July 16, 2015

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Prosecutors don't need a body to try a case - they just think they do, in my opinion. That's what grinds too many cases to a halt. But seriously, as a juror faced with a defendant who admits they last saw a missing child victim driven off and then being sexually assaulted and did not inform LE?

There is going to be serious jail time.

It seems to me this case could have been prosecuted years before, if only someone had had a bit more courage.

It also seems a little strange to me that many media reports refer to 'sexual assaults' when it is clearly rape. I don't know if that's true in this case but it definitely is in many others. I don't understand it. Is there some legal difference/definition?
It will be interesting to see what the press conference says tomorrow. I am having difficulty thinking that Lloyd managed to kidnap and murder two girls on his own without any help.
Neal Augenstein ‏@AugensteinWTOP [video=twitter;621393673146757121][/video]
Indictment of Lloyd Welch leaves open possibility #lyonsisters were captive for 3 weeks before being killed

Indictments are ALWAYS written with the widest possible dates that in theory the crime could have occurred.
They always read "on or about" or between earliest possible date and latest possible date to prevent a criminal from escaping justice if he can prove he prove crime happened a day before or later than the date on the indictment.

Does anyone have a link to the indictment?

I have not seen any solid evidence that the girls were even in Virginia, other than some statement Lloyd the liar made to some other inmate (likely also a liar), but unless the police find the bodies on the Welch family property as Lloyd the liar claimed, the police just confirmed that Loyd lied about his criminal activity (he may have just lied about where he burred the bodies).

There was some evidence that Lloyd was in VA and may have even asked a relative to wash a bloody shirt, which Lloyd claimed was hamburger stains/blood in one press report.
The information reported earlier this year just sickens me. This Lloyd Welch Jr said he witnessed his uncle abusing one of the girls


This family is something else. We can all see what this family is about. Sexual abuse, violence, must have been going on for generations and continues today.


I would not take anything in the Daily Mail at face value or insult others based on what's in the Daily Mail.

Two other false headlines in the Daily Mail today are "Obama berates Bill Cosby" (Obama did say rape was bad, but did not say if Bill Cosby was a rapist in response to a question about Cosby) and "Of course Bill Cosby is Guilty" say former cast member (he said Bill Cosby was guilty of womanizing and cheating on his wife, but did not say he was guilty of rape)

As to reporting what Lloyd Welch said in a headline, I don't know a single person who would believe what Llyod says about anything without confirming it with a more reliable source, and Lloyd later denied any involvement in a letter to the Washington Post.

The Daily Mail is known for going beyond tabloid journalism by writing sensationalist headlines (click bait) that are often contradicted by the story, if one actually reads the story:

"A “tabloid” magazine is very different from a magazine that uses “tabloid journalism” to obtain high readership. The one doesn’t necessarily include — or preclude — the other. That said, DM is not above sensationalist headlines that require further reading before resharing, lest the article you share actually invalidates the point you’re trying to make."

More info here than the other links posted if anyone didnt see the video.

Thanks for the link to the Washington Post Article. The first paragraphs summarize the "most compelling evidence" but I would still like to see the incitement if anyone has the link. I think if there was DNA evidence in the indictment, the Washington Post would have mentioned it.

"In 1975, Lloyd Lee Welch pulled up to a relative’s home along a steep hillside in Virginia, 200 miles southwest of suburban Washington. He carried two duffel bags, each weighing about 60 or 70 pounds, that had red stains and an odor of decay. A fire was built. The bags were thrown into it.

The account, as alleged in a search warrant affidavit unsealed Wednesday in Bedford County, Va., appears to be one of the most compelling pieces of evidence that police believe ties Welch to the long-ago disappearance of Sheila Lyon, 12, and Katherine Lyon, 10."

...... much later in the article:

"The account of the fire and duffel bags came from a detectives’ interview with Welch’s cousin, Henry Parker, on Dec. 6, 2014, according to a search warrant application."
"Family of Delaware inmate charged in cold case speaks"

The stepsister and niece of a Delaware inmate charged with the murder of two young sisters in 1975 say they didn’t know he was involved in that crime, which shocked the suburban Maryland town where it happened.

Standing outside of her family’s trailer in Dover, Darlene Hawn, 58, described the man, Lloyd Lee Welch, her stepbrother, as the “black sheep” of the family.

Roe said her uncle and his girlfriend were just walking around the mall that day to put in applications for work and saw someone taking pictures or recording the girls. She added that her uncle told her that he and his girlfriend had left the mall and saw the girls get into the car with someone.

"Roe said her uncle and his girlfriend were just walking around the mall that day to put in applications for work and saw someone taking pictures or recording the girls. She added that her uncle told her that he and his girlfriend had left the mall and saw the girls get into the car with someone."

It's likely just another one of his lies, and the girlfriend, Helen Carver, who he later married, and is now dead, making it difficult to confirm. But if Lloyd told the police this in 1975 or Helen Carver told living people about it, it would change the case.

Lloyd/Long Hair Man, was fairly decently dressed as described in his mug shot like he was on a date, applying for jobs, or trying to impress underage girls.
Captain Darren Francke

Yesterday was just the beginning of indictments...we are focused on:

Dick Welch, Pat Welch, Henry Parker and others
Motive: to sexually exploit, abuse & defile them
Lloyd's "cousin" who help put the bloody smelling duffel bags on fire.

Any criminal record?
The sisters were taken to be "sexually exploited"

They are still asking for help from the public with any more information on Richard Welch, Patricia Welch, Henry Parker, or any others, who aided and abetted.
The second phase of investigation is to focus efforts on identifying individuals who aided and assisted this crime

Will work closely with So VA Internet Crimes Against Children in next phase
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